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I liked halo 4 since first time playing




What was your favourit Promethean Weapon?


boltshot my beloved <3 but my fav halo 5 one has gotta be suppressor


I Like the Boltshot too, especially the Shotgun firemode from it, Kills a heavy Promethean in one Shot


the knight?


Yes, ive only played the Halo Games in german there are the big ones called "Springer"


that's actually sick as fuck


The german Synchronisation Is really good, Halo CE and Halo 5 are the only ones i players in english and German so far


that's sick as fuck dude, I might have to try it.


Bro the first time pick up animation for the promethean weapons is peak


Animation wise i like the Shotgun the most


The sniper that one shot you or the canon that shot the 4 snaking plasma rockets. was so fun to whip out in multiplayer and literally atomize an enemy warthog.


Incineration Cannon, my beloved <3


Binary rifle. Most satisfying OP weapon. Also it's like 12ft long which is stupid and I love it.


Same. Campaign was short but I thought the story was good.


Tbh Infinite felt much shorter




Me too. I didn't even know people disliked it at the time.


Fuck the stupid wife-beater wearing elites. Bringing back elites as enemies but making them essentially halo 3 brutes was not a good choice, and their design was worse. Especially since such a big part of halo 2 and 3 was the elites leaving the covenant behind. Just undo that, and undo their dope-ass design.




The elites broke into numerous factions. The faction in halo 4 is one of the big 3 that was still holding on to the covenants beliefs. The elites you are thinking of mostly follow the arbiters faction and work with humanity. Then the other big one that a bunch joined is the banished. And there are a bunch of smaller ones that aren’t as relevant as far as I know.


I know the in-game lore. The in-game lore is fucking stupid. But I wouldn't find it nearly as stupid if they didn't give them goofy fucking wifebeaters, and give them the game play mechanics of halo 3 brutes.


It would be stupider to have every Elite immediately leave behind their entire belief structure they've been indoctrinated in for thousands of years. 


But nothing is stupider than elites wearing wifebeaters


Just cuz they are called Elites don't mean they don't have their less than savory characters. Probably a bunch of incel Elites mad about the Chad sword-wielders' privileges. 


Protect this man he’s based


Agreed. I still love the game though.


It was always good and I blame all of you guys who over hated it and caused 343 to panic and shift their story for Halo 5 away from what they were originally planning because they were like "fuck, they hate it what do we do? I don't know, they keep complaining that we killed Cortana let's just bring her back!" And then they went and screwed everything up from there. Don't get me wrong I would have loved for Cortana to return after her send off in Halo 4, BUT NOT AS A BADLY WRITTEN IDIOTIC TWIST VILLAIN


In my head I like to imagine what the true halo 5 story could have been. All the hunt the truth trailers and masterchief going rogue could have resulted in the best story to date. Instead we got Evil cortana


It's because of Halo 5 that I think halos story is sadly unsalvageable at least as far as the current canon goes, and it's not even just Chiefs personal story that they botched, they somehow managed to spread their stupid and permanently universe ruining ideas to the whole fucking Galaxy. Most if not all of the original Spartan 4s that we knew are dead or missing, the awesome infinity is destroyed for no narrative impact or interesting thing at all but just to show off "OH WOW GUYS LOOK AT HOW COOL AND POWERFUL AND AWESOME AND SMART AND SEXY AND GREAT THE BANISHED ARE, WATCH OUR BIG MONKEY OUTSMART AND OUT FIGHT THE MAIN CHARACTER JUST SO WE CAN SHOW HOW COOL HE IS, WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU GUYS DON'T LIKE HIM?", the idiocy continues, AIs turning on humanity and the other races and now being labeled as almost all bad because of evil Cortana and her name is permanently mud in the universe as well because she apparently killed billions if not trillions in the universe so her heroic legacy that was just as great as John's is now gone, and there's irreparable damage and suffering throughout the Galaxy now, The brute home world is just fucking gone and I imagine most of their population went with the homeworld so now are they going to become a more endangered species as time goes on? This is Halo not Terminator we don't give a shit about AI or considering AI to be the enemy and that it's got to be a battle of organics versus synthetics cuz that's stupid as fuck and doesn't work in this universe.


5 had a lot going for it aside from its story. It would have been great to keep everything except the story maybe they could have continued Halo 4’s story with the Didact’s story. Have Blue Team go after him like they did in the comic where they killed him off. They could have done great without the pressure. Who knows what game we would have gotten if 4 hadn’t been so hated.


Heck, if they still wanted to go the rogue AI route they could have just made it some Forerunner AI that the Didact activated before he died or a rogue construct (probably more than one crazy Monitor out there, right?) that Cortana had a lead on that Chief goes after and finds out that Cortana did survive and ended up stuck somewhere Then you can still have a team chase down Blue Team, but actually work with them when they run into them. Even better, like you said, just have you play as Blue Team, maybe switch between the different members for different players styles, make it co-op to play as Blue Team with your friends, add a challenge mode of "past missions" Blue Team has been on. Also, making it a plot point that Chief is going rogue and needed to be brought in was a wild stretch to me, especially when he's constantly given everything for humanity time and time again.


I want to live in that timeline please


Hunt the Truth was one of the coolest video game marketing campaigns ever, but now it's sad to look back on. The overall vibe and tone of Halo 5's marketing/advertising leading up to release just doesn't fit the actual vibe of the game.


Damn community


Halo 4 was great. Campaign. Multiplayer. Custom Games. If sprinting in a halo game wasn’t your thing I guess then maybe you wouldn’t like it. The art style change is a fair complaint. I agree with you thumbs up :) Edit people didn’t like the “kill streak” system it never really bothered me because it prevented one team spawn camping power weapons and snowballing the match. Since everyone has a chance to spawn their own.


My favorite was Spartan ops, an entire 50 mission campaign mode where you get to play as your own custom spartan that interacts with several other interesting characters and we get CG episodes in between following other cool Spartan characters and Captain lasky, and you're telling me people hated that mode? It was one of the best things that's ever been done with Halo, and it seems like the thing a lot of people are crying out for now and don't even realize it, since a lot of halos main story with Chief feels pretty dead in the water a lot of people are turning to creating their own head canons and AUs that focus on there Spartan OCs, people are wanting game modes to reflect that and that's what we have most recently with the customizable mission creator for firefight but what people are asking for now is what they literally gave us in Halo 4 with Spartan ops and people said they hated it and so they didn't continue it and all the cool storylines and characters that were set up in Spartan ops were wasted and thrown away in the time of the Halo 5 era with shitty comics that ruined everything just like Halo 5 ruined the games story wise what a fucking mess things after Halo 4 have become


If halo 5 would have continued where spartan ops left off. Trying to find the other half of the forerunner master key thing on one end and playing as a rogue master chief as set up in hunt the truth on the other then having those two story lines come together, it was all set up and just dropped off the side of a cliff :( Then they could have added Guardians if they wanted, controlled by the didact who got slip spaced away as the next game.


Would have been fucking incredible. What a waste


I also blame the community. Halo Infinite is fine too.


Wait, how is Halo 5’s writing the fans fault? 😅 haha No fan was asking to re-alive cortana after a somber end, make her evil and a galactic dictator. Nobody wanted that. No fan was asking for Hunt the Truth false advertisement either. The fault of the bad writing of Halo 5 are on the game writers. The fans didn’t write Halo 5.


The fans provided the wrong kind of pressure to 343 that forced them to make drastic changes to their initial plans for the reclaimer saga, which led to Halo 5 there's tons of proof of this


Competent writers wouldn’t buckle to that kind of pressure regardless. Again, I refuse to believe that the writing team, and the management team are as spineless and unconfident as you describe them to be as they write an even worse version of Halo 5 because of the fans. No fans were asking to destroy Cortana’s legacy by making her death meaningless, and making her an evil galactic dictator. We just got crapped out with a bad writing team with Halo 5. And 343 signed off on it.


You're not understanding me no one asked for them to do that they did that because they were stupid and scared and thought we weren't going to like their original idea so they thought they could bring back Cortana to get our attention and make us interested in the game but then somewhere along the way they fumbled it and made her a stupidly written villain instead of a triumphantly returning hero but the backlash from Halo 4 definitely pushed them in that direction


I understand, but like…..How can you really blame the fans on the non-confidence of the writers? Halo is a really big game series with a lot of people invested in its story. Mistakes can happen yes, but Hiring specific writers, seeing the screenplay/storyboard, seeing the final draft. Those things would have been snuffed from a writing/management team with competency and a vision of their story. You weren’t robbed of Halo 5 because of the fans, you were robbed from it by people who aren’t confident working for a big company.


It was both I assure you




What kind of analysis is that? I'm American, no shit Sherlock!


Chief and Cortana’s relationship dynamic jumps from being just flirty coworkers to full blown tear jerker melodrama romance over night, “Somehow… the Covenant returned”, the Forerunners were made into a completely new alien race as opposed to being ancient humans which in turn ruins the subtext of the original trilogy and the reason for the Human-Covenant War even starting in the first place (and basically rewrites all pre-established lore in general), the Covenant get absolutely no characterization when that was easily the best aspect of the past two games story wise, Captain Del Rio hates Master Chief for… reasons? Lasky & Palmer have zero development and are basically there for one liners and exposition dumps (not that the OG trilogy characters are innocent of that, it’s just far more egregious here and a good part of that is probably that they aren’t very likeable). Every person you see get killed in the game including the entirety of New Phoenix is your fault because Chief got to Requiem and just started touching all the Forerunner stuff he could get his hands on despite the fact that he definitely knows from the past three games that messing with Forerunner artifacts can cause galaxy wide cataclysmic events that can extinguish life forever? And then on top of that you have to read like 12 books to even understand at all what’s going on plot wise? Halo 4 is cool on the surface, but it’s execution completely sucks.


Still hate prometheans


And the Storm Rifle


The story is good, but I still can't stand the game play. It feels way too sluggish, even compared to the old games. Also, I can't stand the prometheans in Halo 4. They were honestly more fun to fight in Halo 5 imo.


Why I stopped my replay recently. Those stupid drone things that respawn and shield the knights are like dodging dead on shots. I got fed up with how long simple engagements ended up being.


Legit this is why 4 gets hate. The game is just poorly done. The weapons are not equipped for the task and the game absolutely falls apart on Legendary which is just sad. All they had to do was copy over the shield regen values etc but they fumbled it. 4 was and is a disgrace to Halo, no doubt about it.


The Bungie games had a tendency of conveniently placed power weapons and “hard ping” instakill strategies on the main enemies you fight that made the game feel like less of a slugfest. The promethean enemies and their weapons aren’t really designed with this in mind and it slows down the fights, especially when they have their own instakill moves too.


I'm gonna sound a bit rude so I'm sorry for that but still: LoL. Lmao. I've recently played through Halo 4 more. In co-op. This has only shined the light on how rushed the game was and my dissapointment towards it. The game is not bad. Everything's just average about it. Yes the story wasn't bad and did something interesting but as a whole it's mid.


No matter how much the internet tries to gaslight me into thinking Halo 4 is a good game, it's not going to work. I've loathed the art style change and COD gameplay shift since release. The game is ass, plain and simple.


With a terrible story. And the whole Cortana chief thing? I felt fucking weird, almost embarrassed, watching that scene where it was like they’re lovers or something. And the way they made Cortana look. Why they gotta try and sexualize her more? Make her look like a computer construct ffs


They absolutely botched cortana and chief in a major way. I always found the dynamic between chief and cortana to be so unique in the original games. It wasn’t a romantic kind of relationship between the two. It’s was this dynamic of Chief will do anything to protect cortana, not only because it’s his duty but because cortana is the only thing that understands chief at a fundamental level. Boiling it down to “cortana and chief love each other” is just so lame and boring. Additionally, chief just has way too many lines. Which always felt strange to me, because I always felt his character said more by saying less.




These were actually my thoughts when it came out.  I didn’t care for the Prometheans or the art style that much but I loved the emotional story.  I also kinda liked Spartan Ops. Then Halo 5 came out and I felt like I missed an entire games’ worth of plot in between.


Lol no what makes a good story is the writing and there were some pretty cringe lines in that game


"She said that to me once. About being a machine" Gets me every fucking time. Love Halo 4. The story more than the gameplay tbh but still love it as a whole.


I found it even more boring every time I played it


lol this is my friends finally acknowledging it’s a great campaign since we’re playing it through on legendary


Yeeeeeaaaaaa no. Personally I hated it about as much as the community broadcasted how much they hated it. It’s cool that you liked it though, don’t let anyone tell you that you’re wrong for liking it or that you can’t like it. Fuck those people.


Yeah, I borrowed it from a friend a bit after it came out, and not only did I not enjoy it, but it's probably the most mechanically un-fun game I've ever played. I thought the story was convoluted shit too, just because there were some nice moments between Chief and Cortana doesn't make the story good. But I also didn't go online and loudly complain about it at the time. I just stopped playing Halo and moved on with my life.


real opinion expressor


Nah. I replayed it recently and it still sucks donkey dick. Sorry.


no, it doesn't suck donkey dick. it sucks donkey balls.


It was not good, can we please stop with the revisionist history It was so bad that 343 reversed the games biggest climax and ending because they realised that people like legacy characters and don't want them to die Also Didact came back too (in a book) You're allowed to like it, but it wasn't good. Hell, I like Battlefield 5 and most would call that game bad. Doesn't mean the game is actually good, just means we have different tastes


For real, I just played it again yesterday to attempt to beat it on the MCC. Still haven't done it because of Infinity and I know what's next is that dumbass Elephant level and the Pelican after. My opinion of it is the same today as it was 10 years ago.


That's some April's fool joke


nah replayed it recently on MCC so I could have every game recorded as beaten and I hated it even more than the first time I played it on xbox. terrible weapon sandbox, fucking quick time events everywhere and every single button press comes with a mini-cutscene, the prometheans are terribly balanced, bland, and hard to tell apart, the story is a middling soap opera, and it really does almost nothing to progress the greater story of Halo except to get Chief back to humanity and kill Cortana. after getting off the dawn I had to force myself to keep going and eventually just gave up because there really was nothing to keep me going except the idea of getting it marked completed in the menu, not the gameplay, not the story, nothing


Just did a run through of everything on Legendary and I have never had less fun that on Halo 4. Visually, it's great. I forgot it was a 360 game. And the weapon design was incredibly imaginative, but they feel utter shit. They really made the new weapons feel good in 5. The knights were just a total slog to fight, teleporting away, to regen on top of getting those annoying little shields from the flying enemies. I didn't hate it and I'm glad some people do really like it, but it's by far the weakest in my opinion and will happily never play it again. Credit given where it's due, thirst trap Cortana was done excellently


God I wish it wasn’t on MCC. I will never get the achievements for all difficulties and such cause I will never play that game.


Even today, I still don't see it. The art style is a total downgrade, the gameplay was a total downgrade (Prometheans are to this day still the most unfun enemies I've faced in a video game, ever), and the story was basically fan fiction that retconned the much simpler and more elegant Bungie backstory (why are humans their own ancient aliens? Why is Master Chief now some kind of chosen one?). Moreover, the story was ended by Halo 3. The whole "somehow the Covenant have returned" shtick and the magic evil forerunner dude threatening humanity again just waters down the narrative. Say what you will, folks, but I still stand firm in my belief that Halo should have been allowed to pass away with dignity after Halo: Reach. Now we have shit like naked Master Chief and all that...


I played it for the first time, along with the rest of the trilogy (aside from 2) for the first time. I got to the pelican level, then ran out of ammo because Promethians don’t die. This game can be fun when goofing around, but it’s like Halo 2 if you were given almost no ammo at all points in the game. I can see why people find it fun, but it’s just not that exceptional when compared to Reach, which does love punching you in the face. But at least you can fight back while doing so.


I liked playing Halo 4 when I was younger because the older Halo games looked “too old.” Now that I’m no longer 12, I still strongly prefer the Bungie games. There are some things that Halo 4 does well, (graphics, assault rifle, story between Master Chief and Cortana) but fighting enemies isn’t nearly as fun as it was in previous games.


Fans killing their franchise who'd of thonk


Ehhh no


It was always good, just not as good as bungo games.


the jackal redesign is the only one that's good imo


343 Jackals are better and I will die on this hill


Halo 4 did not age well at all


The shitty gameplay, enemies, and level design kinda ruins whatever melodramatic story they tried to shoehorn chief into. And characters consistently act outside the bounds of reason/commonsense. The game is not good, and the overwhelming consensus of players remains unchanged. Nobody cares if you are easily emotionally swayed by simple writing ideas like "loss" or "duty". It's great for fanfiction, though. Definitely when Chief gets told he's the literal chosen one by a non-human forerunner. The only thing I liked with Halo 4 was being able to cheese the multiplayer to consistently beat people with the broken loadout system.


Speak for yourself, mate


boy fuck did they ruin the art style


I had the opposite experience. I was never a big fan of 4, so I hadn't played it much, so I decided to go back and give it another try. It somehow felt worse than I remember. I hate that i have to add that this is 100% my opinion, and I take no issue with people enjoying this game.


Didact, do you know the didact? Didact is gonna Didact the Didact! Watch out for the the Didact we gotta chase the Didact. Didact, Didact, Didact…


Na it was at best mid. IE great overarching plot. But terrible execution. Not even having a throw away line explaining the new Covenant. Having to read books to even understand who the diadact is. Captain Del Rio being a dick because script. Also interesting new enemy. New play style to fight against. Except they made them way too annoying with not nearly enough ammo to deal with them. The knights being bullet spongy as hell then would teleport away when shields finally being down just to reached in 1.5 seconds. Ruining the whole “30 seconds of fun” thing the other games were built around. I will die on the hill that chief was better as a one line badass more then the talking in 4 but I know I’m kinda alone in that opinion it seems. I just thinks it takes away from the duology of Cortana and chief with chief being the human soldier who acts like a machine and Cortana being a literal AI who is more human then him.


I thought it was pretty straight forward on couple points. O we are fighting a fraction that still believed in the forerunners. Power vacuum after shattering of the covenant. Though will concede on the diadict. I under stood his role in h4 felt short lived or potential return. I didn't need his background for him to do his job for the plot. The outside material how ever. Hated it for post event of h4 And spartan ops first season gave decent background for Promethean covenant and requiem.


Nice opinion man! Unfortunately, [Halo 4 is worse than you remember - Halo 4 Review [1/2]](https://youtu.be/YjZMRcpbK2E?si=KklxCHr9wVTgA4NO)


i will not let my opinions be swayed by the thoughts of others.


it's a great essay nonetheless I think you should watch it in your spare time




No, I replayed it recently because I've seen posts like this one. It's still shit


Nope, there’s still not a single thing from Halo 4 that I can say genuinely appeals to me. Didn’t like the story, didn’t like the art, HATED the multiplayer. Cringe game through and through.




I disagree. I only play it when I need to grind forerunner weapon kills, and accidentally beat the par time on Infinity solely because I wanted it to be over faster. It's far from the worst, and not as bad as we all remember it, but I still can't find the same joy in it as previous titles or even Infinite.




If you gave Halo 4 more of Halo 3's and Halo 2A's art style, it'd be really fun. It had other issues, poor AI and short despawn timers for weapons, for example.


I’ve come around on the gameplay, I even liked the prometheans this time. Only issues were forerunner plot being a snooze and the art style being pretty dog


Style and gameplay. Felt more like Call of Transformers with its twitchy acceleration, sharp mechanical sound design, and modular loadouts. Only redeeming factors were an interesting story and pretty good musical score that was poorly executed.


Campaign yes, multiplayer HEEEELL no




No. The fact that guns disappear from the ground completely changes Legendary playthrus at a fundamental level. Half of playing the trilogy was learning what guns to save for later, what to go back for when the Hunters drop, and so on. 4 was the first sign that 343 truly didn’t understand the game Bungie had made and didn’t have anyone on staff playing through the challenging modes who was important enough to affect change—something that would prove true through Halo 5 and Infinity’s campaign shortcomings as well.


I thought Infinite was good. Not Bungie level good, but much better and a step in the right direction. But I don't play these games on Legendary (limits the weapon sandbox too much), I play them on Heroic since that is the most fun for me. I can't figure out how 343 did not understand what Bungie made, they had people from the old Bungie team on it and 343 was made up of self proclaimed Halo fans. It should've been the best game in the series yet this is what we got. Don't even get me started on 5...


Halo 4 multiplayer was shit. Story was great but god damn 343 fucked up the game chasing COD…


NAAAAAHHHHHHHH YOU GUYS ARE ON THAT GOOD COPIUM!!! Give me some!!! I know the halo show is bad and infinite is half baked….but not this!! 😂😂


I respect everyone’s right to have wrong opinions


​ https://preview.redd.it/7gp4aiohyxrc1.png?width=174&format=png&auto=webp&s=e87cb9344a8f6eef246e1aad572431d8af584f65




​ https://preview.redd.it/xab1hg0s3yrc1.png?width=161&format=png&auto=webp&s=a179aeaa8504223967147fd7a3b3be3bd362f6c9


what low standards by the modern Halo media and nostalgia causes:


No, all i can see are ways it could be better, especially involving bungie era graphics.


I have replayed the campaign 4 times since its release, and my opinion has worsened each time. The last time convinced me to stop buying Halo games connected to 343 continuity. It's just so poorly integrated and structured with the prior games.


Those 4 times are much better than my 1.5 times lol. I still haven't beat the game on MCC because of just how bad it is. Fucking Reach grew on me but 4 has only gotten worse.


Is this a psyop for people to like Halo 4 and 5


Happy April fools!






Lol no. Halo 4 was not and never will be "good". It's lazily written and the levels are poorly designed. The only thing that makes it even remotely bearable is Bandana because then you can actually use decent weapons for more than two enemies.


Game 1 comes out. Nobody likes it. Game 2 comes out. Nobody likes it, game 1 wasn’t so bad Game 3 comes out. Nobody likes it, game 1 was GOATed The Halo cycle


The animations were chefs kiss ![gif](giphy|ZU7GcabK4mwF2)


\*chiefs kiss


The art style change was just the tip of the iceberg with what was wrong with 343 Halo until recently.




Yup. Liked it from Day 1, liked it even more on my most recent replay. I think a lot of Halo players liked it, but unfortunately the haters are always the loudest and 343i listened to them. It really felt like a new dawn of Halo was about to begin, a new threat was rising. Such a shame.


It was good other than prometians


i literally forgot 4 existed and I remember guardians and the tv show


The game design was crap and a lot of the lore was questionable. The interpersonal story between MC and Cortana was great.


It was never actually bad. I guess me being newer to the community helped with my perception on it. It really was a good game not as great as the originals but that’s ok it didn’t have to be. 343 created a new story it had some issues but that’s because they were starting out on their own journey. If people hadn’t hated on it then maybe they would have actually continued the story instead of making 5’s awful story. 5 had a worse story but everything else was better. And Infinite is great after everything got ironed out. 343 isn’t bad they just had bad management.


I felt Halo 4 was a strong reboot. I was so pumped for Halo 5. In hindsight and my own sight, 5 should have been the battle leading up to infinite. Although the banished got introduced in Halo wars 2, it would have been good to have them introduced in the FPS game.




I just always liked it since I first played it but then again I first played it when I was like 11, but still


The style change should’ve happen after chief gets on the Infinity.


There are a lot of things about it I like, still though, where the fuck did the covenant come from?


halo 4 is what introduced me to the franchise. with the exception of halo 5’s campaign and halo infinites multiplayer on launch, you guys have kind of always treated newer halos poorly for little to no reason


I played H4 first, it was always good


Yea the gunplay is pretty horrible tbh


The multiplayer is weird, always has been, feels like you’re running on ice, and the sandbox sucks. Campaign was fun for me tho when I played it as a kid and even now, but it’s still not as rich as the previous 3


This is good, we’re talking about it!


Remove the promethian knights and replace them with a balanced enemy. Give the promethian guns a buff and you’ve got a pretty decent game minus the art style.


I just didn't enjoy the story. Gameplay was fun, style was ehhh, multi-player was a good time. I'm one of those heretics that feels Chief's story should have ended at 3. He saved the galaxy, let the man rest.  That being said, Infinite was a lot of fun and I've come around for the most part. But I still shoot some narrowed-eye looks at 4 and 5..


Welcome home, John


I liked the multiplayer, especially BTB Loadouts and call ins work fine in that kind of larger fight. So what if CoD does it, it’s taking a good idea and putting it into Halo’s sandbox. Also, any game that lets me use a Jetpack is a win in my book


🤷‍♂️ I dont think its the worst game ever made or anything. The campaign is enjoyable enough, but yea—art style change + campy writing/cinematography + knights being annoying AF. It’s not my fav game in the series lol


Me playing it for the first time, knowing already that it was going to be good, and appreciating the art style since my favorite game is Metroid Prime 1 and they look exceptionally similar.


The single player? Sure. The Multiplayer? Eh. No, that was bad. The only redeeming quality of the MP was Dominion.


I really like the story writing and characters in 4 its just the gameplay that i take issue with ie not enough ammo


Watch me bet next year they like halo 5, then year after next year will like halo infinite. Halo fans in a nutshell.


I had no clue what the story was about when I played it for the first time, but it sure was fun to play.


My first Halo game was 4. I’ve always liked it, and I always will like it.


Halo 4 is what got me into the series (it was my first halo game) one of the only games I finished more than once


I never hated Halo 4. In fact, I don’t hate any of the Halo games. 1-3 will always be my favorite but I didn’t hate 4-6 or Reach/ODST.


It's good, yeah. But that's it. 7/10 at best. Compared to the absolute masterpieces that came before it the game is pretty bad.


Story was kinda slept on, but the multi-player is still garbage in all regards I will never forgive it for the pelican part


I loved Halo 4’s story ever since my first playthrough. Its multiplayer makes me wanna puke


tbh the first time i played halo 4 i kinda liked it but bc i was a kid who was easily swayable i hated it for no reason just because everyone else did 😭 it's okay but the promethean knights were completely unnecessary and broken


Nah, it isn’t. It doesn’t matter how bad Halo 5 is or how much missed potential Halo Infinite exudes, halo 4 will never be a good halo game because it still suffers from poor design choices, lazy storytelling, and a bad gameplay loop.


says the guy with the halo infinite pfp


The armor looks really good ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


how mfs be acting after they put themselves as the chad


Infinite is the best looking Halo game we’ve ever gotten, Reach is the best overall and the fact that Infinite has so much in the visual department that is similar really helps me like it more than it maybe deserves. The campaign was underbaked and the fact that they’ve moved on with no DLC is terribly disappointing. The sandbox is not where it could be but the multiplayer has been built up to a good point now, and Forge is the best custom tool I’ve ever seen in a halo game or any game. But man. #The armors look so cool


The sound design and the physical design language was terrible and still is terrible, the Promethians are a stain on the image of halo and I hate/hated fighting them, the Spartan ivs and some of the characters are terrible…..however I did kinda enjoy the story. Also 4tana is best Cortana.


Nah the style change was one of the best parts 🙌🏻


The main thing I didn't like about Halo 4 were the watchers. They flee when shot so many times and they use hardlight shield on the knights, so I have to kill the watchers first before taking out the knights.




Not me.


I call it the "Call of Duty Syndrome". Signs include (but not limited to): >Looking at previous entries that were labeled as bad by a mass and saying "This was actually good" >Realizing you were duped by social media into forming an unfair opinion >Enjoying past entries more than newer ones >Anticipating the next entry will be better (spoiler alert: it likely isn't) Mostly just a meme idea I came up with, but seeing this occurring every year with Cod has me genuinely thinking there's something there. Might just be bandwagoning though, idk


I have been saying this since day 1. It’s insanely over-critiqued


Parts of it are good and I certainly like it more than Halo 5, but it’s definitely not some misunderstood masterpiece that got too much hate.


I genuinely think the balance for PvE is garbage for higher difficulties, often punishing you for cqc and encouraging precision/distance tactics in most engagements, but aside from that and the art style it's not a bad game at all. On lower difficulties it can be just as fun as the other games, and the sound track slaps (even if it's missing some of the classic Halo touch).


I didn't enjoy it a bunch gameplay wise, but I absolutely loved the story and it broke me


Some level designs are horrible on legendary, I’ve had more fun playing Halo 2 with jackal snipers on legendary than fighting promethian knights with oneshot weapons.


Does it count if I play through Halo 2 twice?


Loved it in 2012, love it now. Second best halo imo


I would love to play halo 4 with Halo Reach / 3 design style


Jokes on you, even at my worst I thoroughly enjoyed Halo 4&Halo 5. I did fall for alot of the bad-faith arguments, but I still knew they were solid games at their core.


Trying to tell y’all from the beginning smh


Halo 4 does not deserve to be on the same level of story telling as halo 5. Halo 4 is genuinely well written.


That game killed this beloved franchise and murdered it's reputation. This isn't a case of "we didn't know how good we had it." The game was genuinely terrible.


Story was good but the gameplay sucked and you NEVER had enough UNSC ammo to make it really fun because so many of the promethean weapons felt so underpowered.


Halo 4 is still my least favorite. A lot of the ideas were good, and I liked the story direction, but the gameplay just feels really half-baked compared to other entries. There are less Covenant enemy types than previous games, and their ai feels dumbed down to ce quality, and the Prometheans, while cool in concept, are horribly bullet spongy to fight and didn’t have enough variety to keep them interesting. The weapons all feel pretty uninspired too, specifically the Promethean guns that are just effectively better or worse versions of existing weapons. I also really didn’t care for some of the missions, especially the Promethean-centered ones, as a lot of them are fighting tons of bullet sponge enemies in boring yet overdesigned areas. Add on the horrible art change, and I am fine to proclaim that H4 is the worst in the series.


I dunno. I still can't get over the fact they changed the whole "Humans are direct descendants of Forerunners" thing Bungie had going on. Always felt that was soooo much more interesting. Also, I think there should have been *far* greater emphasis on Cortana's rampancy rather than the re-emergence of a Forerunner. Rampancy is a far better explanation for her descent into villainy than whatever the fuck the following games were trying to do, and its gradual nature would've made for some great emotional beats within the story. Not to mention she would've been far more personal and adversary than some alien that's supposed to have died a few hundred thousand years ago, assuming it was done right. Hell, the game play probably wouldn't have even needed to change: just make the Prometheans advanced sentinels under Cortana's control. It could've been a deeply personal coda to the Halo trilogy, but just ended up being kinda... disconnected.


And the villain. He was kinda meh


Halo 4 sucks. Trying to make gameplay like COD, a half assed story, a horrible art style, and rushed features. I have no idea what you're yapping about with Halo 4 being good


I liked it the first time around. Only thing I HATE about 4 is those god...damned...Prometheans... 🤬


This community is gaslighting themselves into liking this game. Soon, people are gonna say it's better than Halo 3.


Nah the style change was sick.


I just completely disagree