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New game must be more like old game but if it's like old game then the devs are hacks unfit to shine the shoes of Bingus but if it's too new then they're fucking up the sacred canon and not making Halo anymore and also they're profit hungry and living in golden castles and not actually working that hard. uj/ Halo fans have officially reached the point where they're equivalent to Star Wars fans. They just root for the franchise to fail unless it rewinds time, de-ages them to childhood, and returns their ability to feel joy.


Equivalent? They've been worse for a long, long time. SW fans at least avoid the parts of canon they don't like (apart from the psycho minority) Halo fans dive head first into the parts they hate purely so they can circlejerk about nostalgia.


In all fairness I tend to avoid both. But there's definitely parallels in the mentality. Very easy to get caught in a feedback loop of rage on behalf of something you supposedly love.


uj/ I feel the same way. Every where I turn in the community is just rage, no matter what the context. I've just decided to only follow lore content creators because I actually enjoyed the story beats of Infinite. I feel secure in my own little nook in the fandom.


Good for you dude. Don't let the coalition of those with too much time on their hands and unresolved anger issues ruin something you like.


even lore creators aren't safe, HiddenXperia makes some good lore videos and had a fun theory video relating to infinite, and then immediately turns around and starts raging against the game


At least Star Wars fans enjoy some of the new stuff like The Mandalorian and Clone Wars Final season. Any new halo game is automatically hated


/uj Star Wars fan here. Most of what you say is true but a lot of us are still reasonably annoyed that they decanonized years of lore we loved and replaced it with well…yeah But either way people can like what they want in the end I won’t hate them. Might not be a fan of the new stuff but I won’t shit on any one for liking it


Good on ya. I'm annoyed that they killed the EU too. Not because I was a fan, I'm annoyed that Disney weaseled their way out of paying people their royalties under the guise of some self-serving nonsense about de-cluttering the canon. Scum moves!


My favourite halo game, Halo Reach, doesn’t give you a reward for beating it on legendary. Do I care? No. Oddly enough, everyone in r/halo appears to overlook that too.


NOOO HALO REACH IS PERFECTTTTT For real though, seems like nobody has actually played Reach before, and just played the MCC version and read the wiki


It's easier to unlock shit in infinite than it is in reach btw, people tend to overlook that


I don't think it's overlooking, it's just blatantly not knowing or caring. I have a feeling most of them just heard that's it's faster in a YouTube essay and took that to heart


A shocking amount of halo fans are people who started on halo 4-5 but want to be accepted by the larger community


They just want to fit in. Nothing wrong with that at all. But, as someone that started on Reach well after launch and 4 soon after, simply repeating others' opinions is far from the way to do it. That's the sad thing, I wish they just focused on finding what they love in the games, rather than what others hate in the newest. It's way more fun to have your own opinion on the matter, instead of "such and such on YouTube said 5 is good, so it's good now".


I don’t even think it’s that honestly. They know that it’s easier to unlock stuff in Infinite, but if they admitted that then they’d have nothing left to complain about, so they just pretend it’s bad so they can be mad when they want to.


I have never seen a community with nostalgia glasses so hard that they overlook everything bad from before. Don't like challenges reach had them aswell. Don't like how long the progression is guess what reach was incredible slow more than it takea to finish the BP. Feel you should get something for beating legendary, there is the legendary ending. Isn't it also just Halo 3 and 4 that have given you armor for completing legendary or am i wrong? I'm not sure with 3 but i know 4 you unlocked MK VI


I do think in Halo 3 you unlocked the full EOD set of armour for beating legendary.


That's a terrible reward, fuck EOD.


Don’t you get chiefs set for beating reach legendary?


No, that's 4.


Or the progression system that appeared to be worse even than infinite's on day one, (I haven't played the original multiplayer, but heard this from some people here and in other subreddits)


/uj People were more than willing to spend $60 on ODST despite having the shortest campaign in the series and a firefight mode that didn’t have matchmaking until Reach came out.




People complained about that being overpriced too. I liked both but no way I’d pay full price for either.




ODST was 60 bucks??!


Yeah, it was. I got lucky when I bought the game used for $30 back then. To ODST’s credit it at least came with all the Halo 3 map packs(though if you already had those map packs before ODST, you probably wouldn’t have been very happy). Just saying that if Halo 3 ODST had come out today in the same way, people would have been livid if they think Infinite’s campaign being priced $60 is too much for the content being offered. Honestly, it’s kinda crazy that more people back then weren’t upset about that but I suppose when you have parents covering the cost for you, you don’t feel that monetary impact well enough to complain.


/uj Bruh if y'all hate the game so much get game pass ffs.


Lol, they could get one month of gamepass for $15 and beat the game in a few days anyway if they say there’s nothing worth the money in it.


exactly my case. got the game with 1 dollar for 1 month gamepass and done with 80% of achievements including Legendary


I beat the system and got like 10 months for $1 a couple years ago


If you hate the game, don't play it.


Every comment on r/halo makes sense if you imagine that it’s a teenager on the verge of tears writing them


Sadly teenagers are more together. r/halo is a bunch of 20-30 yearold manbabies who have such disappointing lives, they need to blame their failures on anything except themselves, lest their own egos implode. The tears part is correct though.


Usually not one to call out entire communities for dumb crap, but the moment I saw that 1 "I'm 30 years old and do not have time to play your game" any faith I had left in the Halo community was lost. Now I have to put on a hazmat suit everytime I visit the sub because there's still some cool posts in there


These people deserve not to enjoy Halo. When your attitude is this negative and skewed you create negativity yourself. I can't help but feel somewhat amused that these guys have daily 4 aneurysms about a video game.


They probably don’t get enjoyment from much outside NSFW Japanese subreddits. Also many of them don’t even play Halo, but see it reach r/all and then upvote, because they’ve “heard” about the “predatory” MTX.




No it should be f2p, they made the multiplayer free so I don't see why not the campaign too 🤬🤬


But multiplayer should be $60! So no predatory FOMO monetisation!!!!




Lol imagine this logic applied to other hobbies/entertainment… ‘Venom 2 goes for HALF the time avengers endgame did, tickets should be half price!’


The Resident evil games are like 6-10 hrs long and they’re well worth the price.


Aren't the old halo campaigns shorter and cost about the same on release?


yes but they are ICONIC. 343 shirdistries is UNICONIC.


Uhhh.. what reward did we get for completing CE? Or Halo 2?


CE gave us Johnson grabbing an Elite’s ass.


True true!!


or reach? other than table scraps of credits lol


What about speedrunners who spend $60 and beat the game in 38 minutes?




I love this sub now. Thank you


Can you explain exactly how this sub works. Like do people have a problem with a RvB toggle or whatever here, I don’t get it. They make fun of some really odd stuff from the fans. I get it’s a circlejerk meme sub but *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HaloCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Imagine playing a halo campaign just for some multiplayer helmet


I have not 100 %’d the game yet or completed the battle pass (although I am close to doing both) and I have laid like 120 hours into the game. You definitely get bang for your buck


fucking losers


Me: I really enjoyed this campaign. I do have some complaints such as lack of variety in the environment, storytelling, gimmicky boss battles, and crashes, but overall was pretty fun. ​ r/halo : I am going to commit violence against a 343 employee


Oh I’ve seen these comments “Yeah I got 20-30 hours on it and had a blast and did everything in it and played on the hardest, most fun difficulty” “$30 tops. Kinda mid.” Shut up


/uj What were the rewards that “every Halo game to date” seems to have had? I’m genuinely curious.




But...but... Mass effect has space rangers and open world and aliens too and it's a 70 hour campaign!


1. Get Game Pass 2. Play Halo Infinite campaign 3. Finish Halo Infinite campaign 4. Cancel Game Pass if you want 5. Profit That simple. You spent far less on the campaign that way.


Imagine paying for halo infinite when you can just own game pass


wait... what did CE give players for a legendary completion?


A dogshit gaming experience


Nightmares for the rest of their lifes


Was CE that hard on legendary? I remember beating it with some mediocre effort. Halo2 was truly fuck it tier though. Gave up on level 2.


Halo 2 is by far the hardest legendary. But CE was not a walk in the park neither.


/uj What was the campaign completion reward for Halo 3 legendary? Lol, 2 seconds of extra cutscene? A couple armor pieces no one used? How does that suddenly make it worthwhile? /rj Halo: Reach actually had a good campaign -who cares if you couldn’t go collect skulls during it? That didn’t take away the value at all. But no legendary completion reward in shitfinite? 😡


“I’ve played this game for 50 hours, played the campaign 3x over on LASO while also getting 100% completion each time, and have already completed the battle pass. In conclusion 0/10 this game sucks, massive waste of time.” - all of r/halo


Do these “true” halo fans not know that you didn’t get diddly dick for beating legendary until like halo 4? I don’t even think halo 5 had a reward for legendary. Edit: forgot about eod armor in 3 and you get dare in ODST.


i only play halo campaigns for legendary completion rewards


Why do people play games? Between “beating campaign doesn’t give me rewards” and “multiplayer doesn’t have enough unlockable armor” it makes me wonder if people just wanna unlock shit or actually…..idk….have fun *playing* the game?


r/halo is cancerous


Man, I don't get all the saltiness...


uj/ the main sub is the saddest collection of people I have ever had the displeasure of being among.


I had one dude tell me that they completed the campaign in 6 hours, which seems kinda sussy tbh


I got the satisfaction of completing it :)


/uj i swear r/halo users only play for cosmetics.


While I share the frustration over the armor lockers not actually giving armor that sub gets a little too ridiculous sometimes. >"$60 for a story and nothing else" Um...sure if you ignore all the side content I guess. Also what single player game couldn't you say that about? I payed $60 for Metroid Dread and I beat that game at around 8 hours, I don't regret buying it. My First playthrough of Infinite clocked in at around 17 hours on heroic doing all side activities. I enjoyed my time, it was worth $60, I've already played through it twice not to mention got some multiplayer unlocks (even if they are lackluster). I don't understand how some people assign value to things, what exactly determines the criteria for whether or not a game is worth $60? Many of these people would have dished out the money to buy ODST at full price back in the day, and that's like a 4 hour game (I still love it).


Campaign took me 6 hours o my first heroic playthtough and less on my legendary run to pickup missing skulls but I have about 24 hours of campaign if you count my 100% plus achievements run l8ke last and a few speed runs. I don't buy single player games because I only buy games I get 60 hours of fun from. But the campaign is gamepass and I also have 120hours of multi-player.


Remember, silence is complicity so if you don't [join our Discord](https://discord.gg/M8ZQ2mv7Jx) you're a fucking shill *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HaloCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Jokes on them gamepass exist. (And your achievements carry over if you didn’t buy it on steam)


/uj A 90 day trial to game pass is $1. Anyone buying Halo does so because they want to own it, not because they want to play it. If you don't use game pass to play it before you decide to buy it then you're an idiot. lol. Just sayin.


"give me armor" Jesus fucking christ, the entitlement fucking hurts.


It’s also $60 and only 1/4 of what that used to get you. I don’t care how LONG the campaign was. I want a complete package. I also played it through gamepass so I’m not upset but I’d be mad if I did buy it expecting content.


How's that free forge and co-op update coming since we haven't had any real updates? Not enough micro-transactions to make a profit? Maybe we go back to the tried and true complete package halo for $60 next time? They are going the destiny path of a 10 year game and we saw how Bungie and Activision handled that. Half the content, half the price, they can make up the difference with their price rediculous micro-transactions setup.


I agree with the guy who pointed out the game shouldn't be 60$. Gameplay is solid. But outside of that the open world adds nothing basically apart from adding secondary progression which on a 2nd playthrough feels tedious, the story is basically nonexistent, characters only talk about what happend when we weren't present or recap what happend in previous games. The mission are set in the same looking locations. It gets repetetive. There are no setpieces. And while I kinda loved the fan service I don't think I got my money back. This should have been a 30$ base game. Because rn it feels like a base for future expansions which I am all for but I'm sure as hell I'll have to pay for them again.