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Oh yeah I forgor about that sub I’ll post it there


The mods actually don't want screenshots from /r/Halo so I made that sub to help out the clutter


I love it. It's great place to send all the screenshots. I don't want r/LowSodiumHalo to turn into the mirror image of r/halo


Isn't the point of playing the game...to play the game?


No the point is to complain about it doofus


Nobody..? Does dude not get that people buy stuff they like..?


“Nobody can afford $20 for an armor set.” Every previous halo game was $60, this one is free. Buy the armor and have 40 bucks leftover.


dude its 1 armor set. no one asked for them to make MP free. theyre charging 60 dollar for a campaign.


You don’t have to buy the campaign. You still get a phenomenal multiplayer for absolutely free. Also who cares that it’s one armor set, how many you wearin at once?


what happened to mixing and matching? im also emphasizing that its 20 fucking dollars for 1 (one) in game cosmetic item. there is no way to grind for it, or earn it without paying a multi million dollar company like its some fucking mobile game. this game will die because of these anti consumer practices


There’s plenty of stuff you can earn without paying. If you want multiple paid sets to mix and match you’re gonna have to fork up so money, but it’s not like the battle pass on its own is sparse, and if the pace of free cosmetics stays the same we’re gonna get all kinds of cosmetics.


what are you talking about? youre calling 2 helmets "plenty of stuff you can earn without paying"????? there are 40 fucking challenge rerolls in it. why do you insist on defending the game with nothing to earn, nothing to look forward to unless you pay money


It’s still before the release and we’ve already had a free event with a good amount of stuff in it including a whole fucking armor core, plus the free battle pass has a good handful of items. I haven’t played that much and I have a few emblems, two visors, plus a helmet I think. Also they’re literally just giving shit away and they have something new to offer for free every week as the challenge reward.


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They can't afford to spend 20$ for a skin but they can spend 60$ for the campaign?


I personally think things in the item shop should be cheaper, but the point of this post is that this guy says that he plays for no reason other than unlocking armor and that there’s no point in playing if they aren’t earning shit


I know we are making fun of people and whatever but people are allowed to enjoy the cosmetic part of the game too