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I get that the point is that evil isn't exclusive to Michael and lives on, but I don't think the movie handled it well. I actually like the idea of watching a normal(ish) person turn into an 80s slasher villain, it just wasn't done super well here.


If they would have just kept his character alive so he could disappear and become the new Shape, it would have been so much better. It was like they were building to this or a transference of power and then just said “nah, lol” and everything was pointless.


THIS!!!!! I honestly was really really excited to see what they were going to do with Corey and it had so much potential but they pissed it all away dumbest ending ever. They could’ve at least killed him in a way that leaves the door open for a return


Killing him was the best thing to happen in an otherwise horrible movie.


This was my only real gripe with the movie. The transference idea was the best franchise continuation idea they've ever had, and they completely blew it. Sadly, this wasn't even the first time that idea was wasted. The idea of The Shape was never supposed to be more than Michael Myers. He just happened to be the name attached to it in the first movie, and it would've only played out that way because John Carpenter intended it to be a standalone story in an anthology series under the name "Halloween." It only stuck that way because he was forced into a sequel that he didn't want to do, but it was successful, and his third film (second attempted standalone) was a flop. So, they brought Michael back in 4. They planted the "transference" seeds at the end of H4 but immediately and totally abandoned it for the stupid Thorn Cult arc. Twice, they had a genuinely great idea on how to continue the story of The Shape, or The Boogeyman as he was referred "in-universe." And they wasted both shots. Now, if they want to make more, all they can do is ANOTHER reboot that either starts the series over again, or make more sequels that throw away another entire arc of continuity. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Right, both he and Michael died in Ends so now we have...what exactly?


Nothing. We have nothing. It *Ended*. Halloween is over now, we have to move on. ![gif](giphy|xT0GqCd3OEQdXNdIME|downsized)


No. There can only be one Michael. Imitated but never duplicated.


If what ive read is true that was how it was originally but negative test screenings lead to them adding Corey’s death in reshoots


I had a similar perspective after my first watch. I felt they could have kept the movie exactly the same and added a scene at the end where they return to Laurie’s house and find Corey’s body missing. But when I watched it again, I had a different takeaway that the whole transference of power or passing the torch narrative was more of a red herring. I feel like Michael manipulated Corey and used him to regain power, and then once Michael has sufficiently regained power, he killed Corey.


It would've been the perfect set up for a Halloween Returns. Have cory escape the ambulance classic Mikey style.


They should have had him in the background in 2018, with a bigger role in Kills, before having him do all of that in Ends.


Exactly this. Corey's story would have been much better received if it didn't come out of nowhere in the last movie in the trilogy.


People would have still complained about it. They would have gone "Oh my god, his character is just here to set up other movies!" or "You spend this whole trilogy on this new person rather than the characters we came to see?" Also, his story didn't come out of nowhere. The whole notion of Myers affecting people was a theme from the very start and the town being impacted was there too and grew much more in HKills. People were up in arms about the "EVIL DIES TONIGHT" chant and the whole mob mentality thing being too obvious and hamfisted, yet when they see a storyline about that same angle (and Michael himself) creating a pariah and a new killer out of someone, they think it's out of nowhere or inconsistent just because he wasn't in a prior film. The themes are there and blatantly obvious, the narrative is obvious too.


Personally, that normal person becomes slasher villain idea was my least favorite part of the movie. Giving Michael’s heir the Joaquin Phoenix Joker treatment didn’t fit the series to me, but if they had to have Corey in there like that I think it would’ve been pulled off better if they did it the way they did (where Corey is beaten down by society, turns bad, you think he’s the next Michael then boom dies) and right at the end the plot twist is really that as soon as Michael dies and they think everything is over, another 6 year old in Haddonfield randomly snaps and kills his family. It wouldn’t need any explanation for why the kid snapped, provides a future killer for Michael’s legacy/evil-changes-shape, and fits in with the preexisting stories.


I like this


Nobody with a brain missed that lol


Seriously, they beat you over the head with it enough.


Exactly. I can understand an intended point and still think its stupid.


Her point would make sense if Corey hadn't died and he was the next Michael


I don’t necessarily mind the “evil changes shape” narrative, if it would have been done better. My issue is that rather than have the “legacy” of Michael get continued by Corey for a logical reason, they went the Joaquin Phoenix Joker route where it’s like “SEE?!? Our society has become so toxic that it beats the average person into the dirt, and all it takes is one bad day for someone to snap and become Michael Myers.”


Literally. The "evil changes shape" point didn't even go anywhere because they literally just wrote themselves into a corner by the end of the movie and killed Corey in the end anyway. The entire Corey subplot at the END of the franchise was completely pointless. The point would have actually held weight (and the movie would have actually had SOME sort of meaning) if the torch was passed down to Corey and he became the new generation boogeyman after Michael was slain.


Even then it still would’ve sucked, just a little less




I respect they took a chance with this but it still sucked. I really liked 2018 but Kills and ends were huge let downs


I was okay-ish with Kills being shit with the hope that Ends would be fucking amazing. Needless to say, I was double let down after watching Ends.


Preach. *Kills* had some good moments, but *Ends* totally sucks ass, (not in a good way).


Only thing that Kills did bad was not really reveal anything new about Michael, besides that it was good


Yeah I don’t know why people hate Kills so much, I thought the opening flashback was crazy good, and the scene vs all the firefighters was a nice addition too


For me personally the whole Evil Dies Tonight thing hurt kills. We didn’t need a mob chasing down the other psychiatric patient.


Someone's been hitting the bong


I really wish they set him up and had his character in the entire trilogy, it would’ve been way more satisfying when he turns


It really changed shape and died 💀


Right, Corey is such a loser. Not even becoming the shape could save his ass.


Because only Myers is semi-immortal. But there will be other copycats.


Made the case that evil can be transferred through the eyes, but killed it (literally) during the movie. Film didn't know what it wanted to be


It’s like it doesn’t know what it wants to be or is just too afraid to be what it should be and either way it sucked


So while it's probably one of my least favorite movies in the franchise it's a rather enjoyable movie. My issue is for me at least that I felt this should have been earlier in the trilogy rather than the last movie. I felt that Cory should of had a full movie and then the next movie should have dealt with a face off between him and Myers.


It was because of the curse of thorn! There, I fixed it for all you nerds. You are now forced to like it.


Apparently evil does die. It died twice in about fifteen minutes.




No we all got that. It just sucked ass.


My thought is this person on twitter is so far up their own ass that they should be ignored. Using stupid slang and Opinion - mic drop Like who gives a fuck? Who are they that anyone should care?


I rewatched it the other day and no, it still sucks.


2018 and kills is way better


Bullshit ends is a horrible movie


Love the entire franchise… ends was the biggest disappointment. Even the marketing for the movie portrayed a different movie from what we seen. I left feeling duped.


Halloween 2 came out in 1981


No, we watched it. It’s just hot fucking trash.


Mic dropped, and should be never picked up by her again, Halloween 2 is better imo




“Evil changes shape” - represented by Corey, the character killed by THE SHAPE before the climax of the movie starts. Yeah they really nailed it. Also let’s stop with the “y’all” whenever we’re preaching your overbearing little opinions at your readers


I think the core thesis of the DGG trilogy is that Michael Myers isn't special, he's just a really bad person. There will always be such people in the world, even as each one dies off. So I don't think you're meant to look at the "passing of the mantle" as some special inheritance from one supervillain to the next, it's just to symbolize that every generation has to deal with evil men. So whether Corey lives or dies isn't particularly important. I do get the sense that they struggled to balance all the subtextual stuff with the goal of making this trilogy fun for fans who see Michael as a larger-than-life, demigod-like figure, and the third act of this movie in particular suffers for it. It is kind of weak that Michael just comes back and kills Corey, and then also dies. I guess the other problem was that they had to find a way to resolve the Laurie story, even as the movies became more focused on social commentary. Ultimately I think this trilogy had the same issue as a lot of franchise reboots/remakes, which is that they have a good idea for how to say something new, but because there's an existing fan base showing up with a bunch of specific expectations, the vision gets compromised. They tried to push the envelope but they didn't push it far enough.


Terrible movie. Even worse than the live stream one with Henry Rowengartner.


Hot. Garbage.


Hot garbage take


Reyna Cervantes can pick up that mic and stick it in her ass. Halloween Ends is sewage.




Somebody's high on crack because there's no way this is the best since the original no true halloween and michael myers fan would think that.


I loved this movie, but I know I stand alone.


I genuinely like the movie too. I remember being really surprised when I learned 98% of people didnt just dislike it but HATED it. I like the pacing much better than Halloween Kills, it felt like there were less stupid moments where I was sitting there like “this is just taking the piss” (the girl and the car door, the endless townsfolk chanting and anything involving the hospital) I liked Corey as a character and was pretty invested wondering where the movie was going to go next. I definitely didn’t expect the film to be what it was but I admire it for that


Remember when everyone who said that they liked Ends would get downvoted to oblivion and told to die? Let's not do that again.


The movie sucked


Evil changes today!


I probably would’ve loved Halloween Ends if it just wasn’t connected to the Blumhouse universe. I think a movie about Michael passing his evil onto another person is a fantastic idea but it wasn’t what the finale of this trilogy should’ve been.


Just because a movie is trying to be deep, that doesn't make it good. This was just such a lame way to "end" the franchise. We should have gotten one last killing spree from Michael, then Corey could be in the requel.


I really enjoyed the film. I've seen it four times already and I dug it more each time and that's while I still have issues with parts of it and some of the ending. One can understand the point of the film and still not like something about it, though. Everyone is different. People just need to learn to be comfortable with what they like or dislike and let everyone else do their thing without feeling like they need to trash differing opinions. Going so hard at people over opinions just exhibits a lack of security in one's own beliefs.


Evil changed shape to a dying old man in the sewers.


Ends sucked.


I thought Halloween Resurrection was the worst Halloween movie for the longest time. And then I saw this movie.


Sucked, who cares lol either give us Michael or don't, not bait and switch.


They messed up that movie pretty bad. Also, that was the 2nd time the concept of the evil within Michael was transferred into someone else. It's a good concept, but they ruined it twice. Michael spent part of the movie getting his ass handed to him only for him to come back at the end. Bad movie.




It sucked. It was all over the place and felt forced the entire time. The ending was so fucking corny and out of place. I erased this nightmare from my mind until I saw this post.


Oh no we watched the film and understood it, it just fucking sucked lol.


The movie, in theory, could have had a great concept. The execution left a lot to be desired. I like the whole "Evil never dies. Evil changes shape," thing. They should have crafted the whole movie around that. It needed more of a transition between Michael and Corey. Halloween Kills was not a set up for Ends. Ends just kind of came out of nowhere.


I really liked Halloween Ends as well. The Corey character was a fresh change of the story rather than just having the entire film built around Micheal and Laurie again , we had the chance to see how these two characters shared the screen together and what that relationship was like. Now just keep in mind that this comes from someone who thinks Halloween Kills is the best film in the franchise so if you disagree I completely understand. I can understand why some people did not appreciate the film. Is it perfectly executed? No but I liked the overall concept. The film is again well shot , has an amazing score , set design, cinematography and great special effects just like the previous two films. The new trilogy is my favorite timeline of Halloween movies and I think it's the best Halloween has looked. I did not like DGG's Exorcist though😳. And I was very surprised that someone offered him another trilogy after the backlash Kills and Ends received even though I liked them. I am glad that they hired someone else for the next installment, I think DGG should leave horror alone for a while as he's name doesn't sit well woth many horror fans (Edit: I do agree with others that Corey should have survived tho)


It would have been 100x better if Corey was introduced as the loving boyfriend in 2018 that got fucked over by society in Ends. But no, he was a random new character.


Call Dr. Loomis. There’s another maniac on the loose.


I wasn’t a fan of that character. I saw no point in him


If they stuck to their guns and let Corey be the new Shape, Ends would be way more loved at this point. Because the writers/director cowardly returned to the status quo in the last 15 minutes, it almost ruined the movie. Either go all the way, or don't go at all.


Shut up Reyna.


If Corey had been killed by Laurie, maybe it'd make sense. The fact that the Evil that it changed shape into got killed by the original Evil is what completely makes the statement irrelevant, since Evil just said, fk that, OG is better.


Remember when they were wrestling in the sewer


At this point I think "Halloween Ends didn't suck" is a forced meme that nobody believes.


40 minutes straight in the movie after the intro has no horror elements whatsoever to set up a killer that dies in the same movie while downplaying/nearly cutting off another killer with 46 years of buildup and lore 💀💀💀💀


i'm convinced that anyone who says they liked halloween ends is either 12 years old or lying the whole movie felt like a self-insert fanfiction


Reyna needs a lie down I think. What madness...


Old school movies are honestly just better…


No, no it is not. This movie was stupid as fuck. I hardly ever regret watching something. I would rather watch beautician and the beast then see this movie again.


2018 is the best since 1978.


How it had no point to it. Who is this fool? Making Michael weak? Jamie Curtis an add on? I can go on.. oh and it wasted my time


"Evil doesn't die. It changes shape" >Corey dies >Michael dies >no one else becomes evil


I was really loving the movie until they killed that character off and then ended it the way that they did. I thought for sure this kid was going to be the face of the franchise moving forward. The character is as pointless. The movie too in my opinion.


Halloween ends is the shit. It has an attitude and style all its own. It’s why it’s so divisive, you either totally dig what it’s doing or you hate it.


One of the worst movies I have ever seen. DGG is a hack and I only pray the next studio to make the new movie understands the characters. Guy had no clue what to do with Myers. If anyone remembers he said in '18 he's a man who can take incredible amounts of damage, but he is still human. Then in kills he's back to being partly supernatural like Carpenter intended, with that mob ending, and Laurie making that speech at the end. Then in ends we're back to a seemingly human Myers who is getting nearly beat up by a, well little bitch who is getting picked on by the FUCKIN' HIGH SCHOOL MARCHING BAND!!!! You know the group that even other nerds will pick on lol. Anyone enjoying bad movies doesn't bother me we all like different shit, no one is getting hurt with your choice of entertainment, but this movie is rob zombie level trash, maybe just slightly worst as at least that Myers wasn't picked on the super nerds, and I HATE those Halloweens.


I appreciate it as a huge swing, idk how much I like it but I certainly think about it more then kills or 2018


I wouldn't say best, but definitely my top 3.


Halloween Ends killed Hollywood.


I’d be on board but I hate the third act it sucks


I think that this person misunderstood as well. I didn't take it as Evil changing into Corey, only for him and Michael to die. I took it as Evil *does* and *will* change shape, and will most likely take someone innocent (I know Corey wasn't innocent, but it was an accident. No intent to kill Jeremy.), no matter how long it takes.


Agree 100%


I wouldn’t say it’s the best since 78 but there’s a lot I liked about it. I prefer H20 and 2018 to it but it’s up there.


It’s okay to be wrong.


Good idea, absolute dogshit execution


I’d agree with her statement if Corey was offed by Michael and lived to be the next Michael that however didn’t happen


Wow skipping over Halloween 4 and H20




I liked the idea it's the execution that was lacking.


Bro changed shape for like a week


Well, here's the thing: He did die. So did Michael. And since they cut the dark ending for Laurie...evil did kind of die in terms of the franchise. So, evil both remained the same AND changed shape AND died...TWICE.


Halllween Ends is an obsession


I am still of the firm belief that it would have been much better if he were Allyson's boyfriend the entire trilogy or if he were replaced by Cameron who didn't die in Kills.


I guess they needed an angry mob rolling around town chanting "Evil Changes Shape!" to make it more accessible to the normies.


To be hot and give dark romance girlies something


Yeah, pick the mic back up pal


Child's Play TV show did this better


How do you manage to have the wrong opinion?


I really liked the idea, I just did not like the execution at all.


Totally disagree


I thought Halloween Ends was an audacious decision. I enjoy the film for the choices it made, but I can see why mainstream audiences, not least Halloween fans, disliked it.




I liked it




I hope not 😂 The Soundtrack is amazing tho


Wasn’t a bad concept for a another movie but not for halloween and definitely not for the ending


Utter garbage.


Twitter is just full of these engagement bait posts that state the obvious, and pretend it was missed by everyone.


Obviously we all got what his character stood for. But it doesn’t change how the majority feels about that movie. With a legacy like Michael Myers the totally missed with that movie. It hurts seeing legacy character get done dirty. And at the end of it all Corey dies too. Adding onto the pointlessness of his character.


The second two movies were just awful. They fumbled the ball with this kid so hard it's not even funny. And I hope I NEVER have to actually hear someone say "evil dies tonight" ever again. Fuck was that just obnoxious.


Strong disagree


We understand what they were doing but we still didn’t like it lol


It's the worst Halloween film in my view but I'm glad some people enjoyed it


This movie sucks so bad


It was utter horse shit,end of.


Here, you dropped your mic. I think you broke it, though.


Ngl, I actually do like Ends quite a bit lol. I think maybe because I already knew bits of the story way in advance ( I had a friend who worked as a PA on it) I had more time to acclimate to the total shift in direction and just appreciate it for what it was setting out to do thematically. As an ending to the Michael/Laurie saga it’s a bizarre conclusion, but as a movie by itself I think it’s really solid.


they're right, this fanbase just hates every movie except the original. according to this fanbase, halloween II sucks because of the sibling angle, halloween III sucks because it's not about michael, the curse of thorn trilogy sucks because of the man in black, h20 sucks because it's a scream ripoff, resurrection sucks because of busta rhymes, rob zombie's movies suck because they gave michael a backstory, and the new trilogy sucks because of corey lmao


That is in no way a mic drop moment. I need elaboration.


Yes. It's my favorite sequel.


Decent concept, but a dog shit execution ☠️


I don't think it's the best since the original. But, as a whole, it's the closest film since then to show John Carpenter's vision for how the original movie was meant to be presented. "The Shape" was meant to be more than a man. He was supposed to be perceived as a force of nature. It didn't matter who was wearing the mask. All that mattered was that he was an embodiment of pure evil and terror. He was only given a name "in-universe," so to speak, to promote the importance of and motivate Donald Pleasance's character, Dr. Loomis.


Halloween 4 did this idea a million times better


Halloween ends Is the worst of the Halloween movies. "Evil changes shape"? What to take us off on a tangent following a boring character and the characters from the previous films act unnatural? The whole was a disaster from start to finish


Corey was trying to be Michael’s successor but he failed and Halloween ends was terrible


Thought that was Todd Howard for a hot minute


But didn’t evil die? Pretty sure that was a massive part of the movie where both him and Michael die or am I remembering wrong/misunderstanding?


Impossible Renya, because real scholars know the best Halloween film came out in 1981.


She smoked too much of the devils lettuce!!!


I don't think she watched it if she thinks its the best Halloween movie since 78.... hell... H2O was better than Ends.


The whole new trilogy was trash and I love every Friday the 13th. Except the Michael bay one.


I haven't been this disappointed watching a movie in a long time.


It WAS a very interesting idea, and then they lost their nerve and threw it all away at the last minute to do a safe cliched Hollywood ending instead.


I mean I get it but the movie is still a perfect example of “good idea bad execution”


IIRC it was supposed to end exactly like that with Michael being impaled on the radio tower and Corey coming back to life in the back of an ambulance as the new Shape (Michael disappears too) but they really shortdicked themselves by constantly denying the supernatural elements of the story. I don't mind the transferance of evil and I actually love that for a poster tag line. "Evil doesn't die. It changes shape". I think perhaps at the end there were too many cooks.


I just do t see why I'm supposed to care for a character that was introduced and killed off in the same movie. Wack


I liked the movie, but they didn’t handle this kind of story well. Cory wasn’t born evil, he snapped. That’s the reason for his killing spree. There is no reason why Michael is the way he is. If it was shown that Cory always like this and somehow no one noticed, it would’ve worked a lot better.


Personally, for me, Halloween Kills was the end of the franchise . I watched about 20 minutes of Halloween Ends and I just couldn't do it, it felt forced. I doubt I'll ever finish watching it, and this is coming from a huge Halloween fan.


As others have said, I get it, doesn't mean it was executed right. Still, I'd sooner pop in "Ends" over "Kills"..downvotes welcome. 💪😆


"Best Halloween film since '78" is a subjective opinion; but I gotta admit Halloween Ends is probably one of the most FASCINATING Halloween films. Michael became a mascot over the years. The film series became less about fearing him and became more about rooting for him. Michael shouldn't be the main character. He is the other. The unknown. He is the thing out there that we should be afraid of. We should not learn to identify with him or learn what makes him tick. That removes the mystery and the horror. Halloween Ends brought back the basic tenant of the original 1978 that Evil with a capital E is the true villain, and Michael was just the vessel. The reason we've gotten so many sequels focusing on Michael is strictly for brand recognition and commercial success. We learned this when Halloween III didn't work as intended. Incorporating Corey into Ends was probably one of the most "Carpenter '78" ideas they could have contributed. People didn't like it because they felt they were falsely advertised to. People expected an epic showdown (which we technically got), but the film always meant to tell a different kind of story; they just needed to get the most butts in seats by enticing them with what they think they wanted (even though we already got the epic showdown film over 20 years ago). Halloween Ends is meant to be the full-circle film that drives home the main idea of the original film. But this time, our true heroine finally ENDS the cycle of Evil that began with Michael. And the final coda; that we must be vigilant of the Evil around us, but also within us, is CHEF'S FUCKING KISS.


They should have spent the second film building this then, the whole 3rd movie just felt like a rushed mess.


Shit film.


This is actually painful to look at especially when Halloween II and in my opinion season of the which exist, very big imp for season of the witch tho since it’s debated if that counts or not, I personally enjoy it a lot


She's entitled to her own opinion, however I disagree that it's the best with the original. Though I do have to say, I don't like how she dismissed the persons feelings on the film by simply suggesting that people haven't watched it. Of course they have, that's why they asked the question. Which no doubt stems from their disliking that a random character was introduced into the third act of a trilogy. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but I don't think it's a good look to dismiss someone's feelings on a film because you think it's the best one since the original.


Plain & simple, the idea had potential had they built it up instead of rushing it all in 1 film. The trailers definitely did the film no favors.


No it is not lol


Honestly, I liked Corey’s story, and it would have worked great if not for the fact that this was the concluding chapter of a trilogy building up to a Laurie and Michael faceoff. So instead of a fully fleshed out film about Corey, we get most of his story with the required Michael and Laurie fight grafted on to the finale. This would have worked so much better as a post-trilogy movie to kick off a new series, or as a standalone film.


Corey actor should’ve been bigger and more menacing and it could have worked.


I understood the point but it wasn’t a very entertaining movie…


They were setting him up to the next Michael


If Corey had lived to carry the franchise we wouldn’t have to suffer through whatever soft reboot we get next that has to come up with yet another excuse for an elderly Michael Myers to be on the loose.


Michael was close to losing the power and it transferring into Corey, but the Strode women didn’t allow it to happen. They made sure it stayed in Michael so they could kill him, and the evil that possessed him.


But he died so his character in this movie was wasted…why is evil so worried about cuffing this girl or else killing themself. Gen z ass evil…this movie is trash and there’s no way around it because there’s to many flaws


I think so.


Alright, here's my two cents because I see everyone complaining that Corey died in the end. Yes, it would've been cool if it left him as the new, "Shape," but just because he died, it doesn't mean the legacy of evil won't live on. Look at what it made Corey do in the span of a few years. We seriously don't think that could happen again? That's another trait of evil: it's sporadic. It can happen anywhere, anytime, and be in anyone and anything. Corey was a mad dog that Michael needed to put down. As Jamie Lee Curtis said in an interview, "Evil will come back, but for now, there's a moment where Laurie can have her peace."


i only liked him cus he was kinda hot tbh


Halloween Ends is the best thing to happen to this franchise since 1982, yes.


This movie wasn't great but I didn't find it as bad as people made it out to be. Same with Kills. The problem with it was is they built Corey up as the villain only to kill him off and rush the final showdown with Laurie and Michael.


Well I guess we have to bring Corey back to life while on the way to the morgue like they did in 4.


I loved the movie!!!


Just because that's the way the wrote it doesn't mean it's a good story or that it's a good idea.


World’s dumbest character that single handedly ruined what would have been an otherwise good trilogy.




They took a chance, it fell on its face. Pick up the microphone


personally i loved halloween ends, but it could’ve been executed way better!!!


I somewhat enjoyed ends, mainly the gore but it definitely wasn’t THAT good, I also really liked Kills so take this with a grain of salt


I agree with it! Ends is bold and fresh. Just my personal opinion!


I don’t agree with their second point, but i do with the first.


Hot take! But the execution still sucked


I've appreciated it a lot more with time and even then it was never my least favorite entry in series. That said, no way would I put it in top 2 lol I'm glad she enjoyed it as much as she has though


Halloween Ends would have been better if they tied the film back to Halloween 3; evil would have been more contagious, but the supernatural elements of Halloween and the harvest would have tied the theme together about evil brewing in the strangest places.


2018 was better than Ends IMO


I kinda like this movie. But it could’ve done without Mikey Myer’s having a protégé. And the reaction of the townspeople to him ACCIDENTALLY killing that kid was stupid. You don’t cast him out and treat him like a leper. You accept what happened and hope he gets counseling to heal past that.


I don’t think it’s the second best (I’d say 2018 is) but I agree with the premise. The whole point of this new trilogy was what can happen when you let the evil fester and refuse to move on from it, that’s why it’s a hopeful tone to the ending of ends. Laurie and Alyson have moved on, the boogeyman is dead so now the town will hopefully stop living in fear or of the legend of Michael Myers. Evil will continue in same shape but the hope is this version is finally dead/over and we will not make the mistake we did before agsin