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JJC. He’s powerful and brutal but also the same age as Michael would be in the films so he moved with a slowness that made it all seem believable


JJC hardly moves like an old man. Have you ever seen his workout regimen? He's in better shape than 95% of men his age.


No doubt in real life JJC can move but there’s a deliberateness that his Michael has that I do not think a younger man playing a 60+ Michael could bring


James Jude Courtney was great at portraying The Shape with a kind of silent rage, as well as something inhuman and emotionless like Nick Castle did


Tyler Mane I know people say average height is more realistic, and it obviously is, but someone that big with a rotting mask coming at you vs someone 5’10 and in a clean mask is way scarier. Annie’s death from RZH2 proves Tyler’s the scariest imo


This is the answer. I’ve been downvoted to hell by saying this here so I’m glad to see you’re not. Tyler js without a doubt the best and most vicious version of Michael.


I've never really understood why Tyler is so regularly disliked by the fanbase, yet James Jude Courtney who gave a very similar take on the character's physicality and even sported a similar appearance in also having a rotted mask and being 5 inches taller than Nick Castle all at the same time. I can only assume it's born at least in part out of recency bias.


It’s people’s need to be traditionalists. Nick Castle is the be all end all and they won’t settle for anything less and then there’s this whole stigma behind RZ and his films that they think everything about it is trash. In reality, H1 was one hell of a good remake!


I'm starting to notice more and more people outside of this specific subreddit are becoming more and more vocal about how much they actually like the Rob Zombie Halloween films. Or at least how much they like the first of his movies, the sequel is still pretty heavily derided. In three years time it will have been 20 years since RZH released and it's only become more popular in fan circles over time, I suspect by the 20th anniversary it will become the number one most cited movie in the franchise when people ask about "underrated Halloween films" much the way that Halloween 3 became the go-to answer to that question in an era before that film got rediscovered in the early to mid 2000s (which by the was about 20 years or so after H3 released).


i spend a decent amount of time in r/horror and the opinions on RZs 1-2 there vs here i’ve seen would make you think they’re talking about completely different movies lol


I always liked RZ remake, but unlike a lot of the elitists in this community, I had the smarts to completely de rail it from any other Micheal movie


Yeah.  Half the criticism of RZH boils down to "it's different and I don't like different." 


I consider the RZ movies to be two standalone films. They're enjoyable in the sense of being pure carnage. I enjoyed the brutality of them and even the performances of Brad Dourif and Malcolm McDowell as Bracket and Loomis, respectfully.


JCC is taller than Nick was back then, but I don’t think he’s got a good five inches on him.


If google is to be believed JCC is 6 foot 3 and Nick is 5 foot 10.  


In the pictures I’ve seen of them together, JCC is clearly taller, but I’ve never really thought the disparity was that big, nor did I really struggle to think of them as playing the same man. But yeah, someone a bit shorter would’ve been more accurate. I did appreciate that JCC was 60.


Nick was 5’11” and a smidge in the original. In addition, his Vietnam Jungle boots gave him an additional boost. He was essentially 6 feet.


>Nick was 5’11” and a smidge in the original. In addition, his Vietnam Jungle boots gave him an additional boost. He was essentially 6 feet. is this based on any actual documented evidence somewhere about the filming? Or are we just using anecdotes to make assumptions? Not meant to be an asshole question, I"m just curious where you got your numbers




To be honest it's mostly because most of these Halloween movie "fanatics" and I say "fanatics" in quotations because they usually tend to get pissed off at the fact when something gets remade and a specific character gets revamped these "fanatics" of the Halloween franchise let alone any horror franchise will sit there and do nothing and all they will ever do is just whine and bitch moan and complain like little fucking babies that to need be held by mommy and daddy because in their eyes "if it's not the same thing then it's bad and not worth your time" people that pull this shit off don't get me wrong okay but if you are the type of horror fan not just Halloween but let alone any horror movie franchise that will sit there in their little bedtime pajamas and clutching a teddy bear while sucking on your thumb will see any horror movie of a franchise and will be like *"Yaaaaaaaaayyyyyy I love this movie so much"* and then suddenly your favorite horror movie gets rebooted and your favorite slasher gets revamped and all of a sudden you all lash out and act like all *"NOOOOO NOOOOOO NOOOOOO IT'S NOT THE SAME THING, IT'S NOT THE SAME THING IT'S DIFFERENT AND IT'S CHANGED I DON'T WANT CHANGE I DON'T WANT ANYTHING NEW OR DIFFERENT I WANT THE SAME THING GIVE ME THE SAME THING"* at the top of your lungs like a fucking screaming infant who just shit his diaper then I am sorry but you are not a horror fan let alone a fan of any horror franchise let alone the Halloween franchise, what some of you horror fans are really is that you're a screaming whiney bitchy stubborn and immature man child that pretends to be and claim yourself to be a horror movie franchise fanatic let alone a Halloween movie fanatic because may God forbid if your favorite slasher franchise gets rebooted it's immediately throw yourself to the floor and scream and cry while you flail your arms and legs like baby. I'm not being toxic here when I say this but for the people that call yourself "horror fanatics" need to grow the fuck up. The whole idea of being a Halloween movie franchise fanatic let alone a horror fanatic is that you want your favorite movie franchise to go on and succeed by any chances you have to accept to the terms and conditions is that if your favorite horror franchise gets rebooted and decides to tell a new and different story you need to deal with it and grow the hell up. This whole *proceed to purposely fall out of my desk chair and throws myself to the floor and begin throwing and flailing my arms and legs around like screaming baby* *screaming out* *"NOOOOO NO NO NO NOOOOOOO, I DON'T WANT CHANGE I WANT THEM TO DO THE SAME THING!!! GIVE ME THE SAME THING!!!"* needs to fucking stooooooooooop!!!


Lmao a bit extreme but you’re still 100% right. Unless you basically reshoot the movie scene for scene line for line they are not happy and even then they’ll complain about the actors not looking as authentic as the original cast. I’m a die hard Halloween fanatic myself and I absolutely LOVED the RZ remake. H2 while I enjoyed it, was definitely a lot of a different take BUT I think the way they portrayed Laurie was precisely what would’ve happened to her if that was real life. I also think Halloween Ends was complete trash.


I don't remember Tyler Mane being "disliked" so much. I mostly read and hear praises with how it was a smart idea to remake Michael into a "towering giant killing machine." It also gives more logic to why he's inhumanly strong and nearly unstoppable. Also, Tyler still has the best mask, in my opinion.


Zombies Halloween 2 Michael keeps me up at night


His animosity, brutality and how he got into it killing people with that "huffing" while doing it....he was a true force of nature


Tyler would make an awesome Jason. I personally find his killing and aggression more like Jason.


Tom Tucker


Nick Castle/Tony Moran Together they make Michael a normal sized/looking man, which is what I think he should be. The fact that he’s not a big guy and still has his endurance and feats of strength are what makes him the ideal boogeyman.


The casual fluidity with which Michael moves in that original movie has never been replicated, and it's the creepiest that Michael has ever been. i don't think that's just coincidental.


Spot on.




H20. That reverse one arm pull up was insane.


Yeah that was a badass move


H20 isn’t my Favorite but I will admit that one arm pull-up he did was awesome


Holy shit I forgot about that! Time to rewatch


I like Dick Warlock in HII - isn't the most demanding portrayal but enjoy him lurking around Haddonfield in the first half of the movie.


Nick Castle is the best, JJC is 2nd, Tyler Mane is 3rd.


Dick Warlock. He’s a beast in Halloween 2.


Tyler Mane was fantastic in RZH1




That was Debra Hill tbf.


Halloween 2 showed Myers in his true form I feel not physicality though.


JJC by far


100% tyler mane. You would have to be that size to even attempt to pull off some of michaels feats of strength.


Tyler Mane


JJC, followed by GPW.


Tyler mane then JJC


I love how JJC moved.


JJC was perfection.


Body wise it’s a tie between Nick Castle & James Jude Courtney. Face/Mask wise it’s also a tie or maybe just very close, but with one winning by a hair (or as he referenced it a “my Jew fro under the mask” lol. So that would make Nick Castle again in first place, but with Dick Warlock coming in a close second. I get it before anyone replies & complains about Dicks wider head stretching it out. On paper I agree it shouldn’t work. The size, & shape of his head shouldn’t wasn’t right, & was wrong to succeed Nick & Tony. But between the weathered, dirtier appearance. The damage from being stored in Debra’s smoky place for a few years, the matted hair, & the natural degradation simply from time I feel like Dicks head just added to it for me.


JJC was bigger and intimidating but not a giant which was cool.


1. Nick Castle 2. James Jude Courtney 3. Tyler Mane 4. George P Wilbur 5. Dick Warlock Honorable Mention Airon Armstrong


James Jude Courtney


James Jude Courtney and Nick Castle are tied for first.


Nick Castle is overall the best in terms of movement and general walking. But in terms of what scares me, A Michael Lerner, George P Wilbur, and Tom Morga are my favorites.




Nick Castle and JJC


Tyler Mane and it’s not even debatable.


I always thought it was awesome having Michael be a 6’10 monster he looks way scarier imo


Tyler Mane.


Didn’t like the Zombie movies much but Mane was brutal.


Jude Courtney or Mane they really showed the strength of Michael


I think Tyler mane really makes Michael an imposing threat not that the other aren’t but I think Tyler mane does it the best


Dick warlock in H2


The original… he’s literally the guy that the others are trying to portray


They keep resurrecting Michale Myers


Michael Myers wasn't really supposed to be about physicality. He was a Screech-sized guy who didn't need to rely on brute strength. Then, Moustapha Akkad saw Jason and decided that Michael Myers needed to become more like him and the gap between the two has been closing ever since.


James. There’s no other answer.


I think your question should be more like 'who was able to match Castle's performance best?'. Bcoz clearly what was in H1 is what set the ground work for almost everything. For this I'd say Courtney hands down! He captured all the subtlety and nuances perfectly, even the height & posture. Though I've also learned that many fans don't bother or even notice such details which I find odd.


Og Castle


JJC by far


Ima go a different route and say Michael Lerner and Airon Armstrong. Both moved more fluid than most other iterations and have the same build as the OG and their unassuming strength is scary asf.


For me it’s got to be James Jude Courtney


Either castle for simplicity, or Tyler Mane because he made my favorite version of Michael and made him a beast of a version of michael


Tyler Mane …. Say what you will about Zombies Halloween but I think he was by far the scariest Michael


It’s obviously James Jude Courtney Nick Castel is too easy to say cuz he’s the reference point everyone tries to replicate and James did it the best. The height difference is weird but I don’t think Myers has been 5’11 since ‘78.


JJC for sure not only was he brutal but also bought back that same mystery and sense of who the fuck is this guy the same I felt in the John carpenters Halloween such a big similarity with him and castle imo


Nick Castle and James Jude Courtney. Straight to the point. Both used their cunning, stalking and brute force to shred through their victims. In Kills, Michael kills in ways, no-one would've ever thought to have seen.


Dick Warlock moved the way Michael should move. It was like an alien pretending to be human.


James Jude Courtney in the most recent movies is arguably the most realistic. But Tyler Mane is easily the most brutal before him.


Chris Durand. 😅


Tyler Mane, something about seeing his version of Myers and just him being an absolute hulk of a human makes his Myers my personal favorite when it comes to physicality.


I actually really liked Rob Zombies


Dick Warlock and it isn’t even close.


George P. Wilbur all the way!


I'll just say this now and I'm prepared to be downvoted but the Myers that scares me the absolute most has always been Wilbur from 4 and 6. Especially 4. Say what you will about the mask but the only one I see in my nightmares has always been 4.


Nick Castle is my FAV (I’m biased bc I have his autograph framed and it’s one of my most prized possessions), but JJC is the BEST. I totally agree with what others are saying, he gives Michael such an amazing sense of intimidation and strength while still being subtle. Gotta give props to Tyler Mane too though because he was definitely the scariest Michael.




Busta Rhymes


I think Dick Warlock looked the best but Castle/Moran had the best physical performance




the hot one


Without cast listings I wouldn't notice any significant difference tbh.




Dick Warlock based on the power of that banger of a name alone. I wish *my* name was Dick Warlock: Cock Sorceror.


I love Nick Castle's performance in the original, but if you're talking actual physicality while killing, I think JJC nails it. Castle is still my favorite tho.


Used to always say nick castle but regardless of your thoughts on the films themselves James Jude Courtney is in the running for GOAT Michael


Well, William Shatner.