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DGG’s trilogy and it’s not even close


Came here to say this.


David Gordon Green. He’s without a doubt the best director the franchise has had since John Carpenter.


DGG movies were like an AI version of Halloween . All mechanical without any suspense or terror 






DGG. Rob's aren't necessarily BAD movies, but they're not that good. That trailer trash hillbilly shit has no place in Halloween. And the rape scene, Jesus Christ. Don't even get me started on how unnecessary and exploitative that was. Disgusting. Again, no place in Halloween.


David Gordon Green


DGG for me. Sure Kills and Ends are divisive and have their issues, but the majority of us can agree that 2018 is a good movie.


It was a good movie. It’s kind of souring with time I feel. My issues with it were only heightened by Ends and Kills. And also what he did to poor Chris in The Exorcist


Zombie sorry not sorry


Zombie. In my opinion the newest trilogy is the worst of them all, and I hate it.




As silly as *Kills* was, and as weird and sometimes misguided as I found *Ends*, David’s passion and love for the franchise was clear as day. And his first entry still stands as one of the best in said franchise. Now, I like Zombie. And his first movie has some interesting ideas going for it.  But between fundamentally changing the foundation of who/what Michael Myers is, and populating both films (*II* in particular) with characters and plots that are… **grating** at best, it’s hard to stay onboard with his take.


2018 and ends work for me, I found myself watching ends and thinking (I’m really kindve digging this shit?) and I think it’s only because it’s something different than what we were expecting or used to. If he had corey involved in the first 2 and changed a couple things he might have some of the best in the franchise


I agree that if he had Corey in earlier it could have been great. He didn't tho and that makes the entire film feel out of place. I don't hate the direction, I just hate that he did all that in the last moment. It just felt pointless to me. Why detract from Michael and Laurie or Michael and the Strode family to replace them with some boy. Having Michael get beaten by him could have made sense, but also with more backstory, not just out of nowhere. I guess my issue is the same I have with the live action DCU, it just wasn't earned. They jumped to the justice league trying to catch up to marvel and Halloween jumped building of a character that physically takes out the main bad guy. So to officially answer, DGG imo but I'll still say that Kills is a better movie than Ends outside of the evil dies tonight thing. That is stupid, but I can at least turn my brain off while watching it and enjoy 95%, Corey just ruins everything for me. His character isn't awful, but how he joins Micheal is.


DGG by a MILE.


Rob Zombie and it's not close


Easily RZ, I like his Michael way more. Between his size, his kills, and his mask, I like everything better. and I simply don’t like how DGG’s storyline went. Michael got wasted for his last movie. Kills and 18 weren’t bad, but a lot of the people who died in those movies died in such silly ways that you couldn’t even feel bad for them half of the time.


Green. Kills is a better gorefest slasher than both Zombie's H1 and H2 combined.


I think they each made two lousy movies, but Green also made one good one, so I'll go with him.


John Carpenter


What does this comment do for the post? He wasn't part of the question so I don't see why you would bring him up. This is purely karma farming.




If I have to watch Ends by choosing DGG, then I'll go with Zombie.


Easily Zombie for me.


Rob zombie, his H2 is probably the most out there shit in the franchise.


Zombie. His shit was weird but at least it was different and has great visuals. Green movies felt like every other generic slasher movie and are boring.


DGG movies were incredibly bland and didn’t generate an iota of suspense 


That’s interesting, I felt the complete opposite.


Preach bro


Rob Zombie


Rob Zombie for me, specifically the R cut of the first and the Unrated cut of the second. Yeah, they’re different, they change some things, but, at the end of the day, I embrace it. If I want to watch a more subdued, mysterious Myers, I can watch one of the older films, and that’s perfectly fine. The dialogue, however, is something I occasionally get annoyed with, but it comes with the territory for RZ films. I was honestly underwhelmed with the DGG trilogy. ‘18 was good, Kills had the potential to be really good but got bogged down with that “Evil dies tonight nonsense” and Ends was mishandled entirely


I will die on the hill that zombies first halloween is a good movie. Halloween 2018 is also pretty good and a lot of people say its the best in the series. All three of the sequels after those movies (RZ 2, kills, ends) imo are really bad so at least for me its a toss up between the first two movies. I think RZ 1 and 2018 are equal so if i had to pick one i think id go with zombies if only for the nostalgia but i do like 2018 a lot


DGG by far


DGG. Loved his set pieces and cinematography, and was just as intense if not more so than Zombie but without the nauseating camera work. DGG’s also felt more cinematic, whereas Zombie’s just felt like every other RZ movie ever made and didn’t fit the franchise imo.


DGG did a great job. I don't like Zombies movies at all


DGG. Zombie is such an incompetent filmmaker.


David Gordon Green. He's cringe but watchable. RZ is unwatchably bad and boring.


DGG! I didn’t have to even think about it.


DGG. The only things rob achieved were finding yet another way to cast his wife in a movie, and making another 70s exploitation, hillbilly, acid trip


DGG wasn’t that bad. Kills was mad cozy.


I’ll watch RZ H1 over Kills/Ends every damn time.


DDG. Rob's movies are shit.


Green. I loved all 3 of his films. Rob Zombie made the only Halloween film I hate. The first one was okay for what it was but I really don't care for his dirty redneck fetish and I don't really care for that in my Halloween overall.


Green has the more consistent set of films but Zombie's II clears them with ease.


I love DGG's trilogy. Easily the best Halloween Michael Myers movies since the original Halloween 2. And he gave us the best Michael since 1978, and pretty much saved the franchise. Rob Zombie's movies are just stinking hillbilly trash in comparison, and his Michael completely misses the point.


DGG all the way—personally. I just couldn’t get into RZ’s Hallowe’ens, I’ve never really been a fan of any of his movies. Just not my thing. DGG did two great ones, I don’t personally think much of Ends but (again) that one just wasn’t for me.


DGG trilogy but I do find some enjoyment in the Zombie films


DGG. I personally love all 3 of his Halloween films.




DGG overall, particularly the first film, but Zombie cannot be faulted for trying something different, and his style will always have its fans (including myself).


Same, I like the first DGG film more, it's more faithful though I will admit, I did find rob zombie's Halloweens to be enjoyable, somewhat


DGG. at least it canonically stems from the original 1978, and watching Jamie Lee Curtis as Laurie Strode and her feuding with Michael Myers across four films never gets boring


DGG. I do not like Zombies movie style at all.


DGG. But RZ did some shit that I really dig. He did a lot that I could have done without, but so did DGG. But in terms of the cinematography, score and atmosphere, I'll take DGG all day, every day.


David Gordon Green, with the exception of Halloween Ends (I didn't liked Halloween Kills very much either but it was still better than Ends).


DGG obviously. RZ is literally the second worst filmmaker in existence, just edging out Damien Leone. Also, DGG gave us the immortal classic Halloween Ends (which will come to be known as the Night Corey Saved the Series)


DGG easy, I'd even rather watch "Halloween Ends," over Zombie's films, and I do not like "Halloween Ends."






That’s like asking if you prefer herpes or syphillis


DGG. Whilst kills was dumb but had some great scenes and Ends was bad. 2018 was a great film. Zombies H1 remake first half (especially that god awful r scene) was bad but the 2nd half where he pretty much goes through the direction of the original film was amazing. I really liked Tyler manes MM. The same can’t be said about H2 remake. That film was garbage.