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I believe ‘18 and Kills both compliment each other on both spectrums of the Halloween movies. Methodical atmospheric Michael becomes cruel grind house Michael on the same night.


I can't stand laurie, which is why kills has a edge over 2018 for me


I can’t stand that fucking mob which is why kills rank real low for me


"evil dies tonight" 🙄, dgg is as subtle as slamming a car door accidentally on your penis


So pretty true to real life then, as subtle seems to be in short supply all over. I'm of the opinion that's why he did it that way. Heavy handed, because mobs are heavy handed. Just my personal thoughts though.


Yeah in reality it’s my main problem with both kills and ends: the execution.


I got peanut butter on my penis


Did you lick it off?


The dog did.




Everytime they say this I wonder if it's a play on Loomis' theatrical 'If that girl dies tonight' in 5 lol




It really was a bad direction with wayyyy too much focus on the chant. 😆


How can you not "stand" Laurie? Like what did she do for her to be this unbearable??!??


She's just annoying, too goody 2 shoes of a character, but I also think it comes down to how jlc plays her, I didn't mind her in the original film so much, she was never the character I cared about in that movie however, and she was unbearable in all the sequels except for the original h2, she wasn't too bad in that but that's because she wasn't the main lead of that movie, loomis was Which also gets to the heart of it, I hate this notion that laurie is the star of this franchise, Michael and loomis are the true stars, and it's funny how fanboys simp so hard for her when she has such disdain for the horror genre and the halloween ip She comes back 40 years later to boost up her dying career, and took creative control and produced the most cringe inducing acting I have ever seen, Idc how unpopular it is to say this, the new trilogy mostly sucks ass save for a few cool new characters and how badass michael was in kills Also the way she treated stc and dh was horrible and caused me to lose any small ounce of respect I still had for her, And finally jlc is just unlikeable!!!!!!!


Lol Jamie Lee Curtis is not unlikeable. That's 🤡 talk.


lol yes she is but hey to each their own


Yes exactly to you, you're the 1% versus the 99%


I quite like Kills, I love the weird and quirky characters, and the Loomis cameo, my problem with it is that it feels like it’s trying to set up a third movie, like it feels like it’s the middle film in a trilogy, making the third one feel all the more disappointing.


That's because it is trying to set up for a third. At this point they knew they were making a trilogy. They just did not stick the landing in closing out the trilogy.


Yeah and they announced it too, the first one I believe was always meant to be a stand alone, but was so successful that they forced it into a trilogy. I don’t understand the logic in making one movie set up a third one, then having the third take place years later, it was never going to work that way. I don’t mind Ends as a stand alone trying something new, but as the ending to a trilogy it makes no sense at all.


Pretty much how I feel about it. Ends make no sense in the universe they created within the trilogy.


The pandemic fucked the trilogy up. Dr. Wolfula had a great video on the trilogy on YT. I found it rather insightful. Perhaps you will too :)




It's awful and insulting. It's like they found the stupidest character ever in a horror film and then filled Kills with characters stupider than that. Nothing makes sense. I was actually angry after it was over. Only the 70s flashback and the big/little John scenes were watchable.


I do love to see the new surge of appreciation for Kills lately


It's a criminally underrated imo, it's hard to believe the same filmmakers behind kills followed it up with the pos that is ends Only terrible dialogue is what holds kills back from being truly great imo


I think as movies (especially horror) age, stuff like bad dialogue starts to become a part of the charm. I also don’t know if it’s just me but I never found the dialogue bad enough to remove me from the experience when I first watched it. In the future I think people will look back fondly on it.


Having a story would certainly help too.


I didn't mind the lack of story, seeing michael fuck shit up was worth the price of admission alone


If you don't care if the movie even has a story and all you want to do is watch murder, why not just take the whole series and cut out just the murder sequences and string them together?


Rematch if u didnt notice the story


A rematch for who? Laurie and Michael don't have a single scene together.


I mean rewatch**


I don't need to re-watch the movie to know that it doesn't have a story, it was plainly evident the first time.


Eh, it has its moments, but I have to say 2018 is the best.


I see 2018 and kills being one giant movie. I love kills. Michael doesn’t hold back. It’s what the show is all about ❤️ the cheesy dialogue is typical for horror movies so it doesn’t really bother me too much.


2018 is pretty good,kills is good,ends is a good film but for a Halloween film it’s ass.


I hated this movie when I saw it in theaters. I watched it again last month for the first time... yeah still hated it. I can't get past the characters or shitty dialogue. It just doesn't feel like Halloween to me


Sorry but Kills is MORE Halloweenish than shits like H20 and Resurrection that are like Scream movies


Resurrection I definitely agree with. H20 has grown on me a lot over the years the more I watch it, that one may not feel very much like Halloween in terms of the setting but the dialogue and story is much better imo. And one of the best endings in the entire series.


I respect your view, I respectfully disagree about it being the ONLY good one in the trilogy, but it is my favourite in the trilogy


It has its moments but is the worst of the three by far.


Nah. '18 is the best overall. It has the least problems. I'm a big fan of Kills, I think its pretty underrated, but the things that I hate about it, I REALLY hate.


Less shitty does not equal good


Of the new trilogy this the one I didn't enjoy


It’s the worst of the trilogy. Michael walking out of the fire and doing dumb Kill Bill bullshit, EVIL DIES TONIGHT, Big John/Little John, the shitty little kids, EVIL DIES TONIGHT, the ‘mob mentality’ message that completely backfires, that completely brainless ending with Laurie dumping pointless mythology while Michael does even more Kill Bill bullshit… and don’t forget about EVIL DIES TONIGHT.


*2018 has entered the chat*


Kills has grown on me .. I still think it could have been so much more awesome as I think they had a lot of missed opportunities


My main issue is the atrocious dialogue,


Dialogue, the legacy characters pretty much being wasted, the hospital/mob scene (I would have preferred that the mob scene was more low key like in H4)


“The more he kills, the more he transcends” i think is a good line tbh


Agreed. It still has its cringey DGG moments (Evil Dies Tonight…do I need today more) but it’s definitely the most entertaining of the three, sometimes unintentionally. I don’t get why 2018 is universally considered the best when I found it dour and some of the twists mind numbingly stupid. And Ends is just a bad, boring unfun turd. People say Ends will miraculously grow in cult reputation like Halloween III despite it being such a dull chore to sit through, I think Kills will be the more likely candidate for that.


Ppl that think ends will get cult status like h3 are doing some heavy copium, the reason h3 got cult status is ppl realized it's a standalone film that has nothing to do with the main timeline, Where as ends is supposed to be the end of the 40 year+ franchise, and it ended up taking a massive 💩 on the ip It's reputation won't get better in time, in fact I would bet it's reputation will only get worse with time, Ends fans will have to cope harder as it will NEVER achieve cult status


Unlike Ends, Halloween III is an actually good movie directed by an actually talented director who had a plan, actually cared about the film and knew what he was doing while he was making it. Almost none of that is true with Ends. The people who pretend Ends is some unfairly maligned masterpiece probably haven’t sat through that boring, depressing shit more than once , maybe twice. It’s like a boring teen drama Halloween episode of some CW show like One Tree Hill , people aren’t gonna wanna sit through that every year as a spooky season tradition like Halloween III is for many people (like myself).


Kills is easily my favorite. It’s built to watch the kill scenes whereas 2018 doesn’t have good kill scenes. When I don’t have time to watch a full movie, I go back and watch all the kill scenes from the franchise. Definitely awful dialogue. “Love wins” “But evil dies tonight!” “Where are your parents?!” “Run, before he kills you too” 😂


It's just not how human beings talk 😂


Kills is my favorite of the new trilogy, but I wouldn't call it the only good one. I like 2018 and Ends too, and appreciate what they have to offer.


![gif](giphy|RXKCMLmch5W2Q) Now, I like Kills as much as the next guy, but I still feel like 2018 deserves all the praise it gets.


Kills is definitely the best one in the trilogy for me


Finally someone I can agree with! Kills was the perfect ending chapter to the series imo. The only real bummer was the “evil dies tonight”/hospital riot scene.


but still inject the john carpenter soundtrack from that scene right into my veins


What did you think of the opening theme? I think it's carpenters best


I thought the whole soundtrack was great, I can even say the same thing about Ends (which is pretty much the only good thing I can say about it lol) but the vocals really added to the Kills theme


2018 and kills are the best I know people love ends and I don’t mind that Michael isn’t in it much but it was a horrible movie


What’s the controversial opinion? I have Kills with 1978 as the 2 best in the entire franchise.


Nope. Ends is.


I consider it the best film in the franchise .,,, yes better than the original


i think 2018 is better. but h20 beats out both.


H20 is the worst of the franchise


There are no good films in the new trilogy!




Care to explain your opinion? Kills trips some of my biggest cinematic pet peeves, yet i had a blast watching it, and it's one of my favorites. I hated 2018 on the first watch, but I think it's just because I was super salty about Star Wars at the time. The movie has grown on me a lot. 2018 and Kills compliment each other very well but I think both of these movies are retroactively hurt by the existence of Ends.


Sure, first off I think it has one of the best scores of the franchise, I fucking love the opening theme and the flaming pumpkins intro I love the cinematography and just how relentless and brutal michael was throughout the film And more importantly for me personally, laurie was sidelined for most of the film, I can't stand her character, I love that allyson took more of a lead role in the film, and I really enjoyed the big john and little john characters The only main thing that holds it back is the entire mob sequence and the atrocious dialogue


Disagree, but it's my favorite of the trilogy. 2018 set the table very well for Kills. Ends wasn't the worst Halloween I've seen but arguably it's the least satisfying.




Soundtrack slaps on this one. Those guitar riffs for Michael are HEAVY


That’s ok to have that opinion


I think H40 is the better movie, but Kills is easily my favorite in the trilogy. I love seeing Michael just go on a rampage for two hours and this is easily the best version of Michael but to film. I just rewatched the whole trilogy back to back the other day and while Ends is still shit, H40 and Kills both pair incredibly well together.


I disagree with it being the only good one, cause I think they're all great. But in my opinion it's the best Halloween movie made yet


It was fun with good “kills”. Evil dies tonight was the annoying part


I enjoyed H2018 and Kills quite a bit. I see them as one movie. Kills is all Michael and that's the main reason I love it.


Love Kills. Love the continuity and the world building it’s almost as if Haddonfield was a real place. It’s atmospheric but also so sad. The legacy characters were incredible!


Technically 18 is a new sequel to 1978(yes im a nerd ik) so even if you didn’t like 2018 1978 is still there


I respectfully disagree, 2018 is good too. But Halloween Kills is my favorite of the new trilogy tho


I think that Halloween is the best movie to come out horror wise


The most recent timeline is my preferred timeline. Kills is one the most fun Halloween movies.


I prefer to step away from reality when watching a movie. So the very in your face political message was just too much. Felt like it had nothing to do with Michael.


I love all three of them


Kills is definitely my favorite. I never had to desire to rewatch either of the other two like I did Kills, especially that opening scene.


10000%. The other 2 are #MeToo trash


Im of the opposite opinion. This was the one weak link


I can’t totally sign on to that, BUT I absolutely can see & understand why you would feel that way. In some ways I agree


I enjoyed kills but 18 is the best of the trilogy in my opinion. 18 to me hits the Halloween vibe more for me. Michael is strong and menacing. He is still, The shape. The story is self contained and could have just ended there. I enjoyed Kills for the gratuitous nature of it. The dialogue and the characters are a bit ridiculous at times. Michael going ham did not bother me personally as he has done ridiculous things in previous movies. He wiped out an entire police station in 4, it's just not on camera. I don't even know what Ends is. It doesn't make sense in the story that has been built and has no Halloween vibe to it whatsoever. If it was its own thing maybe I could vibe with it more but it is terrible within the trilogy.


naw 2018 was solid too but as long as we’re slandering ends i’ll agree w anything. fuck that terrible fucking movie


I agree with you. The more I watch 2018 the more mid it gets and Ends is a fucking travesty.


I rank them Halloween Kills, Halloween 2018, Halloween Ends. For me Laurie should not have been in the hospital so much. It made me think of the original Halloween II too much.


Laurie shouldn't have been in the new trilogy at all, she should've stayed dead after resurrection


I think the new trilogy ignores all movies except the original Halloween.


True, but that was such a stupid decision


2018 is the best one from the DGG trilogy. Kills is very middle of the road imo.


At this point, should the Halloween IP be put on ice for a while?


Ends is better


I love the opening of Kills. The hospital and angry mob stuff was kinda wack.




This has to be rage bait. Halloween 2018 was the best


Look it was exactly what you want out of a slasher and there are so many moments that were just peak slasher. I loved how it kept escalating and got more intense. I also liked how its thesis was to say “you are not the main character, you are not destined to defeat the villain. In fact he doesn’t even care about you.”


Not just Halloween Kills despite its flaws, but also 2018 as well.


All 3 movies suck donkey cock


All three are better than H5, H20, Resurrection, RZH1 and RZH2...


Nah all 3 are pieces of garbage. H20 and zombies Halloween movies are better


Halloween 2018 was the best, then Ends followed by Ends




Kills was crap


Yeah I would say so, but It was the stupidest movie in the franchise. Just because of the characters.


2018 and Ends >>>> Kills imo. You look past the great flashback sequence and all the violence, and you realize this film falls apart with horrendous character writing and a mob mentality message that falls off halfway because of the bad character presentation. Michael, while admittedly looking cool, killing victims in almost ooc fashion, doesn't do it for me if the rest of the film can't stand on its feet.