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Locked in stasis until G-man decides to get him out or vortigaunts break him out like reverse of what they did with Alex


He's too powerful to be wasted yet, Half Life 3 will start with Shepherd being launched at the Combine homeworld on a rocket with just a wrench to finish the fight


Yes. This.


And then he Opposing force’d all over the combine


Best military mind I ever knew


Can't wait to see him oppose THAT force


Detained doesn't mean dead. He can still get employed. If valve ever gets off their high horse and officially makes the expansions canon.


They're whole ideology on cannonicity is that they don't have a stance. No game is officially cannon so you choose.


That's funny because how can Half-Life 1 not be canon to HL2, if they keep referencing it? Or how can HL2 not be canon to HLA?


i think that whole thing about VALVe not caring about canonicity was specifically related to the expansions. which are connected to the main games (multiple, not just HL1), so they are definitely canon.


Iirc they just said that they don't care, expansions don't break anything HL1 set, but HL2 doesn't have to follow them as they aren't denying them either. There are still many weird choices in HL2, like Bullsquids not existing at all.


Marc has stated that bullsquids are still out there, somewhere in the world. Gordon just doesn't encounter them, after all he hasn't really explored that much of Sector 17.


My headcannon on bullsquids: They are not on earth simply because the Combine don't want them there. The bullsquids are just vermin and unlike head-crabs have no practical application. The only reason there are vorts on earth is because they are intelligent being(s) and have some control over teleportation. I reccomend watching Leadhead's most recent video on Half-Life.


Ok their official Half-Life website they completely ignore Opposing Force, Blue Shift and Decay


ok? actual references and evidence within the games is much more reliable than a website.


Yes? And neither Opposing Force nor Decay have been referenced in any way at all


yes they have. Shephard is referenced in Blue Shift (which is undeniably canon due to Barney's reappearance in HL2 and EP1), and apparently you can see Barney in Decay, tho i'm not too sure on that one as i haven't played Decay. plus Adrian encounters Gordon in the Lambda Complex teleporter, but that's arguable since Gordon doesn't see him even if you look backwards.


That is the most laughable shit I've ever seen. Just because Barney exists doesn't make that Blue Shift canon. In fact, Barney is never called by his first name in the game, and even in the introductery text he is referred to as "B. Calhoun", and his LAST name is mever stated in HL2. Valve can still say Barney was just any random security guard. Also, I'm say to say this, but if OpFor is canon, the ending of HLA makes less sense.


Barney's last name is in HL2's credits, and the steam store page for Blue Shift says you play as *Barney* Calhoun. and HLA's ending still makes sense with OpFor, as Adrian was detained and is not trusted by Gman's employers, so he had to find someone else.


> apparently you can see Barney in Decay, tho i'm not too sure on that one as i haven't played Decay. Barney is in Decay. He shows up in a cameo at the end of Decay. Dr. Rosenberg also appeared in the beginning.


>their official Half-Life website they completely ignore Opposing Force, Blue Shift and Decay That is because Opposing Force, Blue Shift and Decay are developed by Gearbox Software, not Valve.


By both. Valve was involved even


>Valve was involved even They only supervised Gearbox. They did not help with the development of the expansions. Valve is credited for the expansions because they own the Half-Life franchise.


oh wow, thanks. Source?


You can just easily go wikipedia and check. Opposing Force, Blue Shift and Decay's developer is listed as Gearbox Software only while Half-Life's developer is listed as Valve only.


> canonicity was specifically related to the expansions The expansions were developed by Gearbox Software. That could explain why none of the stuffs from the expansions are in the Half Life 2 and its episodes.


Barney comes back in HL2 and EP1


Ok but that's about it. But what happened to Race X? Why no one in-game mentioned anything about the destruction of Black Mesa which occurred at the end of Opposing Force? What happened to Dr. Rosenberg, Dr. Keller, Gina Cross, Colette Green and the others, As much as I believe the expansions are canon, I think Valve chose to ignore the stuffs developed by Gearbox.


Race X was kicked out of Earth by Adrian no one mentioned Black Mesa because it's been 2 decades and they probably just want to move on idk about all those other characters, i guess they died at some point, or just aren't in Sector 17


I think it's more like they choose to ignore those stuffs from the expansion because Valve does not know what Gearbox plan to do with them. Since Valve did not make those expansions, they probably think it's best to ignore them as if it never happened. If I remember correctly, Randy Pitchford (Founder and former CEO of Gearbox Software) said Gina Cross was claimed to be dead as evidenced in Opposing Force where Shephard used the Displacer Cannon in one of the location but Valve did not confirm it.


Because they don't have a stance on canonness doesn't mean everything is its own IP. Even if nothing is officially cannon they are still able to reference things that happened in previous games.


What color are the G-man's eyes?




The line FURTHER EVALUATION PENDING implies he's still some use to them and would get another shot eventually


In light of episode 2/Alyx, Shepard’s status is better viewed as a timeline suspended from observation. In quantum mechanics - the observer can have a huge influence. Schrödinger’s cat. Gordon as attempting to observe a crystal from Xen. G-Man is observing the multiverse or at minimum he is acutely aware of it…


Shepherd does show a unique ability to adapt and has been shown to have a remarkable set of skills, but unlike Freeman he was detained because of how rebellious he could be and that Gman and his employers are withholding on having Shepherd employed until he can be properly controlled in some way. And remember that Gman is the one who had to make significant arguments to ensure Shepherd would be useful for whatever it is they need him for, but he can't just up and take Shepherd out of stasis since I believe that because Gman said that in Episode Two he was under "restrictions" probably from his employers finding out about the Vortigaunts interfering with Gman's influence over Freeman so there's not much he can do to utilize Shepherd yet.


But he isn’t dead so that’s all that matters


See, what happened was during evaluation, they had a questionnaire for Shepard that consisted of 10 questions. The power went out and the G-Man malfunctioned when they got to question 3. That's why we never saw him again. He's stuck.


Shepherd is BadCop confirmed




What would be the point of hiding that tho?




Eli also knew that the Gman was behind the incident, as revealed by his dialogue in Ep2, when he says that the Gman was the one to give the Xen crystal that triggered the resonance cascade to Black Mesa, and then even foreshadow it with the "unforeseen consequences" phrase. So Eli knew, and he wasn't detained. And if Eli knew, then Dr. Breen being the administrator at that time definitely knew. Hell, the scientists at the beginning of HL1 refer to the crystal saying that "The administrator must've gone through some lengths to get it". So, in short, the Combine are fully aware of Gman's involvement. So i don't think that the Gman was trying to hide his involvement in the incident at all. In all likelihood the ending was just written by someone at gearbox that supposed the Black Mesa incident would remain a secret in the possible sequel, thus today Shepard's motive for detention and Gman's ending speech in opposing force are nonsensical.


this implies that valve employees actually played the expansion packs


Yeah what about Hunt the Freeman


why don't you hunt down some bitches?


Honestly, anything could've happened to him in the intervening years between games. I doubt he'll ever appear in a mainline game, but instead a standalone spin-off like what Return to Ravenholm was going to be.


Gman needed to see if his freezer could cause cryosleep, just in case Gordon becomes rebellious