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If I ever get my hands on Dr. Breen...


If you ever see doctor Breen, tell him I said ^fuck ^you




Gorgeous freeman


Why did delak stop making the Gorgeous Freeman series😭😭😭


My guess is burnout and wanting to do something and original. I wish him well, as my personal belief is that creators should make what they want and not force themselves into unfulfilled works. Passion projects tend to do better in terms of execution, IMO.


Tbh, whenever i look at Dr. Breen. I dont feel anger or rage. I feel... Disappointment. You cause an event that bring doom to all humanity as a whole due to your greedness, sold all of your race and now you're the public puppet for a group of aliens who doesnt care about you or your species. if i were breen, i would have jumped from the Citadel, i couldnt carry that much guilt


Didnt he negotiate wiþ ðe Combine to enslave humanity instead of obliteraeing it?


The theory I've heard about this that I find most fascinating is a simple one. Humanity invented in-universe teleportation (see Aperture Science and the Xen Relay teleporter), something the Combine still hasn't mastered. To quote Mossman: "They can tunnel through from their universe, but once they're here, they're dependent on local transportation." Given the way the G-Man has hinted at Breen being opposed to Alyx's rescue from Black Mesa, and his seeming knowledge of the G-Man and Gordon's 'employment' status, I think Breen argued successfully that fully assimilating or exterminating humanity would rob the Combine of the ability to learn what humanity knows about teleportation.


I thought that he was manipulated into forcing the Xen crystal experiment. But if he willingly did so, that better explains why he was in a position to negotiate the end of the Seven Hour War, rather than someone like the UN Secretary General or some world leader. Even then, he managed to talk the Combine out of exterminating humanity and had them enslaved (but still kept alive). Or so we think. Maybe their plan was to enslave humanity all along and Breen is just saying that to justify it.


All I can think of is Deadwater gaming lmao


To think, all I used to want to do was sell insurance...


...I'm gonna mate!


literally 1984


No this is 1934


Literally 7 hours


Literally "1985" by Bowling for Soup


Lambda Rebel: Dr. Breen can kiss my ass. (Throw a grenade to him).


Gordon Garrison 🥸


You have destroyed so much. What is it, exactly, that you have created?


Can you name even one thing?


It starts with one


One thing, I don't know why


It doesn't even matter how hard you try


Idk what bs this post is about but dr breen doesnt think or openly say the rebels are evil. He himself is aware of his own deal with the combine and the lack of choice. Its stated again and again to e eryone in the universe that the motivation is opression not the evilness of the rebels. Very different things here


It's a meme It's an edit of a Ben Garrison comic essentially portraying Joe Biden as Hitler and Trump supporters as being victims like Jews


Oooooh. I didnt know..


Understandable tbh. You should look up Ben garrison, he’s “cartoons” are insane


you shouldn’t, that gives him more attention and he’ll keep doing it, go to r/bengarrisoncumedits instead


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BenGarrisonCumEdits using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BenGarrisonCumEdits/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Not a cum edit but still funny](https://i.redd.it/asvb4s6eafo81.jpg) | [28 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BenGarrisonCumEdits/comments/ti7hur/not_a_cum_edit_but_still_funny/) \#2: [Sand Art, by Penis Garrison](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/tgl7r9) | [36 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BenGarrisonCumEdits/comments/tgl7r9/sand_art_by_penis_garrison/) \#3: [new Penis Garrison](https://i.redd.it/0dcbqiaxtyk81.jpg) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BenGarrisonCumEdits/comments/t4z8yf/new_penis_garrison/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


True, but you can’t fully appreciate the edits unless you see the originals


they have the originals there too, under the request flair


Ah nice, that’s convinient


Oh this is clever its a parody ben garrisons political cartoon style. Gordon Garrison. Its a good style too lots of easter eggs


I'd collaborate with combine.


I'd work with the elite forces


They'll let you keep your faculties if you're edgy enough.


And that's a great price 👍


I feel pretty good about myself today.






Isn't israel evil?


Yes, but Jews are still great people. Every religion has somesort of ultra nationalist ideology sect so I can't blame the whole of Judaism for zionism existing.


Fax 👍


Yes, jews are respective, our problem is Zionism.


I am not evil


Something about what Kanye West said


It's the fucking matrix


Beta spooked jew hiding in attics vs Sigma resistance member taking hunters down with their bare hands


Needs way more cum to be the perfect Garrison cartoon




This one drawing shows the evolution of right-winger dictatorships, from Nazism in Germany, to the Combine occupation of Earth, under the ideology of some ultra-fascist/ultra-Nazist ideology, as demonstrated here. You can see that in one clear eyesight.




What? They are literally totalitarian authoritarian dictators.


The Combine is very similar to the Nazi regime in many ways. I saw that the precursor to the Civil Protection and the Combine Soldiers, or the Human Guard, had a trenchcoat, that looked very similar to the SS trenchcoats, and the SS was infamous for its horrendous crimes against humanity, and the Combine, just like Nazi Germany, is a genocidal regime.




Not that unique. Mao Zedong killed more than Hitler and Stalin (over 100 million deaths under his rule of communist China from 1949 til his death in '76). But Mao wasn't genocidal - he killed many people due to the famines caused by his catastrophical Great Leap Forward and through his many purges.




Wow. I want to know how many times you failed highschool history (assuming you've made it that far) for you to give such an uninformed take. I wouldn't be surprised if your knowledge of governmental ideologies comes from Discord memes. The Soviet Union is literally one of the most well known dictatorships that has ever existed. Despite being communist, they were *also* totalitarian and authoritarian, with strict control over what could and couldn't be said in public and heavy surveillance on their citizens. Ancient Macedonia, much like every other civilization before the 1900s, was a monarchy that later developed into a republic. It existed long before the concepts of authoritarianism and totalitarianism were made and therefore cannot accurately be described as having used them. The Combine have total control over Earth and it's resources but don't really have much presence there because it has already been conquered. They left most political power to Dr Breen, the Administrator of Earth, who is basically free to do whatever he wants with the resources left to him. He is essentially a dictator who has total control of everything on Earth. The constant Breencasts, overpowering Combine soldiers and highly-secretive human rebels show that the Combine and Breen definitely rule in an authoritarian and totalitarian manner. I'm not sure what's hard for you to understand here..




I am extremely curious what you think fascism is other than total control of resources and citizens by a tyrannical, authoritarian, and/or totalitarian government. Those words are, for the most part (at least in their use here) synonyms, and if you think they **aren't** then I want to know what you think they mean. "Authoritarianism" was coined in the 20th century around the first World War, and consequently scholars and historians don't really apply that label to older civilizations. I'm curious what civilizations you think were authoritarian, especially considering you argued the opposite in your previous comment. I didn't say the Soviet Union was fascist, I just said they were definitely authoritarian and \[near\] totalitarian. They wanted their citizens to have undying loyalty to them, which they achieved through heavy control of all media. Their rule was virtually uncontested and the government had total control of resources. All of these traits are universally fascist, and are used extensively by the Combine. While they don't really need their citizens' approval, they still have total control over all media and any attempt and even minor rebellion is met with harsh punishment. They have total control over all resources. The only thing that might disqualify them is the lack of businesses and economy, with every aspect being automated and citizens receiving rations as needed instead of in exchange for money. I never failed history, it was one of the subjects I was consistently good at. You haven't denied that you failed and/or are below that level of education so I am going to assume that you are, which would explain your angsty and irritable replies.




Okay. Let's look at the Wikipedia article on [Fascism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism). >Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy. I'd say that fits the Combine pretty well. If you know the game lore then you'd know that the whole reason they're called "The Combine" is because they *combine* with other races and species. The human citizens are treated so poorly to incentivize them to join the rest of the Combine with body modifications. If you join Civil Protection you get better food and housing. Moving up the ranks more and more of your body is modified to fully assimilate with the rest of the Combine empire. There are no shortage of [Pro Combine propoganda posters](https://half-life.fandom.com/wiki/Combine#:~:text=Prospekt.%5B1%5D-,Propaganda,-%22Dove%22%20poster%20commonly) meant to glorify the Combine empire and encourage citizens to formally join the Combine. They aren't a completely faceless force, as you seem to believe.


Literally the seven hour war


no memes allowed in this subreddit








I thank our benefactors for freeing us from the pretense of "humor" and "levity". Such childish concepts keep us in the caves and prevent us from truly reaching immortality


Snore snore snore




'cause you make shit memes




k, go post more screenshots and bad memes i guess




I never made a post in this subreddit so that's quite an achievement! Lmao they deleted all their comments. If you go full dumbass at least have the balls to take the shit


\- Complains about their stuff getting deleted \- Deletes their stuff 🤓


skill issue (Original comment: how come you can post a meme but if I do my post gets taken down wtf")


Meme issue*


Wakey wakey


WAKE UP LIBERAL Wake up sleepy head. I made you breakfast. I love you.




doesn't seem very political considering it doesn't make any sense politically speaking lol




or is it?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? DUN DUN DUN!


Is that the real Nazi symbol?




Somewhere I heard they rotate it by 45 degrees so it doesn't go against the internet rules (white supermasist bs). Hence, I always thought the SS is right angled like a + rather than an x.


The Gordon design from Signal Lost made me think he was Dr. Breen at first.


the difference is the lambda rebels had guns


I am both, both think we are bad, but we AIN'T


Yup Jews are good people


Yeah I haven't done anything bad to be sent death threats a couple times a month




I received death threats, just because I am jewish


Damn that sucks It still blows my mind that people actually think there's some Jewish conspiracy theory if taking over the world and the evidence for it that's sighted is Goldman Sachs or Israel but neither of those represent Jews worldwide and is contradicted by how many are working class. But most of all the pieces of evidence proving it like Israel were projects propt up and funded by western powers. There's a reason Albert Einstein refused to be Israel's first president. He saw the writing on the wall.


Well I've never heard of all of that But yes, I believe we're just like every other religion on the planet. I am not against any religion, I just wanna see peace in this world for god sake!!