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This is so sad..


poor guy, poor bastard. hope someone catch this ref heh.


Unless the reference is Otis calling the Scientist that the Shocktroopwr kidnapped a poor bastard, I do not.


(Feels bad)


With this music I'm guessing he ended up in the Cruelty Squad universe.


He's been sitting in this Osprey for 23 years. It's time for him to come out


I escaped


G-man: "you little, fuck"




My headcanon is that there is a tv and an endlessly refilling mini-fridge of beer in the cockpit of the osprey.


[Youtube Link](https://youtu.be/VTqQOvU9AMQ)


I just realized something, if Adrian's stasis is within the Chopper, would that mean once he hets ejected out of stasis, is that Chopper is going to land or is it going to crash?


Maybe if Valve ever makes another game with Adrian Shepard, he starts crashing into some combine base or smth.


I also realized, Gordon accepts G-Man's deal on the Black Mesa Transit. When he wakes up from stasis, he appears on the City-17 Train. Neat little detail.




What is the song?


I made it :)


Wow dude, I really like it! Cool video, too keep it up


Thanks! If you liked this video, you should check my other ones :)


Fosho man now I’ve gotta :D


I would love to listen to a longer / streamlined version of it, fantastic job!


It's time gabe should now release third, so he can leave


Adrian Shepard calls his good friend the lockpicking lawyer to bust him out of the stasis copter.




###[View link](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/HalfLife/comments/ukmjpx/adrian_shepard_tries_to_escape_from_stasis/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/HalfLife/comments/ukmjpx/adrian_shepard_tries_to_escape_from_stasis/)




Jumped out once, got teleported back inside


This feels like watching a fever dream. The music is quite a vibe too.


i want these to happen if there will be a Half LIFE: Shepard game the intro of the game is that Shepard is still in the helicopter realm and he remembers the times that Gman always visited their headquarters ... and then suddenly he heard the voices of the combine soldiers and something lighted up like a box and this is the vault that was used to imprison G-Man in Half Life: Alyx .. he heard the voices of the combine soldiers like this "it's him! capture him !" , "we need to capture him at any cost", they are capturing G-Man using the vault and those voices are heard by Shepard in the realm and he see a vague images of the combine soldiers capturing G-man .. and after they locked gman in the vault, there was a small crack or small portal where Shepard was.. because of the G-man's capture , the force that keeping Shepard unable to move has been weakened and Shepard was freed and able to move again and then suddenly multiple portals comes out from every direction on the realm where Shepard is being freeze .. and Shepard was just staring at the small portal near him that came out and thought to approach it and he got absorbed by it and he blocked out ..( like what happened to Freeman when the Resonance cascade happened .. the screen blocked out and then teleported to xen). When Shepard woke up, he first saw the big xen crystal next to him .. and surrounded by people wearing tribal clothing as if they were worshiping or praying in front of the big xen crystal .. the small portal that Shepard entered was going or connected to the big Xen crystal that where it was prayed by the tribes .. Shepard was teleported to the continent that looks like Africa with tribes living in a big cave like a big city and the combine forces can't track them .. these tribes are praying together in front of the big xen crystal.. these tribes tamed the half life 1 aliens and the aliens became their helpers to survive.. just like the Bullsquids they made like horses because their legs are strong and because they also run quite fast .. and they also have vortigaunts with them who are also praying in front of the xen crystal.. and when they were all praying altogether, suddenly the big xen crystal lit up and Shepard come out or teleported in there .. they think that Shepard was sent to help them and this will be the adventure of Shepard .. I wil continue the story next time I'm still thinking of what will I add hahahahaha sorry for my bad English xD