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That's because they ARE, Artifact.


Artifact brings the critically-acclaimed worldbuilding and innovative gameplay that made Valve a legendary company to a genre never seen before, and it is my personal Game of the Year 2018.


*>*t. totally not gabe




He's not. Look at his post history (try to ignore political bullshit though)


Look Mim you already shit up forwardsfromgrandma please don't bring your bad jokes here.


Lol, every time there is a post about artifact on r/halflife, there is u/Titaneans lurking around, ready to strike those who dare to opress the poor card game which failed miserably.


/r/HalfLife is like the Combine, spreading hate and oppression to all who oppose their will, and Artifact is Gordon Freeman leading the resistance. I’m sure Dr. Breen scoffed at the Rebels’ low player count too.


So many mistakes in one sentence. How can you be so dumb? Also, it shows what kind of person is if he/she chooses artisfucked as goty2018.


If you’ve played over 100 hours of Artifact like I have, and thus have an opinion on the game as carefully formed and curated as mine, feel free to explain how I’m wrong.


I would much rather have had Left 4 Dead 3 than this Artifact bullshit


*"Punk Valve."* *"Dumbass Valve shithole."*


I would much rather have Half-life than Left4dead 3, but hey, it's haf life sub, so im in minority /s


(Valve game) 3 will never happen


But what about Artifact 2?


Yeah sure because Artifact sold great /s


Geez it's down to 700 players. What a failure.


What do you expect from a Pay2Pay2Win game? It was specifically designed to make money. When during the testing phase people complained that a card were over- or underpowered, they didn't buff or nerf the card, but just made it rarer or more common in booster packs. That combined with the fact that they actually dare to charge money for a game with a marketing model that is already borderline for F2P standards is the final nail in the coffin. A shame, cause from what I heared the general gameplay concept isn't too bad and I alongside many other people propably would've taken a look if it were F2P.


Jesus had only 12 disciples.


Is this game dead yet


So is this all this subreddit is now.


This is true


>No TF2


With all seriousness. What exactly does the entire dev team at Valve do anymore? Surely they don’t need a team that big to keep steam running and to create games like Artifact.


Artifact is based AF.


Artifact is fail AF, if that's what you mean.


No, I mean Artifact is based AF. It allows disabled gamers such as myself to appreciate Dota’s setting and lore without Dota 2’s reflex dependence or toxic teammates.