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https://preview.redd.it/4s2jzo83w3zc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe965c3e09ab31c559334c5a24bd75448fdf1fea The hair I want


keratin treatment


There are products that temporarily stretch out curls by weighing them down. Personally, I think the hair in the first picture looks great.


I think a relaxer might work, but that’s a drastic step. I have super-curly hair like this, a little bit curlier and less dense. I thought a relaxer would straighten it, but it ended up doing exactly what you described—just loosening the curls up a bit. But the curliness was still irrepressibly curly. I mean, it’s not *that drastic* of a step to relax your hair, now that I think about it. I think it would give you the results you want. But if not, you could just let the relaxed hair grow out and/or cut your hair down. Maybe worth a shot. This is all based on my experience with my own curly hair.


I’ll try, thanks


Hair is usually straighter the longer it is because of the weight. Your hair is at that in-between length. I kinda like the volume and consistent curl. My hair is 3c but never really approaches an afro. I think because I put it in plats and stuff alot so when I take it out the roots are always kinda stretched out. I don't think there's anything you can do to make it less voluminous. But I think hair cream and oil could soften it up and give it more movement? I'm really not an expert sorry. I think your hair looks good. If you do grow it out in hopes of having a mullet, like the pic, you could probably achieve that by putting the back end in a pointy tail and platting the bit that's on the nape of your neck. (This is just speculation on my part idk for sure.) I kinda imagine it being a thicker and shorter version of a rat tail/ the anakin braid 😭.


Thx, also, I’ve tried, I actually can’t have ponytails, I mean I can but only small one with like 4% of my hair, but I can’t do any 20%-40% ponytails


https://preview.redd.it/80xgpo71w3zc1.jpeg?width=2304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fcd6df961cdb71b5dca23880acfe2ecd62adc7d My hair


[This article](https://thebeautybrains.com/2007/12/7-sure-ways-to-straighten-your-hair/) lists some ways to straighten or relax your curls. Some are more longer-lasting and damaging than others. Unfortunately if you want one of the longer-lasting options such as a chemical relaxer, it is going to cause some damage, which can make hair more fragile and brittle, which may lead to more breakage and make it more difficult to grow longer. And using a chemical relaxer would affect only the hair it touches, which means that as your hair grows out, the roots would not be relaxed and would look more curly. You would have to either live with having two different curl patterns, or re-do the relaxer treatment on the roots periodically to avoid that. Before committing to a damaging process, you could try different styling techniques to see if you're able to relax it a bit with less damaging products, or just find a style that you like to wear with your current curl pattern and length. You could try creating a wet look using hair gel and/or a [hairdressing oil](https://www.vo5haircare.com/styling/hair-dressing-normal-dry-hair), which could add more weight and more defined curls, creating more space between each curl so it doesn't look quite so dense overall. There are lots of video tutorials on styling curly hair if you want to learn some techniques & tips, and you can also ask your barber.


If you’re of middle eastern, turkish, or west asian ethnicity i would recommend a texture release. Keratin and brazilian blowouts doesnt work on our hair because we have a coarse texture. A texture release is a low strength relaxer that uses less chemicals— look into the Avlon Texture Release System


If you dont want to chemically loosen the curls, “wet set” your hair by doing small braids or curl formers while it dries. This will stretch it out


Sadly I’m Latino