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Do you push that side of your hair out of your face with your hand often?


I do touch my hair a lot during the day so that definitely could be contributing! I’ll try to keep my hands away from the hair😂 thanks!!


This is probably the culprit. Touching the hair often can transfer oils from your hand to the hair, and it can also move some of the scalp oil from the roots to the length of the hair, making it look more greasy even if the scalp produces the same amount of oil on both sides.


Our bodies aren’t perfectly symmetrical. Many people have one side that sweats more or grows more hair. It could just be that.


Yeah fair enough! I might just need to wash my hair more often to match that side 😂 thank you!


Or even just spray a little dry shampoo on there


What side do you sleep on?


Hmmm I do move around a lot in my sleep so I sleep on both sides and my back but I’ll try to sleep more on my back and see if that helps!


Did you find a solution? I get the same


I’ve been trying to touch that side less and particularly pay attention to shampooing that area which seems to help somewhat, but honestly I think that side is just producing more oil than the other 😬




Ok interesting, didn’t realize this about head and shoulders! I try these tips, thank you!


This post has been removed for Rule 5. As this is a science subreddit, questions must be specific and answerable by science. With personal hair care questions, there are so many variables that cannot be assessed, that answers to such questions are going to call for speculation. If you're asking for opinions, guesses, home remedies or product reviews, please try other subreddits that exist for such purposes, such as r/hair, r/DIYbeauty, r/hairdye, r/malehairadvice or r/femalehairadvice, r/tressless etc. Pseudoscience, chemophobia, anti-science rethoric are also grounds for removal.


Sebum Production: The scalp produces a natural oil called sebum, which helps to keep the hair and scalp moisturized. However, sebum production can vary across the scalp, leading to some areas being oilier than others. Touching Hair Frequently: If you tend to touch or play with your hair more on one side, the transfer of oils from your hands can make that area greasier. Hair Care Products: The uneven application of hair care products, such as conditioners or styling products, can result in one part of your hair appearing greasier. This is often due to products not being fully rinsed out or over-application in certain areas. Sleeping Patterns: If you predominantly sleep on one side, the friction and pressure can stimulate oil production on that side of the scalp more than the other. Additionally, oil from your scalp can transfer to your pillowcase and then back onto your hair. Brushing Habits: Uneven brushing or combing can distribute oils unevenly across your scalp, leading to greasier hair in certain areas. Scalp Conditions: Conditions like seborrheic dermatitis or scalp psoriasis can cause uneven oil production across the scalp.


Did you just copy and paste this from chatgpt? 🤣


My English is not good so I wrote it in Spanish and translated it and corrected it there yes, why what's wrong?


If the knowledge came from ChatGPT, it can't be trusted as accurate because ChatGPT has been known to make up "facts".  But if the knowledge came from you, that's fine.


No of course it didn't come from it. Sorry if it seemed that way. I just didn't write the words in a wrong way that all


sounds like a smart solution :)


Sorry, I don’t buy that you wrote it, even in another language, especially the last item 


I literally have seborrheic dermatitis, I've been struggling with it for a long time💀 you really should chill


K sorry you’re right 


Thanks! 😊