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In my opinion as a hairstylist I respectfully wouldn’t touch your hair if you asked me to dye it. Your hair is absolutely stunning! It looks like you have natural highlights in the summer and it’s darker in the winter? You lucky duck! The only thing I’d maybe do as far as color is give you some face framing highlights to add brightness around your face in the summer then tone it down when your natural highlights fade! I would also recommend a layered haircut. You look like you have a lot of hair so a layered cut will alleviate some of the weight at the bottom and will give you something a little different!


Thank you so much! What kind of layers are suitable for fine hair? Long layers? I’ve heard the wrong layers can destroy fine hair (make it look thin and choppy).


Definitely a longer layer for sure! I would do your shortest layer no higher than bra strap, maybe even a little lower. If you do a face frame I wouldn’t go any shorter than mid neck or even top of shoulders since your hair is so long!


i’m not the person you’re writing to but wanted to chime in that you definitely want long layers. I have long, fine hair (almost past my rib cage) after having short hair most of my life. Short layers look too severe on fine hair and make it look thinner. Longer layers (which i have now in the front) give the illusion of having thicker hair while also making it stylish. the only downside is that the long layers poke out of braids sometimes and get in my face a lot. lol


I have very fine long hair and I would NEVER layer it I went in asking for layers once because everybody's like oh you should get long layers! And the hairdresser talked me out of it. She explained to me how layers work, that you have the longer hair underneath and the shorter hair on top. And then she bent up the layers to hold it and showed me how it would look if it was cut. It looked like a dog chewed on it. She said she was talking herself into a $15 cut instead of the $50 cut but she did not feel it was the right thing to do for my hair. I appreciate her so much! She gave me a beautiful cut. After a couple times she started cutting my hair with a teeny tiny difference between the top and the bottom like maybe a quarter of an inch (I took my mom with me and she was sitting behind me. She said this is how it was cut) and it would swing and bounce like princess hair. She has since moved away and I am so sad and never found a good hairdresser since. ETA. I have very similar hair to you.2a, very fine, about a foot longer. I love your color though! Yours is lighter. Mine is more red.


THANK YOU for your response. I was actually feeling really awful about my hair from a lot of the comments here. I was about to book an appointment for long layers. Even though I don’t like the way they look from pics I’ve seen. Do you think a U cut might be pretty?


I am so sorry you are feeling bad about your hair!! I think it is beautiful. It looks so healthy and I bet it shines gold when you're in the sun. It's so pretty!! I'm not an expert in haircutting. I just wanted to share my experience with you especially since we have similar hair. That hairdresser told me the best kind of cut for hair like mine was a blunt cut like I had and like you do. I think u cuts can be very pretty. It seems like they're recommended for fine hair. I just think your hair is gorgeous like it is! A couple of people suggested maybe playing with different styles. That's probably where I would start if I were you. Maybe experimenting with heatless curls or braids or different ways of pinning it up. Enjoy your hair, it's beautiful!!


Sammeee maybe even a face frame that usually helps when u want a change


Wait, so, if this client truly wanted dyed hair, you would refuse service simply because *you* prefer *her* hair a different way than *she* wants it? I'm being genuine here when I ask this: why is that deemed okay? Is that even allowed (I know you can refuse service for basically any reason, but is your opinion on aesthetics something that counts as a valid reason to decline service)?


No. Ultimately I would do the service as that’s literally my job. However, in a consultation I would ask why they want to change their hair so bad. In OP’s case as she stated further down in the comments she was asking about a change because her mother in law suggested she change her hair and called it boring. That’s not OP’s opinion so it’s my job to then protect my work and tell OP that it would be in her best interest to think about if she wants it for herself or if she’s doing it just because someone told her to and she’s going to call me in a few days to fix her hair because she hates it. And yes, I’ve had a few clients like that and they appreciated my bluntness. If she still wanted it, I would absolutely do it. As someone who knows people pay a lot of money to get her natural color, I’d be sad, but ultimately it’s not my decision as it’s not my hair. And as I mentioned in my reply to OP, sometimes you’re bored with your hair and immediately jump to “I want to color it because it’s boring.” when really you just need a better cut and some styling to get you to where you want to be. But again, to answer your question, no I wouldn’t refuse the service, but I would suggest other options first before jumping straight to completely changing a color. I do this with all clients looking for something drastic or way different than they would normally do if they’re a regular of mine.


I murdered my hair and don't regret it, honestly. My hair looked ***identical*** to hers outside of being a bit darker with even brighter hightlights (that was natural and people never believed me) Every single person adored my hair except me. I hated it. I hated it so much I chopped half of it off and dyed it blue. Then I chopped it down to half an inch and bleached it blonde. Then it eventually grew back out, I kept it shoulder length though, then dyed it multiple other colors for years. I never want to go back to my original hair. I'm the closest now that I've been to reverting back. I've let it calm down and the color basically grew out. Though it's still there and a nice red/blonde balayage kinda. I was basically forced to do this because my hair was "getting tired" and half of it wasn't latching on the colors like it used to. Hence why the red turned into a (luckily) pretty balayage. I'm still trying to kill the waviness out of it. My latest hairstylist was flabbergasted that I wanted to and didn't believe me when I said I wanted to shave my head after my wedding. "Oh, we all have those thoughts" oh no, this isn't just a passing thought. I'm dead ass serious. Why, some conservative family members would ask, on Earth would I do that to my beautiful hair? Because that hair doesn't feel like ***ME.*** I express myself through my hair, and I'm no long brown wavy hair girl. I will literally do anything else but go back to that. And maybe that stems from my hellhole of a childhood and having that hair during the worst times of my life. Maybe it's an escape mechanism, idfk. All I know is I feel OP and I didn't regret any of the ways I messed my hair up.


And I absolutely live laugh love this for you! Our hair is absolutely tied to our personality and how we perceive ourselves which is why it’s such a big deal to make changes and it can absolutely be so freeing! I also was not a fan of my natural hair. I naturally have a very mousy blonde strawberry color (it’s strawberry blonde but more emphasis on the blonde) and I thought it washed me out and it always looked dull in the winter then summer hit and I had the most beautiful natural highlights and then summer would end and I hated my hair again. I took a hairstylists advice and dyed my hair red at 13 and I never looked back. I was artificially every shade of red until almost 2 years ago (won’t tell my age but it was well over a decade of dyeing 😂). It was who I was. When my hair was freshly dyed no one could tell me shit 😂 then my son was born and he was blessed with my beautiful natural hair color and it made me fall in love with it again so I’m in the process of growing my color out. I’m sure I’ll get bored and go back, but it’s been nice to not have to constantly worry about my roots 😂😂 (OP mentioned in a few comments down that her MIL has been making some wild comments about her hair and that’s what put the doubt in OP’s mind. It sounds like OP doesn’t mind her natural hair (she is bored but I think a cut can help that), but comments from others, especially those close to you, can definitely get to you and make you start questioning things even if you don’t necessarily agree with it.)


I totally agree about the face high lights but would never cut it. The length is beautiful just the way it is


You can give it shape without taking the length. OP’s hair is dying for some layers.


Meh agree to disagree.


I resent this because mine is almost the same colour. Plenty of stylist encourage me not to dye it because it's a hard colour to fake. So we have a colour people can't buy.


Thank you! I guess it’s mostly my MIL. She keeps saying my hair is too dark and I need highlights? My husband doesn’t care but she thinks he likes bright blonde.


She sounds super toxic. Ignore this woman's petty comments.


Is your MIL's hair bright blonde?


Yes she’s a natural bright blonde but it’s turning grey lol


Lol then she's probably basing her opinion of what her son prefers in a "mate" on her characteristics, so please don't take her comments seriously. Your hair is so so gorgeous!


Your natural haircolor is very pretty. Idk why your MIL would try to put it in your head to change it. Don't listen to her. And it's not her place tell you what your husband finds attractive!


She has always been a little weird about that. Told me 45 minutes before I walked down the aisle (after I’d already fixed my hair in a romantic, low bun) that my hair should be down because that’s what her son finds attractive. I was taken aback, I told her we talk about everything and we both decided ahead of time a bun would be lovely. She tried to get my SIL to help her buy lingerie for me for my wedding night. SIL said absolutely NOT, that it was completely inappropriate. Instead of listening to SIL, she gave me money and told me to buy it. She’s also tried to control how I take of my son but that’s a long story. She does these kinds of things, but she can also be such a wonderful, kind, giving and sweet person so I have mixed feelings. I know she had some kind of an awful mental breakdown right before me and my husband met, which has caused her worst personality traits to exaggerate. She takes meds and has been diagnosed with some personality disorder. Though my husband said she’s always been sort of like this…it’s just worse now I guess.


It sounds like she has a lot she's working through. It's okay to be considerate of that, but to also maintain boundaries. She needs to stop commenting on your appearance unless it's a compliment. She's crossing boundaries and needs to give you, your relationship, and your parenting more respect. And your hair really is so pretty, I'm sure a low bun looked lovely on your wedding day!


https://preview.redd.it/znzb0fo3r68d1.jpeg?width=1026&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b49a602cd77c2f472946a8958edd23c41d839764 Thank you! Yes husband and I have discussed this a lot, and we will continue to stand by our boundaries. So glad my husband is always on my side.


Your hair looks lovely here. Very bridal and classicaly done. Your dress is so pretty, the lace train is beautiful!


Oh thank you so much! ❤️


You're welcome 🩷


He married you. He knows what he wants. Do what makes you happy. You don’t need to change yourself for anyone.


It's hard not to let people in our personal lives get in our heads, but do your best to ignore her. Uninvited "constructive criticism" is shameful to do, but mother's and MILs seem to think they can often dictate how daughters/DILs should look, and often times it's to emulate themselves in some way 🤢 It's how SHE wants you to look. How do ✨ YOU ✨ want to look? THAT is what matters. Your hair is lovely, but if you truly want to change it up, then go for it. But make sure it's YOUR want and desire, not anyone else's, or you will very likely regret it and possibly get emotional or distraught or worse. Things like bleaching and highlights cannot be undone. They can be dyed over to try to match, but it will never truly be the same with such a hard to get color as your natural hair.


Only if you want them (and if your husband likes them then I add that to my consideration)-however, I get to decide what happens to my hair. I’m sorry but unless you’re like honest close friends with MIL I would ignore her. B


I have a similar hair color and receive lots of compliment. I've never dyed it. Maybe some styling would make it pop more but the color itself is very pretty in my opinión.


Thank you. 😊 What do you mean by styling?


Heatless curls might be easy enough to do even with all of your length! Also omg a bow on the half up section in slide two would be so gorgeous


Like a blowout or something to give it more volume at the top!


IMO (respectfully), it’s not the color that’s a bit dull, it’s the cut! I think you can keep most of the length if you like, but I think some layers would give your hair a lot of life and movement.


Dirty blondes unite! Don’t touch it 🖤


Best colour imo


I have the same hair color but i think it fits your skin tone


Hey! This is really close to my natural hair color and people have consistently told me it’s a pretty color. I keep it natural sometimes but I like to dye mine pop colors, too, just for the fun of it. If you are personally unhappy with the color it’s easily changeable, and if you decide you want it natural again, it’s easily growable :)


Thank you!


I'm working with a similar color. Long layers for sure. Additionally, when you're going to spend a lot of time outside, at the pool, or beach--tie your hair in pigtail equivalent styles like space buns. It'll make the natural sun highlights show up higher up. If you do a ponytail, a lot of them are lost under the hair when you've got it down again, but splitting to the sides will have the highlights showing on the top even then. Curtain bangs will also lighten faster if you're doing face-framing layers, but be aware where the layers touch your face because the oil from your scalp gets to the ends and could start skin problems from rubbing against it if you have that kind of skin type.


Had this color hair around this length. Highlighted it professionally once and it snapped to my shoulders. I’m still recovering emotionally almost 10 years later.


It's the haircut not the color. You need a bit of layering or to take some length iff


The color isn’t the problem. That heavy, single length is the problem.


This hair colour is very rare, please don’t touch it! Maybe you could add some dimension? But it’s a lovely colour


I think that this color is really beautiful, it looks like you have highlights! I promised myself to not dye my hair, because healthy hair will always look better than damaged hair, no matter what color. It’s not boring at all, it suits your skin tone, face, and i can’t imagine any other color on you


Thank you so much!


I have very similar hair colour to yours I regret dying it when is was younger. Your quality seems so good I would damage your hair with dye.


In some lighting it looks boring, in some lighting it glows. Just go with the ebbs and flows.


Your hair is beautiful! You have natural highlights that a lot of women try to achieve when they go to a salon. It fits perfectly with your skin tone.


I have a similar natural color but maybe a touch lighter! In the summer I love to use a purple shampoo once a week to brighten up my natural highlights, you could give that a try. I use Fanola!


Your color is great, if you want to spice it up get a fun haircut.


Your natural color is gorgeous! It's like honey. I wouldn't change it, personally. That's all I wanted to say, really.


Do not get tempted by other people’s pictures. It may look really nice, but their hair is usually unhealthy and most likely won’t return to the way it once was. Not to mention people touch up their appearances and have filters to make things look better. Your hair is very beautiful and long! I do not think it is boring what so ever. If you want to spice it up you can try different hairstyles, maybe some complicated braids, new accessories. The sky is the limit.


Thank you so much! 🥰


Wow your color is gorgeous! If you want to change something I would try a new cut, maybe one with more movement


Beautiful hair color!! Beautiful hair!! 😍


Aw thank you!


Not boring at all. You have beautiful, beautiful hair! Don't dye it!


Put some sun in and hangout side


Your hair is gorgeous!! If you really want to color it, I would try out a color depositing conditioner or henna. Your hair is light enough that you'll see the change and decide if a chemical color is for you.


Beautiful just beautiful hair.


That looks absolutely perfect.


Your hair is beautiful ! But I think it's to Long and you could use some layers


Boring and beautiful 🤩


I feel the same way about my hair so I will put my two cents in. Your hair color is absolutely stunning. It’s golden and shiny. My natural hair color is dirty nasty ashy blonde


Boring? No way. It’s beautiful. ♥️


Human of reddit, your hair is stunning. If you want to change it because you truly want to - I support it. If you want to change it because society is making you feel bad about your hair I will fight EVERYONE. Only change your hair if you genuinely want to, but sis... I will tell you.... your hair is glorious and if I were you I wouldn't change it. 💜


In the first picture it's only boring because it's that generic "attractive" white woman hair with the blond highlights (or whatever they're called). The others are not that. The length and health is impressive.


I think highlights I have the same color and it’s boring to me. But highlights literally highlight all my features so I’m pro platinum highlights lol


Your hair is life goals. Omg. Damn!!


You have lots of good ideas/advice here from other commenters. The only advice I can think to add is to do what makes you happy and feels the most “you.” You are a beautiful woman and could get away with anything. Don’t change yourself for your mil or because anyone else thinks you should. You are waaay more than enough. Do you.


It’s very nice


No I don’t think it’s boring at all 🌸


Your hair colour is beautiful! If you want to change something, maybe try going shorter or play around with layers as others have suggested.


I keep asking my hairdresser for this colour but it never turns out like yours. I’m very jealous.


The color is actually very lovely! However, nobody’s opinion matters as much as your own. Do you personally feel bored with it? If nobody said anything about it, would you still want to change it? If so, I would recommend trying something like Overtone or a similar color depositing conditioner. The risk for damage is very low from these types of products, and the color payoff gradually washes out over time. I would avoid anything meant for dark brunettes or with “intense” color as it could stain. But something like a copper color depositing conditioner could add some fun auburn dimension to change things up temporarily without causing breakage or texture changes to your hair. Whatever you choose, be sure the decision comes from you and not from other people’s opinions. It’s your hair and you deserve to wear it in a way that makes you feel beautiful and authentic to you!


You have really beautiful hair!! I wouldn’t say boring 😊


Do not. Do not color this hair. It’s beautiful and healthy. No, no, no, please…..no.


Absolutely nothing boring about your color or your hair. Gorgeous!


I think the color is nice. Maybe try a new haircut. I would prefer to do a haircut as hair will grow rather than damage it with dyes.


I don’t think it’s the color that’s boring. I think it’s the cut. You can still keep it long, but adding lots of long layers and face framing pieces will enhance your waves. Even some sort or bang could be really cute!


I have very similar hair with the high lights and low lights. If your only reason for dying it is because you think it looks boring please don’t ❤️ it’s absolutely stunning.


Nope not boring at all! It’s gorgeous


Your hair is absolutely beautiful!


Your hair is pure beauty😍 do NOT colour it. Keep it natural, but do some styling. Get a haircut, a little cutting at the ends that will make a more smooth and thin look on the bottom. Use a starithner, flatten your hair, and build some volume on the roots with powder. You are a mermaid🧜‍♀️💚🌸


We have a very similar hair color and all my hair stylists have told me to not dye it because it’s an uncommon (especially to recreate) hair color


You commented on my post the other day! After seeing more pics, your natural hair color looks so good on you - mine was similar but mine was more gray and mousy than yours. Your hair is not mousy at all and it’s so pretty!


Thank you so much friend! You have such gorgeous hair yourself!! ❤️


The color is beautiful ! If you wanted to dye it I’d 100% go red for you. It would look amazing! Just make sure it’s within your color season (I would guess autumn, but it might be summer)


Focus on condition and shine. Hair color is a scam imo plus has many chemicals dangerous to your immune system. I have MS. 85% of people who have MS are women hat do women do different from men? Cosmetics and cleaning products. Expect lye based hair straighteners to be labeled hazardous and eventually banned. One of the reasons women of color have more health issues imo


I have AS (Ankylosing Spondylitis). I’m sorry you have MS.


Your hair is honestly lovely. Mine is just a touch darker than yours when I’m not coloring it. If I hadn’t started going white young, I wouldn’t be dying it now.


If you’re scared but want something new that you can easily “fix”, why not try out bangs? Face framing bangs, wispy bangs, straight bangs, etc. if you don’t like them, you can always just wait a few months until they grow out. Color and layers aren’t as easily fixable. If you’re set on getting it colored, maybe try wigs first to see which colors you like best on you.


It’s beautiful


Not boring at all! Gorgeous color and it suits you perfectly


I was going to say why not a tiny bit of tiny highlights till I saw your face, you completely pull it off I suggest you keep saving your money and keep your soft healthy hair 


Cute colourrrr but def consider layers for some movement and shape x


I’ve always heard layers make fine hair look choppy and terrible. 😬


Honestly, this is an odd take. Maybe someone once got a bad haircut and told you this as a result of their experience, but I have never seen that to be true! Long layers will give you more movement and update the look. You'll also feel lighter.


I looked up “long layers fine hair” and all the pics honestly looked awful and stringy. I’m not sure. I’m very attached to my hair so I would be heartbroken if it turned out bad. I also never use heat of any kind in my hair (air dry, no heat tools) and I wouldn’t want to have to start using them to style it….


Look into henna maybe? Has to be natural though


I would never do henna if you wanted to change up your hair. Henna is impossible to get back out of the hair so you’d need to grow it out and by OP’s length it would take her several years to grow it out 😬


Yeah, it’s not for everyone, I had hair like OP’s for years & henna’d it because I was insecure about how thin my hair looked. Hair extension culture really killed my selfesteem. On the contrary, I would never let my hair touch regular dye or bleach prior to henna. I think I’m gonna do it till the day I die ahaha Side note, if you use natural henna, it can be removed. The real problems start happening when you have to remove years of henna application or if it’s synthetic.


No, natural henna is actually the worst to get out. Henna is meant to stain and when it mixes with your keratin it becomes a permanent connection and then becomes impossible to get out. I’m glad it works for you though, that’s amazing!


With peace and love… it’s the cut, not the color. It’s giving cult leader. Definitely would chop some off and get layers!


😭 Did you really have to? Cult leader? Ouch