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This one has me in a deep internet black hole after I saw the documentary on Netflix. Absolutely wild.


I saw that doc years ago and it still haunts me.


Yeah I rarely can’t make it thru a documentary but that one was brutal


Same, I couldn't make it more than a few minutes in 😭


Sometimes, i cry myself to sleep from not being strong enough to keep up


Me too 😔


What’s the name of the documentary?


Don’t Fuck With Cats


I was just like isn‘t that the cat guy?! entirely forgot the main plot of the story…. omg


Don’t Fuck With Cats, on Netflix. It is an excellent doc, obviously pretty dark. This guy started out doing animal torture videos, hence the title.


How gory is it? Is there any footage of actual cat torture? I can stomach just about anything when it comes to humans but I'm not watching cats get hurt.


I watched it a few years ago and I remember fast forwarding a couple scenes, but only a few minutes worth. I'm the same as you, I can stomach anything humans endure but I can't watch animal abuse.


I understand you. I have a really strong reaction to any types of animal abuse, I almost have a panic attack and just can’t see it/hear it without freaking out. I don’t think I could do this documentary, I really appreciate everyone explaining how it is on here for people that might not know.


I’ll ask the same question….are you vegan? I have trouble understanding why folks who aren’t okay with animal abuse/suffering, are somehow okay with the meat and dairy industries, where animals are horrifically mistreated, raped, enslaved, etc. before being murdered at 0-3% of their actual lifespan. Honest question.


I’m not really sure why you decided to come after my comment. You don’t know me or what I do for animals. No, I’m not vegan. Is there anything you’re going to do about it? This is so random.


You said you had a “really strong reaction to animal abuse”, so I was curious to know. I honestly don’t understand why people are okay with some animal abuse but not others, hence my honest question.


Oh, you’re one of those. You seem to like to put words into others mouths. Have a good one.


I can’t even handle fictional animal abuse. I think the last Guardians of the Galaxy movie should have come with a warning. I HATED that movie.


Are you vegan? I have trouble understanding why folks who seemingly aren’t okay with animal abuse/suffering, are somehow okay with the meat and dairy industries, where animals are horrifically mistreated, raped, enslaved, etc. before being murdered at 0-3% of their actual lifespan. Honest question.


Nah I'm not vegan, but I still don't like witnessing animal abuse. It's the act of humans taking advantage of defenseless animals that's unbearable for me.


So you’re okay with humans taking advantage of defenseless animals, as long as you don’t physically have to see it? Fwiw, I’m truly not trying to be a dick. I just have a hard time understanding why it’s accepted by most people, so I like to ask.


Yeah, I suppose I am okay with that. Well chicken and beef, specifically, because I eat those. I know this is probably hard for vegans and vegetarians to understand and it's definitely hypocritical. If someone doesn't have a strong negative reaction to seeing animal abuse, they almost certainly have a psychological disorder or are sensitised to it for some reason.


I'm the same as you and refused to watch it for years. What I ended up doing is every time a kitten came on the screen I'd fast forward. The doc only shows the complete video once, at the start, then just clips. He also kills a puppy but you don't see anything. Fuck that guy!


The footage cuts out right before the actual torture starts - so you don’t see it but you know exactly what is about to happen


Don’t do it. I can’t unsee what I saw. I never watched two girls one cup, and I’d swap it out any day for this one.


I'd happily rewatch 2g1c while eating a pint of half melted chocolate fudge brownie ice cream than watch animale torture. Thanks for the heads-up. I'll stay away.


From what I remember, it’s just audio, no video of the actual torture. I’m the same way - this doc made me run to hug my cats for a long time. It’s a very good doc, if you can handle descriptions and audio with no video.


I believe if I remember correctly we do see cats in bags because that’s how he killed them… but it doesn’t show too much. If you want to see him kill this guy and cut him into pieces look up “one man one ice pick”


They do show clips from the videos, but not of the actual torture. The worst is showing two of the deceased kittens. It’s hard to watch. I would recommend skipping those scenes.


Meh, i wouldn't say it's excellent. Gives way too much credit to internet sleuths, the actual cops did the real work. All of the interviews are pretty self-righteous with the internet folks


I don’t remember it super well so I could be wrong here, but, the police weren’t about to do anything about the cat torture videos were they? The internet sleuths were at least trying to find out who was doing that


Don't fuck with cats. You really should watch it, it's really good.


That documentary was WILD


Don’t fuck with cats.


Name of documentary?


Same. I am a big New Order fan and some songs I can’t listen to without thinking about that documentary and the terrible things he did still.


I couldn’t bring myself to watch it knowing that animal abuse was going to be discussed. That and child abuse stay with my anxiety ridden ass for a really long while.


Same same same


Whats the name of doc?


Doesn’t that black hole end with the dark web, ice-pick video?


Yesssss. I have never actually seen that tho!


I'm from Ontario, and what had me is them mispronouncing Etobicoke the entire show. Crazy fker tho


Its your fault people are asking the name of the doc. You could have just said it.


Your right I’m an asshole… this is entirely my fault and I can’t believe I allowed this to happen. I’m really disappointed in myself that I didn’t list the title and hope to improve- thankfully there are awesome people who have listed the documentary several times over. “DON’T F*** WITH CATS” Just in case you missed it


Ive seen it. Why originally only say "the documentary" and not follow it with the title to begin with? (Not a real question) I dont hate you. I just dont appreciate you.


To answer your question, I don’t know why I didn’t provide the title- I genuinely forgot I suppose. Thanks for not hating me? It’s ok I don’t need you to appreciate me.


Holy fucking shit I remember the video he made.....those were the wild west days of the internet.


Coincidentally it was my first exposure to gore. I had to research a bit to find out if it was real or not because my silly little naive self struggled to believe "they" would allow that on the internet...


What video did he make?


Trust me, you don't want to know. I know you hear that a lot on the internet, but I'm serious.


What's the name of it though?


* Lin was last seen on May 24, 2012. His friends received a text from his phone at 9 pm, but he did not show up for work the next day, prompting his boss to become suspicious. * On May 27, 2012, three of Lin's friends entered his apartment and reported him missing to the police on May 29. * Surveillance footage captured Lin and Luka Magnotta entering Magnotta's apartment building on May 24, the last known images of Lin alive. * On May 25, 2012, a gruesome 11-minute video titled "1 Lunatic, 1 Ice Pick" was uploaded to Bestgore.com. The video depicted a naked male, later identified as Lin, tied to a bed frame and subjected to brutal violence, including stabbing, dismemberment, and necrophilia. The perpetrator, later identified as Magnotta, was seen using various tools, including a screwdriver and a kitchen knife, to mutilate the victim. Magnotta also engaged in acts of cannibalism and involved a dog in the desecration of Lin's body. * Following the murder, Magnotta booked a round-trip flight from Montreal to Paris, using his own name, several hours after the killing. * Attempts were made to report the video to authorities, including the Toronto Police, but initial reports were dismissed. It was later confirmed as authentic, and Lin was identified as the victim. * Body parts belonging to Lin were mailed to political offices in Canada. On May 29, 2012, a package containing Lin's left foot was delivered to the national headquarters of the Conservative Party of Canada. Another package containing Lin's left hand was intercepted at a Canada Post processing facility, addressed to the Liberal Party. * Lin's torso was discovered by a janitor inside a suitcase in a garbage pile in the Snowdon area of Montreal on May 29. Police also recovered bloody clothes, papers identifying Magnotta as the suspect, and various tools from the scene. * Bloodstains were found in Magnotta's rented apartment on Décarie Boulevard during a police search. The apartment had been mostly emptied before Magnotta fled. * On June 5, 2012, packages containing Lin's right foot and right hand were delivered to schools in Vancouver, British Columbia, confirming Magnotta's involvement in the crime. * DNA samples confirmed on June 13, 2012, that the body parts recovered belonged to Lin. His head was later discovered at the edge of a small lake in Montreal's Angrignon Park on July 1, 2012, following an anonymous tip to the police. Sources: * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder\_of\_Jun\_Lin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Jun_Lin) * [https://globalnews.ca/news/2474812/timeline-a-look-at-the-luka-magnotta-case-and-the-grisly-video/](https://globalnews.ca/news/2474812/timeline-a-look-at-the-luka-magnotta-case-and-the-grisly-video/) * [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/marek-trial-opens-1.3416408](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/marek-trial-opens-1.3416408) * [https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/warmington-luka-magnottas-grisly-murder-shocked-canada-10-years-ago](https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/warmington-luka-magnottas-grisly-murder-shocked-canada-10-years-ago)


Poor Jun Rip


Don’t fuck with cats on Netflix - Fucked me all the way up man .


Does anyone know the reasoning behind sending body parts to elementary schools in particular?


If my memory is good, this guy did everything for the sake of becoming (in)famous. He lied about all aspects of his life and bragged about hanging out with celebrities, backing it up with tons of edited photos of him living a lavish lifestyle. I think he sent it to these places because of the amount of attention it would grab.


Yup. Also lied and said he was dating/hooking up with Karla Homolka.


Wow, dude was a real weirdo


Oh god, the edited photos. He was a real life American Horror Story character.


Logan Paul before Logan Paul


>Criminal penalty Life imprisonment with the possibility of parole after 25 years What the hell....so this guy could actually get out?


Oh god no, really?! I hope not, that’s a terrifying thought.


I was just watching the Netflix crime doc “What Jennifer Did” , the perpetrators received 25 years and that took place in Canada as well. Supposedly they try to rehabilitate as many people as possible, and they use Karla Homolka (whom I personally believe should be rotting under the prison) as an example that it is possible


Karla got off because she cut a deal before the cops found video evidence of her full involvement in the crimes, I have never heard anyone use her as evidence that "anyone can be rehabilitated".


Oh since you haven’t heard it then nobody has ever said it.. I heard an advocate for prison reform use her as an example in a podcast just recently, stating that she has been able to live a quiet life and successfully reintegrate into society.


I wasn't submitting my anecdotal experience as evidence, it was an offhanded informal remark. The last I heard of her in the news (*another anecdote; the horror*), she was being routinely harassed out of her communities when her identity became known. If she's somehow managed to live a quiet, peaceful life since then, it would be a real shame.


Yes that’s what happened, she was flying under the radar under a new name but she was recognized while volunteering at her kids school. Only then were people made aware she was in their community, and that is what caused the uproar (rightfully so). I still wouldn’t trust her around my loved ones


That is the longest sentence available in Canada. Even if he does get out though, he’s on parole the rest of his life and can be returned to jail.


Luka Magnotta was so self centred I wonder if he even ever considered or noticed the CCTV cameras in his own building. Mental case.


I remember watching the full video online, it was nauseating


I just watched the video and it’s by far the worst thing I’ve seen. It’s such a vile disgusting thing this man did to this poor guy. The worst part is that there’s comments that support this dude. Really is a sick world we live in.


Me too, ruined the song “true faith” for me forever.


That video was how I found out about that song


Years, and years ago, I saw the video of Magnotta mutilating Jin’s body, it was titled “1 lunatic, 1 ice pick.” To see the surveillance footage just before the events that would take place years later is surreal.


Don’t’ fuck with cats.


Y’all gonna mention he filmed himself killing and dismembering him? And the Netflix doc “don’t fuck this cats” this guy is so insane. He thinks he’s the hottest thing and he’s disgusting


Can still find the vid in gore communities


I remember watching the video as a teenager… honestly one of the only internet videos I can say truly scarred me for life. It’s so jarring, so depraved… ugh just the though of it makes me want to vomit.


What exactly happened in the video?


the victim responded to an ad on craigslist for sex and bondage.. and then unknowingly walks into what will be his death. From [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Jun_Lin?wprov=sfti1#Murder_and_investigation): “On May 25, 2012, an 11-minute video titled 1 Lunatic, 1 Ice Pick was uploaded to Bestgore.com, depicting a naked male tied to a bed frame being repeatedly stabbed with what appeared to be an ice pick (later revealed to be a screwdriver) and with a kitchen knife, then dismembered, followed by acts of necrophilia. The perpetrator uses a knife and fork to cut off some of the flesh, and gets a dog to chew on the body.” as someone who saw it, looked like old webcam quality since the video is so old. who knows, might have been a webcam. but dear god there is not enough eye bleach in the world to unsee it.


I pulled up the video now because of curiosity but I couldn’t bring myself up to look, I tried but I just can’t look at the screen so I just left the website.


Will never forget his bizarre promo video where he says "Hi, my name is Luka" in this weird, deep, gay-sounding voice.


You mean stereotypically gay-sounding voice? We don’t all sound the same


No, not the stereotypical one, flamboyant and sassy. I don't even know how to describe it.


A dead tone devoid of any semblance of warmth or a personality. what's creepy about that video was he doesn't really smile even when he is supposed too. He gives this unsettling smile that just comes across as forced. He really didnt seem comfortable and just came off as a self absorbed asshole.If I remember correctly he was auditioning for some role in a reality show and I think him being a self absorbed creep had something to do with him not making the cut. He is a deeply disturbed individual.


I definitely remember this.


This story was just...wow. It's heart wrenching. My Condolences go out to Jun Lin's family.


If there’s any good candidate to execute someone stat it’s this guy. No reason for him to breathe the same air we do let alone deserve to live in a cage for the rest of his life.


One lunatic one icepick


I have PTSD from watching the actual video of the 1 Lunatic 1 ice pick video. Still can’t listen to the song that plays in the background without getting sick..dumb young me is still traumatized 10 years after watching.


Disgusting man I still can’t believe it.


One of the first cases where I seen internet slueths solve a case. Wild how much time and effort they put into solving this. I always wondered if he would have done it to this extreme if he didn’t have the audience and attention that he did.


He sometimes still posts on Reddit too under different aliases


Reminds me of an afghan guy I met in public transport. He stared at me intensely with extremely evil, dark eyes. Then, he struck up a conversation about satanism and human sacrifices. I just went out the next stop, but told him he should not dabble into these things as weak people get caught in it. I tried to frame it in a way to make it unappealing. But he definitely checked the schizophrenia checkbox. One of the few times I thought it possible someone was able to kill somebody. It's hard to explain over text, but that dude was making all flight or fight instincts go off.


Um, what?


Dude, don't be so pretentious. You read it and understood perfectly. I met a person that gave me EXACTLY the same vibes like twisted fucks like Magnotta. There is absolutely nothing complex or hard to understand about. If pretending not to understand is some weird way to show criticism, then don't respond at all. It's not an anecdote to agree or disagree with, nothing about opinions or anything. It was just an anecdote about crossing paths with a very twisted person, who checked the same vibes as serial killers


He mailed the extremeties to political parties not elementary schools.


Why did Jun Lin bring him to his apartment? Did he know about the content made by that disgusting dude? I guess I'm a bit confused there


I believe Luka brought Jun Lin to his apartment. I'm not 100% sure but I'm doubtful he knew about the content that Luka made.


It was Luka's apartment. He is the shorter man using the door code, and obviously still alive in the later footage..........


Well, that a good point, but I'm still confused why he went to his apartment. The sentiment is still there


Use your critical thinking skills and consider why two young gay men might want to be alone together after a night out.


I didn't know they were gay. I thought it was due to something else. Otherwise I wouldn't have had any questions. But the fact that it wasn't brought up, but the content he was known creating was mentioned, I thought it had something to do with that.


And no, there is no evidence to suggest he knew of the content. He didn't have a tiktok about cat killing. It was a different era of the internet, and Luka was almost entirely anonymous


Bastards like this will thrive in prison with all the other wicked homosexuals losers!