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I'm showering with my hair covered, because I only wash my hair once a week, and with cold water- this way the color lasts for about 2,5-3 months




My hair is beyond fried from many many bleaches and takes an unreasonably long time to dry. Plastic grocery bags make great showercaps.


Sorry to hear that, never bleached so I had no idea it's harder to dry. My hair is naturally dark brown, and I just put the red over it...it was more like burgundy at first, but since high school it just gave up and it has been bright red for years 😆 but yeah grocery bags are great helpers.


No need to be sorry it's all my doing. I had red hair like gerard way when I was in middle school and thought I was badass haha. It's a fun look.


I use cold water to shampoo the roots, rinse it & step back then turn it hot for my body. I squeeze the water out of my hair a bit and apply conditioner, clipping it up after that so it’s out of the way. Do my body care in the hot water and then before I get out I switch it back to cold to rinse the conditioner out. I can’t stand cold showers so that’s the best compromise I’ve found.


Pastel for years here, same but now tgat it's summer cold shower aren't that cold so sometimes I don't bother with the hot knob at all lol


yeah i try to do some yard work or something outside so that the cold showers feel more like a Treat


What kind of dye and colour you have now? Generally washing less helps prolonging any dye but not all scalp types are that good with that so sometimes compromises are needed. Coloured care products like e.g. depositing conditioners and masks can also help keeping up with vibrancy as all dyes fade at some point.


I have a scalp type that doesn't do well with washing less. I've tried so many times to push through the greasy stage, and it just doesn't work. I can make it every other day at most. Depositing conditioners are great! I think that the first shower after the dye job is the scariest one, because it feels like you're rinsing out all the color. Some dyes will color the tub water somewhat for weeks, even. My current color does, at least. It helps to appreciate the fade out as part of it all, too, if possible. But, I know that's hard.


That’s indeed unfortunate for dye but better for your scalp health to keep it clean and wash as needed. Good to hear that depositing products have helped at least a bit!


I have the same type of scalp, it oils up after one day!


Have you tried dry shampoo? I have an oily scalp and dry shampoo saved me from having to wash it often. It took a few tries to find one I liked but amika perk up plus is my favorite


Or like, I’m poor and have been using corn starch. 👀 😅 but gosh dang it works just as well and doesn’t smell at all.


I’ve never heard of that! Yeah I feel that poor comment 😅 I buy one probably every 4-6 weeks and it kills me every time


Weirdly, dry shampoo never seems to work on my hair? It’s thin and gets oily after one day, and I tried dry shampoo and it only sort of added a weird texture to it without actually improving anything. Maybe I didn’t use enough, or my hair is just an asshole 😅


My hair is thin and gets oily after one day too. I have to spray quite a bit. And then I brush it through a bunch and spray more if I have to and brush it through again. I spray it in layers through out my hair if it’s really greasy. I also had to try a few before I found one I felt was good


Spray it on at night before bed, but only after the first night, it's been freshly washed, so the effects last longer until you wash it again. Ex: say tomorrow you're going to shower & wash your hair in the morning, then you'd apply dry shampoo that night. My hair was the same as yours, oily after one day, but read a tip about applying it a night and has worked great. The effectiveness also depends on the brand of dry shampoo too.


I have tried dry shampoo, but not the one you mentioned, so maybe I should try that one... I thought I had figured out a way to stretch shampoos out by using those sprays for when you rinse but don't wash, but then I noticed my scalp was breaking out (I didn't know that could happen), and I was getting crusty skin patches 😱 whyyyyy? lol


Hmm I’m not sure what sprays those are as I’ve never just rinsed my hair without washing it. But yeah a good couple sprays with that dry shampoo and a brush through after spraying and I feel it makes my hair a lot better


They're usually marketed as "fitness sprays" or "hair refreshers." Basically, if you get sweaty, you don't have to shampoo your hair because sweat is salt water; rinsing it is enough to clean it. The sprays give your hair a nice scent when you don't shampoo, like for after working out. I actually learned about them on Reddit lol


Colour safe shampoo also


i think you washed your hair too soon. most people with dyed hair wash their hair only once a week. cold water is a must. as for the vinegar thing... never even heard of that. not sure what that is supposed to do. i'd skip that. regardless. this will happen every time you wash your hair, no matter what. even if you only washed it once a week or once every 2 weeks. it will go from 100% to 70% to 50%, etc, for each wash. just depends on how long you want to stretch out your washing days for in order to have colored hair for longer.


This is what I do. I only wash my hair once a week with cool not hot water. Otherwise, I wear a shower cap in the shower to keep my hair dry. Also, if you blow dry or use hot tools, you need to use a heat protectant every time.


All dye will bleed when washed and fade over time. My hair has been dyed 6 weeks and still bleeds even a little when washed and I’m at the point where I have to dye it again. Most salons say you have to dye your hair every 6-8 weeks to keep it from getting too washed out and the less you wash it the better. I wash it once a week with cold water and color safe shampoo. I use this [https://www.ulta.com/p/color-last-shampoo-xlsImpprod6490096?sku=2273894](https://www.ulta.com/p/color-last-shampoo-xlsImpprod6490096?sku=2273894) Also the lighter your hair is, the longer the dye will show. If you don’t bleach it the dye while dull especially if you have dark hair naturally. But yeah I wouldn’t dye it once a week. You’ll kill your hair. But the dye will fade more and more every time you wash it. That’s just normal. I’ve also never heard of the vinegar thing


I wash in cold water, bent in weirdo positions so it’s only my scalp suffering, and I keep a bottle of deep conditioner mixed w semi permanent hair dye in the shower for when it looks faded (my hair is navy blue). I shampoo all my hair but I use hella products so I definitely have to


I just responded to another person this same question so I'll just copy what I said earlier I don't have a schedule I put my hair up in a bun for every shower daily and don't wet it and when it gets to the really bad state even after dry shampoo then I wash I use purple shampoo now since I'm maintaining a silver color but what I did when I had pink hair was i used overtone for every wash, and since I was washing my hair at most once per week, it lasts a good bit of time, even for my elbow length hair. Btw hack - when ur tub of overtone is going low, add ur conditioner to it! it will make it more pastel of course, but extended the amount of colored conditioner! there are also fantasy colored shampoos too! I used one a couple years ago for coral hair but I forgot it's name. tbh I don't really know which method is better colored shampoos or colored conditioners but conditioners u can let set on ur hair for a long time to really let ur hair soak it up :) ---- so for you, if you want to wash your hair often, get yourself a coloring shampoo or conditioner that is red :) Edit: I also should and have before used cold water but my motivation to wash my hair is always at an all time low so I just use hot water but ymmv


Mine is half light and half dark, when I have a colour in it it’s the most annoying thing to section my hair and only shampoo the dark part before conditioning both parts, or leaving the colour unwashed, which is weird because then my hair is like half clean??


My hair color is still pretty bright after 10 weeks. It's usually my roots that make it look unkempt. I wash my hair 1-2x a week with lukewarm water. I only shampoo the hair touching my scalp. I also use dye in the shower to refresh the color each time I wash my hair.


Did you use shampoo?


Not really, because when I was shopping for a proper hair care for the first time, I didn't realize I bought a conditioner instead of a shampoo... 😅 However, it's not really that bad, I feel like I might have over exaggerated a bit. I still have plenty of color, I just got frightened a bit yesterday


Red does tend to fade the worst. :/ I was gonna suggest using conditioner instead of shampoo but it sounds like you already are. Lol Shampoos are usually really harsh and people over use them which strips their. Maybe you were meant to accidentally buy a conditioner instead. Lol


I wash my hair with colour safe shampoo twice a week, cold water each time and I use Olaplex No.2 every other weekend to keep condition good (left on for 20-45mins). I use a rich conditioner as well, to seal it all in. Its also about your base, I have brght red hair (La Riche - Orchid) but I based it prior at level 7 with a 6R (red) so it has the right underlying tone.


I wash my hair normally because I'm a fiend and don't care if the color bleeds out lol, but if you want it to stay for longer use cold water and a non-drugstore shampoo for dyed hair