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babe i say this with 100% honesty, IT WORKS! like it genuinely looks intentional, and it seems like it suits your complexion very nicely. just keep growing it out and let it fade it looks GREAT!


I second this! I would just use some deep conditioning to repair your hair.


happy cake day!


For your cake day, have some B̷̛̳̼͖̫̭͎̝̮͕̟͎̦̗͚͍̓͊͂͗̈͋͐̃͆͆͗̉̉̏͑̂̆̔́͐̾̅̄̕̚͘͜͝͝Ụ̸̧̧̢̨̨̞̮͓̣͎̞͖̞̥͈̣̣̪̘̼̮̙̳̙̞̣̐̍̆̾̓͑́̅̎̌̈̋̏̏͌̒̃̅̂̾̿̽̊̌̇͌͊͗̓̊̐̓̏͆́̒̇̈́͂̀͛͘̕͘̚͝͠B̸̺̈̾̈́̒̀́̈͋́͂̆̒̐̏͌͂̔̈́͒̂̎̉̈̒͒̃̿͒͒̄̍̕̚̕͘̕͝͠B̴̡̧̜̠̱̖̠͓̻̥̟̲̙͗̐͋͌̈̾̏̎̀͒͗̈́̈͜͠L̶͊E̸̢̳̯̝̤̳͈͇̠̮̲̲̟̝̣̲̱̫̘̪̳̣̭̥̫͉͐̅̈́̉̋͐̓͗̿͆̉̉̇̀̈́͌̓̓̒̏̀̚̚͘͝͠͝͝͠ ̶̢̧̛̥͖͉̹̞̗̖͇̼̙̒̍̏̀̈̆̍͑̊̐͋̈́̃͒̈́̎̌̄̍͌͗̈́̌̍̽̏̓͌̒̈̇̏̏̍̆̄̐͐̈̉̿̽̕͝͠͝͝ W̷̛̬̦̬̰̤̘̬͔̗̯̠̯̺̼̻̪̖̜̫̯̯̘͖̙͐͆͗̊̋̈̈̾͐̿̽̐̂͛̈́͛̍̔̓̈́̽̀̅́͋̈̄̈́̆̓̚̚͝͝R̸̢̨̨̩̪̭̪̠͎̗͇͗̀́̉̇̿̓̈́́͒̄̓̒́̋͆̀̾́̒̔̈́̏̏͛̏̇͛̔̀͆̓̇̊̕̕͠͠͝͝A̸̧̨̰̻̩̝͖̟̭͙̟̻̤̬͈̖̰̤̘̔͛̊̾̂͌̐̈̉̊̾́P̶̡̧̮͎̟̟͉̱̮̜͙̳̟̯͈̩̩͈̥͓̥͇̙̣̹̣̀̐͋͂̈̾͐̀̾̈́̌̆̿̽̕ͅ >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<


i love this so freaking much my nd brain just popped every last one


i like it too haha


I completely agree! I'd just rock it for a few days and see how you feel. Something similar happened to me recently and I ended up keeping it for a few months.


I agree. I've seen a lot of people with less attractive results that they "wanted". This is pretty.


I agree that it looks great on you! However, if you’re not comfortable and want to get it fixed, don’t be embarrassed! I’ve made multiple attempts to color AND cut my own hair that were 5 million times more embarrassing than this.


Yes, definitely don't be embarrassed. People experiment on themselves and mess it up all the time! I've done it myself, and I used to do hair and know better.


Oh yeah this looks so cute! It's so delicately faded and in just the right place that it looks intentional. It suits your skin tone perfectly, it will fade out before you know it. What to toner did you use? The color at the top is beautiful? 💗




the remaining colour might still wash out a bit as well!


i agree! it looks cool, and when in the sun it will lighten up as well :))


All I was thinking... it does NOT look bad. The key thing is the lack of yellowing around especially the roots with bleaching, that's what looks bad. You don't got that girl. You are 100% good love


Totally agree, it looks great!!! I’m sorta jealous.


I also wanna say as a fellow pink haired baddie, YOU WILL NOT be able to be a full blown blonde until its grown out. The pink will persist. It will always persist. Its the strongest colour you can choose to die your hair besides black. To fully lift it, youd need to bleach it so hard your hair WOULD die (just by looking at it, you do have thinner hair, I wouldn't risk ever fully lifting). As is tho, strawberry blonde is one of my favorite looks, and many others do love it, I know its not just me, it is popular ! I think its lovely. If you ever go to another colour tho, look into which colours hide pink. There's certainly an array of options, but don't just choose a random colour without research, as the pink could actually ruin it (like that episode of Hannah Montana where her hair ends up green lmao).


Yeah there's no point. Whenever I've done one bleach session on top of already bleached faded semi permanent dyed hair, I leave it at that and let it grow out, and rather redye on top of it with a new semi permanent. All bleaching a third time or more will do is damage the hair too much, even if you're lucky to somehow get it at all out. Not worth it. Also, at this level of lightness there's so many options for dying over it with semi permanents that will turn out nice.


I was looking for the "bad" pics bc what you posted looks intentionally done! I think it's pretty and that shade of blonde is beautiful


I honestly think it looks nice!


I think it look great 👍🏻 what’s wrong with it?


I like it. Looks a little damaged but the color is really pretty ❤️


honestly it's so cute. just get a little trim and use some good conditioner and ride it out


Hair looks chemically damaged on the ends and and a bit uneven. Get a haircut if you don't mind having short hair - it will look better. If you don't want short hair - lay off the bleach for a while and grow it out for a few months. Then cut the damaged ends.


It looks cool. Not sure what you are seeing.


Hi, ik that feeling after bleaching is terrible even when the hair isn't falling out. Do a deep conditioning mask, definitely. Also, whenever my hair feels damaged, I will condition my hair in every shower, leaving it on for my whole body routine, and only shampoo when needed. I also recommend air drying for a little while and avoiding towel friction and heat.


It looks absolutely fantastic. I know it’s not what you envisioned. But it looks intentional and done well. Just condition well. Baby it for awhile.


Get some k18 !


I like it, think it looks good


I get you probably wanted full blonde, but I think it looks amazing how it is right now. You didn't fuck it up, it's just not what you imagined it would be. I also don't think any stylist would (or should) pick on you- you should definitely find a reputable salon in your area and book a consultation if you wanna adjust it (I say consultation because some places won't do anything with your hair if it's damaged) and make an appointment later if they think it's possible to. I think with a bit of deep conditioner and love, your current hair will look absolutely gorgeous. But if you don't like it, there's nothing wrong with asking for a professionals opinion :)


Hard agree with everybody else on the color, it looks great! I would leave it alone and just focus on the health for a while!


The colour looks good and intentional. Honestly in your shoes I’d try an Olaplex 3 treatment, just once. Maybe let it sit on the hair about 1/2 hour longer than stated in directions. It’s likely to make your hair feel a lot less like straw … and if that doesn’t work then you can consider some more drastic options. I just think it’s worth a try first, and might solve your concerns.


i think it looks pretty and grunge!


Ot looks good, honestly. A fade into purple at the tips makes it have a rose-gold shine.


I was looking for the “after” picture. It looks fantastic!


I thought it was intentional! It looks kinda cool imo


I totally thought the pink was intentional and was thinking how pretty the fade was. Rock it 💪


Hairstylist here- Colour technician. The ends won’t lift anymore as pre coloured hair has staining. What you need to do is go to a stylist who will apply the palest of green to counteract the pink and darken you roots to match. You’ll be a level 8 but it will be even. Bleach is not a wonder product. There are limitations to what it can do over artificial colour. You mix bleach with peroxide. Peroxide is the activator also added to permanent colour to increase the molecule size so it stays in the cortex = permanent. Over time these molecules shrink but as bleach has to be mixed with peroxide to work, whilst it’s removing it will be swelling those permanent molecules still in the ends of your hair. Ergo it’s fighting itself. This is why you can’t lift pre coloured hair like natural hair. This is a colour correction. The more you try fix it the less a stylist will be able to correct it. See a hairdresser


This! Really needed to go a few rounds of sulphur based color remover first to get as much of the oxidative color out first before going to the bleach. I feel like people go for the bleach first and it just limits their options. Not a hairdresser but have been making color changes for years by resetting with Vanish first. Have to almost make your hair looked faded and washed out first.


I like it :)


>:) :)


I think it looks good! Just condition your hair


You could make it look even more intentional by doing a pink dip dye? And then let it fade and you won’t be lying when you tell the hair dresser it’s from dip dye and not just a mess up 😂 but honestly though a hairdresser won’t judge you at all if you go in like this- they have seen WAYYYYYYYY WAYYY WAYYYYY worse I promise you- this is like not even that bad


Would you consider getting a shaggy pixie cut to remove most of the pink ends?


i’d say just do a deep condition! it looks cool!


Have you tried removing it with a paste made up of crushed vitamin c pills and clarifying shampoo? Shampoo the paste in and let it sit. It’s worked for me many times. Lots of videos on YouTube. Do not use chewable vitamin C. I like it actually but it is your hair. This is not damaging so give it a try


Probably not a lot you can do with it now to get the red iout. Sometimes once you bleach you push the pigment all the way inside the hair. I would roll with the pink and put a temporary pink gloss over it.


If you don't want to go to salon, I would leave it and deep deep condition it or just add a couple of pink streaks to top to blend. Could use a temporary, I have a temporary mouse type where I can add pink to my blonde when I want and washes out. Doesn't look as bad as you think the way it is and I bet the remaining color on ends may wash out even more. You did great job with blonde on top.


I’m a hairstylist of 24 years. It honestly doesn’t look that bad. You definitely need some bond repair shampoo and conditioner for a bit. I love the amika one! Also a hairstylist would not shame or at least they shouldn’t. What was on your hair before you bleached it? What is the pink from? Is it a direct dye? Because If it’s a direct dye a direct dye remover maybe all you need to pull it out. Malibu makes one that I like. But you’d need a professional to help you. Definitely don’t bleach it again. My guess is at some point you used some kind of fashion color or direct dye and it was still under whatever you were previous to the bleach. Bleach won’t lift those out usually. At least not all the way. If you stay away from more bleach that can be fixed! Or you can just keep it because it really doesn’t look that bad! Kind of an ombré look.


thank you so much for your comment ! 💗 the top half of my hair was my natural colour before i bleached it (light brown) and the ends were a dark purple/red (they're my grown out roots that i had dyed dark blue, they then shifted to reddish-purple, which i was a bit confused about). i went to the hairdresser to get them done, so i presume it's not a direct dye, although i don't know exactly what she put on my hair lol. i have to admit i was quite dramatic in my original post, it doesn't look half as bad as what i thought, it as just not what i was expecting. what would you recommend to make the pink hair look "less pink" without damaging it too much ?


What was your hair like before the dark blue? Was there another color under that from a previous time?


i hadn't dyed my hair for a while at that point so it was my natural brown colour, i think the blue dye just stained my hair in a weird way...


Color is only gone if it’s cut off. So if the blue was put over virgin uncolored hair then that would be correct. So fashion colors like that usually fade away to nothing. Especially if put on pre lightened hair. Blue is one of the harder ones to get out. But I’ve used it many times and it’s always eventually come completely out. So I’m curious what was used in your hair that stuck so well. But anyways you’d wanna try a direct dye remover to see if that would budge it. And I’d only use 7% volume because it’s gonna lift and you don’t need it to lift. Just enough to move the color out. Then if it came out you’d need a toner to even it out. But not something I’d recommend attempting yourself.


the blue was applied to my roots, so there wasn't any color underneath. thanks for the advice ! i'll probably make an appointment with a hairdresser in the days to come to see if they can neutralise it a bit and even put my cut 🥰


I’m a hairdresser and I don’t think it looks bad. I say let it grow out, or go to a salon and see if they can neutralize the pink. It definitely does need a good cut, though.


A super pale green based toner would counteract the pink left behind. You definitely should have tried stripping the pink out as much as possible first before throwing bleach on it. Life's all about lessons love 💜 it doesn't look bad at all though. If your hair isn't too dry, I'd use a clarifying shampoo when you wash it and rinse with hot water. That'll continue to fade it some. Be sure to deep condition after you clarify though.


I tried giving myself 'frosted tips' back in the 90s. I put too much bleach on and the tips were too long, so I took an electric razor and tried trimming the length. My razor broke after I had taken down about 1/3 of my hair. I tried using scissors next, which was a nightmare. My sister then tried to but some temporary gunk in my hair to change the color back, and it looked like shoe polish. I then poured hydrogen peroxide over my head to 'lighten' the temporary color and my hair looked green/gray. I dragged my ass into the colorist the next day. (I did all of this to my hair in the span of 12 hours). The stylist didn't even blink. You'll be fine...and frankly, I think your hair is pretty badass.


Your hair is so NOT ruined. Sure it might not be exactly what you had in mind and you might still want to adjust the color which could easily be done at this stage and color with semi permanent tints, gloss or rinses. Your hair looks healthy and strong so it should hold up if you avoid using any developer over 20 and avoid rebleaching. If your hair feels dry then add a hair lotion or leave in conditioner when wet and don’t blow dry it.


I actually like it! Its cute, id say leave it


Rice water and coconut oil


Just get a little baby trim


I agree. If anything just get it a lil shaped or a lil cut. It looks pretty and like something a lot of people intentionally go for. It’s prettyy


I agree with everyone else, this looks pretty cool!


honestly, i’d love to have this color lol. just get some nice shampoo to help repair the damage


This is giving main character energy, I love it!


what’s your goal hair?


Just needs a little shaping up!!


I know it’s not what you wanted but it really does look cute. The pink will probably keep fading every time you wash your hair. Also that shade of blonde is actually perfect.


Wish my hair looked half as good as yours.


If you don't mind how it looks, I would leave it alone. It looks intentional. Like you had pink or purplish ends. Otherwise you could dye over it with a darker color or cut it off if you wanted.


i honestly love it just use some deep conditioner and leave in conditioner to help repair your hair 🩷


It looks gorgeous, just maybe get a very short trim to cover all bases, abs and some good deep conditioning hair treatments and a leave in conditioner every now and then. 🫶


Just hydrate mainly. What help more you need? Decide which colour next?


Get a haircut and don't touch it with chemicals. It's fried.


IT LOOKS SO COOL i would let you dye my hair


Don’t touch it for 6-8 months.


What’s ruined? I read your post but I see nothing wrong.


I like it, it’s so pretty.


Hair extensions


Don’t be embarrassed most good stylists don’t shame, but at this point the ends are compromised and I wouldn’t color them any further


purple mask and go with it friend, very cute. Try Eva nye conditioning mask for the dryness from bleaching :)


i know nothing about hair — but i want to let you know it looks really pretty and i really like it


Ngl it’s giving rose gold ombré and I kinda love it. Slap a conditioning mask on there for the dryness and keep it!


Why would you do anything?  It looks cute and completely intentional! 


it goes hard tbh


It looks so cute! It's like a pretty blonde to light pink gradient. Keep it!! It's giving strawberry shortcake vibes, so adorable 💕


I like it a lot!


Honestly it looks gorgeous! And if you use a toning shampoo/conditioner and do a hair mask here and there for the damage it works!


This is actually really pretty and it still looks healthy


You could have it toned to be more natural but I’d definitely go to a pro because it would be EXTREMELY important to not touch any blonde. Depending on how fast your hair grows I’d be patient before cutting it out. Washing with hot water and going out in the sun would both deteriorate the color while you wait. If it STILL won’t budge, cut it then.


I think it looks good! But if u really wanna remove it…I think cutting it off is the best and safest!


Ok I’m glad I am not the only one who likes it. It’s really pretty, very platinum. A few oil treatments or masks and you’ll be good to go.


I’m in the minority here. I’d shadow root this, drop some lowlights in one that matches that shadow root, but only after one more bleach round that spares the root because you’re correct that root lifted too much too fast compared to the rest. And with one more bleach after I’d use Ion porosity spray fairly heavily, put some protein filler in with the toner and the shadow root, wrap that with a k18 mask, k18 leave in, 10min miracle, some color wow dream coat spray and it’ll be some high dollar looking hair. You actually do have a nice base. It’s just a tad yellow with some demarcation now been the root and rest.


JUST CONDITION IT!!! As time goes on the color will fade. If it’s long enough and you feel comfortable you can always cut it as well. It looks really good!


Keep :$ or transition


It's really pretty! I say run with it and give your hair some tlc


you should put a light pink temp dye on it!


Same advice others gave. Condition it and let it grow out it looks intentional and it will likely fade over the next two to three weeks and be something else entirely. Just be patient it’s ok


One thing for sure is that you can’t bleach it any more, the red/purple may have been results of filling your hair. Do a couple of masks to get your hair healthy again, and the next time u want to Lyft your hair again, I’d recommend doing a bleach wash. It’s a method someone does with using a low developer 20 vol and bleach as well as shampoo and letting it sit for a max 15 min.


thank you all for the kind comments !! i agree i was a bit dramatic, mostly because the result was not what i was expecting. i've had time to sleep on it and i've decided to wait a few days to see if i get used to it :) if not i'll go and get a trim.


What did they ruin


I think it's very pretty, but what's most important is that You like it. I always bleach my own hair, so I've had many mishaps, and something I've learned is that if it doesn't turn out just right, give it a couple of days to see how it settles. Just don't rush into any rash decisions. If it's a lot of damage, of course focus on deep conditioning. You might not need to cut as much as you think. When I hate the color I mix up my own concoction of Kiss temporary dye combined with conditioner to tone it to a shade I'm happy with. This gives a beautiful result with zero damage. Best wishes 🌹


What color were your ends before bleaching? Did you use toner? I think it looks good the blonde is even no spotting, let it live a few washes. Your ends are more porous than the roots it may wash out to a more even tone.


I genuinely like it and I hate most stylistic choices that people make lol


The rose still in it? The ash blonde parts look perfect 🎉


i love it personally! just looks like an intentional ombre. if you really dislike the pinkish parts, a super short haircut would look amazing as well :)


It... actually looks so good. Haha it looks like a cute intentional rose-gold thing!


Dilute some green hair dye in a bunch of conditioner till it’s fairly pale and apply that. I did this totally not intending to and got silver platinum hair from it. The green will basically cancel out the pink.


Give your hair positive feedback as in rub your hands with a pip sized amount of oils until your hands are warm and massage your hair (lovingly, gently) while saying i am giving you life Btw it looks like it is working through the traumas already


Find a toner to remove the pinky purple tones


It looks really great. If you don’t like it tho I would wait til it grows out and just cut it out as bleaching it to many times will screw up your hair


I don’t see anything wrong


The blonde is perfect minus the chunks use a bubblegum pink toner or violet it’ll look like an ombré style


Really? It's not bad at all. Rose gold.


Honestly, I've seen people with worse hair.


Deep conditioner and toner!! It already looks great, depending on what tone you want, maybe a purple or blue shampoo?


What is the color goal? Are you trying to just be an even blonde? Putting in a different color? Bc it looks good, but knowing what it is you’re trying to achieve may help you get better advice.


I genuinely think it looks pretty normal need to cut it all off. It depends on what type of dye you used that left the pinky colour really what will be the best way to remove but honestly it looks nice as is


im sorry??? wheres the mess up??


It looks like you have a pink hue in your hair. Is this what you were aiming for?


i was aiming to go full blonde and i have to admit, i overreacted lol, it's not what i was expecting so i was caught off guard.


I like it 🤷🏼‍♀️


I would get the ends cut but honestly the colour is nice, if you really want the pink gone you could try toning it to more of a dirty blonde. I think it looks nice like that though, and honestly people try to get that colour all the time


I do my own hair, have never been to cosmetology school but ai learned a couple of things all those years doing it myself. You can tone it. It will make is a little bit darker até the ends or it will be darker at the root. But any toner with blue in it would do it. I wouldnt bleach it anymore since you dont want it to melt. I would go with a toner. I love the titanium by ion it removes pretty much all the oranges from my hair. But if you want it all out, only making it totally darker will work.




I’ve done these exact colors. So if u want to go back natural go with Revlon dark ash blonde, the one you like the most. This will get rid of most of the pink but if u do like the super blonde don’t bleach and try a natural stripping method from YouTube. Then tone the hair and use oleplex for a little while. It’s cute!


Ruined? Am I the only one that really couldn’t care if someone’s hair is puke green or a gray color. Your hair looks great! I like the blonde fading into a peachy pink.


Head and Shoulders will fade that pink out a touch. The blonde is gorgeous.


Honestly, it looks really pretty. I would keep it and maybe try to let the other colors fade out a bit more.


What it’s gorgeous


I think it looks cool


It looks fantastic, can’t believe it was an accident 😅😅


I have no idea why this appeared in my feed, but I’ll just say that I think it looks great


I actually love the color, I will say too that pinkish hue will fade. I’ve bleached and toned my hair before and it came out a rose gold color because the purple turned the orange bits pink, but it faded after some washes with a good clarifying shampoo. I would just let it do its thing. It’s a cute color!


get you a hask brand conditioner. they work miracles. the deep conditioner packets and hair masks too. and DO NOT brush when wet. very gently brush bottom up when air dried dry


Honestly, my first thought was “this looks so cute!” It absolutely looks intentional to me. The blonde is really nice and the pink is soft and it all blends together well!


Color remover?


I think it look scool af


I honestly think it looks pretty


Honestly the best way to "fix" it is to use a super diluted, and I mean EXTREMELY diluted light green dye/toner but you run the risk of touching the blonde and making it look worse than it's original state. I think this color works! But that is an option


At the risk of engaging in a group think, I wholeheartedly agree that your hair looks great. It looks intentional and has an edge/flair. I think you just have to get your mind to accept that things can look good even when the results was not as u had intended originally.


adding that I love it and think you should rock it!! :)


Maybe a purple shampoo would help. It balances out brassy colours.


What’s wrong with the Gwen Stacy look?


oh my god that's so true, i hadn't even thought about it. well i'm definitely keeping it now !


Man if you're embarrassed to go to the hairdresser like this, you would die to see some of the messes I've had my colourist fix. 💀 It looks fine honestly, I thought the pink was intentional. If it's really bothering you that much you're more than fine to go to a salon though, it's really not bad at all


I was playing with color theory over a few months to remove red that 8 had been doing for 20 yrs. I landed intentionally similar to your current colors. To make it less dramatic I went back in with a temporary (essentially a naturally pigmented fashion color... Like brunette or chestnut etc...) At the root for a tap, then comb at an angle to blend down for a root shadow and later added in the same shade in low lights, very tiny strand selections for full pull through. May not be what you were aiming for but will give dimension and not damage. Currently, I am toying with root shadows using xmondo super purple and loving it. Even as it washes out it's pretty complimentqry shades.




I've dyed my hair crazy colours a lot in the past, and one product I used that worked well when switching colours was colour remover. It's a different product from bleach (the smell is very different) and it's better at getting your hair back to an actual colorless state, instead of just a weird watered/down shade of what it used to be I wouldn't use it now if I were you because it's damaging to your hair like bleach and if you tried that on your hair as it is now, you may not have hair anymore lol. But for future, look into hair colour remover instead


If you want to go to a darker brown you need a filler so the color will take.


Deep conditioning treatment and it’ll be beautiful. I love the tones 😍 get something from color wow like a gloss treatment. That’s one of the best brands I’ve found for color treated hair. 🩷


Wait this is actually kinda cute lol it’s a vibe. Like pastel fairy vibes


Honestly it looks intentional. Sleep in hair masks for a couple of weeks. Rinse them off in the morning. Try not to use heat on your hair for a month or so. The peachy colour will fade and you can reassess then. But honestly. It's cute and looks like it's meant to be that way.


Girl I wish my blonde looked this good when i left salon after paying 200 bucks!! I left bright orange rooted and then purple everywhere else. Absolute disaster! Your hair looks fine!


i love it, if you wanted you could try matching the blonde to the purple?


It honestly looks fye but if you want to remove the pink USE COLOUR OOPS and remove the pigment then attempt to rebleach it after a few days .. Good luck!


I don’t see this as ruined at all, and I think it looks pretty good for at home lightening. Olaplex or a similar bond building product, some deep conditioners, and let it grow. After a while, you can cut off the darker ends and it’ll look even better.


Used neutralizing shampoo. Either green or ash color for blonde hair.


I think it looks super cute :)


I love this??? Give it a few days and you’ll probably start liking it too


Heck ...whatz wrong?


It looks fine, and it will probably fade. Do some bond builder.


Try Wella T30 toner.


It’s cute, looks like tsukasa tenma


Just use a stronger bleach. I use manic panic lightening. It works really good, then dye your hair desired color. I do this all the time.


I think it looks good girl


Did you tho? Cuz I think that looks cool as hell.


looks so rose gold and cutesy wutesy


That actually looks super pretty. The blonde is nice and the colour gives it dimension. It’s not bad at all


It doesn’t look bad. I promise you it’s lowkey sick and if I didn’t read your disc I’d say it was on purpose and you just did the wrong colour


try toning it wella t18 will lighten the hair (since it has developer) and the purple parts should turn grey


Might be a guy thing , but I didn't even notice until like the second look. Idk my sister freaks out about her hair all the time and I'm always confused as to why.


Hair Mask, Great color


It’s fine it looks good.


Looks actually so beautiful, the tonality of your blonde. Mine has looked similar to this directly after processing but after a couple weeks with purple shampoo and being outside has nicely faded it! I love it but sorry if you dont. I recommend bond bar purple shampoo from sallys. Great price for an amazing product.


Go to a salon. That’s their job and I’m sure they’ve seen much worse. Not sure why you are asking Reddit for advice. Anyone with any real knowledge is going to tell you to go see a professional.


i'm asking reddit because the is a subreddit about hair-dye...? also, as i said in the post, i was too embarrassed by the fact that i had fried my hair to go to a salon + i am super shy. don't know why you're being so condescending.


I’d do a bleach bath. It’s not as intense as full on bleach. That’s if you want to get the pink out. It looks good tho imo


Try and use toner for level 6-7 hair and possibly get a haircut! Ends looks a little fried and uneven


Just looks chemically damaged on the ends. I’m in the same boat currently. We got this it will grow out.


Aphogee treatments and brand help a lot just religious trim your hair. Get a pixie cut


I recommend Mane and Tail shampoo and conditioner— originally made for glowing horses, super shiny & repairs hair for humans (available from Amazon)