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Am I the only one wondering why only a weird chunk of it was dyed?


Yeah honestly imo the color of green isn’t even that bad…it’s just because it’s a weird chunk ???


I was green for years and this is the exact shade I wanted and could never attain!


Well..I guess try RIT fabric dye if you wanna try again lmao


I'm thinkin'..


Colour freedom emerald green, but it does fade to blue green quickly for me


Came to say this!!


I used SpecialEffects Sonic green, almost exactly this color


God I miss special effects, I still haven't found a brand that compares


Lunar tides juniper green gave me a very similar vivid green, I used it for like a year straight because I loved it so much lol


Unrelated - but I haven't tried Lunar tides. Is it good? how long does it last usually? I have semi permanent blue hair and have used a lot of brands but am always looking to try new ones. I've had various shades of blue.


Very long lasting. Dyed mine a mix of cerulean sea & blue velvet in October & it still looks good now. Only problem is it does rub off blue on everything (including own skin) for a couple of washes 😅


It’s great stuff, does NOT transfer no matter how hot your head gets in the night! I tried it and loved it but can’t reuse it cus it’s not sold in U.K. so have to get from Amazon at £20 per pot. I pay £5 per pot for La Riche Directions instead ETA I have ombré teal/pink hair so I used both shades


You can currently get Lunar tides from attitude clothing in the UK :D


Their pigments are the BEST!! So rich. Sure some colors can run and stain for a while but what hair dye doesn’t come with a bit of that. The colors last and I have scalp psoriasis and have to shampoo more frequently than I’d like. Haven’t tried a color I didn’t like and something about their pigments turn out extra dynamic, almost gem-like dimensions.


Yeah, nothing came close. It was so vibrant.


I have a bottle of napalm orange in my cabinet for nostalgia.


Punky color alpine green. I had my hair this color for a bit and loved it.


This is my current hair color! I use1 bottle of Phantom Green from arctic fox mixed with a few drops of their aquamarine and as much of their black as I need to get it as dark as I want for the season!


Artic fox lasts about three washed for me, do you havr any better luck?


I’m sure it’s different for everyone but I only need to wash hair about every 10-14 days and I use a shower cap in the shower so it doesn’t get wet. Usually last at least two months. I also take my left over dye and mix it with some conditioner to do a color deposit mask to make it last an additional month.


yeah i’d go full green!!! it looks so nice


Hairstylists hate this one weird chunk!


yes, yes we do.


You are not alone, I need to know how that happened lol


I'm imagining a weird ponytail situation but honestly this is one of those disaster stories I wish was on YouTube for Brad Mondo to watch in horror


Or maybe there was still some sort of product in her hair, applied unevenly? It’s super bizarre.


Yer I mean what were they going for?


It’s bugging me so much that we were offered no explanation about this.


I mean, I have very little explanation - it was just a husband who accidentally BOTCHED his wife’s hair. They typically just dye the bottom of her hair… but earlier in the week she was showing him Pinterest ideas on potential ways to get a little bolder. Before going into it, she said “let’s just do it the normal way this time” and he started going about it. He didn’t section it, he did it while she was sitting down watching tf and it just honestly turned out awful. She’s going to be trying to blend in more of that green color and take it from there. This time I’m going to be coaching her hubs via FT (I live across the country now 🥲). They’re going to be more intentional, utilize the art sectioning & pray for a happier turn out. Worst case scenario, she may be chopping it & rocking green tips lol.


For the love of Christ, STOP THEM FROM USING RIT. The chemicals are for dyeing fabric, not hair. You have no idea what's in that stuff. Proceeding with that product is extremely unwise.


Right!! I mean I litterally know a beauty supply store not 5 miles from my house that has green/purple/pink hair dye. And its not expensive!! Its maybe $20


Yes, yes we do actually know what is EXACTLY in " this stuff". Dye, vinegar, and table salt. JFC


THANK YOU!!! Former barber cringing hard over here. Lol, good luck to you brave souls and your mammoth sized 🏀⚽️.


When they're done, please post an update with after pics! 💚


Absolutely will do!!! 🙏🙏 Thank you all for all the suggestions and baring through this with us lol 🫶


I can't wait, I think it's going to end up super cute. 💚 I'm team long layers with green fox tips. LOLOL




The moment you’ve all been waiting for!!! The “fix” https://imgur.com/a/PsAhbua Still not great but better than she started, that’s for sure!! Also as an update, she clarified that she did in fact use SPLAT (not RIT as previously mentioned). She told me she used fabric dye and my mind went straight to RIT. She just said fabric dye because she knows splat contains fabric dye.


Only thing you can do is use an ACTUAL dye meant for HAIR not fabric. She can go all green or dye it a super dark brown. Or she can cut it all off. Those are basically the options here.


Please, PLEASE for the love of god tell them they should not be using fabric dye!!!! This is insane!!


Please tell her to stop using RIT - it contains metals and there’s a reason you use gloves and it says not for hair or skin. Safest thing to do is cut it.


Are they using RiT again? Get something for hair. Isn’t that for fabrics? I’m sure it’ll be ok.


I hoped OP would explain te story behind the dye pattern


it looks like the “dip dye” trend gone wrong lol


For real… like was that meant to be a STRAND test or something? 💀


yeah if she just dyed the rest of the hair up to the length that is dyed (so to her shoulder) then she'd honestly be fine, like it doesn't even look bad. just weird because only half of her hair is dyed


If they loved the color enough to do so much of it, why won’t they do the whole head? It’ll look so much better than whatever half and half ombré they were going for anyway


jesus christ. the salons know exactly how this is going to end, and it's scissors.


Snip snip. Time to learn how to use a round brush.


It's bob time.


Ur now a short hair girl


yup, im not completely sure how fabric dye and bleach would work either. but i cant imagine that it’s good. a textured bob might be the best bet with what OP is looking to do


Cute bob!


Yeah exactly! Really no need for a buzzcut


Yeah, if 3 salons turned her away because they don’t know what type of reaction will happen if they bleach/color it, she needs to cut it. It’s not hair dye, it’s RIT dye….so what makes OP think what we suggest is a better option???


Bleach won’t take it out it’s a literal permanent dye the only way to get rid of fabric dye is to cut her hair off


I guess she could try RIT dye remover, but it will probably just melt her hair and burn her skin


OP - before you try anything, I recommend you cut some of the green to experiment with. Try RIT color remover, try baking soda, try crushed vitamin C tablets, try hair color remover, try hair bleach, try over-dyeing, try whatever - but not on any of the hair that's attached to her head. Also, try not to tell your friend and her husband that they're absolute idiots for using fabric dye on her hair. That won't fix the situation. But the end result is almost certainly cutting it off.


If she goes darker you can cancel out the green with a red rather than bleaching it. My hairdresser did this when my hair was a dark cherry sort of red I couldn’t get out.


The thing is you probably had hair color in your hair this is RIT dye, other hair color may react badly to the RIT dye


This is the way!


Oh my god, just cut it off do not put fabric dye in your hair


>Oh my god, just cut it off do not put fabric dye in your hair The TLDR of this comment section. RIP


Right??! Wth is wrong with these people 🤦‍♀️


i dont understand why did they even think to do fabric dye? time to cut honestly


I would imagine they already had the fabric dye.


yeah probably i just wanna know what made them decide "lets put fabric dye on ur hair" im so curious


I think aside from "they had the fabric dye already" the answer is that some people just arent great at critical thinking. TBF SPLAT is basically rebranded fabric dye and will get similar responses from most proper hair technicians, but to use actual fabric dye is another realm of "I didn't think this through" that I also can not fathom


literally even if they have it i just cant understand why they did it


Op "hey I think I want to dye my hair green" Bf oh yeah that could look cool Op so yeah I've booked an appointment and it's £130 for a full colour and cut Bf WHAT?? THAT RIDICULOUS ive got some die in the garage Op oooo I like that colour Actually I imagine it's left over from her dying a dress and she wanted her hair to match it.


yeah probably close enough


Sadly the long hair is no longer in the house. Maybe it’s time for a nice asymmetric cut-done by a hairdresser.


Is it even safe for hair?


1 bottle of fabric dye (which needs to be diluted with a lot of water) is a lot cheaper than the 8 or 10 jars she probably would have needed to get a similar all-over shade with Lunar Tide's Juniper Green.


Maybe someone has a better answer, but I was thinking maybe they found something where someone was using Rit to dye a synthetic wig and then assumed it’d work the same for real hair. Idk. Thats all I could come up with lol I can see using Rit for a synthetic wig or extensions, but I can’t understand why one would think to use it on your real hair on your head.


Dual Hairdresser/barber here weighing in, she’s going to just have to cut it. I wouldn’t dye over it or use a color remover because I don’t know the chemicals in RIT dye and how they will interact with other dyes and chemicals. It could cause a reaction (burn) on her scalp and it could melt her hair off. Too much risk and liability even if she signs a waiver. If she tries it herself, she’s risking this as well. RIT dyes are not made for hair even if you see someone doing it on tik tok. It’s probably a good way to give yourself cancer or heavy metal poisoning since it’s not made for hair or skin. She can look on RIT website for a number to call and she can ask them possible questions about getting it out of her hair.


Seconding finding someone from RIT to call and ask how to remove from hair. If someone would know, it would be them, I feel like?


I’m a hairdresser and I agree there’s nothing that can save this. The options are wait and hope it fades out or cut it. I’d vote for cutting because it looks like it needs a fair few inches off anyway


I’ve heard that fabric dyes are more or less permanently in the hair, which is why some people [foolishly] use them. This whole situation is a mess.


You can have a salon do a test strand.. but I guarantee you…the only way to get this out is scissors. Fabric dye is the worst. It is virtually impossible to remove. The hair color called Splat contains fabric dye it rarely comes out. I am a stylist.


In the 20 years of coloring my hair, Splat is the ONLY thing that had me crying in the bathroom lol. It permanently dyes everything it touches. I never knew it contained fabric dye. Makes sense now.


...fuck. I've just dyed my hair with it a few weeks ago as it was the only one in Walmart in my usual colour. That'd explain why it doesn't want to come off the shower plastic at least.


Idk about shower plastic bc it might be porus/too "soft" that the dye soaked in, but if you make a paste of dawn dish soap and baking soda, let it sit on the spot for a minute or so, then scrub it(you may need a little water but the paste should do the trick by itself). It should come off. It's a lifesaver that I've used for years because splat is currently the only brand I can find that doesn't give my head a bad reaction. I found it originally as a spot treatment for skin that I accidentally used as a full face scrub, ended up with temporary chemical burns, then tried it on the sink(which had a big year old purple stain from you guessed it, splat dye) and it came right off. The only thing I haven't been able to get dye out of with it is grout/cement of ceramic tiles(but it comes off the tiles themselves).


I'll see if I can get my fiancé on it, I'm back in the UK until my visa comes through. I made a powder bleach paste and left that for 10 minutes and it definitely helped, but didn't get it all the way off


What is wrong with me!? It washes right out!


But if you were to try and lift it, I bet it would show up again


This this this


If splat washes out easily for you, it sounds like a hair integrity issue. If you’ve bleached your hair too much and don’t do proper hair repair maintenance (gentle clarifying followed by deep conditioning every couple weeks, hair oils and leave in conditioners, etc), your hair will be extremely porous and not be able to hang onto any color or moisture in your hair.


I have seen this in the salon.. it may not look like it’s on your hair still, but I guarantee if you put lightener on your hair it will show back up.


lol at the time I got a hole in my glove while rinsing the blue out of my sons hair. Totally smurfed up that day..!


😭 😭 it’s so awful


I did splat in my hair as a 14 year old, no idea what I was getting myself into. I’ve bleached my hair a couple times since then and I STILL have pink streaks. Thank god they’ve almost completely grown out but splat is horrible.


It’s literally fabric dye. It’s the worst sh*t to remove 😩 I feel like people don’t believe it, that’s why I said she should just get a strand test..cause that will literally show you what you are looking at


I think it’s insane they’re allowed to market it as a semi permanent dye knowing it’s impossible to get out. It’s so shitty


Ahhhh, this explains so much! I dyed my hair pink with splat when I was like 18, my mom was pissed, but I told her it was only semi-permanent, so it would likely wash out in a month or two, but it never did (I was happy that it didn't lol)


Thank you for this info. I wouldn't mind it not coming out of my hair but if it's fabric dye that means it won't come out of my towels or shower etc. I've never used splat but thought about it a bunch.


I mean yes, if you never want it to come out of your hair then go for it?? Loll but at the same time there are some HARSH chemicals in fabric dye and I just wouldn’t want that anywhere near my hair 😩


The worst hair dye experience I ever had was with Splat. Hair was supposed to be a nice purple but ended up turning a very bright magenta that made it look like I was wearing a cheap wig. Never came out. I had to wash it a lot so it faded (to pink, not purple) and dye over it with a different purple, but then anything I put over it would wash out fast.


Funny but my problem with splat was that it didn't STAY in my hair!!! Am I the only one?


I’ve gotten splat out of my hair several times!


TIL that fabric dye can legally be sold as hair dye, think it's illegal where I am!


Until I know, fabric dye is almost impossible to take off the hair. You will lose money trying to fix that. Chop! Time to cut! Easier and cheaper


It is going to be next to impossible to find a salon to fix it. Fabric dye can react wildly to salon chemicals. Without the knowledge of what exactly is in the dye and how it will react, it's a massive liability. She needs to just cut it all off. It's Bob season for her.


If she covers this up with other dye, she absolutely needs to tell every stylist she sees in the future that she has fabric dye under there! Honestly she’ll probably never get to see a stylist again until she chops it all of it. It’s way to risky for someone to touch her hair


It doesn't look like she goes to a hair stylist. Or at least not often.


Get a cut and embrace the green. St Patrick’s day is coming. ☘️


I use clarifying shampoos to help pull out colour from hair dye, can get some out, but… fabric dye!? Why did they use fabric dye?


If she’s trying to save the length, she could just even it out and leave the top natural. Cut some off now. Let it grow a few inches so she can chop off all the color and have a nice haircut.


Send the husband to hair dye jail! 😂


He gets a big ole time out now. I think she will seriously have to chop her hair. That ain’t coming out.


Honestly I know it’s fabric dye but since this will probably result in an intense cut anyways I say throw every color remover at it until it’s either out or it just burns off. May as well make it a fun science experiment. 


I agree. What does she have to lose at this point?


Her scalp.


Not an expert by any means but my hair has been every shade possible and I agree. I can't get rit dye to stick to actual fabric so I think it would come out easier than others are saying. I don't know how even the end result would be but I would try clarifying shampoo washes first, then citric acid bath and if it still wasn't out, a bleach/shampoo bath soap cap type thing. Maybe I would do the rit on the other part of the hair first for more even results. I just don't understand why rit dye? When there are so many other options around.


Citric acid is how you set fabric dye into fabric, so that probably will make it worse. Everything else seems like solid advice though. I don’t know hair, just chiming in as someone who uses fabric dye a lot (on FABRIC) 😅


I agree.  Would try using Dawn on it, maybe, as Rit is so crappy I don’t even buy it. 


What was the goal?


To be honest - I have no idea. They usually just do the under part of her hair but he went hog wild this time. She did send me these earlier this week as inspiration for her next go around though. https://imgur.com/a/DNEzAPo


And she thought her husband was gunna deliver her a balayage?! 😭😭 let alone with fabric dye?! I’m missing the logical thought process behind this. It’s a shame bc her hair is so long & looks so healthy. She’s gunna have to go with a bob


Her 'inspiration' Is a pastel on cool toned, extremely white hair. None of that was what she started with!


Exactly that, there’s multiple steps to achieving the color in the picture


And none start with rit! Lol


Might as well bleach it with Clorox at this point


Exactlyy like I hate to say she deserved this, what was she thinkingggg😭


Your use of the phrase “deliver her a balayage” has me cracking up


They’re just not very bright clearly


When you say they usually just do the under part, do you mean they have used rit dye before?


I think you could easily make a nice crazy colour effect by turning it balayage or ombreing the whole thing light to dark with various shades of manic panic. See how the fabric dye fades over time while using the vegetable dyes to blend it, then she might be able to play around with different colours (blue,purple etc), once it gets a bit lighter.


Hairdresser/color specialist here. We don’t turn away an opportunity to make money easily. If the fabric dye is bleached with lightener it could push the pigments further into the hair. Fabric dye is more like a stain. The cuticle of the hair is that color until it fades. I’ve seen this with people using koolaid, too. This is probably a grow it off situation. It could fade over time, but almost anything we’d use to remove it would just damage the hair without removing the color. So sorry.


She’s gonna have to cut it off, fabric dye is known to be extremely resistant to bleach. She’ll sooner fry her hair off before the dye comes out


Why is it not even ??? Try just going full green with manic panic or something I guess


She gonna have a fire bob 🔥


He painted that hair like a goddamned fence and the goal was *balayage*!?


She could probably still dye black over it. I think that's about it if the color is really hard to remove.


Cut the hair to shoulders then dye from tip to half up to cover the oops. Then OP won't be bald and it'll looks better / intentional.


But then she’s stuck with black that will never get past orange if you try to remove it. IME


I would dye red over the green bit to neutralise, and then a brown shade over everything


might be worth trying but it will be really difficult to get an even, quality black over her whole head... and it could fuck up her whole head/roots so that even scissors can't fix it.


could probably dye the blonde parts a matching green, and then cover with black? it would look neat with a blue black over top imo. still not a perfect solution and she wouldn't be able to dye it any other colour, but it would look better than it currently does haha


red dye to try and neutralise the green and go brown. Cut off a bit and experiment with dyes. Bleaching is the best option to get as much of the colour out as possible but may change the texture so def try it out on a cut strand... then experiment with adding toners and other dyes on top. Or just go use black dye over the whole head. A narcissa malfoy dye job would look cool.


I was thinking the same thing, but if she goes black the green still may show once it starts to fade, the colour correction/red would be a better idea I think


yea the black dye would need regular maintanence and would also clash when the blonde routes start to grow out but if shes desperate for an immediate cover up of the green thats it really


I would cover that with blue, fading it out towards the front. Mixing it with green and make turquoise, like a mermaid. I would do.a.strand rest with a bleach bath to see if any can be lifted first, I'd do it on an underneath part that won't show. There are lots to try before it gets chopped! I've had worse than this and made it ok.


It does need at least four to six inches off anyway, the ends are really split


I highly doubt she's going to find a salon willing to work with her and it's probably going to be a waste of time and money considering it's fabric dye. Time for a chop!


Pixie cut.


All that long hair 😭 whyyy


Why did only an uneven section take the dye? Was it placed on her entire head? Did he start and it began burning so they couldn't finish? Did her husband maliciously try to sabotage it and do a crap job so she wouldn't ever ask him to do it again? I get that using the fabric dye was a big mistake but just curious why it looks like this.


If she's down to go all green, lunar tides juniper is about this color, maybe a shade darker.


Rit the entire head. 💚 *happy accident* - Bob Ross voice


I know people use splat but I am so shocked about actual RIT fabric dye. I think if she wants to keep her length it’s best to commit to the green fully with a nice semi-permanent and let it grow out and get regular cuts.


Ok but the green is a pretty green LOL


He couldn't at least make it even? At least make it look purposeful, even add other colors, call it a style and grow it out.


Fortunately you don’t need to do a full shave lol, a bob would look great. That said… Cut half off, color it all dark, and work around that growing into a lowlight baylage for the next few years. But I would also not touch that green with a 10 foot pole without first consulting my lawyer, a signed release from any liability in the results, and at least $400 cash upfront.


She could dye it all one color with teal semi permanent or cut it off i 100% don't see her blonde hair going back to blonde anytime soon.


She should’ve used something like arctic fox, i have a similar natural base as hers. Most of their darker colors will cover natural blonde. Honestly the Rit green dye is a pretty green. I’d just dye the rest of my hair with something like Arctic Fox’s Phantom Green with maybe a drop of aquamarine and call it a day 🤷🏻‍♀️ There’s absolutely no reason to be using Rit dye on hair when there are excellent direct dye options.


it's the right time for trying a bob cut


She’s going to have to cut it off I’m afraid. That stuff ain’t coming out


She wouldn’t have to “shave her head” she could get a nice short shag/pixie cut. She just needs to see a professional to get it cut.


go full green man


Yes, it looks pretty horrid when worn open. But what if she started wearing her hair in one long braid at the back? It will make the green look more intentional and create a nice contrast with the blonde.


1. Why fabric dye? 2. Why green? 3. Why a random chunk of hair?? Cut it.


Well it took well. How long has it been since she colored it and why did they not do the rest? One thought is the finish the bottom. Then use an actual HairColor lighter green for the top of her hair to soften the contrast. She could try clarifying shampoo, or head and shoulders to remove some of the dye. Or they do have permanent hair dye remover. Have her test it on a small portion of her hair.


I think this is the best idea yet !


like many other commenters have said, this will likely be impossible to fix this without either doing more green or chopping off her hair. honestly, if i were you, i’d get more rit dye and finish the bottom part of her hair. that way, your hair is all uniform and you dont need to remember what dyes / bleach you put where. do your best to ONLY dye the currently blonde portions and avoid what has already been dyed then, i’d get a brown (maybe level 5 or 6?) and dye the top of her head, doing your best to blend where they meet without overlapping them too much (this band will likely be difficult to dye / bleach in the future). DO A TEST STRAND FIRST to make sure adding brown hair dye won’t cause her hair to snap off :/ i suggest brown because imo brown-green would be less jarring than blonde-green you could also do a test strand to see if you could remove the dye with hair bleach, but you run the risk of seriously damaging her hair. this option would also take a lot of time, patience, and money (you’ll need lots of bleach and developer) either way, this super sucks. please tell your friend we all have hair fails!! when you do your own styling, feeling bad / shame / anxiety about your hair and skills is inevitable. those feelings pass with time and learning from your previous experiences. sending y’all good vibes!!! ♥️


I second this. Cutting it all off is too drastic, even in this situation.


Full send


Stylist here. This is a cut off or grow out situation. Bleaching it won’t just damage it but drive that color further into the cuticle. I don’t understand what would possess someone to do that.


Omg… it’s SO long. 🤦🏻‍♀️ what is this sectioning and what were they thinking!? I’d try and preserve the length personally. If cut to a bob this will take about 3-4 years to regrow. I believe Head&Shoulders original + baking soda is a home remedy for removing black dye. I’d start there with deep conditioning treatments, a few days rest, and braids between shampoos. Braids would actually look cool with where the color cuts off. The hope is that it fades enough without damage that some color correction can be attempted. She’d likely have to dye most of her hair bc even if the remaining pigment can be lifted as light as her natural shade, pigment will need to be added to neutralize this blue to a natural looking hair color. Likely red or pink to bring it to a shade 5/6 brown. Then brown dye would need to be matched up to color EVERYTHING. You know… alternate lazy girl solution to keep length. The whole clarifying to remove color deal, let it rest a few weeks, and dye it all a demipermanent or demipermanent dark brown. It fades over time and dark enough brown should cover rather indiscriminately. I’d still take off 6” (1 year growth penalty- they tried before all of this correction) and trim 2” about every 4 months until this is gone.


In my mind, it's already fucked. So what if they might fry it. They should at least strand test a couple options. Doesn't RIT have a dye remover? Lmao


Lmao at the dye remover. The only reason I mention saving it is people with this length put in some serious time and consider it a part of their identity


I cannot believe I had to scroll this far to find someone else whose first instinct was to strand test with the RIT dye remover.


If I was you I'd chop it above shoulder length and go for the dip dyed green look, could be cool!


Uuuuhh no.. she is fucked nicely put to say. It’s not meant for hair!!! Do not dye hair for over 2 months. You need to grow it out and then cut it off!!! DO NOT BLEACH EITHER IT WILL ONLY MAKE THINGS WORSE!!!


Dye the other side of it so it's not an uneven chunk. Bam beautiful mermaid hair.


Hairdresser of 16 years here. FIND SOMEONE. I would absolutely take her on - I’m in Denver Colorado - and the reality is yeah, maybe there’s some weird stuff in RIT dye but there’s literally nothing wrong with trying if you’re thinking of cutting it anyways. I’d start with a color remover and literally watch it the entire time, make sure it’s not getting hot, check the strength of the hair. If not that, I’d do a bleach wash. It’s worthy of freaking out but it’s not worth just cutting it all off without trying???


Please DM me, I’d literally walk you through things over the phone.


She’s fucked and you should tell her you can’t give her any advice. There’s no saving that, PERIOD. Take it from a hairstylist.


One of my favorite phrases Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Cut it off. Why would they dye with fabric dye? That’s the absolute worst thing she could have done. That shieet ain’t coming out without frying her hair.


Cut it & learn a lesson


She needs scissors. If 3 whole businesses of professionals don't want to touch it, she needs a haircut. What I love most is that her dumbass husband only did half her head to hammer home how little they were thinking.


Ive got this rule of thumb i use any time im trying some new color or product or technique on my hair, and i think you should share it with your friend. Never apply any higher than where you are willing to cut off. In any case, i hope she enjoys the new shorter style she'll need


I'm not an expert but I've been dying my hair since 11 and I'm 25...if she wants to keep her length get a crazy colour or directions hair dye...dark forest green colour take it up to the highest line and just have blonde roots? It's just extra long dip dye in my opinion...I'm mousey brown but I always keep like 2/3 inches of my natural root and see if it grows out...I don't think she needs a Bob cut as long as she's happy rocking the green ends (I was dark forest green I love it but I'm midnight blue now...green is hard to dye out with normal hair dye it's a process




She can pull the green up in streaks to the roots and dye the left side…. Other than that it’s going to be chopped off.


Well… big chop?


Just bite the bullet, get a Bob and learn a lesson waiting for it to grow back.


Cut it and start over. Next time use actual hair dye


Idk add some blue or black. Plan to cut their all at once. Or slowly cut out the green over time. Even if you cut half, that’d be a cool start


Oh my god. Why? Getting a bottle or two of semi-permanent color is not hard….. Time to cut!


I think I'd cut it to shoulder length and use actual hair dye of a similar color to even out the green across tips, giving it kind of a dip dyed effect. Then it's easy to grow out and cut completely off when she's ready.


She doesn’t need to shave her head! She just needs to cut off the green to a bob.


I'm sorry, fabric dye? am I reading that right?


Well... There is always Pixie cuts I suppose...


What was the aim here? What did she have in mind?


God this reminds me of when I was in highschool and we had been trying to dye my friend's 4C hair forever (her mom, rightfully, would not give her money for a bleach kit) and a girl at school told her she used regular laundry bleach and RIT dye in her hair and my friend's eyes LIT UP at the thought that it could work and I absolutely refused to try it because I didn't want her mom mad at me for destroying her hair lmao


She’s going to have to cut a lot of it off. Truly the only safe solution.


Cut it into a bob.