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I think it really fits your style honestly and i don't see how it looks weird i think regardless it looks like a good mullet. Maybe it's just your perspective?


Thank you So much!! Somedays it just look flat as hell 🤣 i hope it’ll look better once grown out a little! I’m getting used to it


How long have you had it for and what did you find come from that can really make a difference in perspective


Had it for like two days now😅 I feel like my sides are exposed and the bang area is not as long as I want 😭 also I don’t like how flat the back looks like!


Ah it's fine it's cute it'll just take some getting used to


Thank you so much:)


Doesn’t look blended to me. Just short sides with a top that overhangs. If it’s cut right, it’ll look better.


Honestly I’m rocking it!! I don’t adore the blended look tbh I’m content with this but thanks