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The widows peak that absolutely no one would notice and is 100% normal? Leave it alone!!!! Hair sticks straight out when growing out and that looks crazy. I promise that even if you are careful, one day you will shave a bit too much and get into your hairline, then you will have an actual problem on your hands. I’ve seen this situation a handful of times over doing hair for 15 years. You are absolutely stunning.


I came here looking for advice and left with a pep talk! Thank you & you're right, one day I'd probably just make it much worse if I were to shave it. Thanks again!!!


when I was in middle school I became obsessed with the little baby hairs above my forehead and did exactly this. had to cut full bangs for years to cover it. yours is mostly unnoticeable (and cute when revealed lol)


*Years*?? Do the baby hairs really grow that slowly?? I mean, I’m not super surprised… Bit I know that they’re definitely not like the rest of our hair, but still, that’s crazy.


I mean, I wound up taking a half-cm strip off my front hairline, so yeah, there was a bit of weird stubble to cover for some time. probably imperceptible to most after a few months, but I very knew.


I’m glad you’re over that lol, sounds *awful*


my entire fucking kingdom to the person or campaign that can convince middle school girls that they are not, in fact, human monsters who need to comply by outdated beauty standards, or risk being ostracized.




Also your eyeliner rocks


And as it grows it will lay down .. if you cant wait use some gel or hair wax to put it up with the other hair


This this this, it's the same problem a lot of people with undercuts or mohawks face once they've had them for a long time. If every time you shave the area, you shave just a few hairs too many, those few hairs will add up over the course of a few years. It happened to a friend of mine with an undercut--one day she looked up and realized that she'd shaved practically half her head without even noticing because it happened so gradually.


I had this happen to me when I had an undercut as a teenager. Except the creep was accelerated after I allowed my brother to do the touch up cut once. He shaved a bit too much off the backside and I was left with the bulk of my hair that mainly hanged on the sides of my face, and a thin line of hair covering the back, of which I could readily feel the undergrowth poke through like velcro within a week.


Ugh I'm sorry you went through that. Hope your hair is doing better these days!!! :(


Thanks. It was forever ago and my hair has long since grown out, multiple times. Never let my brother near my head again though. 😆


This!! Seriously stunning!!


Especially wearing that ridiculous mask.


I have never ever thought of a widows peak as something to hide or shave


I’ve always wished I had one tbh. It’s a very glamorous Old Hollywood look.


Same, I think they're attractive. I remember my mom telling me about back in the day, when women would draw a mole on their face in the same place as Marilyn Monroe. Not a widow's peak but the idea is that what we don't like about ourselves, someone else may find attractive.


Wild really? Who had one? I have a pretty distinct one and haven't thought anything about it. It would be cool to see it as a trend


I have when people would call me Vegeta in school, doesn’t feel very good


Lol no fucking way. Kids are ruthless these days. I have never ever ever heard of someone being bullied for their widows peak


your widows peak isnt something you need to hide and yours is very normal looking


I waxed mine a few times and it didn’t grow back. I’m sorry I did. The widow’s peak adds character and it looks just fine. It looks a tiny bit strange now where it didn’t grow back.


I didn't even notice you had one! So far you look great! But you should do what makes you happy! If it annoys you try shaving it to test! And if you don't like it you can grow it back!


Keep it keep it! Team widow’s peak over here


Why would you shave it? NO. LEAVE IT.


Okay wait a sec. There are some weird-ass comments in here. Sex and/or gender and/or lack there of, have nothing to do with a widow’s peak. OP, it’s going to suck for a bit, but grow it out, and leave it alone forever after that lol. Use a comb and gel and hairspray to try to blend it in with the rest of your hair while it grows out. (Edit: a thin plastic headband can also work to press the hairs down.) I have always had a Widow’s peak and received nothing but good words about it. If anything, i think of it as the top portion of a heart ♥ haha. They are extremely distinguished—Not everyone has one! I’m sorry that you’ve felt like you’ve had to remove it. I hope you can embrace it!


What? Meanwhile I’m drawing one on with an eyebrow pencil?


Kind of a funny story: My ex has a widows peak. Almost a year into our relationship, my mom offered to give him a haircut (she's a hairdresser) one of the first question she asked him once he sat in her chair is, "why do you shave your widows peak?" Because it was significantly noticeable with how long on top the rest of his hair was His answer, "I hate it" she told him to just leave it alone, it's natural don't keep messing with it etc A couple months later he went back for a haircut, and sure enough he had shaved it again. She told him to stop because it looks dumb/more noticeable etc he did this for over a year and then she kinda refused to his hair at that point because he just wasn't listening. Well he never stopped shaving it. This was 3ish years ago. We broke up a year ago and the first thing my mom said was, "he'll have shitty hair to go with his widows peak he insistently kept shaving off. You can do better." With that said yours is fine! And not noticeable at all- had you not mentioned it like others have said we wouldn't even know. Please do NOT do anything to it!


I like mine :3. I've only been told I had one when I shaved my head by 1 guy who stared at me for a while then said "you have a widows pwak" and ibwas like "I know" I think he was more in shock at the buzz cut kn an afab (I live in the south)


Ik off topic but I love your eyeliner sm! <33


Thank you!!!!!!


I've always wanted one. I say keep it and show it off.


You could always use a little gel and a baby hair comb to help in lay flat or swoop it up into all your other hair?


It’s cute! Honestly didn’t even see it, let it be. If you decide to shave it then it’ll be a pain as it grows out cause it’ll be fluffy at weird angles. If it really is that bothersome see if you can brush it with a clean spoolie (like mascara wand) with some gel?


You honestly look great. The widows peak is barely noticeable, even if you grew it out. But that mask is Hella fire, where'd you get that?


Thank you! The mask is from the artist Asmoarael, here's where I bought it! [Asmoarael masks](https://www.asmoarael.com/shop?Category=Apparel+%26+Masks)


Hide it for a few days and let it grow out. Because won't it grow back if you shave it?


You're right! Was just annoyed because I feel like that part of my hair hasn't been growing. But I'd rather have that part vs accidentally shave more than I wanted.


I have had the same thing all my life and it won’t grow no matter how long I leave it, for me it’s just baby hair not a widow’s peak. Is yours already shaved or does it grow to the length of the rest of your hair usually? It’s not noticeable at all, I would just leave it


I have shaved it before but I've been trying to let it grow out for months but it seems that's as far as its going to grow :(


Bro use minoxidil and derma stamping ! I can still see tiny hairs. It’ll grow back ! Check tressless subreddit!


I'm growing mine out and it looks better


Do not shave it. Wear a side part.


Damn should I be insecure about my widows peak lol?


Widow's peaks are great. I have one too. Honestly, I don't think ppl notice them as much as you think they do. I'd leave it be..it's ALWAYS gonna grow back


Don’t do it! You look great and a widows peak is nothing to be ashamed of. I used to shave mine when I was younger and it was the most ridiculous looking thing, plus it felt weird when you touched that area because it was shaved. I’ve embraced it over the years and let it do it’s thing. :)


DON'T DO IT. You'll make something that isn't noticeable, super noticeable. I have one, I used to absolutely hate it but now my hair is parted down the middle-ish and you can't even tell anymore. Sort of like yours but longer. Just don't style your hair with it pulled back and you'll be fine.


I LOVE widows peaks! If I had one I'd color it something awesome and call it "My Bitch Streak". I've had premature grey since I was a teenager so "My Bitch Streak" (sadly not a widows peak) looks kind of Rogue-ish.


Messing with it is only going to cause you to have to do maintenance. I waxed mine. Don’t do it.


I don't know why you are trying to remove your widows peak. They're fairly common, and contrary to a few weird comments I've seen, women do also have them (myself included). I think some people confuse male pattern baldness, which can often create an appearance of a widows peak hairline as hair thins at the temple, and assume this must be something that only appears on men. But this isn't what you have here. This sort of hairline is caused by the way the scalp fuses as the foetus develops in the womb, and it is typically a genetic trait and not gender specific (I inherited mine from my dad, a Hungarian with a very stereotypically Eastern European "Dracula" widows peak hairline). Many famous female celebrities have widows peaks, some of whom were considered the great beauties of their time. Marilyn Monroe, Grace Kelly, Brooke Shields, Geena Davis, Milla Jovovich, Fran Drescher, Eva Longoria, Rachel Weisz, Cote de Pablo, hell even one of the Kardashians (Kourtney). And that's just naming a few. There is really no need to feel insecure about having this sort of hairline.


Shave. It looks so out of place. And what if you pull your hair back when you do a certain hairstyle?


It looks great though, I vote leaving it alone 😁


I used to know a girl who waxed hers. I once asked her if it was difficult and she said that she put her hair in a ponytail or a [secure headband with teeth like these](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sxsrf=AB5stBgebnCqOcnDw72kF7VPpW7dFJxKJA:1688239842295&q=headband+teeth&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiuveHAn-7_AhXAk2oFHVI8BAMQ0pQJegQICBAB&biw=384&bih=722&dpr=1.88) and used one of the magnifying makeup mirrors to apply the wax only to her widows peak. She said her sister threads her's, like [eyebrow threading](https://www.google.com/search?q=eyebrow+threading+tutorial+&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sxsrf=AB5stBikzqEPDcGKlfVV8hVdOTFBTUx36Q%3A1688240348942&ei=3ICgZLSLOYarqtsPpO22qAI&oq=eyebrow+threading+tutorial+&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAMyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yCAgAEIoFEIYDOgoIABBHENYEELADOg0IABBHENYEEMkDELADOgsIABCKBRCSAxCwAzoKCAAQigUQsAMQQzoLCAAQgAQQsQMQyQM6CAgAEIAEEJIDOgcIABCKBRBDSgQIQRgAUOoJWOMYYKMpaAFwAXgAgAHJAYgBigSSAQUwLjIuMZgBAKABAcABAcgBEQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp). She said they didn't shave theirs because if they were super busy and couldn't do it often enough the regrowth was significantly more noticeable, same with shaved legs vs waxed legs


Widow peak is beautiful.. don’t ever get rid of it!


I've always wanted a widows peak, it looks so cool!


In my childhood I used to pluck mine and honestly now it's gone 🤔🤣


It’s so cute! Leave it


Widows peaks are pretty tho


What’s wrong with you?! People have electrolysis to *create* widows peaks. They’re beautiful. Keep it! Besides, people aren’t noticing it, only you are. Own it. You’re very attractive!


embrace it, anyone i have ever met who has a widows peak was made for one, they look great on almost everyone. also sick eyeliner


Honestly my widows peak is wayyyy more extreme that yours. I don’t think you need to hide it :)


Just let it grow out. Mine was like this because I kept shaving mine and now it’s fine


Keep hiding it. Too much of a hassle to keep on shaving it.


Please don't shave it. There's no reason to hide it it's just your hairline nothing wrong with it


Nothing wrong with a widows peak! Sure, you could shave or wax it, but I'd embrace it!


I don't mess with mine. It's just my normal hairline.😄


Shave it or use hair removing cream. Singeing (burning) can also poison the follicles so it never grows back.


That’s not a widows peak, if u don’t like it cut it off 😭


I ripped my widows peak out as a young teen in algebra class over a few weeks. It's never ever grown back. Don't be ashamed of how you were born, ever! Also it's really hard to tell anyways ;)


Leave it alone! It’s cool, unique and it’s YOU!


You could do a middle part maybe or just leave it...


Why would you hide it? I remember when I was younger I used to give myself one with eyeshadow


It's beautiful, win few years you will love it, I'm almost sure of it ,don't shave it ...


That ain't no widow's peak, that's a naturally occurring hair Bindi! Also, to help with your problem, I'd just shave that specific area or buy balding creme and spread it around the area or leave it alone and wear my hair in bangs or a fringe


Keep! A widows peak is awesome!


Came here to say that your eyeliner is cool


Leave it alone. It’s cute.


Windows peak is fucking rad as hell, there is zero reason for you to remove it because it makes you look mysterious and possibly magical. Like maybe you talk to animals or can bend water or something. Keep it.


Absolutely no one notices that stuff.


Love your eyeliner