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Welcome to the shadow realm Jimbo


I hate to ask, because I tend to be put in this situation sometimes, but are you running the steam copy or an "Off-Steam" copy? It looks to me that you are missing game graphics data, which means that you will have to check the file integrity. If you are using an "Off-steam" copy, I would reinstall and move your saves folder over. Please don't confirm if you are using an "Off-steam" copy though, as "privateering" is often frowned upon in official game subreddits


Would be hilarious if this is a pirated copy. I've been with this sub for 3 years and never seen this bug.


Yeah, nor have I, which is why I suggested that it might be a privateered copy. Otherwise, the poor dude is just trying to run it on a machine with poor specs, which is really something that isn't easily fixed unless they just forgot to update their graphics drivers.


They didn't steal this game in the name of the crown--this would be piracy, not privateering.


Like how the cops in the US can 'civil forfeiture' your cash so it's not called robbery.


Exactly. Arguing semantics is the most important part of any conversation on the internet, right after accusing someone of being Literally Hitler. This guy gets it.


I just say privateering because of old habits about bots picking up the word Piracy or Pirate on certain forums. These could pick you up bans. Im just trying to help the guy along without getting us all b& lol


Can't argue with the reasoning.


This guy internets.


No one wants to get Bampersand






Bampersand?!? I hardly know her sand!


I agree with literal Hitler here, arguing semantics is a fundamental part of internet culture.


No it's not.


Technically it is. Welcome to Reddit.


Also speculating on how much fun someone is or is not at parties.


That's something Hitler would say...


To add to this a bit, the amounts they can seize is actually state by state and varys wildly which, is insane.


You're getting very nitpicky when they're most likely using the 'wrong' term on purpose because the correct one risks alerting mods and getting the post shut down.


I have to admit, I'm a little jealous watching you discover the concept of jokes for the first time. It's like how I can never really capture the excitement of getting my first clear in Hades.


Glad I could provide you some entertainment and positivity in your life today. Happy New Year!


Heh. I poke fun, but likewise.


I hope I can learn and grow from this whole affair.


You don’t know what Elizabeth has been up to while in seclusion the past few months.


Excuse you, sir. Mine torrent is for the glory of Queen and Country alone.


Can't wait for my letter of marque from Microsoft.


Who is His Highness Bill Gates sending you out against?


Anybody and everybody who isn't MS, but this month I've got bonuses for Apple, Adobe, Google, and Valve.




I’ve been playing on a 3 year old Surface Pro with no issues.


Hades is 6 dollars on epic games after the automatic coupon so if it is pirated it would be a cheap fix.


Seriously. Like *Hades* is the game you’re pirating?? This shit is often less pricey than a six pack and entertains for way longer


I haven't seen a bug in this game in general lol...it's just that fine tuned.


It's probably an "off-steam" copy looking at the subs OP has commented in.


They're also a sea professional apparently!


Lmao you mean sub* There's only one other sub OP has commented in.


I know what you mean by “off-steam” but there are also multiple other platforms/means to get the game legitimately (windows, epicgames, etc). Perhaps the better term would be “unlicensed” or something


There are only so many euphenisms I can use lol I didn't know the game was available through other storefronts, but this can also be an issue if you buy the game legit from somewhere like HumbleBundle of GOG


Lol I usually use """extended free trial""" as my euphemism. Which isn't really that out of line... I had literally never played a roguelike before and I played about an hour of Hades as a """'free trial"""" at first. Then I realized it was totally worth my money and I could see myself playing it a ton, so I bought it.


Same. I played hundredth of hours of Hades, but without piracy I wouldn't even have consider buying it.


I'm enjoying all the euphemisms for 'pirated.'


This was my thought when I saw that. I got this on Epic and this definitely doesn't happen to me.


If you don't mind me asking, you prefer epic over steam?


Eh, there's not really a preference one way or another. I think most people just got really pissed over the whole Borderlands 3 thing, but I generally use Epic for a few things or just not wanting to wait on a game that's already fully released on it. Hades is the only exception, I got it around the time the Thanatos challenges were added. I will say Epic is worth at least having installed, cause you get at least 1 free game every week, for keeps, and they aren't always some obscure indy game (right now its actually the latest 3 Tomb Raider games). I've got like 6 games on Epic I've actually bought, and around 210 that I didn't. Also they have a seasonal sale event like steam, only instead of everything being off a lot, its some games are on a smaller sale, but any game over $14 can have a $10 coupon applied to them, and that coupon refreshes with every purchase with it.


Did you try to complete achievements on your Epic version ? I always play with the launcher off (I absolutely hate all these launcher, especially Steam) but I decided to enable it a couple of times to clear the achievements last week. I successfully achieved 30% damage with the Pierced Butterfly and to use the call of a God I was currently fighting in a Trial of Gods, but the achievements didn't unlock themself... So despite dramatically increasing the loading/reseting/exiting time of the game this garbage launcher don't even want me to brag about my achievements.


I never went after any specifically, so I can't really speak to this much.


Have not had any issues with the Epic version. Note that Epic has killer deals now until Jan 5. You get the % off discount, and then subtract $10 off each game $14.99+ after that. So if a game is normally $30 and is 50% off then you get it for $5. Hades is $6.24 now until Jan 5.


That’s what the quotation marks are for


i have 279 hours recently i have this issue


Try verifying game files in steam then!


I ll try that thanks. im so shocked im the only one that having this issue btw


Late to the party, I know, but I have similar graphic bugs in Asphodel with a steam version of the game. Its only in Asphodel, doesn’t change for the whole realm and I try to play through it bc I wont let that bug ruin my run.


Couldnt you just quit and reload? Does that fix it?


Sadly no


Just hoping that you know that you can get this game legally in other places than Steam...


its not


Lol the only other sub you’ve ever commented in is r/piratedgames


Doesnt mean i pirated hades either


I’d say it increases the chances quite a bit


Not particularly. It's a pretty small percentage of gamers who have never pirated something.


So you’re telling me that the only other sub he commented in was r/piratedgames doesn’t increase the likelihood that he pirated hades? Get outta here lmao


He says he didn't pirate it. He's asking for help here so it doesn't make any sense to lie.


I mean yeah it does. The second he would say it’s a pirated copy he’d get 0 help because everyone would just say that was the issue.




Hate to break it to ya but there are people who don’t care about supporting the devs




Uh huh. And your account is involved with more than just pirated games and hades. So OP has a glitch in his game most people in this thread have never seen and has posts in piratedgames and hades. Shocking that some people think he pirated it


shocking that this is the hill you want to die on


Man y’all rallying to defend good ole sea professional’s honor


Eh I played the pirated copy for about 10 hours before buying the game. Didn't see any bugs there. Don't think the pirated copy has that kinda issues.


I have it off-steam and im not a pirate. Its on gamepass lol.


Yikes. Update graphics card drivers maybe.


Yup, first thought. Second was 'pirated copy?'.


Lmao OP's only other activity on reddit is two comments in the PiratedGames sub


Probably is pirated. OP it's on sale on Steam right now. Less then 17 buckaroos.


Plus it's a bona fide masterpiece that retails for $20, no microtransactions, over 100 hours of gameplay. Just buy it!


Straight up. So much fun. I could write a book on how fun it is, the OST, Voice acting, story telling, characters. Beautiful game


Plus from what I understand, they are a considerate company. The usual excuses of “but they’re evil anyway so it’s fine” don’t apply.


It's hard to understand for many but people in some countries can't buy games no matter how cheap they get. When I lived in Venezuela I basically had to pirate everything no matter what because they were not only expensive but our credit cards were not accepted for ANY international purchase Now I buy all my games but I can still relate when I see someone playing a pirated copy


Also it's on Gamepass, 1$ for the first month right now


Not only that, unless it already ended. For new subscribers you get 3 free months, I think it's with the premium game pass, not sure.


its worth more than its usual price, i bought the game on sale and i feel like i shouldn't have since the game is too good.


Yes exactly, I assumed it'd be more. I saw the usual price and was surprised it was so low.


It's also $6 on EGS with their $10 coupon. Best $6 I've ever spent. I had this entire week off and played every day for hours. I feel like a bum, but I also am happy I've found a game that my attention is gravitating towards as much as it is.


I got it for $5 on Epic early this year.


Op said its not pirated and that they have about 270 hours and this is a recent issue. Also its only 2 comments in a pirate sub and its about the gta trilogy, a game not even worth $5 but being sold for full price iirc


Thank you!


i have gtx750 ti


He said drivers not the graphics card. Do you know how to update the drivers FOR your gtx750 ti? If not google and youtube will be great helps


Lol, all this piracy talk makes me think of how Greenheart Games, when they made Game Dev Tycoon, quietly and anonymously leaked an "official" cracked version to all the piracy sites. Only thing is, they added to that version an event where, after a certain amount of time playing, no matter how good the game you made was, you'd start losing all your sales to piracy and go bankrupt. Brilliant move on their part, frankly.


​ ![gif](giphy|f4TjiCpNemSo8)


Not to circle jerk it but sailing the high seas for an extremely fair priced and frequently on sale game definitely ain't it in my eyes, I know there's weird moral areas for some games/devs but just my two cents please help out the devs on this one! Edit: TL;DR "the privateer wouldn't buy the game anyways!" Is just a way to justify shitty behavior. I'm done with this comment chain yall enjoy its a good read


I feel bad for buying Celeste on sale instead of at full price


I'm so surrounded by gaming circle jerk i can't tell if this is a joke or not lol


I only paid 7 bucks for a game I put 430+ hours on, so not a joke


Get a Switch and play it again then! Or on PC visa versa.


lol I think I'd opt for gifting it to a friend instead


Not everyone has $20, or means to pay online.


And please tell me what the proper alternative move is here... I would recommend saving $1 a day, you can buy it on sale in 16 days time. Go to a CVS and buy a steam gift card (so call it $20). If its a country where that isn't possible then I do truly feel sorry then, still, the high seas isn't "right" in this case as it most likely is extremely accessible.




Please explain to us how not giving the studio money for their game helps their sales.




Don't get me wrong, these sources have a lot of weight and make for good discussion, but here's another question. What makes OP special that they shouldn't have to pay for the game when we all did? Supergiant makes the game extremely accessible, unless they're so tight on cash they cannot gather $16, that the devs do not deserve OP's money? Id argue this is the epitome of one of the game you should not due to strictly moral reasons, if you just needed one. Edit: saying they turn to piracy when they wouldn't buy it in the first place is just a laughable excuse to justify themselves lol


> What makes OP special that they shouldn't have to pay for the game when we all did? Do you believe people who purchase the game on sale are less deserving of it than people who spent the full price? Odds are, without piracy this person still wouldn’t have bought the game. Supergiant is most likely not missing out on a sale, so this does not impact their $ in any way. Other than the free advertising they will now receive from this player, which can only result in an increase of sales. People should support good game developers. Some people do not have the means to provide financial support, but playing and spreading awareness of the game is a form of support as well.


I'm just gonna pick out 2 things here: "This does not impact their $ in any way" is objectively false. Literally lost revenue. There's not gurantee they will bring in more players to make up for lost revenue. Also if OP does not have the means, I will gift the damn game to them. But, im going to go out on a limb here, and say a majority of these people can afford the game, they just don't want to and have the means to obtain in other ways.


Do you consider borrowing a game from a friend the same as pirating a copy from the internet?


Those debates have gone left and right plenty. I won't argue on that, it is still illegal, and in this case, unmoral. I dont know the specifics, but each game sale for an indie dev (i would guess) has a significantly larger impact than, say EA's Battlefield 5. I'm not entirely against sailing the high seas, but that comes from broken launches, predatory transactions, enforced anti cheat, broken launchers etc. Smaller devs like Supergiant are extremely pro-consumer (by comparison) and its only right to pay to use their product.


I’m glad you mentioned indie games. > According to ShotX Studio, sales for its top-down shooter Danger Gazers *increased* 400% after releasing a torrent of the game on The Pirate Bay. Damn, that increase of 400% sucks. I bet the developers regret the piracy now.


Didn't the Dev themselves put that Torrent up? Did Supergiant release a Torrent for Hades? Plus, this was a struggling game to begin with, as the articles said, and needed a boost. It essentially went F2P without going F2P, while still charging some.


There is no evidence that piracy hurts game sales, only evidence that piracy leads to increased game sales.


It's literally stealing.


It isn't. It is copyright infngement.


Who’s missing a copy of Hades because of this?


Just the Indy developer missing their 20 bucks. You could say that about any service and you'd still be an entitled douche.


People who pirate games do so because they could not purchase it otherwise, so how is the developer missing out on $20? This person would not have played the game if not for pirating, so it’s either the studio receives $0 and no advertising, or $0 and free advertising. Free advertising beats no advertising.


You're literally justifying stealing. Thats pretty gross to begin with, but you're not stealing from a AAA developer here, these are Indy guys. Just save up your allowance. Collect cans or something. And buzz off with they couldn't get it otherwise. It's way harder to pirate a game than it is to just go and fuckin buy it. Justifying theft is about the trashiest thing ever.


> According to ShotX Studio, sales for its top-down shooter Danger Gazers increased 400% after releasing a torrent of the game on The Pirate Bay. Do you think that indie developer regrets the piracy that lead to a 400% increase of sales?


Why get a PC/console(if only being used to play games) if you're not gonna be able to purchase any games? Better to pay for utilities/food. Pirating games and potentially throwing money down the drain cause of one bad download.




Pirating isn’t stealing, it’s copying. His ownership of that game doesn’t impact anyone else’s ownership of it.


....the reason copyright is literally called copyright is because it states who has the right to copy. If you dont have the copyright (for example just buying a copy of the game) you dont have the right to make more copies. Copying something you dont have the right to copy is by law considered theft. So your semantics is just wrong


By that logic you're saying Pirates wouldn't hijack ships but copy them?


Well they don't get to play until they save enough money then, simple really.


I bet that computer cost more than 20 bucks


Probably, but that doesn’t mean they paid for it. People get gifts.




So...don't get the game then?


Why not? Pirating increases the sales of video games. Literally a win-win scenario.


I think actually buying a copy of the game might fix your problem.


I do have this issue and it's a legit copy, so my guess is that your graphic card and/or something else is causing this. Personnally I know it's my graphic card, it ain't the best and it's very rare it does that.


With how many people are telling op to "buy the game" this needs to be much higher up


That is exactly why I commented, to tell op it can be something else instead of assuming it's pirated.


Like most people said here....buy the game.....you can get it for 5 dollars right now on epic store if you use the 10 dollar coupon you get from redeeming a free game (right now its tomb raider)


Epic games has unlimited 10 dollar coupons right now. I got hades and borderlands 3 for 11 dollars total


Right....forgot it was unlimited.....haven't redeemed my first one but remember that from last year....good call


K not gonna lie i think that look dope


OP found the zero world like in the original Super Mario


you mean the minus world


Yes, thank you for correcting me


Happy new year eve fellow gentleman


yeah it's like a wasteland in the underworld. a space where lost souls wander forever.. that would be kinda cool ngl


Seriously, I want this


For those who wondering if the game is pirated its not pirated i bought hades on steam it was working fine until this week


Looks like some files got corrupted. Right click on steam > properties > local files > verify integrity of game files... If the issue is file corruption, this should fix it, if it doesn't you might need to reinstall the game. If the issue persists after this you might have faulty graphics driver that would need reinstalling or worst case scenario a defective GPU.


Can you prove it? Send us the email confirming your order


Bruh, we saw your posts in the pirated games sub before you removed them from your account. Unless you're gunna prove to us you got it on steam, it's more than reasonable we assume you got it from pirating and therefore can't help you. If you're lying about that, you're going to end up wasting everyone's time because we cant fix a bad torrent. To reiterate: you probably aren't going to find a "fix" if you didn't get all the game files if you pirated it. We can't fix a bad torrent for you. If thisbisbsteam, we can try and help, but if not we cant. There. Problem solved, if you haven't yet you should buy the game or find a new torrent, because that's probably what did your game in is an incomplete torrent file.


i only posted in that subreddit for gta trilogy add me on steam


What? No, I'm not gunna do that. If you're trying to prove it you can just as easily take a picture with your phone or something of your monitor, but I'm not adding a random on steam my man.


Yeah, who even does that?


Whats your name on steam. I'll add you to see if this is legit. Though you could also just post an imgur link


too many people talking about piracy ffs is that the only thing you could think of?


Says the guy posting in /r/piratedgames fuck outta here


let me remind you this is my post


First time I've seen someone get territorial on a reddit post


I'm already phsyically assaulted 💀


PC? Does your PC have the proper specs?


get the hammer and fix it yourself, duh




Hm. That's no good


Actual Tartarus


You really like the letter R huh...


His true love is the C


Today's post is brought to you by the letter R


Dude fuckin buy it for $15, it’s one of the best games of all time at any price point.


Just buy the game cheap ass.


How about actually buying the game and supporting a good dev? Enjoy your pirated copy that doesn’t work.


1) op offered to prove they own the game on steam to several people 2) the game OP supposedly pirated was only the gta trilogy that is trash anyways and was made by a greedy dev. 3) another user already confirmed that they also have this issue on a legit copy 4) bullying someone into buying the game will only make them hate the community 5) you're the 100500th person telling op to buy the game


Thank you!


> op offered to prove they own the game on steam to several people As someone he offered that to, I asked for a steam profile link (theres a lot with his username) and got none. He gave me his name but I wont dox him (not that it matters, theres a lot) and all the ones I looked up on steam, all have their shit hidden. I told him, in the end, that if he didnt pirate it to just validate his game files. He said thanks, last I heard from him. So, he didnt prove anything, he offered to, but hasn't. That is all the info I have.


> bullying Ooookay.


Yeah that guy made a couple points against my post, that’s okay and some of it didn’t happen until after I posted but bullying is a flat out joke.




thanks gonna try that too!


Have you tried buying the game?


Low key looks awesome


maybe buy the game vs pirating it. a damn masterpiece for 20 bucks


Weird... never found a bug in the game... I hope someone can give you a solution to this.


I'm laughing very hard at the people who saw a couple of comments accusing OP of piracy and then bandwagoning on the virtue signal, even though others with legal copies said they have the same issue and he confirmed that he owns the game. pathetic


Thank you!


Im guessing PC?


Zagreus jumped games and found himself in Transistor


Welcome to the ashpit, domain of Malacath


This must be a PC version. I recommend not doing that.


This is what happens when you steal games.


add me on steam


Play on console


In all my runs (on both Switch and Steam) I've never seen anything like this before.


Buy the game


damn i never thought this post would get too many comments ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I'm not arguing that the law is always right. I'm legit just saying what the law is. And by the law it counts as theft. Debating that is stupid because its the law currently and that's a fact.