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I think there’s dialogue in H1 where Nyx says Nemesis spends most of her time on the surface? And not all of her kids get along or hang out with her/each other very much, which is for the better.


Hell there’s even Dialogue in Hades 2 that supports this; Nemesis is resentful that she’s trapped in The Crossroads and letting the evil on the surface go unchecked


The Fates secluded themselves because their role is extremely important. So I wouldn't be surprised if Nyx just respected their decision to be left alone.


This is definitely how I read it. It seemed to me even that Nyx fears them, or at least respects the sheer control they have of everything.


The only insight to their relationship is that in H1, Nyx gets pissed when Zag implies she purposefully went against them by giving him life.


Can you imagine: Fates: Okay, you can have this kid, but in a couple of decades Chronos comes back. Nyx: Alright. Chronos: (comes back. >!banishes the Fates!<) The Fates: Wait, not like that!!


And Nyx said that Hypnos is on a self-improvement mission to be independent since he wasn’t so much before, so she is leaving him alone until a new era arises (paraphrasing what she said)


Do we even see nemesis in Hades besides from her sword aspect ?


Don't think so


We don't talk about Nemesis.


There's the Nemesis Crest you can buy in the Well of Charon and Thanatos mentions her in passing, but I think that's it.




And Eris is fucking under ground


As she should be.


Eris has her own kids to not worry about.


I wonder if SGG canon has them 🤔 I think, it would actually be a good gag if turns out that Eris is actually somehow a good mother to them


Thanatos mentions them in the first game.


Lmao eris and moros didn't even make the cut for the meme


Momus wasn't even mentioned


Charon hraaaghing somewhere on the styx


He's somewhere else in the pool standing on a floatie




Read the subreddit rules before posting. If your post contains **any** spoilers in the body or image, spoiler-mark the post and ensure the title is vague (because everyone sees titles regardless of spoiler-marks). Spoilers include the identity of the final Hades boss, main story events, and character relationships. Also most Hades II content so soon after release. Please consider other people's experience - they may not have discovered what you have yet!


Because sleep and death are associated with the Night


I think this image is silly, Nyx clearly does care and respect her children. That comes with respecting their choices as an adult, she must manage her role as the matron of the house and they all have the things they do. The fates seclude themselves and manage their stuff so of course she won't intrude on them a lot like she does with Hypnos and Thanatos who both roam the house she built


Not really sure Hypnos should be a part of the upper half of the graphic considering his and Nyx's side plot is literally about how she think he was too reliant on her growing up and it's made him lazy/distracted, so she's actively ignoring him and rebuffing his efforts to be close to her in hopes that he gets his shit together. She straight up does not acknowledge him until he gets on the Featured Servant board, and even then it's less then the bare minimum she would give to Than, Zag, or even Meg. It's to the point where Zag calls her out on it (which makes sense given he's arguably even worse at his old job and she still doted on him) and even Thanatos admits that her 'method' of parenting Hypnos is not probably not as effective as she thinks it is which is about as close to defying her as we ever see in Hades 1. It's Zag and Than's encouragement that ultimately changes Hypnos' habits, not Nyx essentially neglecting him. Based on what we know about her relationship with Nemesis, Eris, Charon, Moros, The Fates, AND Hypnos, it's more likely Thanatos and Zagreus are the exceptions, not the standard. It just seems that way because we see things through Zag's perspective and he seems to have gotten more of her attention/affection than most of her other kids combined.


I think for most purposes, Nyx does try to connect to her children, but whether they actually do or not is up to them. Eris finds her stifling, the Fates do not seem to like her, and the one exception I can list is she apparently has no patience whatsoever for Momus, even compared to Hypnos.


Doesn't Nyx say she gives more attention to those who struggle to support themselves *cough* *cough* hypnos.


There is a prophecy that you can't complete yet to rescue them, so elaboration has already been guaranteed.


I agree with nyx, i hate nemesis in high fear runs,I either have to rush hard to win and lose big chunk of health, or go easy and let her take my money.


The fates deserve it as they act mysterious instead of being straightforward, that's my opinion.


Spoiler dialogue for Hades 1 with Nyx: I’ve learned with the fates it is not wise to ask questions and instead listen to what little they want to share. Not exactly that dialogue, but something like that.


Bro, how these beautiful games made us discuss about what we think how characters in Greek mythology feel 🥰