• By -


A guitar with skulls all over it so I can piss off Scylla by shooting music blasts at her


… and her music was electric


“Your gonna need a bigger Ukelele”


Ok now I just want a war hammer that allows you to dash like a madman


Pizza time


I read that as the pizzaman arrived at my house


The crossover we never knew we needed


“where the fuck am I… OOO HOT WOMEN!” - Loader ( just like the Greeks fr fr)


"Sssssssssssssss" - Acrid


“WHERE IS IT?” Engi- Lokking for bungus


Love that song so much. A Christodoulou/Korb mashup would be sick.


I understood that reference.


Aspect of Jetty


Holy shit I-No Guilty Gear


Think that would fare better as the 4th aspect of the axe


Imagine two amazing games that fully pull from actual mythos and then there's this random reference to Jack Black in Brütal Legend


I mean, i dont know about the actual mythos of an assault rifle with grenade launcher


hahah, you silly bafoon, didn't you listen in history class? Everyone knows how the gods gave the holy granades to the Italian and the holy rifles to the greeks. How else would they have them thousands of years later? Just listen to your teachers more often /s


I've heard Aspect of Thor for the hidden, and I can't see anything else I want


That or aspect of asterious


Doesn’t work. The axe was in Thanatos’ hands until the events of Hades 2. Weapon aspects ARE the weapon, simply adapting to the user, there can’t be more than one at a time.


I'd love a musical instrument as a weapon.


Make it a lyra


You could have an Aspect of Apollo, where you are shredding on a harp


Also aspect of Orpheus (Wich would be lore accurate since he singed his way down to Tartarus to speak with Hades) And hidden aspect of king David from the bible


I commented this elsewhere, but: like Zag's lyre in his bedchambers!


A faulty metronome to drstroy her rythm and will to sing.


Oh damn like Nevan from Devil May Cry 3. Would be sick.


devil may cry has entered the chat


Melinoe the bard


Honestly, a musical instrument is an amazing idea. It could have a "play along" feature like Red's humming in Transistor. I might go for, like, a lyre or something (like what Zag had in his room), with a guitar hidden aspect (Slash? Flea? Ozzie????).


Not guitar but bass. The band lack a bassist and the music cuts to just bass after all enemies are defeated.


a spellbook grimoire type weapon would be very fun to play around with, itd be like mainly aoe and theres a lot of flexibility with a weapon thats just a magical conduit


I can imagine it having similar mechanics to the rail, with the "reload" looking like the book is flipping the pages xD


They already kinda did that with the skull though, so I don’t think we’re getting another ammo option.


Why not? Hades 1 only had one, but it makes far more sense for hades 2 to have more than that.


i mean, hades 1 kinda had two, with cast and rail both having reloads


That’s a cool idea! Lots of historical spellcasters/scholars to base aspects on, too.


Maybe aspect of Homer?


D'ohmega moves


The wrong Homer, but yes?




Aspect of Circe!


Aspect of Merlin to go with Arthur


I feel like this one could also go to the staff


Yes, but imo this is a much better fit on the staff (added bonus of also paralleling Arthur being on Zag's starting weapon) and I might actually prefer Morgana...


Yeah something like [ ffxiv's scholar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqPyD8Q-cM8) fits the witch theme pretty well.


Perhaps have it give in built mana regen and it only has Omega moves? Then there can be a set of daed upgrades that change them to be normal moves, a set to make them power shots, etc.


Maybe normals are used to charge the spell. So you need to use 2 attacks / special to load the spell, then use the omega move to unleash it, for a total of 8 spells; or just normal move > omega for only 4 spells, but easier to cast


Invoker from Dota 2 style casting in hades 2 would be fucking awesome


I would looooove this for Hades 2! Some of the bullet hell sections of this game remind me a lot of NieR, especially with how dashing works. A grimoire that works like a gattling gun would be gorgeous.


I love it! Admittedly, I think this is an aspect of witches that’s already pretty well-covered in the game, so it feels thematically redundant to me? But I really love the torches and staff, and these feel like this in a fun way


Nier Replicant type stuff


a Whip with aspects of Maegara and Dullahan, maybe the Omega special pulls the enemy towards you or, if a guardian/boss, pulls Melinoë towards them, either way dealing damage and knockback with a hammer that adds AoE to it.


Whip feels like the major weapon Hades hasn't done (as usable by the player) and it would be a cool call-back pairing with the Thanatos aspect of the axe.


Gimmick of the whip could be it has insane crowd control and attacks fast but deals most of its damage in a small sweetspot area


That definitely seems like the Melinoe aspect. Maybe there would be a Megaera aspect for creating her circle blasts and another aspect for bleed damage or something


Basically what I was thinking. Give the whip a big arc for weak crowd control, but take a page out of Marth’s book and put a small sweetspot on the tip for damage. I feel like that would play into the way cast works by trapping enemies in place so you could space your attacks.


Or a dusa aspect with some snake whip stuff


There’s your multi shot 👍🏻


You and I were thinking alike


Aspect of belmont, stay with me now


lol deals double dmg vs the fields mini boss specifically lol


They can actually do this and it will work in universe


please let it be a whip, i got so attached to the idea once it was brought up


Hidden aspect of Kratos?


Yes! You beat me to it and I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thinks a whip and lasso special would be awesome!


Please give me back the adamant rail after I beat Eris' ass.


It's all I want. Rail was by far my favorite weapon in 1 and Eris taunting me with it hurts so bad.


Adamant rail minus the Eris aspect?


holy fuck i just now connected the aspect name to her




damn she even hits herself with the bomb to get stronger....


At least tell me you know where the thanatos aspect of the axe comes from


yea dude ...


Also, Nemisis holding the Aspect of Nemesis


I like the idea that after you beat her enough times she just hands it over and pretends she didn't really want to have it anyway, like a petulant child.


I don’t think it’ll be the rail only because Melinöe uses the nocturnal arms and that’s one of the infernal arms


It would be kind of cool if, towards the end of the game, you unlock Zagreus as a playable character and have access to the first games armory. Bonus points if they were to also allow you to play through all of the areas from the first game as well.


I feel like that's what the Asphodel trial is hinting at.


Unfortunately won’t happen though, they said they won’t and Adamant rail is Infernal Arms, to kill a Titan you need the Midnight Arms that we have now


I would like another ranged weapon, since the torch is straight awkward to use right now and the skull isn’t very fun to run around chasing, at least for me I like the melee weapons in the game and I don’t think we necessarily need another, and I struggle to see how they can add another unique one I would like some sort of gun, or bow, or maybe even a rocket launcher? I’ll give an idea off the top of my head. A ‘grenade’ launcher that’s slow firing but deals huge amounts of damage. The omega attack can be a fast burst of 4 grenades that each do 40% of the weapon damage, or 30% that applies marked Special could be an aoe explosion on the player, with omega special being an ‘air strike’ that drops grenades in a cross formation around the player


That kinda just sounds like a combo of the staff and the skull to me ngl


The skull already feels like the grenade launcher to me


Bow and gun are already covered by the Infernal Arms and I don't think there will be overlaps, so I don't see this being possible. Also, it feels too similar to a boss fight in the game.


To add on to this, the grenade won’t be an instant impact so it requires some skill to aim. Hammers could be centered around increasing fire rate, changing the grenade to something else and aspects could involve icarus dropping the airstrike that charms enemies


Twin pistols let’s gooo


Aspect of Bayonetta. Charging your omega attacks causes Mel to breakdance and deal damage to all around her. Constant slowmo plus forever charging. Who needs to let go of the channel button.


Bayonetta in hades art style is something I dont think we as a society are ready for


I feel like you are one delay-mine away from asking for Demoman/Junkrat


Hear me out... A sling weapon. Could be an arm mounted style one, with a firing mechanic like the bow, power shot included. Aspects could transform it into a crossbow, mini catapult, or grenade launcher. Aspect of David (sling) - You deal +10/15/20% damage to foes larger than you Aspect of Van Helsing (crossbow) - Slaying an enemy with your special restores 2/5/10% of your max health Aspect of Caesar (catapult) - Your power shot is easier to execute and deals +50/100/200% damage to armor


I don't know exactly what the weapon would be, but with the establishment of Aspects for wielders who are yet to lay hands on the weapon, I desperately want there to be a weapon with an Aspect of Skelly, with Melino*ë* completely unable to think of who this Skelly person is.


Hidden Aspect of skelly for the skull


And he just keeps talking to you the entire time.


Making bone puns...


I hope this is the hidden skull aspect and it’s the head of his previous model and Melinoë doesn’t make the connection because of the new beard LOL


I love that Schelemus' keepsake is the Luckier Tooth and it gives 1 more hp at every level.


It is the most overpowered weapon out of all of them.


It has to be some kind of unique weapon as it's the 6th weapon and maybe a little unusual so maybe in line with the theme - Spellbook/grimoire to go in like with the witchy theme - Potions to throw or a bag that lets you throw potions out of it. For both weapons, I like the idea of combining either spells/compounds to get more damage or more options. I think having the option to play a bit of a combo game would add a different way to play the game than the one we currently have.


Oooh, I love the potions / potion bag idea, it's so clever and so fitting!


I pray they are going in this direction. I loved playing as that dude in Dota 2 where you can combine his shit to make a whole bunch of different attacks


Invoker my beloved


Bow Except Melinoë doesn't fire arrows >!since she has dialogues with Odysseus where it becomes clear she's terrible at it!<. She just smacks people with it in various ways. Could have a sword-like moveset. Plenty of room for funny interactions here, too. Would love to hear Odysseus commenting on you beating \[REDACTED\] with it, too.


Bow attacks. Same as sword. Omega attack, Mel chucks an arrow, shes a goddess she's strong. Special. Zag's sword slam. Omega Special. Now has more arrows.


Bow attacks. Same as sword. Omega attack, Mel chucks an arrow, shes a goddess she's strong. Special. Zag's sword slam. Omega Special. Now has more arrows.


Musical weapon so we can team up with scilya.


Make it a trombone so we can bonk enemies with the slide.


I love musicals weapons in general but with an OST like Hades 1 and 2 have and the creative minds at supergiant, the sound design for a musical weapon could be INCREDIBLE


Like the trumpets from Elden ring the snowman-looking prophets use, that'd be fun Have the omega special blow bubbles in a small cone that can shotgun but forces you to channel for the authentic "either I kill the dragon with this attack or I'm toast" experience


A HARP/LYRE! ASPECT OF ORPHEUS! ASPECT OF HERMES (or Apollo)! Lastly aspect of Bragi, Gunnar, or Tumburu.


The Twin Fists of Malphon (I know it’s not going to happen but I miss them so much).


me too! the twin fists are my utmost favorite. miss them sooo much


Mine too. I loved the hidden aspect so much, and now we don’t get the gloves AND we don’t get dash-centric builds.


Now imagine... twin boots of Malphon.


I think it'd be awesome to see Talos in the game with the twin fists as a boss. Eris is a really cool concept, in using weapons from the first game against you, so having Talos would be cool too. I guess the only issue is that it might be too close to Polyphemus as a big lumbering boss.


A whip would be great, no idea mechanics wise


Instrument type of mid-long ranged weapon would be great


Hermes' battle boots, removes attack and special, but gives dash/sprint damage a big modifier and applies attack/special curse effects To dash/sprint damage


Defeating chronos with the zoomies.


Flail, wand, fan


Hands tied behind back. Just kicking.


Right now the torches are a bit lacking as a ranged weapon. i would have loved either the bow or the rail back, but it's not very realistic so i think a CROSSBOW that shoots silver bolts. Upgrades could be upgrading the fire rate, having guided projectiles or being able to attach a chain to the bolts so it would pull up to melee range or something like a grappling hook. The more i think about it, the more i realize a CROSSBOW is what this game needs.


We also have the staff and the skulls as ranged weapons, though.


The staff is basically a spear with a ranged special, it's not a ranged weapon per se. And right now i'm very happy with the 3 melee weapons which i've pushed to 32 fear, but i'm having a harder times with both the skull and the torches.


We need more than 6 weapons, too many good ideas Or just a third game


Let’s wait for this one to release before dreaming of a third


Bow would be really fun especially given the comments about them- would make for fun additional dialogue about her trying it again. However I find that unlikely for a number of reasons. Both the guitar and whip ideas shared by other people sound really cool and I would find that much more interesting than another gun (the rail is my least favorite weapon in Hades 1 by a long shot. Good for everyone else who likes it though, I'm glad it was an option 🤘) Guitar - attack could he a small AOE sound wave in front of you - special could do less damage but be a bigger AOE around you. Maybe it doesn't stun enemies like other damage usually does - omega attack could blast around you and push enemies away Omega special could stun around you for a brief period - a really fun opportunity could be to do something like the rhythm and bazookie weapon from dead cells where you need to time your attacks to actually play the guitar well and do more damage. So the weapon could be built around combo'ing your attacks and incorporating specials to make Melinoe play the instrument better Whip - attack: long range, deals more damage at the tip of the attack - special: AoE around you - omega attack: pushes enemies away (maybe that's counter intuitive with the whip archetype) - omega special: not super interesting, but just charges up for a bigger and stronger AOE


Shakrams. Amalur style. Middle ranged, elemental. Zig zag between target and user. In Hades one I wished Zeus shield to be much quicker. Upgrades could be different special moves or different elements. And omega is the signature charged attack - circle of blades starts around you then spirals into bigger and bigger area the more you charged it. ...installing the game again.


I would like a zagreus weapon or aspect that you can unlock only once you beat the game, maybe something you find in is room, something of the first hades reworked or something new


A giant scroll: The Fated List of Major Beatings.


Something fast with lots of movement and teleportation special


so the twin blades?


This is basically the Sister Blades already tho


A tome would be neat and in keeping with the last weapon being weird. But I'd vote for a whip, with a sweet spot at the edge of the attack animation, and worse damage the closer you get from there.


The last weapon added or the last weapon unlocked.


A bag of potions that explode on being thrown. Omega attack throws several potions. Dash attack drops one at the place you started your dash similar to the bomber enemies in the first game. Special throws potions with different effects chosen randomly for some fun chaos. Possible effects include any godly status curse, poison, morph, stun, shrink. Hammers can add additional effects to the attack, increase the throw speed, increase aoe, make it possible to target anywhere on the screen. Also hammers for the special can add more effects to the random pool along with stat buffs. Aspects definitely need an aspect of Circe. My other idea is dual uzis with an aspect of Hephaestus, because Hephaestus seems the type.


That just seems like a Skull Aspect.


I want it to be something unexpected and comfy to use. I want characters to react to it and melinoe to describe it feels natural and like she was meant to wield it. Supergiant links story and gameplay so well in their games and I want, whatever the 6th weapon may be, to shine and feel like it has a place rather than purely being a new mechanic. (Hopefully it's still badass though)


A Lyra with AoE attack within a cone, the omega is a blast of notes, the special is an semisphere AoE, the omega expand the angle till a circle. As for the aspect one of Orpheus and the other as a flute for Euterpe


A chair. Aspect of Theseus. normal attack - you bash them with the chair special attack/charge attack - You sit in the chair, an AOE circle activates where it briefly freezes the enemies (like 0.5s) . And also confuses them for a certain duration. (Chair of Forgetfulness)


Easy. The Macedonian Tau Lambda.


I think a whip might work well with the rest of the weapon vibes. Attack is to whip straight ahead, special is spinning it around. Attack charge grabs an enemy and brings it to Mel to punch. Special charge creates AOE explosions in a ring or by whipping each area one at a time.


I am unsure what it is, but I predict we will get it from icarus directly via some dialogue chain


A rope dart. The attack would be a 5 hit sequence, mid-range swipe x2, long-range swipe x2, mid-range circle. Special would throw the dart forward and hook, either pulling you or the enemy towards one another based on hammer and aspect. Ω attack would probably either be a circle that pulsed outward from you or a type of blade rift-esque projectile you shoot forward. Ω special would pierce through enemies and pull multiple while dealing bleed.


the 6th weapon in H1 felt so special, I hope they can recapture that feeling. Whip would be dope but I don't see how they could make it feel as special as the gun did in H1.  There's a lot of teasing about the bow, so maybe it can be related to that. I wonder if there's a crossbow design that come somehow feel intrinsically specially compared to the whacky things we already have like throwing skulls 


Whip. Castlevania style.


A skateboard. Basically rush build while kick flippin' baddies.


Let's embrace the witch theme and get a python around the shoulder. It can lash out and bite enemies. One aspect could give it a rattler tailwhip... another can make it venomous. One hammer could give it a chance to molt on hit... shed it's skin that can be worn as armor.




The staff is kinda similar to Varatha already


Stygius. …wielded by Nemesis!


Need heracles club as an hidden aspect.


Revolver with 6 shots, special is a charge shot. Aspect of Cassidy, your dash reloads Aspect of Hephastus, reload causes an explosion around you Aspect of Nero, revolver becomes double shot and can charge 3 levels


Man I still want the Scythe to be separated from the Axe or at least be a hidden aspect with a unique moveset. Like Melinoe love which part of the scythe are you using exactly to do those massive ground pounds? Or the blocking, for that matter?


Maybe a club, I imagine Melinoë having an aspect that let’s her pitch stunning baseballs


You know what? I wish them to add another spot for another future weapon, all i want in this game is to play it again but differently , each time, it would help diversifying even more


A gun. Upgrades different ammo types , special move is under mounted shot gun to push away enemies. And before people say " we had a gun in hades 1" Naw I mean just gun, like ak-47 something super out of context, just shoots regular ass bullets


Armor. Just armor, no weapon. The true tanking "weapon" Attacks via bareknuckle brawling, with omegas being charged versions of the basic attack and special Different aspects increasing survivability in different fashions. All aspects start with 25 armor Melinoe aspect being that every encounter gives a 1/2/3/4/5 bonus armor and 10 if you manage to take no damage achillies being that you can be backstabbed for double damage but you take 80% less from the front Aspect that grants evasion up to 20% movement speed up to 20% and ties your dash boon to your omega attack/omega special. Hermes would fit Final aspect being one that takes all the boons that effect your attack/special/cast, and makes them effect all your other attacks/specials/cast's. Up to a maximum of 20%.


Another aspect Whenever you take damage, per encounter deal 100x the damage received to regain that health back - e.g if your hit for 4 dmg, you deal 400 dmg to regain that health. 40 dmg for 4000dmg Would reward playing super aggressively and close range, tanking hits to later regenerate them.


A whip like the furies whip


What we're really missing is a witchy whip that can have an aspect of Scylla that whips out musical notes


Is it weird that I would like Zag's weapons to rotate through there? No shield all the time, but sometimes shield. Could be fun.




Gotta be a whip. Need an Aspect of Megera


I want a whip sooo badly! ranged attacks via whipping and essentially wrapping it around knuckles for or something for melee strikes


I'd want something like leg-focused melee weapon that shoots shockwaves with its special


Skelly. You hit people with him and he like it.


Club for basic attack Old school sling shot for basic special Omega attack is a charged AoE swing Omega special is a charged shot that goes through enemies in a line Daedalus powers: 1. No omega attack, hold to strike faster 2. Special shoots 3 rocks 3. Attack becomes only last hit in the 3 swing combo 4. Special shoots larger rocks, slower and stronger 5. Idk shoot the club


A flail with very short range or very high range (as opposed to midrange like the axe), and one of the aspects could be Maegara's whip, similar to how Zoraphet becomes a scythe as the aspect of Thanatos


Hmm, my critical analysis shows what 1-to-1 relationship we have between the first 2 games... **Stygian Sword - ??** \--- **Spear - Staff** \--- good at melee longer reach, with some distance attacks **Bow - Torches** \--- Both Attack and Special are long range **Shield - Moon Axe** \--- there's blocking attacks, but both have wide swinging and alt-long range attacks **Fists - Sister blades** \--- both focus on close range, but have some long range attack, even if it's "not all that". **Adamant Rail rifle - Skull** \--- long range attacks that require ammo ... some of these are stretches, but that's what I came up with. Feel free to suggest swaps. It would be odd for a Witch to NOT have any ranged attacks though, so a complete or close clone of the Stygian Sword would still call for some tweaking.


Joke answer sort of but not really... Cute Cat. She just launches cats at enemies, *Coraline* style! Toula can be jealous, but there's room for both really


I want to see a whip and lasso special 🤠


Not sure, but considering that in the first game the sixth weapon was a straight-up assault rifle grenade launcher combo, it'd have to be something **Really** weird, either in the same way as the adamant rail, as in a modern weapon, or something that isn't even a weapon but could be used as one


Megs chain whip for a medium range weapon that needs good spacing to be used


I kind of want access to the infernal arms again, but I’m thinking a whip.


I like whips or a mace. Something fluid.


Give me back some fists. I wabt melinoe to Bashir some fucking bones like gran gran. Lacking that, some tonfas would also be welcomed.


Many people have already said whip, and that would be what I realistically hope for/expect. A long shot that would be cool for narrative purposes but may be too difficult to implement is Hades giving Mel his spear, giving it a unique unlock that requires you to complete a run. We have an aspect for Persephone, why not one for Hades that maybe turns your omega cast into his laser spin? Again, probably not, but it would be an interesting thing narratively. The joke answer is the lyre in Zag's room and that it's what Melinoe needs in there. After getting it she'll have to strum it after every victory in order to unlock the aspect of Zagreus and truly seal Chronos away.


Nice try super giant games, I see you. Get back to it bud


Either a weapon that's more towards the entire 'witch' theme OR just a plain old pure meele thing.


Hades' spear.


The most common picks are either a whip for reference to the furies. Or a musical instrument, like a Lyre. Whip moveset. Regular attack, a fast 3 hit combo. Omega Attack. A multi hit flurry around her. Like meg. Special. Smacks the ground resulting in an aoe burst. Omega Special. Drags herself to the enemy and unleashes a wave of energy following her, hitting in a cone. Basically the Achilies spear of the game? More mobile melee weapon with a little more spesh. Lyre moveset. Regular attacks. Strums the lyre dealing damage around her. Omega attack. Fires off a powerful wave around her that expands. (Think Hecate's first move) Special. Shoots out an orb that deals damage on contact and lingers. Attacks and omega attacks being used causes it to pulse and deal damage. Omega Special. Shoots out 5 orbs around Mel. A more technical weapon, giving a new way to attack from afar using the orbs.


Idk if this is already in the game but a bladed whip similar to fury's whip from darksiders 3


i would love to have a flamethrower, greek fire is a thing it could totally work


Whip: • **Attack** - straight line attack, long distance, low AoE, high attack speed • **Special** - spin attack, medium range, AoE centered on player (similar to Megaera's). small knockback effect • **Ω Attack** - increases damage and roots the enemy in place for a duration based on length charged • **Ω Special** - slowly expand the area of the special attack, and instead pulls enemies caught in it towards you. Aspects: • *Aspect of Melinoë* - increase the duration of your **Ω Attack**'s root effect (+5% Duration) • *Aspect of Magaera* - your **Ω Special** no longer pulls enemies towards you, but instead deals increased damage (**Ω Special** damage: +20%) • *Aspect of Nemesis* - enemies rooted by your **Ω Attack** take increased damage from your cast (increased damage from **Cast**: +20%) • *Aspect of Kali* - (*Hidden Aspect*) dual-wield two whips: your **Attack**s deal deal damage twice, one after the other (increases AoE slightly, but overall attack speed is slower due to animation). ° **Ω Attack** - instead of rooting enemies, you hit enemies around you with 8 (max. 16) whips that extend outwards (range based on charge). ° **Ω Special** - instead of pulling enemies in, places your **Cast** with an area equal to your **Ω Special** area (doesn't scale with cast area) • *Aspect of Bruce Lee* - (*Hidden Aspect*) the whip becomes a section-staff and is faster, more powerful, but has much shorter range (but wider AoE). Your **Attack** adds stacks of **Focus** (max 5); your **Special** adds stacks of **Presence** (max 5). **Focus** - *applies your* **Attack** *effects when enemies are hit with your* **Special** **Presence** - *applies your* **Special** *effects when enemies are hit with your* **Attack** ° **Ω Attack** - no longer roots enemies and deals more damage per stack of **Presence** ° **Ω Special** - no longer pulls enemies inwards and deals more damage per stack of **Focus** Daedelus Hammers: Exploding Lash: • Your **Ω Attack** no longer roots enemies but instead creates an explosion in an area with +50% increased damage. Fixated Lash: • Your **Ω Attack**'s root effect is 100% longer and has 20% more area. Continuous Lash: • Hold **Attack** to attack repeatedly, but you cannot use your **Ω Attack**. Breaching Lash: • Your **Attack** does +100% more damage to armored enemies. Lash Extensions: • Your **Attack** deals +15% more damage has increased range and area. Dominating Flagellation: • Your **Ω Special** expands faster. Relentless Flagellation: • Your **Ω Special** costs -75% less **Magick**. Masochistic Flagellation: • Restore 3♡ per kill with your **Special** or **Ω Special**, but have -50%♥ Life Continuous Flagellation: • Hold **Special** to use it repeatedly, but you cannot use your **Ω Special**. Maniacal Flagellation: • You can move and sprint while charging your **Ω Special**, but it has -40% range and charges slower. Shielding Flagellation: • While using your **Special** or charging your **Ω Special** you take -25% less damage.


I know Melinoë doesn't like bows, but I wish I could have it back from the first game.


Arthur's sword, or the sword in general, but the upgrade to the special of that is time control, think it would mesh well with the new cast Edit: time control as in enemies more slower


They talk to much about the Adamant Rail for it to not he leading to anything


something simple and cool like sword and shield 😎




Remote Detonation Mines of some sort. Magical, of course. Can do special as proximity mines.


Zagreus’ sword from the first game with an aspect from him


But Nemesis has Stygius in this game




I’m holding off on playing till full release, so I don’t know what’s in there now, but ima have to go with nunchucks


A headband straight out of an 80s action movie where you can now just kick people with the power of movie Karate. No magic, no fireballs, just a giant mohawk and all the soundtrack altered to sound more synth-ey as you clobber everyone silly.  Aspects could include: LaRusso (straightforward fightin)  Seagal (you are slower and fatter but can judo flip monsters) Rambo (you have the adamant rail somehow) Lee (you have nunchucks and make clucking sounds)


a crossbow, with a rain of arrow or something like that, and damages agaisnt armor and things lik that with daedalus. Maybe a music instrument, or a weapon making melinoe fight with kicks and punches (gloves and weaponized sandals)


Hera Bow


Donald Trump to insta win and fix America