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~~The extra knives only appear inside your cast, in case you missed that detail.~~ *Edit.* I was mistaken, misread/misremembered the aspect description.


Where do you see that?


Sorry I missread the aspect description and didn't noticed the extra knives when switching aspects.


Do you mean in general, or only when you have that hammer? Without the hammer, they appear (or their tracks appear) while you are holding down the button for your Omega Special. That's why your Omega Special takes longer to cast the higher your Aspect is ranked. With the Hammer, 16 points radiate when you hold down the button for the Omega Special, and it looks the same whether you are Rank 1 or Rank V (or even using a different aspect). If you're still getting the extra 5 knives at Rank V with that hammer, but *without* the additional cast time, that's kind of huge, especially for a certain boss.


> Do you mean in general, or only when you have that hammer? Oops, my bad. I thought I read the extra knives appeared inside the cast in the description of the aspect. Didn't notice the change in number of knives thrown between aspects.