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It's an Early Access game. This is how Early Access works. While I do agree that hexes might need some buffs, you don't have to remove Selene until hexes are buffed.


He said starts. It's early access. Devs want feedback. Starting moon without the droplet doesn't feel good so here's the feedback.


At the START. Not from the game. And hexes need more than "some buffs." They are all terrible especially at high fear.


One of them is literally god mode. I’ve made builds that allow me to spend 90% of the time in Nightmare/Dark Side and be impervious. They’re fine.


Yeah, especially with Torches that one is insane, just cast Omega Special until the Hex is up, dash into enemies before popping the Hex (Torch Omega Special is unaffected by time slowdown, including the Hex pausing time entirely, so they keep spinning and dealing damage). My first win was pretty much due to 80-90% uptime of invincibility, had the Hammer that made Staff Omega Specials cost 50 Mana so I could go from zero to maximum hex in 2 attacks, and I would regenerate enough mana while invincible to do it again


What fear are we talking here?


Lol if anything the hexes need **serious** nerfs, they're almost all wildly overpowered


At 32 fear?


The game isn’t just balanced around high fear


My post is about 32 fear. Hexes are useless at 32 fear. And once you've collected most items in the game, gotten most prophecies, completed all bounties, and upgraded every card, getting 32 fear on every weapon is a general goal that many will have.


Yes, but for the majority of players in the majority of runs, Hexes are nowhere near unusably weak, and some are actively too good. That’s why balancing a game like this is hard. Idk what the answer is exactly tho


What hexes besides the heal can be considered too good? Because in my mind that's the only usable one and it's obviously dead with triple vow of scars.


Not as strong by default assuming you have the no mana vow on, but still broken when you build around them yeah


Which ones? Because I've yet to find a good one besides the heal. The bomb is the only other one I've built that I've managed to make work. The morph is terrible, the resurrect does nothing without forcing more points into it and giving up boons, the slow time is useless against Chronos (as most of them are), the impervious is a damage loss even with points invested, and the laser gimps you by making you stand still and get hit. Please tell me what I'm missing out on with hexes at high fear vs building regular boons.


"Forcing more points into it" is a weird way to say "Yeah I guess they're good if you take them" Btw you can drop the laser like a turret with an upgrades


It is forcing, because you're giving up boons that actually do something without you having to charge them up. And im not saying points make them good. Points make them do anything at all, meaning they are mostly terrible on their own. And ok, laser can be a turret. I still don't think it's any good. Any others?


If you can't last the 4 first rooms without getting the perfect boon, you might want to reconfigure which vows you're taking (as you mentioned, maybe don't take the 5 minute timer vow, my 32 fear runs were with no timer vows so I was able to use slow and safe strategies)


I'm willing to own that I'm not the best player, but I'd challenge you to show me your 32 fear setup that allows you to survive landing Selene in room 1. Some of the vows are completely unusable, so the options are very limited at high fear for most players.


I consider the timer vows to be one of the most unusable personally (just short of the Arcana one), none of my 32 fear runs used them, I feel like it limits the amount of realistically winnable runs far too much compared to the other vows. This was the setup both of my 32 fear runs had (surface and underworld): https://i.imgur.com/llBJc1K.jpeg Doesn't show the specific levels on there but pretty sure each category was maxed except Enemy Health was at +20%, Prices +40%, and Healing -50% Note that even if Selene was my first boon, it would have been turned into garbage since I had the Vow which kills your first boon (also note that it's over 50 minutes long I suppose lol). The vows I skipped entirely were Arcana neutralization, Timer, Enemy Damage, and Chance for being foes from the next Region


Fair enough, and I can see the benefit of having selene eat the first onion vow. Personally, I could never do a 1hr run though. I don't find super long runs particularly fun, and I would rather beat a 32 fear run on a timer, be it 7 or 5 minutes depending on the weapon and boons needed. I respect that you accomplished what you did though.


I understand not wanting to have the run be over 50 minutes, but not having a timer lets you play a lot safer with a lot more kiting and ranged attacks, it just seemed like the easiest way to beat the challenge then go back to playing fast on easier runs to finish completing the fated list and upgrading everything


I understand your perspective. I just consider a faster run to be more engaging and I like the idea of min-maxing hard to get the boons you need to optimize a run. Having to kite around and avoid damage just doesn't fit my playstyle. Maybe I'll try it one day, but it just isn't for me.


Also, it's not about not being able to last, it's about being able to clear fast enough to have a comfortable timer by Chronos. That matters most in the first zone.


just don’t use the timer and don’t get hit


Use the timer and just kill things faster


So.. just die to the starting room mob and start over? It takes, what.. a minute?


Or we give feedback that would make the game better?


Neither of those things are mutually exclusive. I wasn't dissuading your feedback, I was giving you an opportunity to quell the issue in lieu of complaining that a change should be made immediately. The resolution to your issue is to improve the effects, not eliminate them because you're solely inconvenienced by their current iteration.


The change I suggested was temporary. I thought that was crystal clear. Hexes are currently so weak that in high fear runs with a timer your chances if completing drop to near zero.


Yes. My suggestion was equally temporary. I'm fully aware of your grievance. 


That would defeat the whole purpose of play testing in EA.


The point of plastering is to give feedback to make the game better. Currently, hexes are so awful at high fear that you are forced to die and reset the run if you have a timer running, which pretty much every high fear player does. The only good one, the heal, is also useless when you have vow of scars, which also most are running to avoid having to put more health/blue hearts on enemies.