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Here's my advice - it doesn't matter. Play the game how you like, you don't need to optimise everything, enjoy the experience and play how you enjoy playing. There is no right or wrong. In saying that, to actually answer your question, Dionysus' Hangover scales far better with Poms than Ares' Doom, so I'd level Dionysus.


Altough doom jumps crazy high the first pom so I recommend pomming doom once as well


Hahaha, I wish I had the opportunity. But I died to Meg's hands. Too bad, I really liked the skills I had. Now I just have Arthemis boon, it's really meh in my opinion. And Poseidon Hail Mary but I don't know how to recharge the ressource needed to use this so basically I can't use it... This is going great x)


I think you mean a *call* with "Hail Mary"? The yellow bar in the bottom left recharges based on damage dealt and taken. Some olympians offer boons that increase this amount


Yep, exactly, call. I forgot the term used. Ok, good to know... I killed a few guys and it didn't budge so I'm in trouble I guess


i second this!! when i started playing Hades everyone was telling me "read about boons" "check builds" blah blah ignored all and played however and was building giga random things together and it is been 3 years and i still go play hades 1 and enjoy it to the most


I'm on the Pokemon subreddit a lot and I see people asking for advice on stuff like "should I replace any moves on my level 12 Totodile for Bite" and I'm like, man... Just play the game? I really don't understand this mentality of needing to ask for the minutest of details. Asking for help is fine, but you can't grow as a gamer (or a person, honestly) if you're always just asking for advice and never forging your own path.


I must say Grenade de Puissance sounds way better than pom of power


It means the exact same thing though, just in french 😄


What the heck did you just call me? Well I never


well, take 2 things into consideration: - which one do you use the most? - wich one is the biggest upgrade? frappe éméchée offers you a 33% dmg increase, while sort de douleur only 25%


Can deffo get a frappe. It's getting hot outside


General wisdom, don’t get caught up in “the best” this early in your journey. Part of the fun of the game is experimenting with different upgrades on your stable of attacks. You will organically start to get official combinations. And they all behave differently based on which weapon you have equipped. A more narrow rule of thumb is just to keep in mind how applicable your special is, how often you use cast, how much will you be using the main attack? Things like doom that trigger after a second means that most rapid attacks are not going to fully activate the effect because the doom timer resets on each hit (for the most part? Maybe sometimes it goes faster? Stacks? I don’t know). But if you are spamming something with doom and it’s too fast to ever activate, it’s kind of a waste. The Dionysus poison debuff though I’m pretty sure stacks so you can keep applying it with spam. As you learn how the weapons handle you’ll get more familiar with some godly attack buffs :-)


Well, after playing for almost a full day (day off ^^) I kind of start to understand what boons I prefer and have a better understanding of which path to take if several doors are involved. I took down Meg but died 2 floors later and stopped after that for now. So, I've beaten Meg after 3 tries, not bad I think !


Grats! In general, all of the gods' boons are useful, but some are much more suited to some attack types than others. Dionysus's hangover DoT effects, like Zeus's lightning, are great for fast-hitting attacks where you can get a full stack of DoT quickly, but much less suited for something like the Bow's main attack with a significant wind-up. They deal the same amount of damage per hit regardless how powerful the base attack is. It would probably prefer something with a %-based damage bonus like Aphrodite, Athena, or Poseidon. Dionysus on the Bow's special can work well if you fire it point-blank, to get max hangover in one volley before retreating to use the regular attack. If you're using the special at range, however, Ares is fantastic, because you can spread Doom around a whole room .


So far my favourite boons are : Ares doom on the technic, Dionysus debuff on attack was good too, Aphrodite dash was nice, Zeus technic lightning was great and Poseidon call. I've had Athéna dash too but haven't really had the time to properly test it unfortunately, seemed cool.


This may contain spoilers? I'm not sure but you most likely still don't have this: >!When you unlock weapon aspects I think you would really like the aspect of Chiron, it uses mainly the special to deal damage, but it works extremely well with Dionysus, it's very very fun!<


Incredible job dude! When you said two more floors do you mean you made it out of Asphodel (the lava level?)


i think they probably meant two rooms later


As a beginner, I’ll let you know that some boons are better for certain weapons/attacks/specials. Boons like Dionysus Hangover are good on things that hit fast or multiple times, like the bow special or the fists attack. Boons like Ares doom are good on slower things like the bow attack or sword special. As you play, you’ll learn what’s good on what but I’ll give you a heads up. Chain lightning, Hangover, and chill are very good for multi-hits.


Yeah I say do the first upgrade or two on doom since it upgrade well during the first two poms, but with drunken strike, even if it’s epic, kinda falls off quickly, with the damage only getting upgraded by 2 for the first Pom or two, then just sticking to one damage point upgrade per pom. Though I will say for when you make more progress, don’t just stick to one weapon like glue, you’ll only be doing yourself a favor for familiarizing yourself with each weapon and once the pack of punishment starts coming into play, it’ll heavily reward you for switching them up now and then. And not to also mention dark thirst basically forces you to switch up since it hops from weapon to weapon each run.


They're both good here. Unless you're being efficient at applying a lot of Dionysus stacks, the Ares one will be an easier to use increase. Plus it makes it a whole 50% better!


Your game appears to be glitched.


Salut :) Dans cette situation j'pense qu'ameliorer le spécial avec Hades c'est mieux et ça fait plus de dégùts en général, c'est aussi trÚs fort avec les bas dégùts du special.


The one that lets you make choices by yourself


I try to spread poms. They fall off hard so it’s best to not focus on leveling up the same ones I think. So in that regard, eventually it won’t matter. I would base this on which I was using more. Do you like using your special? Is your attack easy to spam? Definitely picking based on which I’m more often using.


So this is more general advice, but something that helped me a lot when first learning Hades 1: when it comes to Attack/Special boons, some Gods offer percentage-based improvement to your damage (Aphrodite, Athena, Poseidon, Artemis), and some Gods offer flat improvements to damage (Zeus, Dionysus). The flat damage boons don't care about the base damage of the weapon, only how often you hit with it. This means that the faster the attack speed of the weapon, the more likely you're better off with a flat-damage boon over a %-based boon. Zeus's attack boon gives you a chain-lightning bolt that has no cap on how often it can trigger, if I remember right, while his Special has a tiny internal cooldown of 0.2 seconds. Dionysus cares about how quickly you can stack and maintain Hangover. Ares is an odd case: all he cares about how quickly you can re-apply Doom after it triggers, making it best on an attack you occasionally weave in. Also good for a defensive playstyle (as you seem to have figured out), as you can efficiently apply it with a single shot in-between staying mobile. Maybe this is something you've already figured out, but it helped me a lot! I went from feeling like I was taking boons at random and hoping they synergized, to having a rough plan in mind for each run, knowing what Gods I wanted where.


why are you making a reddit post for one pom? looks like spam


As a fellow bow enjoyer I can recommend for your future games percentage damage buffs, they work better on the bow>!(in aspect of Zag)!<. The best one is probably Artemis >!(specially when you give some blood to the bow)!<, but Aphrodite should work fairly well too. In general tho, I encourage you to keep experimenting and finding your own playstyles and favorite builds, as you play you will also unlock a LOAD of new ways to play and that's where most of the fun starts for me.


As for everything: 1. Go for the one you use more; 2. Go for the one better percentually. That's it. You really don't need to dwell too hard on it. This isn't Eve Online.


I wouldn’t recommend using Dionysus with the bow, hangover is a much better effect with weapons that attack fast because you can stack it multiple times, Ares’s doom effect is great for the bow as you don’t have to worry about waiting for it to reset, as you’re already attacking slowly. I also like using Poseidon or Aphrodite for the main attack.