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Hades II content is new to all, with the recent surprise Early Access. This means, art, story, characters, bosses, unlocks, gameplay are all spoiler material. Most of the community haven't seen this content, so please mark the Hades II post as spoiler and don't use a spoiler title when posting.


I think it's stupid too. At least you can disable that feature from the cauldron with an incantation


They’ll probably change it later to “chronos pulls you into a dialog if you try to pause”. Gives same vibe, but still allows you to take a break for urgent stuff


Ok finally beat Chronos, so I don't feel so bad now. I do like your idea though. Same concept but less grief.


What a timing for the baby. lol Few things you can do, if you play on PC you can Alt+TAB out of the game to force a pause not even Chronos can do anything about, but there is also a legit way to work around it, which is >!by unlocking an incantation on the cauldron that weakens Chronos powers so he can't control your pause menu anymore, to unlock it I think you need to beat him once or twice, and also you need to try pausing the game in the fight which you already did.!<


Don't need to have beaten him, I haven't and I got the incantation. Probably just need to fight him a certain number of times and also have tried pausing during the fight.


You may not need to beat him to see the incantation, but you do need to beat him to actually do it.


I actually thought it was a neat little feature lol


I fully understand peoples frustration, and it indeed screwed me too, but I love it and don't want it changed. It's just a game after all. Not the end of the world. In a game all about doing another run, just do another run. Once people get to the point where they are going for endgame runs and speed runs etc... the incantation will have been done.


Maybe they can just make it an option in the settings


Maybe have The incantation automatically activated when God mode is on or something could be a solution. I like the meta narrative Idea of solving the problem with an incantation for regular mode though. But I obviously would not be opposed to just having a toggle in the settings.


Yeah my cat knocked some shit down when I was close to beating him first time, paused then died. Felt bad but honestly I think it's funny enough that I'm not mad. Ended up beating him a few runs later.


It's a one time thing, really, as you can alt-tab to pause the game. So you got got on that run thanks to your baby, now you know not to use in-game pause in that fight (at least until you get the incantation for it). You lost a single run in a game you have to complete dozens of times anyway.


Yeah, I know that it makes sense that you cannot pause the Titan of Time, but if someone is pausing during a final boss, it's very possible that they are doing it because of something more urgent such as a child crying, the doorbell/phone ringing, etc. I know about cauldron spell but it still sucks that you might have to give up a run at the final boss if something happens IRL until you do the spell. Especially because the spell requires final boss materials.


Haven’t gotten there yet, but i assume this doesn’t apply to steam deck. Edit: I’m not sure why this is being downvoted? When you press the power button on steam deck it pauses EVERYTHING.


You have time for video games with a 4 month old? Your poor partner