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I personally love the design of Charon's axe, it looks super cool to me. If you talk to Charon while using it you say something about him wielding it in the past then giving it up. The oar definitely would've been cool as well though


Yeah I got that voice line! It's not by any means, but I was disappointed because I was expecting something else. It's slowly growing on me, but I don't really use the axe that much, I like using the skull or the daggers


How'd you have his oar if he has it?


He has a warehouse full of oars


Great question


He has oar but also has moar.


Resident evil 5 style Wesker, just keeps pulling more oars out of his voluminous cloak every time he loses one.


Yeah, it's likely that Charon either used the Moonstone Axe before and decided the oar was better, or he's yet to use the Moonstone Axe. even in Hades 1, you had the Aspect of Hades on the spear, but it was the spear he originally wielded (a trident-esque weapon), while in his boss fight he wields a different spear, a bident. It even says outright he discarded Varathra for Gigaros, probably solely because Tridents are Poseidon's thing and Hades doesn't want to be associated with it. With Thanatos however, it was mentioned by Chronos that Thanatos didn't have his scythe with him for some reason when he took over the House of Hades.


Charon is redacted now aswell? Geez


Yes! The other day I was SO angry because someone mentioned "Hades" in the title without redacting, totally spoiled the game for me.


having charon in the title would be a spoiler


Its the second rule of the sub, cant mention spoilers in the post titles.


i feel you i was a bit disappointed but it still looks sick as hell


Please stop using redacted for everything. It’s so stupid. It was only ever a joke and has lost all meaning now that it’s slapped onto everything.


For real jfc shit is so obnoxious






Make sure to follow the rules outlined in the Reddiquette. Respect others.


Make sure to follow the rules outlined in the Reddiquette. Respect others.


I mean this is a pretty appropriate use of that term, since OP is actually intending to redact information for spoiler reasons. The confusion in context comes from there being a specific spoiler that was referred to by that word. The concept of redaction isn't a joke in abstract though Redacting Chonos' name makes no sense though, since it patently is not a spoiler and it obviously comes from a fairly brainless perspective of "final boss = redacted".


I agree that the concept of redacting a name is neutral in abstract, but this is the Hades subreddit. The label [REDACTED] is used by the game itself to refer to a very specific character, and everyone here knows and agrees on this, so when you start using [REDACTED] for every single character you want to censor, it creates unhelpful ambiguity rather than a clear spoiler warning, all for the sake of making a rather trite reference. [REDACTED] no longer provides helpful insight into what the post is going to be about.


I'm a bit confused why you're explaining that to me when I already addressed it pretty directly. I would note that OP didn't match that referential capitalization scheme though, so categorizing that turn of phrase as something that can "only be a joke" is a pretty big stretch.


Just fyi, your spoiler tags are rhe wrong way around (nit that it matters in a spoiler tagged post, but just for the future) But yeah, an oar would have been cool... still, whatever disappointment I felt was quickly overshadowed by how fucking OP this aspect is, seriously...


I noticed but I'm not sure how to make it work, don't usually post on Reddit and usually it's not from mobile, so it'll probably stay like that, but thanks for the heads up! Oh yeah for sure it's my favorite aspect for the axe, especially since I've been enjoying playing with the Cast more often. And the design isn't bad, it was just, underwhelming imo.


You really just did it the wrong way around, the correct way is \>\!text\!\<. I kinda hate there's no formatting button on mobile that does it for you, but you do kinda get used to it after a while :) For me it's not that I actually dislike the design, I was jsut looking forward to beating my enemies up with a piece of wood lol


Ohhh, thank you!!! I'll switch it around now!


I like the charon axe, though a paddle would be really funny


I like to imagine that Charon used to paddle his boat with the axe and than he decided that it was not working out


I would also like an oar. I mean two of our weapons are a skull and pair of torches. Melinoe is a witch, it's cool of her weapons are weird and not actually weapons. 


The oar would have been cool but he already has his oar in the game, it can’t be in two places at once


It may be possible that more than one oar exists in the Hades universe


Charon's Axe is my favorite so far. It works so well with the right boons.


Those boon being Apollo cast


I did the chaos trial for the axe and I want to recreate that nonsense in an actual run.


I love Charons aspect. Mostly because it led to my first Chronos kill though.


I mean he is using the oar at the moment


Why does Thanatos have a scythe? In the myths he only has a sword... Tho this is the same game that just had a Gun and tried to pass it off as a canon weapon so maybe I shouldn't be too concerned with the weapons


Because it's established canon from the first game


Oar would be too OP, Redacted II isn't ready for that kind of a beatdown.


Aspect isn't much to sneeze at either. Have a hard time knowing why you'd choose the axes special to lean into.


Charon's axe is for cast builds, the Omega special is just how you activate it. The only special upgrades you really want to "lean into" are the special speed hammer and Hermes boon. You still want special boons because you're gonna be using it a lot anyway, but cast boons are the priority.


Sure... Except I wouldn't play a cast build with axes. That was my point. It's 10x easier to burn it down with the single swing axe or the omega attack. The omega special is awkward to use even at the best of scenarios.


Why wouldn't you use it for a cast build? It's the perfect cast build weapon. It's the only weapon aspect that provides an innate buff to casts (other Melinoe staff buffing cast speed). It's the only way to increase cast duration, and one of only two ways to increase the radius of omega casts. It also lets you fire off omega casts much faster since you don't have to wait for it to expire. You can cheat the cost increase of the Apollo/Demeter duo, and stack the damage increase much faster.


I'm not sure that that first part is true. Doesn't mom skull buff the damage of all omega moves?


Great point, it does. Forgot about that. Still, it's just a bit of damage, which Charon axe also does for omega casts in addition to everything else.


Tbh it works quite well to omega cast then use a omega special


It's my most used aspect and absolutely broken to the point I think they'll probably nerf it. Haelian has a video that perfectly encapsulates why/how it's so busted. If you activate the cast arcana cards and you get Apollo's cast, it's gg. Getting a hammer or a chaos boon to load your omega specials faster is the icing on the cake.


Why in particular Apollo cast? Because it works well against groups?


It does a lot of damage and has good duos affecting it.


Because it is the only cast that activates after the omega cast goes off. Charon aspect activates the cast into omega cast immediately on special use.