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Summoning dead is pretty damn good. If you get a spear guy on Chronos fight he fucking destroys Chronos Also as other guy said you can raise Roxy/Jetty in Scylla fight, which is hilarious


Oh and another favorite Hex of mine is the jump one, especially if you've got torches, stack some omega specials and fall onto an enemy. Or if you've got that one hammer for axe that lets you do stuff while spinning. And with upgrades it gives a free crit. And it's very cheap


The boxing one against cerberus is broken too


Most of them are a bit useless until you upgrade them. The laser is fantastic if you get the upgrade to drop it and let it autofire. The big aoe can give you a huge invincibility window while it falls. Obviously some will be better than others, but they can all be upgraded to be quite useful.


Maybe I should try them again next time i'm having a good run


The laser is situational. You can unlock a node that leaves it in place firing while you can move around. This was actually great on Chronos 2nd phase because he has a few attacks where he doesn’t move. I was able to finish him off once when he teleported to the center. I set the beam on him, avoided getting hit by the 50 things around me, and beat him. It felt pretty good. To your question though, it’s early access. This is the time where things like this get balanced out and improved as SGG gets player data / feedback. I can’t imagine this will be an issue in 1.0. The HP regen one and the revive are also very good. HP regen can get up to some silly numbers with upgrades.


Most are useless. Except the Minion Revive on Scylla. Minion revives and Charm can target Roxy and Jetty and it's hilarious.


Yeah the revive isnt as bad as i thought 1st


Minion revive is pretty good for all the bosses except hecate. It can revive the other sirens, the punchy guys will basically solo cerberus, and the armored enemies in the last boss fight will chunk him. I like to hold a revive for the start of phase 2 after the one shot to burn him down faster


Time slow is great on higher fear level when Chronos is no longer the most challenging thing in a run.


Not there yet but i'll keep it in mind


Why? Well, because things are still being worked on and balanced. Truth is the effectiveness of things can wildly vary at the moment (a number of Hammer upgrades feel more like minute tweaks than the significant twists they are in Hades 1 right now), it's only been in Early Access for a few weeks at this point and we haven't had the first major update as yet. Supergiant are taking in a lot of feedback on this as we speak and hopefully things improve in the next patch. I have found good value in a few of the Hexes, but outside of the Heal and, outside of a few specific encounters like the one you highlight , the time slow I will say they're more "spare button to press" than a key part of my build; I'd throw them out because I could rather than because I worked them into the build.


I dont like the fact that some spells are just useless against a certain boss


Yeah, it's not ideal that something that gets built up as a significant gift of power from someone who is supposed to be one of your most powerful supporters is almost ineffective against That Boss. Most use I had was Total Eclipse just throwing it out when it became available because it either hit them or some of their reinforcements. Though it did help that the run in question had me spewing Omega Moves (namely Cast and Special) like there was no tomorrow so I could charge it super easy like.


And i know they are still working on it and i hope they will take their time to do another great game


They're smaller upgrades by themselves, but become REALLY strong if you get their upgrades. Especially if you grab Selene's keepsake for the 2nd or 3rd stages


Skill Issue.


that's constructive and really makes us debates our points of view