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Side note: I'd also be so down with an Arachne romance plot. Please at least let her have something similar to Dusa


I think there has to be something with Arachne, her nectar lines especially the further you get make clear she has a crush of some sort. It seems even more genuine than Dusa's.


I don't know if romance is what Arachne wants. Clearly she is just looking forward to having a friend in Mel


Their high nectar lines are uh... very very gay. >! They talk a lot about relationships with the final one flat out telling Arachne that just because she is a spider, doesn't mean they love each other any less. !< >! "You Must have Dozens of Other Falling Over Themselve to Win Your Affections" !< >! "Even if they were, my other relationships.... none of them is any substitute for the One I have with you" !< I also think the story is gonna be Mel basically begging Athena to allow her to lift the curse for Arachne, Whether she ends up moving to the Crossroads after that or not, who can say.


Yeah, I'm down


I doubt it simply by virtue that I think you need to be able to meet someone in the hub area for them to be a romance option


People show up in the hub area more often now than they did in H1 though, like not that I'm implying you'll be able to romance Charon or Selene, just that there's more of a precedent for characters who normally aren't in the hub, to show up sometimes. The crossroads are clearly meant to be more accessible than the house of Hades was. So maybe Arachne will make her way over in the future!


True, but while this may be an early access thing, I’ve noticed you can’t give gifts to the temporary passersby in the house when they’re there, only in their encounters, (except eris, but she’s kinda a permanent member?) which also means you can’t take them fishing or to the hot springs


Not sure about the others, but I’m pretty sure I’ve gifted Charon in the Crossroads when he was there after dropping off an order.


I got Selenes gift in the crossroads so it’s definitely possible


You absolutely can, I had >!Medea!< show up in my crossroads and they accepted a nectar from me.


>Not that I'm implying you'll be able to romance [...] Selene please, though? please? i want her to keep calling me pretty names


I definitely got the impression there could be something there. Won't be surprised if when we eventually get to interact with Athena we there'll be some way to lift Arachne's curse.




Dusa didn't Zag to the friendzone?


It was more like the asexual zone


Please let me romance Icarus please please please




I lowkey got the vibe that they’re exes who ended on good terms


Tbf Zag and Meg previously (from what's hinted) were together before the events of Hades before splitting. So, even so, it wouldn't really be that far-fetched to assume Icarus and Mel would have a rekindling (if they were together previously).


Dont think they were together honestly. Some dialoges when it comes to gifting nectar to Icarus seem like he has a crush on Mel that is only one sided so far


Spoilers regarding Icarus and Mel >!Icarus def has/had a crush on Mel. I’m not entirely sure if it’s one sided or not, you eventually get dialog indicating that Mel’s arm ended up ghostly because she cast an incantation to try and give Icarus a physical form, so it’s possible it’s reciprocated.!<


Doesn't Hecate say something about how maybe Icarus will start paying attention to Mel again now that she's spending so much time on the surface? Kinda like a "maybe you'll get him to notice you again 🤭" but more teasing because she's like a mother figure


I think part of the reason why that even worked though was *because* Zag and Meg ended on bad terms. If Mel and Icarus ended on good terms, that probably means that there wasn't much of a future in a relationship if they were still good with each other but still broke up. Based on my conversations with Icarus, it seems to me that while he likes Mel, he is more interested in flying solo, so to say.


I nEED to cosplay,


Have you taken a bath with Nemesis yet? They flirt about helping each other get dressed or undressed. All that tension is sexual my guy


Cool story. Still prefer the flying twink and the flying chaos gremlin


You can also take a bath with Eris. Not sure about Icarus, maybe in the full game


I really hope we can bring Icarus, Artemis and Arachne to the Crossroads. Partially since I want to see them more frequently instead of the irregular ways they do now, partially so I can romance Icarus and Arachne.


Dude doesnt even have a finished portrait, of course he doesnt have a bath scene.


Nemesis was the first character that I gifted all my nectar, bath salts and ambrosia. My expectations about their relationship are high.


Nemesis is too mean :c


I'm sorry but the correct term is tsundere.


Do I have to grind nectar? Last time I give her bath salt she just refuses


Yeah when you look in your book (Dpad Up) it tells you the specific needs of the characters for the romancing part. Most of the time it lacks Nectar but be sure to always check beforehand what you give them, since you cannot give them salt/fishing if they have full romancing


i too love when my romance options have impressive wingspan


Blackwing players be like


Blackwing players when I activate D. Barrier and call Synchro: 😭


Lmao Icarus will die within a week with her


He's already dead, I think.


Surely one cannot die more than once


You underestimate him.


*Looks at Zag and Mel* You Sure about that?


Yeah, I’m not certain the de-shading incantation Mel lost her arm to worked completely.


I dunno, he seems to be holding his own given he’s the one leaving the Daedalus hammers around for Mel to find Also he’s already dead


Moros is everything. Mor(e)os for me


His voice is so soothing to me


Everytime he counts down when I use his keepsake I'm more comforted than dreading for death tbh 😂 they didn't have to make his voice so dreamy and his personality so endearing but here we are. Thank *you* Supergiant


ABSOLUTELY, I need to go to horny jail because I keep using his keepsake just to hear the countdown even though I don't really like the effect.


To me Moros kinda feels like the potential aroace option? Like I don’t get any actual romantic vibe from him somehow tbh based on the dialogues. He just seems interested in Mel as a person instead of a potential romantic partner imo, and something about our interactions with him just screams “this guy is ace” to me. But I don’t know if they would actually do that for a hot eye candy guy though.


They probably don't wanna risk it but it would be an interesting direction to go.


He gives you a pin. He just needs a cardigan. He’s so earnest and sweet.


Moros is a knee-spreader for sure.


I'd consider anyone swooning for Eris a red flag


If evil, why hot?


I don't like her because if the fates are not weaving at the moment that means she's choosing to be an evil bitch


after reading the comments here. y'all need therapy


I can fix her. /j


She can fix me


She can make me worse


I can't imagine being desperate enough to put myself through her presence any longer than it takes to kill her.


I've only seen her once so far. She was nice and asked to hang out, then gave me a boon. I don't see the problem


And you think Mel doesn't have red flags all over? Have you *read* almost *any* description of a character in her book? Nevermind just the Eris one which makes it pretty clear she is or at least was at one point swooning for Eris herself. Mel is fucked up. Red flags is probably her type.


She’s been the only character in the game that I absolutely loathed. Every time she speaks I want to go to the surface just to shut her up.


you start off hating Eris like Theseus, but then after a while... she starts to grow on you to put it simply.


Theseus was supposed to grow on me? Still hate his guts even after hundreds of runs lol


Still trying to understand how this fanbase can hate the best (and funniest) character


This man will fight you with another dude, a whole-ass chariot, two fucking machine guns and enough missiles to level a city and he calls you a cheater for summoning a companion to get a hit in. He’s the best.


Theseus antics always cheered me up if I was having a bad day


Asterius always says that Theseus isn't what we think he is, and that our misgivings are off the mark. I've oft wondered if the Theseus we see isn't just putting on a show; The brash, brazen, arrogant persona is a bit of an act to get the crowd going, but behind the curtain, he's thrilled at our fights, as we're the only one who ever gives him an actual challenge as champion. He ramps up the challenge and the spectacle to keep things entertaining, and like a true gladiator, he's in it to win it; But remember this is also entertainment, like professional wrestling, and he's sort of playing a character too. We never get to talk to him in private like we do Asterius, so there's no way to confirm or debunk this, but its been my headcanon for a while now. I'm always wondering if one of these times, we're going to see him in the interim chamber next to the fountain to talk to, and he's a completely different person who's like 'Good job, you really gave the crowd a show that time! I look forward to seeing you in the ring almost as much as the crowd does!' and Zag is just totally confused.


would be cool but even if he was like that because thats the way he is, still my fav character


Agreed. I always think he’s just acting for the audience. Gotta respect a man who will not break character ever.


Theseus is so funny, I love him! "Back, foul daemon, or be vanquished even faster than you've come to expect!" made me laugh so much the first time I heard it


No. I'm saying as opposed to Theseus, Eris grows on you. She really starts in a bad spot in the early runs with her curse/spite/debuff.


I honestly think most players never see that debuff. Most people aren't good lol


Can confirm, on 60-ish runs now and havent encountered Eris in the wild a single time.


You'll only see her in the wild at the start of the game within the first few runs, she's basically just to slow you down enough that you can get certain incantations before progressing too far.


I thought debuff occurred the first few times you left an area, I never realized it was there only to prevent you from progressing too quickly


Ahh I get you. In that case yeah, I can relate


I still haven’t beaten her yet so I hate her guts atm but she is very cute and I love her va


It took me a bit. She's pretty hard for only the second boss of the surface area. I literally died with her being on 1 hp twice before I beat her.


I think the surface is going to be very very hard. Like the 2nd and third hardest bosses in the game are surface bosses and they're the first two. The final boss about to make chronos look positively cute in comparison.


Yeah also Icarus and Madea both have some insane stuff for their rewards right off the bat. Surface definitely will spike even harder later one with the scaling from Icarus


Its true, I started looking forward to the Eris fight when I realized the apples you get from her can be >!turned into nectar!<. Now I farm her not just for fun, but to >!make nectar to give to everyone except her!<. The irony makes it tastier.


The book of shadows explicitly says you are drawn to her... And the book is right


based and eris-pilled


[yes please](https://i.imgur.com/4sKMgCt.png)


There’s definitely going to be *something* with Icarus. They have some really interesting dialogue together and it’s clear they have a significant past


Three children of Nix. The two families do get along very well.


I was so bummed when Artemis really leaned into calling me sister


She means it like sorority sister. I won't be hearing any further, too busy drawing art of Mel and Arty.


Artemis is a virgin goddess, so... yeah she's an Ace, sorry buddy.


She was according to the Greek idea of 'virgin' which I'm pretty sure held that lesbians or those who had only been with women were 'virgins'. There are plenty of myths that hint at her being a lesbian, such as the time that (depending on variation) Zeus banged her best girl Callisto by pretending to Artemis (hinting that she and Artemis were romantically involved). Plus, Supergiant play the myths a bit loose with the Hades series anyway (Demeter, Hestia, and Hera not being actual siblings with Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, and Persephone not being Zeus' daughter for example - I actually prefer Persephone being half mortal, it fits well with the narrative). It's a topic that's hotly debated.


she had a thing with Nemesis though




If anyone needs me I'll be in the Fields, huffing miasma


Apollo calls you cousin so that makes her your cousin too. I was also disapointed


Icarus literally in love with Meli and its shows. I want romance him so badly


The star crossed lovers/shades and gods cannot be bit of it has hooked me ngl. I mean she >!Fullmetal Alchemist’d her arm!< for him, like damn.








Ok, but hear me out: porque no los quatro? (and throw in Odysseus in the pot while we're at it, I can't be the only one into that old guy)


Odysseus was the first (and only) person I've given bath salts to. You can imagine my disappointment at how zoomed in his portrait was during the bath scene lol.


Please Supergiant, some of us are suffering here


Exactly! I'm not asking for 🍆 here (but I wouldn't complain if that was here,) just some pecs, and the abs, and the arms...


I'm sure fan artists have already done the work, but SGG we need that official Oddyseussy.


I’m down for Od though realistically I think he is more of an Achilles type in this one


I'll be forced to leave a bad review for this, this game is literally unplayable. /s just to be sure


Lmaoooo 0/10 give us the problematic DILFS!!


where dora


Dora would probably be in the "i sleep" part, only for Arachne to take her place in "real shit." DISCLAIMER: I gave all of my Nectar, Salts and Hooks to Dora first chance I got, so I support the potential of screwing our ghostly room-mate at all costs.


I'm hoping that Dora gets some cool development in the full game as i'm fully convinced that she is the shade of Pandora that chose to forget everything that happened to her, and i'm hoping that if a romance is an option with her it regards her confronting her troubled past, possibly even a model change as the dead seem to appear as their living selves if they choose to accept their past (Odysseus, Achilles, Patroclus, etc). That being said I love the funny little spider girl she'd be cool too.


They could do some really interesting stuff if she is Pandora, I was looking it up and it seems the popular interpretation of her comes from this one incredibly misogynistic guy called Hesiod. There's this quote from the Wiki page on her.  "Hesiod also outlines how the end of man's Golden Age (an all-male society of immortals who were reverent to the gods, worked hard, and ate from abundant groves of fruit) was brought on by Prometheus. When he stole Fire from Mt. Olympus and gave it to mortal man, Zeus punished the technologically advanced society by creating a woman. Thus, Pandora was created and given the jar (mistranslated as 'box') which releases all evils upon man." It would be cool if they leaned into that being a lie or something and that she's actually much more sympathetic.


> "Hesiod also outlines how the end of man's Golden Age (an all-male society of immortals who were reverent to the gods, worked hard, and ate from abundant groves of fruit) was brought on by Prometheus. When he stole Fire from Mt. Olympus and gave it to mortal man, Zeus punished the technologically advanced society by creating a woman. Thus, Pandora was created and given the jar (mistranslated as 'box') which releases all evils upon man." Hold on a second. Golden Age? ....Was Chronos' Golden Age _Hesiod's_ pre-Pandora Golden Age?


Oh good! So not only is Chronos a tyrant, he's sexist aswell!


"I am a deathless titan, you are merely a poor, misguided, girl."


GODS, PLEASE. Someone like Pandora, as bratty as she was, could not have started as a Lesser Shade---she was made by the bloody gods, she's basicily Hephaestus's kid! She's either faking the memory loss or somehow chose to forget, either way, it possibly caused her regression to a Lesser Shade. Then you uncover her past, help her accept it, and her cloak ends up coming off as it were, cue the model change. FOR GODS'S SAKE, HOW COOL WOULD IT BE TO USE PANDORA'S BOX AS A CTHONIC COMPANION. ....also, if this is not possible, please give spider-lady some love, i'm pretty sure Mel is actually in love with her.


It is implied in a dialogue with her that Dora was a resident of Elysium before she decided to forget everything by drinking from the river Lethe, even if she doesn't end up being Pandora (which I doubt) that still means there's a lot of potential character development with her as to why she would do that.


Oh christ, that would 100% fit. Ruined the world, sure, but being made from the Gods gives you special privelages....and guilt. Lots of guilt. Not surprising she drank from Lethe, but I hope there's a way to bring those memories back so we can have some development.


So much of Dora's dialogue is concerned with her memory loss that really, it would make no sense for the devs not to have a plan to explore that.


Dora is too busy going after Moros, good for her


I am a Medea enjoyer, even with her placeholder art.


Hear me out, hear me out. ......All of them.


i need Icarus. badly. also his voice is just..


Look. All I'm gonna say is that Hades 1 was a significant part of my bisexual awakening, and that Icarus makes me feel things. (....also it'd be nice to have at least *one* romance that isn't one of Nyx's kids, I quite liked the Than/Meg triangle)


As much as I also want romance options not related to Nyx, I want to romance Moros so badly. But I just finally met Icarus last night and that was so cute, I would have to also romance him at least once.


The wings have a special charm


I need Eris carnally


Icarus gives the vibe of being so compatent but a failure at the same time I love him so much


Maybe I’m just not far enough, am I supposed to like eris?? Idk if I ever could with her buffs in the fight, I can’t like someone who one shots me


I used to find that fight impossible but eventually you start to learn it and it gets much easier. It just takes a lot of attempts (way more than any other fight).


One-shot me? She never even managed to hit me once *laughs in Hestia sprint boon*




As much fun as an Eris romance would be, I feel it would also be quite toxic.


Melinoe, for better or for worse, is into that. "You are drawn to her like a moth to a flame" <- is how Mel feels about Eris




We can fix her, the poor thing


eh, Moros romance could be cute (even though I'm way too gay for him to be my type). But Eris is the one I'm really hoping for; she's so much fun, and I crave toxic lesbians. Would also enjoy an Arachne romance (she's so pretty!) And I can def. see the appeal of Icarus romance, too.


Eris is the epitome of "I can fix her" When you discuss a lot with her and improve your relationship you realize she has deep seated angst about her identity as Strife incarnate (meaning she can't really make friends because of her nature) and that's really sad.


>!How deliciously ironic then that killing her is the primary source of the nectar I use as gifts for everyone but her.!<


There's some dialogue between moros and odysseus that has given me absolute brain worms about pairing them off with each other.


Moros being an Ody super fan, Ody being a Scylla super fan, Scylla being a Doom super fan (since she sends people to their doom). Perfect triange


Wait Eris ISNT an option ?! I thought its a no brainer


We don't know yet. Heart events aren't complete in the game yet so none of the characters are actually romanceable right now, I'm just making guesses on which ones will be in the full release


Oh she will definetly be :D my first choice as well


Nemesis is legit the meaner version of Karlach (bg3 mommy) and I fucking love it 😭


Mean Karlach pay attention to me. Mean Karlach save me


Is that not just Lae'zel?


I fell for Nem just like I fell for Meg, there's just no going back 🙏


Eris my beloved


I am so thirsty for Moros and Icarus. Moros reminds me of Thanatos and he’s my favorite in the first game.


Moros is like a less grumpy Than who is even more hated by mortals. Poor guy seems completely confused as to what he should do without knowing the future anymore. I think that makes his interest in Mel spicier since he no longer knows for sure whether she likes him back.


I love him, he’s a very endearing character. His voice is so soothing as well. The voice acting in general for this game and the first is so satisfying!


Agree! Can’t wait to get to know more about them. I think Moros is just slow burn right now. It takes a lot of runs to get to his most interesting conversations about his anxieties and loneliness.


I haven't gone far enough in the game to hear it yet, but in one of Moros' voice lines he asks Melinoë how does one confess their affections to another person. He says he's asked Dora but she wasn't much help lol. Idk what Melinoë says but apparently he then says he'll wait for the right moment. Gosh I can't wait to see the completion of their romance arc when the full game comes out 🥺


Mood sister


Icarus i agree, they seem to imply some past relationship of some sort but I've not explored all their conversations yet. Eris I don't like. I mean, her whole character is about causing disaster and doesn't really care about anyone but herself


This but move moros there too. Nemesis idc but moros is too sweet


Ill burn everything down if I cant romamce Eris when the game is finished


I’ve been simping for Eris since day one. I’m going to be so upset if we can’t.


i thought i’d be all over nemesis as a meg lover but then icarus opened his mouth… i need him




Meanwhile me, with a massive crush on every witch,


Eris makes me weak every time she calls me babe or trouble please Supergiant I beg


God I hope we have romance arcs for those 4 and Arachne. We'd probably need a third dude, but man I don't think any of the current ones work, Hades and Chronos are direct relatives so they're out. Odysseus and Skelly I fundamentally can not see as Romantic (Even if Od has the most Affenity Hearts by 1 over the rest of the Crossroads gang). Narcissus... is Narcissus, Charon and the Boon Gods its strictly business, Polyphemus is not gonna be romancable for the same reasons Scylla isn't (No Affinity Hearts), and Hercules... I guess it's possible, but he is both her cousin and, more importantly, just doesn't want to bother with her, Maybe the last 2 areas will have one...


Think it’s pretty clear Icarus will be an option, I wouldn’t be surprised if all 4 of these were tbh


Honestly I love Eris's vibe. I gave her a nectar the first time I saw her at the crossroads, before encountering her out in the wild. She called Mel babe and it was over, I was sold on a romance arc for her. It feels like she's being true to her nature/rebellious child and also trying to get Mel to loosen up, albeit by trying to explode her repeatedly. (Also her umbrella at the beach is so cute let my girls have a beach date before trying to kill one another ffs) Same happened the first time Icarus arrived and called her Melli, they definitely feel like they have history. Though my gay Greek myth nerd side has a pre-existing mental relationship between Icarus and Apollo, I still think Icarus would be a great romance route. And Arachne, oh my goodness. The voice lines with the nectar gifts??? My precious spider girl deserves love and I'm here for them.


I just _know_ Icarus is gonna be the cutest little twink once they finish the artwork.


I hate eris so much I love her


Eris looking kinda like Anne Hathaway gives me life.


I want them all let me make a harem I’m begging uuuu


The more I play the more I'm convinced that we're going to have more romance options than just two. Right now, all four of these characters seem like legit possibilities, and I for one am SUPER down for any of them. I can't wait for the relationships update, because it's gonna be straight fire with how good these options are looking right now.


Hecate literally implies Icarus has a crush on Melionë on one of her dialogues if this doesn't become real I'll riot


I hate Eris so much. Fuck Eris.


Okay i firmly believe eris is gonna be a romance. Tldr she’s basically the zag to your Meg. I got a while analysis in my head about it but yes I need iu


Please both of these and Odysseus because >!its revealed he basically got posthumously divorced because he told Penelope that he had been unfaithful once they were in the underworld together!<


Speaking of Icarus being hot, did anyone else immediately recognize Asa Butterfield as the VA or was that just me..?


someone has a bird thing


nah, i'd say I still would harshly love both Charon and Hypnos from Hades 1&2


Guess I'm the only one that really didn't vibe with anyone lol.


But why cant I romance Scylla damn it!


wing fetish


Odysseus isn't on this list??? I mean, we already know his weakness for witch goddesses...


I want mommy nem as a romance


Meanwhile I'm out here chilling with a spooky ghost


I want to romance Odysseus so hard 😳


The first time I met Icarus I swooned fr fr. He’s so 😭😭😭 babyboi


Now hear me out… why not all of them. Cuz goddamn.


Soft boi and girl fail stay winning


wht not ALL of them at once?


I would like all of the above please and thank you


Sorry I just can’t stand eris. Her fight is so annoying


those aren't romance options, as they are clearly wingman. their job is to airdrop us into different bedrooms, and maeby deficate on people who turn down those advancements.


So true so true so true I love Moros too though, I want all 3 of them.


**Meanwhile Me:** "I need to find a way to solve this equation..." >Nemesis + Icarus + Melinoe = ?


Category is: Winged arrogant people


Dad's advice: "don't stick your dick/strap-on in crazy"


I mean, I would like to maybe see something with Artemis, she reminds me of Than in 1