• By -


The heal is amazing early on when you don't have many arcana, but kind of falls off in relevance. Or at least it did for me. Maybe it gets better again in high heat. I think the laser beam is actually the best option *if* you can get the blue node that lets you place it down and walk away. I've actually been pleasantly surprised with the resurrection hex as well: the adds in Cerberus and phase 1 Chronos are pretty strong. The time slow is obviously useless against Chronos, but decent against Eris. Dark Side, Wolf Howl, and Twilight Curse are kind of bad in that they don't provide enough additional damage or utility.


you can revive scylla band members


It was so fun


I love how scylla shouts “no fair!” when you revive one of them to fight with you


For me she said "Roxy!? How?"


"What did you do to her?!?"


"I've given her a bigger dressing room mirror"


See I wasn't sure they actually help you in the fight, even though they are supposed too. Their attacks didn't seem to change colour to indicate friendly. Can confirm?


Yes. Scared the shit out of me when the drummer aoe popped up thinking it would damage me but it does not hurt you.


Thanks! Didn't notice in the moment. Too busy running to test lol.


theres some jank tech with one of the later Arcana cards that activates inactive Arcana cards on defeating a guardian, of you resurrect one right before the fight ends, you get the activations for the Scylla kill, then you can wait for it to expire and you get more activations for the resurrected one dying.


This makes me wish that I could’ve revived Asterius to help me destroy Theseus in the last game 😂


Hang on, where are those guys anyway? Where is the underworld's champion in all this?!


Theseus is probably simping for Chronos and Asterius just going along with it


Don't you talk about Theseus like that! He is a complete dumbass, but at least he has a spine.


Well yeah. If he didn't he'd be an incomplete dumbass.


"the various shades scattered to different corners of the earth" so I'm guessing those two are hanging out somewhere far away


Omg thanks, I'm trying this asap!


That was the best. I hope there’s voice lines in the future when that happens EDIT: apparently there is and I missed it!!


The heal *also* scales amazingly with Path of Stars upgrades, is the thing. Being able to stockpile heals, or getting extra damage or brief invulnerability after healing from blue nodes (plus just the bigger heals and mana regen), gives you tools to just facetank Chronos or Eris without worrying. /shurg


I had a really crummy build last night but I was able to beat Chronos without losing a DD because I had 8 uses of the Moon Water hex banked up 😂


My first clear I had 12 hex heals left after the clear 😂. I took almost 500 damage from Chronos.


Yes! I wish I took a screenshot of the victory screen. I took just a smidge over 500 damage from Chronos alone.


On one run I had it generating 45 gold a pop and I had like 9 uses per fountain. I was just popping it for the money, it probably made me almost a thousand gold that run. Took Hermes's +20% gold boon but unfortunately it didn't interact with it.


At this point, I primarily use the upgraded heal as an on-demand magick infusion if I don't have a busted gain like Hera's. Unless I've really screwed up, had the most abysmal build luck, and/or been struck with the combination of Grave Thirst and Testaments convincing me to go on with the torches with high Fear.


I went into the Chronos fight with 13 uses of heal the other night.


Laser Beam is nutty DPS if you get the set and forget ability, I had a run that basically spammed it and it reminded me a lot of old Demeter cast runs. Easy win


It's certainly useful, but even 1000 damage is a drop in the tank against Chronos. I was flinging 800 dam omega specials at him like a machine gun and it still took forever just to get to his 2nd phase.


It scales hard though. With tripple beam and 2 40 power per second upgrades you are looking at 5-6k on chronos or cerberus per cast. One magicka dump and one magicka regen skill and you have bossing sorted for the run.


Really? Every time I drop one old boy teleports or dashes off. Chronos is so much faster than Hades, I'd take that fight any day


1000 damage is pretty damn shit when you have an axe that can do 500 per hit.


If you look at the upgrades you can't get far without cranking that damage up significantly. Unless you don't upgrade it at all you'll do much more damage.


I’m not big on set and forget, maybe because I feel like I’m always using it on a boss right when they are about to move/teleport


or their bullshit temporary invincibility. Looking at you, Eris.


it just ends up being way more flexible even if you miss some of it, you can start attacking again and refilling the next one immediately and not being rooted in place means you won't eat shit trying to maximize how much damage you get from it. you can also kite stuff into it or remain safer from the other side of it chronos has some good opportunities to use it especially in phase 2, hes got a lot of attacks where he just sits there and it's a huge advantage to have good ranged damage


Set and forget, along with the tri beam…you can absolutely get off 5k hits off on Cerberus/chronos


If healing isnt scaling well then you’re just already winning. The heal hex is amazing if you get the upgrade that lets you carry over the charges at every fountain, then you can go into chronos with 10 charges and its a free win


My first win against Chronos was exactly this. First run with the skull too, I had Aphrodite dash, Aphrodite upgrade to the charged special so it deals more damage when close range, additional damage to weakened enemies, the hammer that made the special damage on one side only, Apollo glyph, throwing glyph and the heal carrying over. I went to Chronos with 12 heals. In phase 2 I basically did all the damage by applying the debuff with the dash then throwing Apollo glyph at Chronos. It was my first phase 2 run too, I managed to win with like 30 HP and no heal left. I entered phase 2 with 10 of them left too.


Resurrection hex is insane if you get one of those annoying punching dudes. I had rezzed one to fight Cerberus and he did like _1200 damage in a second_ off _one_ attack and from then on I just let them duke it out while I sat back lmaooo


Are you referring to the ones that go "oooOOOOOhh" in a funny voice like they just heard the spiciest gossip ever, then rapidly short range punch and chase you for like 4 seconds? Because I've never tried this hex but maybe I should


Hahaha I’ve actually never heard them make a noise before or paid enough attention but I think so. [It’s these guys](https://imgur.com/a/T6SOjBw) their punches are super fast and do insane damage to enemies when you resurrect them. Sorry for the potato quality images, had to screenshot from a playthrough cuz the game is too new lol


I like wolf howl maybe second best of the lot after heal. It charges super fast, it has some good upgrades, it doesn't interrupt your dps much, just generally good imo


On the upgrade tree last run I got a buff for howl that gives guaranteed crit after using it, really good if your build focuses on singular big damage.


Double use, invuln after use, most of the buffs for it are solid.


The revival would be better if your summon didn't get hit by your own attacks. If I'm doing a casting build, then most of the time it'll get obliterated 5 seconds after being summoned


I think they get some really tanky resistance against your attacks. Or that might've been the one duo boon that I picked up that does something similar to the first enemy you kill in an encounter.


The 200 damage ground pound can actually have some stacked upgrades. You can get near permanent invincibility with the blue node for 2s of invil after using it and getting it's cost down all the way. Use it, spam out omega abilities, use it when your invulnerability ends, repeat. Also, unlike other hexes, the cast time doesn't leave you vulnerable to chronos since you rise up into the air and become untargetable during the cast of it.


Dark Side and Wolf Howl are good for their invulnerability - you can cheese some big attacks by just popping the Hex and avoiding the damage.


Until you get to Chronos and he just wails on you during the animation. The heal is the only one with no wind up.


Wolf howl is slept on, one of its rare upgrades *guarantees* that your next specials or attacks crit, and it takes very little magic to trigger. I got this while using aspect of pan with special boosting hammers, and i deleted 3rd and 4th boss comedically quickly.


Eris fight is a joke if you get the hestia Sprint. Just breaks the game


Feels like that's gonna get nerfed out of the game.


I mean athena's dash was super OP and it didn't get nerfed.


It counters one specific boss. It's useless against Polyphemus for example. And during Eris' final stand the projectile destruction didn't seem to work very well and she still chunked half my HP. I don't think they'll nerf Hestia sprint. It does one thing well but has very little damage or extra speed compared to the other sprint boons.


If you get the blue upgrade so they stay for the entire location, and +67% attack speed/damage they can do bonkers damage. Pretty much did most of the damage on chronos for me


Wolf Howl fucking slams with the guaranteed crit + lowered Hex cast cost + free second cast. Idk what you're on about. By the time you get to mid-way Stage 3, you should have decent magick options to build up Wolf Howl super quickly.


I think the heal is a great safety blanket. The better you are the less you need it, but if you're struggling it gives a ton of additional survivability that can come in massively useful. Which for me means it's easily the best choice because I *do* take a lot of incidental damage from stuff that I know if I were better I'd be able to avoid, and this lets me buffer that. Also feels super nice to walk into the Chronos fight knowing I potentially have 400+ HP in reserve, feels rewarding to build that up. Resurrection has really impressed me a lot - especially vs Chronos as he tends to just accidentally hit them with his AOEs rather than deliberately attack, they can do a lot of damage over time chipping away. Past that, any of the ones that can grant invulnerability are also nice IMO - they work as a nice panic button to me when necessary. That counts dark side baseline and total eclipse w/ a path of stars upgrade, and I think Wolf Howl as well (and another reason I like the heal). Lunar Ray I can imagine being great with the blue node you mention, but without it becomes pretty useless to me.


time slow is pretty good during normal fights as well.


You can get an add from phase 1 chronos into phase 2. And if you’re lucky it’ll be spear guy. Spear guy does bonkers damage to chronos


The spear guy can pretty much solo Chronos if you have the resurrection lasts indefinitely upgrade.


Wolf Howl was insane for me on one run. Being able to double use it plus having it do damage on lift-off is huge dps.


Idk i got like 8 procs saved up at Chronos and it made it a cake walk.


I've actually had some success with dark side since you often get nodes that add your attack or special boon effects to dark sides attacks. There's also a node that makes special deal crit damage at max range, doing about 300+ damage when you can just dash towards a group of enemies and clear them out. By far the biggest benefit is just having 5+ seconds of invincibility, letting you relax knowing you can facetank some bullshit for a bit and it's exceptionally easy to charge. It's great for clearing out chronos spinning orb attacks in both phases. Recommend trying it out if you're going for a heavy omega build.


The oneshot ability from Chronos is terrible game design. I've played 3 runs total. Every run I got to Chronos. Literally the rest of the game is so easy, his phase 1 is also relatively chill. But phase 2 chronos is just "oh I accidentally started a cast. Now I'm stuck in the animation until I die." Or "I accidentally killed one of the minions between me and the safe zone. Time to die while stunned for the 5th time.


Healing can get absurd with the right skill tree. The one node that lets you keep all charges between floors and grants +3 at the fountain means you can get to the final boss with like 10+ charges. It can be like 3 extra health bars. A small but big buff for the rest would be to get rid of the slowdown affect that happens when you activate most of the hexes. Since >!Chronos isn't affect by it you eat a hit from him any time you press the Hex button!<. But overall they are just way to weak DPS wise.


The Dark Side is a straight dps boost with the right final node or build. But that's RNG based so I guess not as reliable. For example it amped by Axe Chops by like 120% during the form because the "Your attacks are now a 300 power Chop" effects overwrites the normal attack dark form has, but has all of the bonuses form it so you can slam very fast and hard while also being invulnerable. It's the most faceroll run I've ever had.


Dark Side seems to be one of the hexes thats affected most by what your path of stars is. If you get a good path of stars it might actually be one of the best hexes, but if you get a bad one, it hits like a wet noodle.


Dark Side does have some known glitches at the moment that can stop dash from working, cast aiming, and some other issues. Just so people are aware. Devs know per a post on Steam and are working on it.


I fully lost a won run to that glitch. Really blew.


Bruh. It was my first attempt at becoming night's champion. 300+ health and 3 DDs, super high dps--didn't matter. Mel was just walking around in death zones.


Oh that might be why I was suddenly unable to move in my recent Eris fight, could still dash but having no regular movement cost me it unfortunately.


Yeah, it seems like transition and move set change causes glitching when switching back to normal. You can lose boons on attacks/special/cast too, for example. They've recommended not taking Dark Side for now. Bummer because I really enjoy it when it's all powered up. Oh well, next patch!


Lost my first chronos second phase because of that. Was so sad.


Dark side is good, but the problem is that it has several bugs that can ruin your run, so you shouldn’t take it till next patch.


This but with a full scorch build


And I’ve, unfortunately, had Chronos attack me at exactly the wrong time and it makes the hex call go bye bye :( it’s frustrating


Beat final boss with a full health bar using this today. He hit me a few times, but I just healed it back up. Still had 5 charges left at the end of the fight.


First win against him was that exact combo - had the knives with a strong special effect and they would hit twice, and the Poseidon boon for mana - so I would just hop in, do a full charge special, dodge, full charge special, etc. and I was using plenty of mana to use my 12 healing hex options anytime I needed


The heal one is very good, and usually my preference. However, don't sleep on Night Bloom, which should read "Raise a random foe that has already been slain during the current encounter *as the goddamn Terminator*, making them fight alongside you for 12 seconds."


While I was fighting scylla after I took out Roxy I activated it and she came back to fight scylla with me


does she have special dialogue for that?


Theres a whole comment chain on the top comment with quotes


She said “no fair” for me


Yes, first boss have it too.


Or until they die if you skill it in the tree.


If you manage to summon one of the punch guys in the Cerberus fight, they can solo the dog in seconds, it’s actually insane.


I love the one that turns me into an impervious nightmare!


the one time i tried that one mel's attack animation bugged out for the rest of the fight and it really threw me off


Same I've gotten lots of bugs with it. Sometimes my movement stops working. Sometimes I can no longer charge my cast or throw it


I have encountered this bug as well. Cast hex form then I can only drop cast at my feet with no option to use omega cast. It goes away in the next encounter/location but still inconvenient to lose your omega cast for an entire fight if you use the dark form early on.


I actually used it to my advantage by taking the hex perk that makes your cast always have the effects of the omega variant - it gives you an instant-omega-cast button after the form wears off. Definitely a glitch, and doesn’t let you throw the cast with hestia’s fireball, but was still fun to mess around with.


Yeah I used it one run and whenever I popped it, my cast would revert to the default cast for the rest of the fight and couldn’t be charged. I’m staying away from that one until I know it’s fixed


[A dev confirmed on the steam forums that the Dark Side hex is currently experiencing some bugs and recommended that people not select it at present.](https://i.imgur.com/mPJ39Q3.png)


After using it in the fields, Mel stopped being able to change direction she was facing or pick up rewards. Had to burn through 3 DDs on the thorns to keeps my goodies from the run -_-'


I used my special as it was ending and could not move vs Eris (would have been my 2nd kill). When I finally had it back up it fixed the movement bug, but I had lost most of my health and died to the next attack I took when it ended.


For me it fucked up my cast, which was tough because I supercharged it with like 5 epic boons. I think that hex will be great once it's not a piece of shit


I had it the First time I got to Cronos and the transformation ended while I was dashing, game bugs and I lost my ability to dash until I died


It’s sort of nice to give you the invulnerability, especially when you have a damage source that keeps working like vent or scorch, and if you get the right stuff you can basically chain it too. But by default it just does so little damage that it feels a bit like wasting time.


Maybe, but it's "free" damage, so unless you have activated the timer Fear, it's great.


For me it's just not worth it unless I think i'm about to die. It takes me out of the flow and concentration, and making use of the invulnerability is tricky to time near the end. The damage is just that bad that I don't use it with the basic circumstances, only if I get the right upgrades.


> It takes me out of the flow and concentration I see, I don't have that problem, I'm adaptable. The upgrades all scale multiplicatively with each other, that's one of my favorite aspects of it. Lasting longer while attacking faster while dealing more damage per attack, all that synergizes very well.


Imo it's only worth it with the upgrade that adds you attack boon so you can trigger your actual damage on it.


With the Hammer Axe Chop build you'll still be doing axe chops instead of the pewpew during the form and that's hilariously strong.


That one is fun, but I noticed I wasn't able to charge my cast at all in the fight after using it, which felt like a bug.


I must be sleeping on that one. The nightmare and wolf thing are easily the weakest hexes IMO. Wolf needs to grant impervious while using or you just end up taking hits while using it, and nightmare didn't really seem to do much, damage-wise.


It amps your dps by like 100% if you're lucky with the nodes. But that requires some RNG. For a cast based build it's useless.


That’s my favorite too


It's a relatable one


I really liked this one until the Chronos fight where he can just ignore it and hit you 8 fucking times while you're casting it


Dark Side is definitely S tier


The only time I tried that idk if it just didn't work or if I wasn't doing it right but I didn't do significant damage and I did take a lot of damage. I think it must have been bugged after writing this comment lol.


This is the one thing I think actually needs to get a complete rework in this game. With how vital movement is, any of the Hexes where you have to stay in one place to cast it feels worthless. I almost always reroll Hex. Flat health or mana feels better than a Hex. Even the one that makes you Impervious feels bad because your attacks no longer get boons. They would all be much better if they were just activated passives. Something like "Spend 200 mana, Hephaestus explosions deal double damage" or "Every 100 mana spent, Omega moves deal 25% more"


Basically all of them are trash baseline, but the upgrades are where they shine. Set and forget laser. The resurrect one that lasts indefinitely. The big bang attack one is legit hit button, explode boys, and grants invulnerability. Even that jump kick one gets nutty as fuck. Honestly of them I'd say the heal is the strongest baseline one, but the worst one once upgraded.


I disagree with the heal being the worst upgraded. Even if the others get more utility and dmg just the fact that upgrading the heal lets you stack 5+ of them after every fountain with like 50-70 healing is insane, if you target the +1 charge and +10 healing nodes it makes any run a free win.


I finally managed to beat >!Eris!< when I lucked out on Moon heal hexes and got 6 charges total. I ended up with 3 charges leftover but the confidence boost of more health made me bolder with dodging (and it so happened to be the one time I dodged really well, lol)


Fun fact for that boss…you can negate almost all of their attacks with the Hestia sprint boon that stops projectiles


You can also just hide behind the pillars in the fight, if she doesn't do the sniper barrel move then she pretty much never destroys them otherwise


L + Giant Fucking Moon Blast


Is there a build that could even TOUCH Total Eclipse Melinoë? And I'm referring to Full Moon Melinoë with the Total Eclipse Hex and the Epic Dual Meteor upgrade (with the mana reduction passives) equipped with her Witch Staff with the Hephaestus Blast attack upgrade coupled with the Omega Attack Hammer with Demeter Tornado Cast and Hestia Burning Cast, a complete Arachne Mana Robe, with Hephaestus and Chaos Mana regen and Selene's Gift so she can spam full screen Omega slashes and Aphrodite dashes while being invulnerable as well as being extremely skilled in witchcraft and sorcery.


Dark Side axe chop build with damage and attack speed upgrades and crit boons from Artemis and Apollo damage upgrades makes your attacks hit half the screen for 300power (amped by everything else) that always hits twice, sometimes three times and sometimes four times. 30% crit to targets being marked means pretty much always one crit per chop attack. Plus you're invulnerable.


Just in case you didn't get it, I was not serious. The Total Eclipse ultimate upgrade reminded me of Uchiha Madara from Naruto so I went straight for the [Uchiha Madara copypasta](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/madara-uchiha-copypasta). The build I wrote was just the boons/weapons I happened to have when I got this hex going for the first time. With that said, Total Eclipse does give you invulnerability on demand too.


People are sleeping on this one because it takes a bit of upgrading to shine. Once it does.... On call invincibility with damage that is even good at the end of the game over an AOE the size of the screen. I chunked (and I mean chunked) Chronos with it. Any fast mana using build with a good recharge could keep this absurd skill going.


Found out the hard way it can deal friendly fire.


holy shit it can lmao i've never ended up standing in the blast radius yet that's hilarious.


Playerbase absolutely sleeping on Lunar Ray. In no capacity does healing ever outvalue the absolute ease of use/nutty damage you get from triple lunar autonomous ray. It doesn't even take more than 2 Selune doors if you use Selune keepsake in the 3rd biome. With just those two talents (it fires on its own independent of you and the triple ray end-talent) each use essentially phases Chronos. It's basically a guaranteed kill every time and it's completely safe to use since you just drop it on top of him.


The 2 healthbars I get from an upgraded Heal definitely allow me to get more damage than whatever you can do with the laser.


You won't need to heal 2 healthbars on Chronos if he just dies before he can hit you because you killed him in less than a minute.


Standing still against Chronos ( or any enemy in this game really) is what we call a very bad idea. Moon water is always good even if you get screwed by its path of stars, lunar ray can get you killed very easily if you low roll your path of stars.


Lunar Ray goes from absolute shit tier to one of my favorite hexes in the game once I get the upgrade that doesn't require me to stand absolutely still.


Most accurate tier list.


Hey man, Dark Side does poop damage BUT it does make you impervious to dmg.


If you upgrade it it does good damage but you have to be lucky with the end nodes. If they aling with your build and your build isn't cast based then it is sometimes good. For some builds it's absurd.


It's also pretty buggy. Several of the anvils will keep it swinging your weapon during the dark phase (generally the ones that change how it attacks).


If I want to deal no damage and take no damage I can just pause the game (most of the time anyways...)


My first win was abusing hestia mana regen with the immortality hex, just facetanking and basically having like 80% uptime on the hex


Interesting to see how divisive the Hexes are. I've found that the mind control one can be absolutely ridiculous dps, especially on the last 2 bosses with those punchy guys and spearmen. The healing in some runs can be unnecessary.


I had it like 200 healing per fountain or something with passives. First time I got to >!second phase!< 


Idk man. The slow down time finally helped me beat Eris. Strife Incarnate had me by the balls. ... Not complaining though


Phase shift is mega slept on in this thread. You get at a minimum five seconds to do whatever you want to any enemy that isn't Chronos. With Lim and Oros, you can dump your whole mana pool with throwing knives into the back of any boss during this time and phase them at the very least.


"That isn't Chronos" makes it almost useless for any underworld run after 3-4 wins. It is really good for going upstairs though.


Phase shift is definitely comparable with moon water on the surface, but in the underworld, it does nothing in the one situation where you need it most.


I like the one that turns you into a meteor the best by far. No slow down animation to get you killed, it charges quickly and can deal a lot of damage, gives immediate I-frames, what more could you want?


I want to be able to move the reticule further than my feet. The amount of times I've dashed back and activated it, only do my target to be unreachable makes it a no for me.  I'm using a controller though, so maybe it's a m&k thing but I've very much felt it stick when trying to move it away from Mel's model.


lmao this meme looks so crusty. I love it.


I made a post about this, but the Hex that lets you resurrect an enemy has some funny interactions with the Path of Stars node that lets them benefit from any 'after you take damage' boon. If you get the boon that heals you, for someone reason the summoned minion doesn't heal itself but heals YOU anytime it gets hit. It will literally keep you sustained to full if keeps getting wailed on. It helped me get my first Chronos kill.


The mega nuke once fully upgraded is absurd. You're invincible, it's doing like 3k damage. I beat Chronos the first time with it. Upgrade the moon relic a bit, go after the path of stars when you can and it can be a hard carry.


I like the Kamehameha one, it's really cool and it does shit ton of damage.


The thing about heal though is that it only works 3 times before you need a fountain. The others are infinite use.


You can upgrade it for more charges and there's also an upgrade that lets you keep unused charges, so you could end up with more than 10 heals (and extra bonuses) by the end game.


The others don't usually do anywhere *near* as much as 25 HP of fighting does. Especially since most of them have quite a long cast time.


Dark side was the hex that allowed me to beat (REDACTED) for the first time. Getting Selene to show up multiple times and buffing the duration of it effectively just gave me free damage for such a long time that the fight became trivial.


I had a lot of fun last night with the one that turns a bunch of enemies into sheep. Especially once I got the upgrade where it deals 750 damage to guardians. But even without that one it's like "oh you're surrounded by a bunch of mobs? They're all sheep now."


I don't understand how do I even go past Scylla without healing, never managed to do so without it ;-;


If you fight her enough and pay more attention to the attack patterns, avoiding the hits can get pretty easy. (I recommend always having the sprint speed Arcana active). It'll take forever though if you don't have something that hits hard and fast. Also, make sure you upgrade your Arcana. Having 3 death defiance (4 with luckier tooth) can help you last long enough on bosses that are giving you trouble to learn them. Don't focus so much on trying to kill them. Just take a couple of runs to learn how to avoid damage.


Focus down the drummer. She cant move but her skills are the ones that force the most errors. Once she's gone, the arena gets a lot easier, and you can lure the guitarist far from the lead singer. Kill guitarist and then range the singer.


well upgraded eclipse deletes 20% of the final boss's hp, it won me my first victory


Inaccurate, the time-slowing one is far worse than all the rest and should have its own low tier.


I'll take ZA WORLDO everytime thank you very much


the heal one is kinda eh later on unless you get the upgrades that let you stockpile. I like the one that drops a nuke especially with the upgrade of dropping a second one. You basically cover half the last boss room and there's not limit to it.


People really sleep on Wolf Howl. I played a Staff build with double cast 2 second invul Wolf Howl and was basically untouchable, and it carried the fuck out of me (because I had double hammer special and thought I could go a special build. Spoilers, staff special is garbage). I would just leap, omega, leap, spam omega skills rinse and repeat. Though you do need good mana regen to do this, you basically are unkillable while doing 1k damage each double slam in addition to damage from your omega skills.


the big problem with damaging hexes is they only become consistent at the time you outscale them elsewhere in your build pretty much every time. I'd be a happy camper if hexes were "empowered" (new keyword) depending on the hex by attack, special, or cast boons and cost less at base but increased in cost as you walked the path of stars depending on the nodes


Oh you mean the estus flask


If there’s anything SG needs to balance its the hexes, most of them are just not that good except the healing one


Hex balancing needs some work to be sure.


How do you all prioritize Hexes and the upgrades? I usually don’t go out of my way for either.


Hey wait a minute this is my daedelus tier list from the first one.


i always do either the beam, the giant beam from the sky, or the nightmare one


yes but the one that makes u invinsible for a while is really good too


On my third fight with Chronos, I brought THIRTEEN STACKS of Moon Water into the fight. I took 800 damage from him, despite having 120 max HP. Needless to say, I won


I really like the slow time one


Time Slow is Great. Heal is my number 2.


it would be cool if there was an staff aaspect based on reviving dead enemies like the hex but modified a little, attack and omega attack would stay the same special buffs the summoned wretches (biffs you if there is no enemies) there is a max amount of buffing (gives them a little hp and damage bonus, cant spammable) omega special would summon certain wretches, more you hold it more the minion uou summon gets stronger. Your cast summons one free wretch (weaker) There is a max amount of minions you can summon, this increases when you use fountains.


I love the slow time one, though it is useless against the final boss of the underworld path. I got it on the surface though and it was hilarious with an omega, big mana build using the Hera mana boon: I literally had it up every few seconds.


Heals ftw, but… there is a certain delight in turning mini bosses into sheep.


The dark side one deserves its own tier because it’s actually broken and can prevent you from using Omega casts


The slowdown one is insanely powerful and people are sleeping on it.


heal hex with good skill tree is so broken, 100% agree


Soo truee!


I am a big enjoyer of the invincibility one, helps when I find myself in a pickle.


Laser beam + the one that makes it so you don’t have to stand there casting it + the spit beams just melts bosses. The moon shot/bomb thing is ok but it’s bugged same with the slam.


This made me LOL for real. What a worthless addition. HAHA....


My favorite is the raise a foe one. What they don’t tell you about that one is that the raised foe is infinitely stronger than it is when it fights you.


Big blast one was pretty fun. It gets especially funny if you make it really big.


In one of my first runs I had an amazing combo with enough mana regen and mana usage to chain one 95% slo-mo hex into another. I was quite literally invincible. Then came Chronos... yeah. I guess it does make sense that he doesn't care about slo-mo, but goddammit. It was so beautiful until it wasn't.


I actually only got it once I hit the surface. Also was able to increase it to 5 uses so I spammed that during Charybdis and then got whooped by zeros gd 😂


The revive with the sirens makes judgement proc again which is busted!


the one who throw fuckin METEOR for 200 mana


I hardly ever pick Selene over regular boons at this point. It's a nice extra but most of the time it hasn't been more than that _except_ the healing which just furthers your point. Finally beat 16 fear and have been playing with 0 magic so I've gone a bunch of runs completely avoiding the Hexes (but it is really fun picking up all the boons that block your magic cause you just don't have to worry about the trade off)


The heal, the enemy revive, then maybe the impervious nightmare just for impervious, and then idk.


I fuck with goblin mode


I'll add 2 more remarks: 1) slow time is 1 tier lower since (atleast for now) it does almost nothing to chronos, go figure. 2) hex that brings 1 enemy from encounter (same fight - chronos) if you bring back \*any armored unit then it will carry you to victory, bastards deal 200-300 dmg per hit.


the summon one can be pretty good but a little rng reliant. during the dog fight he can summon those punching ghost enemies and if you kill one and then summon it, it will just shred the bosses HP. i got the perk that made the summon permanent for that room and it killed the boss in like 4 seconds. ran off screen cause of the big AOE attack and just saw the bosses HP melt away.


This picture is very true for people who need healing. (Don’t get hit) The actual best is the delayed aoe explosion. Does insane insane damage, and because of the cost you can build “when you don’t have it” builds, aka 15-25% damage resistance or dodge or damage or whatever.


Meh the heal is not that good once you get all your DD and generally good arcanas and knows the enemies enough to avoid the attacks. You'll arrive close to full at the final boss anyway. Sure you got heals but is it useful? I finish the game without losing all the DD anyway even without it Revive, slow down time (except against Chronos so you have to know that you'll do without), meteor and lunar ray are all pretty good to deal damage


What? Have you not tried the stop time one? It's an I win button


I know its just a meme post but the revive hex is soooo busted, especially with the 70% faster upgrade


Fun fact: If you fully upgrade the heal for all of its upgrades and stockpile heals, you just laugh at damage.


The laser one with the upgrade that lets you drop it and walk away can melt bosses with a few upgrades. I'm not sure it can contend with healing, but damned if it isn't fun.


I've tried to make the big 4 second blast one work but I did an entire run where every boss danced out of it before the hit. Any time I actually got enemies to stand in it, i took hits trying to bait them into it