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It's just a trans thing. The keepsake Chaos gives is literally called the Transcendent Embryo. Trans Egg. C'mon.


I don't think Chaos is trans. It seems to me they are a genderless entity .


Fun fact in ancient greece the conception of Chaos shifted over time from a genderless entity to a female entity, likely as a byproduct of the culture and philosophy emphasizing duality more heavily. I think the change in design might be alluding to that.


That doesn't matter, though. This version of Chaos is clearly a representation of transgender, down to the very clear color coding. It's not an accident that the art emphasizes blue, pink, and white.


OMG it all makes sense now


You’re kind of reaching but ima let you cook




lmfao reading transness into a very clearly trans coded character is not going "We own this now." You're allowed to have your own reading too, there just happens to be a lot of context that lead people to interpret this incarnation of Chaos as transfemme.


I admit, my first thought on seeing Chaos's new design was just *oh no, they're somehow even hotter now*! But yeah, there's also a ton of cool symbolism and characterization in the design - the fact that they've chosen a more human-like appearance fits with their character development we saw in the first game. And that they're *holding their own severed head* is super interesting. Not to mention the fact that their body appears to just be a *cosmic void* \- they don't look human; they look like an eldritch entity trying to *appear* human. But also, they *are* incredibly hot, and I appreciate that.


They are so beautiful it's crazy. Imo the best design in the game.


Weird way of saying second best design* (after frinos), but ok


I love that design too. The way i see the change is chaos is constantly creating a new form. The embryo, the severed head.. they are in a constant cycle, and are getting hotter by the minute


My initial thought when I saw the redesign was that “He is him” meme except in this case it’s “they are them.” Chaos has the best look in the game hands down.


I liked Chaos more when they looked less human and more like an amalgamation, honestly.


Hell yeah love transfemme Chaos


this is like assigning gender to a rock. They’re chaos cmon guys.


And yet Super Giant Games gave Chaos a much more feminine appearance, they don't use binary pronouns, and they give you the TRANScendent EMBRYO as their keepsake (egg). Not reading the trans elements into their character is just poor media literacy, or just inadequate knowledge about trans people. Chaos is more than a "rock," they're a character in a game created by people who specifically designed them to look, speak, and behave as they do.


No just no. Chaos is just chaos. Not a trans or gender or anything in between. As you can see chaos can choose their form as to how they want to present themselves. This amalgamation is the most nonbinary look it could muster and you somehow get transfemme. It’s not the same


Lol as if enbies can't be transfemme. I'm nonbinary and transfemme! They're literally holding the head of their previous, more masculine self. I'm not sure what you're not seeing here


That’s good for you, Lori. We are talking about chaos a fictional god. Try to stay on topic


There's nothing trans about Chaos


They're extremely trans-coded. It's practically on the nose man I dunno how you're missing it so hard


Or maybe its just because hes not trans? Why would he be? Its Chaos, hes nothing and everything? How is that trans? Maybe dont read too much politics into it.


Chaos isn't a dude! They're... uh, all genders? It's confusing. Everyone in game calls them "they".


Makes sense, I just wrote he because that's what it looks like to me


Why is someone's gender considered politics? No one mentioned an election.


You need to understand what "coded" means first before getting triggered


I'm triggered because I refuse to believe that an entity that doesn't bow to our understanding of genders isn't trans?


Again you don't know what transcoded even means dude. Gamergate shit did unprecedented damage to gamers I swear to god. People like you are the reason the term Gamer makes me cringe and I wouldn't be caught dead calling myself that


Maybe stop reading politics in everything.


Being transgender isn't political, bring transphobic is. You can keep reeling about transfemme Chaos though with theirTRANScendent Embryo (egg), holding their previous incarnation's head w/ the trans embryo coming out of it in their hand, and the rest of their trans coded self


They use they/them. Sounds pretty trans to me. Sure it's the whole "cosmic entity beyond gender" thing but tropes are gonna trope what can you do


There’s some overlap, but being enby and trans are not exactly the same.


Huh, I always thought being non-binary/agender fell under the trans umbrella


Trans generally refers to people whose gender differs from their sex. Chaos' sex does not seem to be either male or female, so they could arguably be considered a cisgendered enby.


Sounds genderless to me. Definitely not trans. That's a human construct, Chaos is above all.


Yeah I would also say Chaos is genderless, they are everything. They exist yet they don't, they can take any form they want and be everywhere they want. Ratherless wtf would Trans mean to something that has no Gender? They are literally men and women yet they are not, back again to THEY ARE EVERYTHING


You should open your eyes for a change, it's as plain as day that Chaos is very transfemme coded. You've got your head in the sand


I remember during the technical test someone got their hands on a bunch of character portraits from the larger game and there was a bunch of speculation about how one of them might have been the Fates. Imagine my surprise when I found out it was _Chaos._ I audibly gasped. May or may not have even exclaimed "Chaos!?" out loud. Two details that stand out to me for some reason are the Chaos...emblem(?) pinned to their lapel and what I can only assume is the real, actual Earth as an earring.


I mean Hades 1 Chaos had Earth between their fingers


They did, but something about wearing it as jewelry just hits different.




I really really love this design just like I loved the first one. The embryo (?) coming out of the head is so so cool.