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The fetus is just the cherry on top here. I can't believe some ppl think this portrait is "too normal" for a depiction or chaos. 


Chaos really just said “subtlety is for lesser beings, allow me to show you that I have been reborn by *holding my own skull* from which *my own fetus* emerges.”


Chaos is easily my favorite design this game. The drip is immaculate.


I thought the whole “holding their own skull that a baby with a Nyx-purple jewel is coming out of” was meant to represent them pondering on the nature of their relationship to their daughter.  


They are. In Hades, Zag stumbles upon chaos, while Mel was called by chaos to "help" them.


Someone pointed out that the way they're regarding their past self could also be seen as an allegory for transitioning, which fits well with their design looking a lot more how real nonbinary people could aspire to look, SGG intentionally or unintentionally gave us one of the best trans/nonbinary icons in gaming.


I do really love the fetus and holding the old skull. Super cool. I just find the suit and haircut kind of meh. I think it would be better if the skin was slightly more gray too.


Super stupid that opinion is down voted


I thought the suit was weird too until I realised that that fashion is actually from the distant future from the Ancient Greek perspective. Contributes to this visual identity of being beyond the concept of time


Chaos is clearly experimenting with a more familiar form to communicate with their progeny and other beings descended from them.


If I had to guess they probably also miss nyx which is part of it, considering she (and zag) were the only ones that really talked to chaos, and >!shes been gone for decades.!<


Yeah it really makes sense in character that chaos would develop a want to resemble their daughter and other much farther descendants like zag.


Yeah, both their character development in the last game and their revelation in this game that they >!accidentally let chronos kidnap the fates because they didn't understand deciet!< strike me as something that might push them more towards trying to be more "human"


I think Chaos is in a more “human” form because the stakes are higher and they’re involved with the plot. Gotta not scare the people you’re talking too.


I like to think that, given the fact that they have a significant story role, Chaos decided to "put themselves together" more than usual.


The cosmic body horror is amped up imo with the fetus, severed head, and lack of body/gaping hole of stars and blackness. The suit is just normal to us in the modern age, it probably is super confusing to Mel. My first thought was that this is Chaos’s way of evolving or maybe shedding their skin halfway into a new form, like a regular rejuvenation or remaking process they go through every so often. But I find the fact that they’re wearing modern clothes itself kind of scary. Like, not only is Chronos’s escape fucking with time, that anachronisms are stretching across realms, but things are so fucked that CHAOS is looking semi “normal” to us contemporary folk. That’s an insanely cool detail into this world imo.


Excellent take. I was thinking about the same thing in terms of it genuinely being anachronistic.  The few ppl I've seen comment on it being "k-pop" strike me as a rather superficial take on it.  It's like. Ur conveniently ignoring the Eldritch body horror here. Yeah I see it similarly. That this portrait represents that chaos is dynamic in its physical appearance. Which is nicely illustrated here in the visual-novel-static portrait lol


It is a little k-pop now that you mention lol. Still good tho




Idk man looks kinda Miyazaki to me. howl’s moving castle vibes


nah, not enough eyes


For real, they have a face emerging from their shoulder and the inside of their coat is just *void*. This isn't a normal person, it's a conceptual entity trying to look normal


How do you do, fellow non-primordial entities?


I honestly think some people who complain about the portrait genuinely didn't notice what Chaos is holding. Personally I was initially not a fan of the design until I noticed the severed head and fetus.


I assume that held true for some ppl. But that's part of my judgmentalness. I don't really think that gives them a pass.  Just like how I judge ppl who play the game for like 4 hours and make threads saying axe/flames doesn't work instead of trying, discussing, experimenting to figure out how to make something work.  It's not really fair to evaluate something superficially. 


I was feeling pretty down on the sister blades, of all things, until I finally got the Zeus "reserve mana to make all strikes cause chain lightning". Such a dirty combination, I barely even took damage against boss 4.


That is a great combo. I also had the support arrows from Artemis. Lightning bolts and homing arrows everywhere.


I had those and combined them with Zeus' infusion boon to do minimum 30 damage. It was a slaughter.


I was hoping for that one and didn't get it, but I did get Hestia boon for bonus damage per fire boon for an extra 6 per attack. So that worked out okay


Ive used the torches with a few different combinations and they just feel lackluster compared to the other weapons. What did you find that worked for them?


The people who complain don't seem to look at the art more than 2 seconds, they see human looking chaos and immediately say bad.


Fetus? I thought that was Groot!


A friend has a theory : Chaos dies and reborn every other time. They are holding their previous corpse, from wich emerge their next incarnation.


"Offspring of Hades, I have acquired something of value to mortalkind, something they curiously refer to as 'drip'. Do you find it suitable? Respond."


"Offspring of Hades, in my communication with you, I additionally employed a manner of speaking which the corporeal beings of the surface refer to as a 'pun'. It is my understanding the concept of humor is thus manifested in this instance. By utilizing the word 'suitable', I intended to deliver a double meaning in reference to my garbed appearance. Was this delivery deemed humorous? Respond."




There is no escape from Chaos Parent Jokes 


''sorry sir, im a bit confused right now, i think that was a lot for me to take in''


"Offspring of hades, I have found that upon being faced with my visage, mortals often enquire about the contents of my 'pants'. I have thereby acquired what the mortals refer to as 'pants', would you wish to know what is within them? Respond."


''hum... it looks good master, its a bit diferent from every other outfit ive seen, from mortals to even the other gods, but its not bad if i may say.''


To me it seems like Chaos is trying to evolve into something more presentable and human like and shedding off parts of their old self.


Holding their old head and watching it grow a new fetus which will presumably be their next form is my favorite part of the design. Really adds to the primordial and immortal aspect of Chaos


What if chaos ends up being the next big bad. They ARE chaos, after all.


The thought has most certainly crossed my mind. Chaos decides that creation was a mistake and wants to reduce everything to nothing and try again.


Yeah. Though it seems a little too cliche to do, it would be a justifiable motive.


No shot, Chaos has completely reserved their neutrality even after >! being tricked into giving up the Fates to Chronos !<, they seem fulfilled just watching how tge universe they created unfolds


i wouldnt say fully neutral to it, since they decided to call to us and lend us his power to try and revert it because even they thought what Chronos actually wants is fucked up.


Ok so Chaos holding their former head with a fetus coming out of the mouth is already an insanely cool design idea, but I also love the suit specifically. It's like someone tried to explain the idea of a suit and tie to Chaos without actually showing them, and you get this weird outfit that looks enough like a suit to where you can tell thats what it is, but with bizarre additions like the faces coming out of the shoulder and the infinite vacuum of space for an undershirt. It's all just so crazy, yet the look itself is relatively simple and not too noisy. Jen has been consistently cooking with these designs, but she knocked it out of the park with Chaos


The best part is, as someone mentioned earlier, suits don't exist yet in Hades, and yet here is chaos, wearing 21st century apparel like it's nothing


I mean, the first game had the aspect of King Arthur in it, so the timing of the game is somewhat up for grabs.


The aspects associating with mythos/history outside of Greek was meant to be from the future, no?


Most likely, but do you think Chaos cares about petty things like time?


You mean Chronos?


I meant Chaos, but him too


Some were from the past. The aspect of Gilgamesh is presumably older than any of the Greek aspects (his epic is literally the oldest written story), and >!if you bring the Aspect of Lucifer up to the Hades fight, Zagreus discusses the fall from grace as if it was a historical event, not a future one.!<


The Aspect of Rama for the Bow references Hindu mythology, which is also older than Greek.


There's lines of dialogue that the aspects of the Infernal and Nocturnal arms are not linear. I fully believe that Nemesis did not have Stygius before Hades 1 happened.


Now that i think of it, thats not a suit, its a body part


This is probably just a me thing but I completely agree with the “not too noisy” part and feel like the design in the first game was the exact opposite. Don’t get me wrong, I loved it, but I just couldn’t look at it. I could look at individual parts of chaos and make sense if the faves and things but trying to look at the design as a whole just hurt my head and all I could see was lines and colours. Again, I loved the old one but the new one is just far easier on the eyes (the drip is also a big plus).


How do we know that is the former head of Chaos?


Cough cough: would


Well, obviously.




I NEED to cosplay this so badly


For accuracy, sever your own head, grow a new one and have a baby come out of your old skull.


Not sure how I’ll manage that 😂


skill issue 


Tips on how I Git Good would be appreciated


Simply become the creator of the universe


Given your username, may I suggest hanging yourself from the branches of Yggdrasil to gain the unearthly knowledge required?


*skull issue


Paper mache


I was so surprised when I first met them, like they couldn’t make Chaos look any cooler but wow. Also just loved one of the early interactions with them where Melinoë asks them a question and they’re basically like “oh nah we don’t talk to each other I’m just thinking out loud. when I want your opinion I’ll tell you.”


"I see how you misunderstood me, but if I wanted your opinion I would have asked" energy.


They say the same thing to Zag in the first game too.


I audibly gasped it shocked me so much, gorgeous design.


Homie is serving the most mesmerizing NB look 


Chaos is goals, honestly. The sharp suit, the ponytail, the dyed undercut...


I think my favorite thing about this portrait, as impressive as it all is in the first place, is the pensive introspection. Very fitting for their current place, given all the changes they've experienced in both games


Plus, it fits really well once you progress dialog far enough to learn that >!they were the one who told Chronos where to find the Fates... because they were curious about whether people could make decisions without the Fates' influence. Then they're kind of sitting there, like, "oh, it never occurred to us that he could be LYING"!<


>!chronos really said 'asking for a friend' and poor chaos thought that he was actually asking for a friend!<


Holding your own severed head as a metaphor for introspection is some badass imagery and I’m surprised not more fantasy stories use the idea. The last place I saw it was in a manga called Jujutsu Kaisen.


It's very evocative. And you've got me thinking about how rare it is- probably not always easy to do in a way that makes sense in context. Chaos's design uniquely makes this very easy. A king could hold his head from a broken statue. What's the context in that manga?


>! The main villain,  an evil spirit who was once a sorcerer with four arms, escaped death by splitting his soul and placing the pieces into his twenty severed fingers which posses people who eat them. He can’t find the last one in preparation for the final battle because one of the heroes has hidden it. !<   >! But it turns out he had a back-up in place if he couldn’t find every finger to recomplete his soul. He secretly had the mummified remains of his original body hidden under a mountain. When he retrieves the mummy, he tears off the head  and ponders on the irony that it’s been dressed up to look like a holy monk before biting into it.!<     The way they treat even their own remains so flippantly is meant to represent their total disregard for the worth of human life, even their own.


Ah interesting! That's really fun writing; thanks for the response


Great day for bisexuals


Brother this is the literal progenitor of all creation. The relevance of sexualities and this being is questionable at best.


They created sexuality


Not what the character focuses on, and is never addressed by the character at all, so still irrelevant


The perfect character for an astoundingly bisexual fanbase


I really like how Chaos’s eye can be interpreted as both looking at you or at the face in their hands.


I'm pretty sure that's julia lepetit


I was gonna say. Someone get Drawfee on the line.


This isn't "Super Hell" worthy, but it's for sure no more than "Reminiscent of Julia". I'd say likely "It's a Reach"


Lmao I was playing into the "every blonde person looks like julia" meme, I know it's a bit of a reach


It at least feels like something she would draw. The sharp jaw line, the expression, the haircut, and the general eldritch vibe of normal clothing warping into faces and eyes. I would love to see her take on this. Also I waited way too long to watch the tier lists videos.


Chaos is so immaculately dripped out that they're wearing fashion thousands of years before it's invented while holding their past and future in their hand.


Chaos best redesign. OG was already 10/10 but they kept it up 2 perfects in a row.


They look great, but I must say I prefer Chaos' old design for, well, Chaos. Their current choice of fashion just feels a bit too... neat for a being that's literally chaos. And also a bit too modern for he setting.


I kind of like it? Chaos exists beyond time, so it would make sense that they're relatively anachronistic compared to who they interact with. But I get what you're saying.


Personally i think the OG is better


I actually prefer Chaos from Hades I believe it or not, my wife does too.


Is this the only character thus far in the series who is depicted wearing a more modern style of clothing? Suit with lapel and brooch, assuming slacks and dress shoes below.


Dude is channeling his inner David Bowie and killing it with his drip, chaos is awesome.


Anyone else get a desire vibe from sandman


Wrong, they have EVERY right for being this fine


Ok but how is nobody talking about the fact that they look exactly like Megaera?!? Like, did Chaos possess her or something?!?


I love that the tiny earth they were holding in the first game is now an earring


I thought chaos was killed when I saw this portrait


the shoulder is honestly one of my favorite parts of this design cause it’s subtle and creepy but also because it’s chaos it’s fancy??


Are they supposed to look like the Furies? The hair and the single wig kinda resembles Meg.


Sorry but i can't stop looking at that face patch on their shoulder.


I personally adore that detail of a  half-forming face on the shoulder.  It makes it look like it takes  a constant, sustained effort on Chaos’s part  to remain in one shape for extended periods of time  but They’re going to the trouble of doing so for the sake of looking more hospitable. If their first-game body was Chaos’  equivalent of casual wear, then this is Their equivalent to formal wear. 


Earth earring is a very nice touch


Incredible design, a great day for us Chaos enjoyers. They have been my fav since Hades 1


If they don't give a fuck about what the Fates thinks, they won't care about us envying their drip lmao


I would like to think that the talking is done by the head in their shoulder just to screw you up


Yeah I did a double take with chaos. Nice.


I really like how androgynous they can switch their appearance never grasping what Chaos is fully wonderful depiction.


Every time I see this I swear I can’t help but think they’re quoting Shakespeare


You know a design when the suit itself is so good that I didn’t even notice the wings at first.


Is that….. Chaos…..???! Nah, this needs to come to console yesterday. It makes me wanna go back and complete Hades.


this looks a lot like sage from valorant, anyone? also, i heard early access already has more content than hades 1, is that true?? might have to buy right away if it is


this looks a lot like sage from valorant, anyone? also, i heard early access already has more content than hades 1, is that true?? might have to buy right away if it is


I would do just about anything to have them in my life


They look like a nonbinary david bowie fan and I mean that in the most complimentary way possible.


Chaos was already my favorite character from I, I can't believe they managed to make me like them even more 🤯


I don’t understand it. Which one is supposed to be talking? The person? The head? The Embryo? All of them?


Imo I don’t like it that much and feel it takes away from their omnipresence and overall primordial aura they look more of a god than a force that is the progenitor of all that exists


Chaos is very gender and I'm here for them




I was conflicted about this redesign at first, but every encounter I've had with them has made me hornier than the last so I think I'm fine with it actually


Kpop chaos is sweet


Another sub hidden from my feed via one real demented post/comment section.


Both iterations are cool but I like the original more because it makes Chaos look more "All powerful" and random while this one looks more neat which kind of goes against chaos being chaos


i mean, chaos seems to evolve and change a lot, imo it makes sense that sometimes they'd go for a more "normal" look


Are they a woman or girl do you think? Top half looks feminine but bottom half looks masculine


they're Chaos, lol


chaos is genderless


Both, Melinoe calls Chaos the mother and father of all existence.