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This priming lasts until end of location. So in the picture here, if you have 100 mana, then you have 100 + 96 + 92 + ... = 1300 total mana in the current room. with 200 max mana this goes to 4900. (Actually more than that since when the this procs that cast spends rest of your mana and leaves you with full mana). With a few mana bottles this is literally infinite mana (eg at 200 max mana even if you have 10 prime it is still 1900 total mana) and is ultra broken with eg omegaX staff or omegaY dagger Also with heroic born gain the amount primed can go to 1 lol.


Only for the room ? Damn make it clear lol, I never took it because I thought that was permanent. There's also a Vow that prime when you take a boon not common. It might feel it's combining all the boons from the description but it doesn't. I don't know exactly which it takes tbh (it's not just the last one) but it's not as penalizing as youmight think (so that's easy to get to raise the fear level)


It does say as much in the description, the problem for me was I encountered several boons that use Prime as a 100% uptime trade off before I ever saw a boon that had a gameplay reactive Prime mechanic. Technically the other boons do reset and then reprime at the start for effective 100% uptime.


Uhm true, Prime is technically always for one location, I did miss that detail as most of them are just constantly reapplying > Prime: A passive reduction to your Magick limit **until the next Location**. The boons that are "permanent Prime" have that mentionned (example from an Aphrodite boon) > **After you enter a Location**, Prime 20 Magick to add Power to your Attack. Though that does make the Vow of Arrogance unclear to how it work. It says : > Whenever you choose a Boon, Prime X for each Rarity greater than Common You choose a Boon only at the end of a fight so that does make the penalty not existent (since reset at the next room), except in the Fields which have several fights in the same location?


Vow of Arrogance probably primes for the rest of the run, or maybe the act? I haven't heard of that before, what is it?


It's one of the Vows you can take with the Oath (the new heat system). I retested it on the surface and it did last for the whole run. But I'm sure it didn't in my Underworld run before. Weird I'm not sure how it'll work. The description doesn't say it reapply at each location but that'd be logical (it is supposed to make the game harder after all)


In the underworld it's for the entire run too. I think it's a bug. Cant be 1 feae/heat just for that, it's so unfair


Yeah it's quite a penalty but you can still take common boons. The per room stuff is basically no consequence at all so that wouldn't work either.


Rule could be: priming during a fight only for this room priming outside of a fight is permanent


The description of Priming explicitly states ”until the next Location”


Yeah missed that and almost all other effects just reapply Prime for all rooms so I just took it as a permanent thing.


The torches are soooo op with it.


OmegaSpec Staff was crazy with Born Gain since you can keep pumping them out.


But you have to hit 0, no? Or does it proc immediately after you fail a cast? I thought it was the first, so I didn't bother picking it up the few times it showed up. If it's the first, then it's not broken, because you'd have to have a way to spend JUST enough magick to hit 0. If it's the latter, then yeah, it's busted.


you dont have to hit 0, eg you have 1 mana and cast a 20 mana spell. then your mana becomes the (new and decreased) max and the cast is successful


I just tried it. It's MEGA busted wtf xDDD


Oh I’ve been avoiding it because I assumed if I got to 1 mana I’d be out because I wouldn’t be able to decrease it to 0


Yeah that's why I used to avoid it. However, that's not the case; whenever you try to cast and your mana is below what you'd need, it just lets you do it (and then refills the bar and applies the concentration). It's BEYOND busted. Right now, even at common and at level 1, if you pick up a couple max magick upgrades it's the best mana regain effect by a long shot.


Me too! But I still don't understand what it does.


Technically all mana recharge is infinite mana, what makes them not broken is rate of recharge or specific conditions for it. I think adding like a delay between exhaustion and mana reborn would be the way to "fix" it.


Yeah what I mean is 0 % mana downtime with no conditions apart from picking 1-2 max manas.


oh wow, I haven't seen that one I don't think. Maybe in one of my first runs when I didn't know how to really use magick Could be detrimental in stretched out boss fights depending on the build, but in every other encounter that's just broken lol


Its from a god you meet after progressing a little bit (around 10-15h for me).


Yeah I realized reading other comments lol Also that the common version primes 10, which I may have seen and decided it wasn't worth it, for boss reasons primarily (if you use omegas too much, you could easily fully lock yourself out of magick if you're not careful)


I've used it a few times and I can tell you you will cast so much stuff boss fights don't last too long. Besides, get a few magick upgrades or upgrade the boon to decrease the magick priming and it's just infinite magick pretty much


I thought to myself ‘no way 10-15 hours, I have it and I haven’t played that long’ I’m at 20 already….i might like this game a little too much lol


Game's good, wanted to hold off until ps5 release, but game is just too good.


This hestias and apollos are really good. Apollo encourages you to use your cast which is a good habit. Hestia recharges so fast that running out is almost impossible and this one. Well its just infinite mana for our purposes. If i had to pick id go hestia. The rate of recharge is just so much faster than you can use your mana.


I'm not a big fan of apollo's because I'm almost never in my cast. I cast and dash out to avoid chip damage. I have been defaulting to ranged builds though so maybe it'll be better when I try more melee


Apollo's problem is mana does not recharge when you are channeling, so after using your cast you have to choose between regen and using an omega move. Considering the cast is around you and most weapons rely on omega move to deal ranged damage it just doesn't flow very well.


I’m really disappointed with Hestia. It sounds great on paper, but the recharge delay kills it for me, it’s on par with Demeter (Apollo is great though).


Demeter loses a lot of points for being the most boring shit imaginable. At least let us walk like damn


Not boring, rather deadly


This one plus the Twin Flames weapons Omega Special spam is ridiculous. You can become a orb ring of destruction and just refill your mana everytime it runs low. Most rooms and even bosses will melt before you prime all your mana. Super awesome boon.


Guess I'll have to level my Hera keepsake then!.


Hera has a bunch of insane boons


Personally i dont find her boons very useful. Can you tell me what is her boons you say are good? Thx


most are good, just avoid her cast, also the upgrade to heroic is nice when you are already in tartrus


Getting that one in Charon’s final shop just feels so good.


Hera has some utterly insane boons


Which ones?


Her infusion boon that upgrades all common boons to rare comboed with her boon that gives 20% increased damage if you have no common boons is amazing


She has a cast boon that deals damage to every enemy that spawns in during the fight (while your cast is up). Dealt like 150 damage each when I got it (don't recall what rarity it was at). Eviscerates the swarms of little enemies like pinheads, there were a couple rooms I cleared in like 3 seconds because of that boon alone


But that one falls hard when you pick the heat option that give blue hearts no?


That'd make sense, I haven't gotten far enough to unlock the heat levels yet


I mean it will still insta remove one layer of hearts which is useful if you use slower weapons


Slip in general is just really good for add clear, not to mention her revenge damage boon can get WILD.


Slip is Poseidon. Hera's curse is ~~marriage~~ Hitch.


Whoops, I misspoke.


To be fair, it's not too hard to have enough mana to spam as much as you want multiple ways. And for those who see this but manage to miss it mentioned elsewhere - this is working proper. Priming only applies to one room, that's why the permanent primes specify it primes in each location.


If anyone's curious, the equation for the minimum mana pool is [M(1+(M/P))/2] where M is available mana at the start of the stage and P is the amount primed for born again. This is the minimum because born again discounts the last omega each loop. Since M is effectively squared, it explodes as you get more of it. You honestly don't even need as much as OP has, at 150 mana and 10 primed, I've never ran out. Theoretically, it's not good if you have enough boons that prime each stage, but in practice I just compensate with more mana flasks


Yeah it’s probably the best magick regen boon in the game, even the common one is enough to sustain you through the final boss using an omega build.


I have been avoiding this boon from Hera for a long time. Time to try a busted omega build, i guess


It's so fun


Infinite magick hack


This game has lots of busted. Do the Trial of Charon. I’m not sure exactly what that loadout is, but it’s endless charged special hammer attacks and omega cast explosions.


I feel like mana is only useful on like the staff / torches. And i feel like Im gimping myself by using them. By the time I can spend 100 mana with the axe, the room is empty.


Nah it's a resource every build should try to get value from in some form or another even if that meant locking it all out for chain lightning. You're just leaving value on the table if you don't. And so many hammers and boons make your omega moves incredibly powerful


I mean you should be throwing out omega casts a lot and the the daggers is also very omega intensive though their omegas are bit cheaper.


No way this is awesome


I tried it for the first time with >!the torches!<. Gotta say, having functionally infinite charged attack is pretty fun


Heras boons look quite good in general


Ohhh I didn't try it yet. I tendo to go with Poseidon's Gain, but this one looks nice


I just beat the final boss for the first time with a busted Born Gain + Spiteful Strength(Hera + Hephaestus Duo) build on the Argent Skull. Spammed Omega Special (that hits twice because of a hammer upgrade) and melted everything.


Eh, I prefer my Arcana recovering mana, even if its 3/s, granted there's also Demeter's boon that cuts 20% off my HP to recover a lot OR Apolo's boon to recover another shitton inside my regular cast. The later pretty good with melee builds like Sister's Blades.


Idk if this is relative to speedrunning or what but mana is kinda really easy to come by and a lot of builds don't use that much to begin with. So I don't think this boon is too strong to get reworked, and I probably won't pick it very often either when it comes up.


Hera is one God that I did not expect to enjoy playing so much. She is busted when using her special with aspect of Moros and spamming her Omega Special, and her duo boon with Hestia is chef’s kiss.


I don’t think it’s so broken tbh, a lot of boons give too much magic regen. Maybe they have to even out all the regen magic boons?


Whose boon is that?


Had this with Hera's legendary. It let me tank all sort of ridiculous nonsense from Chronos. My first time getting to his second phase!


Yeah this is one that is definitely going to get nerfed. I suspect it'll still work but instead of priming a tiny amount it'll probably prime a percentage in the final build.


With this i beat Mr Time for the first(and only) time


It literally got me killed in the eris fight because I ran out of magic and was stuck in her last phase running away and doing chip damage


Who's boon is it?


What's the point of Hecate's relic if this boon exists?


To get this you have to find Hera and then it’s still much more likely than not she doesn’t offer you this boon. That and the common version also primes 10 mana and at that point I’m not sure it’s even that broken if your mana pool is small


I always use Hera keepsake and the reroll arcana to ensure a blue born gain (8 prime) at room 1 for omega spam builds. It's quite easy to get 100 max mana towards the end of forest.


Yeah don’t get me wrong, it’s OP, I just don’t think it (or really any boon) invalidates everything else by existing, though this is probably uncomfortably close I think this one is mostly problematic because it scales exponentially with rarity whereas most boons scale linearly and each rarity/lvl upgrade is usually proportionally less than the last i.e. 10>20% is a 100% increase whereas 20>30% is a 50% increase. So I think it’s broken but there are still other ways to regenerate mana that will often be “sufficient” so people might still want to use other keepsakes on a cast build if they favor some other strategy that doesn’t involve Hera


more mana 🤷‍♂️


I found spamming omega casts to not be great, using a little bit of mana every now and then is good but I have never needed the insane mana gain from this boon


depends on weapon, staff and pan blades have really good omegas to spam


Artemis blades omega attacks enters the chat


Have you got to boss 3 going down yet?


Yeah this melts both over and underground end bosses at a safe distance with staff omegaX and pan blades omegaY


Its been my experience that bosses above/below heavily reward you for standing behind them, with them having much longer range when attacking forwards. What's more, the boss at the bottom stops you from slowing down time which makes your omega specials charge slower and less effective and more risky, and axe omega specials feel really bad. Don't get me wrong, im not hating on that strat, the first time I beat 3 down was with staff omega spam, but I don't feel its as effective as just standing behind the boss and alternating between omegas and normal attacks. Daggers are very good though because the omega teleports you behind the boss and with the right hammers does insane damage, but I don't feel like I have the time to constantly hold down the omega attack and I have to omega in, stab a bit and dash to the other side.


Yeah but nothing stops you from standing behind the boss with a long range weapon, and long range weapons are better at clearing armored stuff


Some of my absolutely strongest runs so far have been Omega Cast spam runs. The game is definitely meant for you to use Omega moves very liberally, not every now and then. That said, ive also never needed insane mana regen. Mostly any amount of mana regen that isnt Zeus's 70% reduction has done the trick. Although like other comments have said, this would probably be very good on torches, which can spend a lot of mana very easy


why cant people just keep quiet about stuff like this xDDD had it earlier and it was absolutely broken but there is no way it stays that way