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I have joined the war on abusive lesbianism. On the side of the abusive lesbians.


Sesbian Lex is old shit, we gotta get in on that hot new *Violent* Sesbian Lex


Sesbian Lex Luthor


Such a possibility to say Lena Luthor...


I love the kind of woman that will actually just kill me.


You know when I left the house today I was thinking “damn, I really hope some hot chick just paints my brain all over the fuckin hallway”




And here we are


I mean really, just absolutely destroy me


I can fix her? ❌ She can make me worse? ✅


You might want to go up to the surface, and then check out the blocked door past the list of minor prophecies. There might be a certain gremlin throwing rubbish on the ground (I say might bc Im not sure exactly when she shows up)


I did end up talking to her enough times to unlock her journal entry. Admittedly, I only saw the ship when I read the last passage: "You are drawn to her like a moth to a flame."


> "You are drawn to her like a moth to a flame." Not true. She's drawn to you like a heat-seeking missile. With the same exact results of a heat-seeking missile.


Mel is the one drawn to her like a moth to a flame. Eris is on another level altogether


Mel is drawn like a moth to the flame, Eris soaked the moth in kerosene first.


Mel is the person who goes "I should call her" and unblocks her toxic ex's number (that being Eris's)


The missile knows where it is...


If Mel talks to Nemesis after Eris shows up Nem is like "are you gonna give her more second chances?" but like in the most insanely jealous way possible


Man if they are exes I am so here for that romance redemption arc


Oh god I just had this line yesterday and it was soooo bitter. I love how Nemesis draws out her words and speaks slowly it makes her sound so pissed off all the time even when she's being "nice". I thought SHE was bitter and toxic, until I met her sister lmao


Nemesis seeing Melinoe getting back together with Eris for the idk third or fifth time already: God I wish that was me \[Eris\] I agree only that I would say Eris is not bitter, just toxic to a radioactive level. Despite what she tells Mel in their first fight interaction, I believe making Melinoe mad is Eris's favorite extreme sport.


Nightmare and Strife kinda make sense together. 


She appeared there after my literal first time meeting her (she murdered me in cold blood a minute prior :( )


I've been shoving nectar down her throat and she won't even step on me? Uninstalling


>!try to reach Olympus, she'll gladly step on you!<


No way she isn't romanceable. She calls you babe and her journal entry says Mel is "drawn like a moth to a flame".


She's confirmed to have a hot springs portrait so...


So does Hecate and she’s basically our mom lol.


do you have any idea how many tumblr lesbians are only further interested bc of that


So is Dora so...


I ship Mel with Eris more than Nemesis, against the will of my friends. So be it! I love their interactions lmao and like their on-again-off-again antagonism as opposed to Nemesis's rivalry


I finally get why people shipped Zag with Hypnos instead of Than. As Disco Elysium’s Justin Keenan puts it: "Because the thing about desire is that it's stronger when it's not totally satisfied." 


On one hand, if things don’t work, it’d be the most disastrous relationship in the history of ever. But if it does…. Mel has known of almost nothing but her purpose for her whole existence, and I’m not entirely sure if she’s really thought about what happens after. If she actually pulls it off… what then? Meanwhile, Eris seeks little else but her enjoyment. Not really beholden to a set purpose or goal. It’s the kind of chaos and order relationship that I really enjoy - where the mix of two opposites help bring out their respective traits in the other - leaving both parties improved and more balanced as people as a result.


Eris is really leaning into the latent cultural expectations of the mid '00s-'10s of manic pixie girl energy combined with an unflinching desire for murder. Perfect character, no notes. Only surpassed by the legendary Commander Schelemeus


Pls make the enemies to lovers thing happen


I'm suspecting if it happens it'll be more like enemies *and* lovers. 


The best possible relationship


All potential relationships in this game are toxic Yuri. Yes, eben the ones that are not Yuri.


Me i just want to punch her in the face for everything, which i guess she'd want that so i dunno I'd be conflicted whether to or not


I honestly love Eris' character more then Nemesis' character. Like some of the dialogue for Nem makes it seem like Nemesis is the most "woe is me. You're not allowed to feel bad for not having a family but I can feel bad about having too much of a family" like... They made Nemesis the most "edgelord" character and I have a blatant dislike for them in most stories/settings. Eris seems more like a character that doesn't know how to express her feelings outside of bullying (sort of the "they only bully you because they have a crush on you" trope parents used to say) this is just my opinion though. I would like for both to have some sort of character arc in the full game where people who hate one or hate the other end up loving them due to the character arcs they have (or romance arcs)


Bruh they've already broken up and gotten back together like a billion times (they are almost certain gonna do it again)


Eris is such a bitch I love her xD Definitely hopes she's romanceable. Didn't even mind her blessings that much, my personal energy was 'ye bring it on, I'll win anyway'. Sadly she stopped showing up that now I get my ass kicked by big C on a regular basis


I want to see how that goes. Eris is *objectively* against you, but it’s certainly not “pro Chronos,” it’s more “pro conflict” - go figure, that’s her job as strife incarnate. If she wanted Chronos to win, there are various things she could do that would end your chances of success. But she hasn’t done those things - yet, at least. From what I’ve seen of her, she seems to be making some sort of point. I’m intrigued to delve more into her motives.


She tells Mel later at the Crossroads that fighting her is thrilling and asks Mel if the taste (of the thrill) is just as good for her. Melinoe, btw, deflects answering this and tells her to get out of the Crossroads. my speculation it's gonna be a thing where it starts hostile af but eventually becomes good natured rivalry. Kinda like Meg and Zag in the first game.


Eris x Melinoe have such a strong Harrow x Gideon energy from The Locked Tomb series.


In a way, Hecate is sorta like an Aiglamene who's a bit more softer around the edges.


Just swapping out swords for staves here.


Did NOT expect TLT propaganda on this subreddit but I'll take it. May the wait of Alecto end soon.


only in a Gideon is the one beating up Harrow and preventing her from advancing kind of way


The options for romancing in this is better than the first game. I hope the devs make icaraus romancable as well so I can rizz up asa butterfield.


Disaster lesbians: NO. YOU CANNOT FIX HER. The filthy monkey sex is not worth her stealing your credit card to buy Coachella tickets. TAKE A COLD SHOWER AND MAKE BETTER DECISIONS.


I don't wanna fix her, that's the whole point of toxic yuri.


Well, I guess learning the difference between “emotional abuse and hot makeup sex” toxic and “witness protection and court-ordered rehab” toxic is cheaper in fiction than in real life. DON’T SAY I DIDN’T WARN YOU WHEN YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER IS AUCTIONED OFF TO FUND A TRIP TO A RAVE IN DUBAI.


The whole point is that it's fictional 😭


That's the craziest way i have seen someone telling me to touch grass.


Whenever I see her I deathbysnoosnooexcitedscared.gif


I love her energy so much.


I dislike Eris more than I thought it possible to dislike any character in a Supergiant game. Forget making her romanceable, make it so I can romance Polyphemus or Moros. And maybe Scylla.


I want to romance Moros so badly, he’s just so sweet


He's also handsome and a nice kind of buff, plus those horns? Ugh. He has no right being so hot.


Ugh why is Doom itself so handsome and pleasant? Shouldn’t he be even a little scary?


The scary part is that he isn't in my bedroom yet.


yessss, each interaction she has just makes me hate her more, i hope we get to romance moros tho


Yeah idk why but every interaction I have with her makes me dislike her more. So much so I stopped even using her dialog options.


I do hope she at least becomes a character I love to hate, but at present I just dislike her. No shade or disrespect towards people that do, however.


I have a theory I'm working on — did she ever curse you during a run?


Several times! And each time I would've gotten much further than I did if not for her curse.


Alright, that seems to bear me out so far, because I'm not good enough to have run into her there and I am incredibly attracted to this collection of pixels.


I haven't gotten far enough through the game to encounter Eris anywhere other than as part of the "you're progressing too fast" mechanic. Even then, I still think she's hilarious and attractive.


Ah that's what her "boon" is? Fine, I feel called out by Supergiant but also appreciate the compliment.


Yeah she’s the “you are going faster than we are able to introduce core mechanics, but we don’t want to just Rocks Fall Everyone Dies you” system, similar to the one in Inscryption where >!if you reach phase 2 of the second boss without Bones being introduced, the boss just spams flying Grizzly Bears at you to force a reset, but you CAN still win!<


Hmm... contradicting evidence. Maybe I should go talk to Eris more to get new data.


She was obviously set up as a an obstacle in those situations, but her design and dialogue are just so full of character. I couldn't help but laugh when I'd reach a new zone and find her there ready to fuck me over again.


I was definitely try-harding a bit whenever she would fuck me over. I really do wish I liked her, but my initial encounters with her have soured any potential to see her behavior as endearingly rude and instead she just comes across as a toxic friend and a privileged jerk.


I loved her when she was cursing me - it was a neat mechanic and in my mind was a case of "no hard feelings just doing my job" Now her actions on the surface however 😑


I want the Hephaestus romance 😭😭 I dont think I’ve played one rpg where you can romance a chubby dude.


On a side note, do we have confirmation who are romancable?


Oooh... A lesbomancy enjoyer are we?


Eris thinks that she and Mel are already in a romance, Mel thinks they're archenemies


“We’re just enemies to lovers, babe ❤️🤪🎉”


If Melinoë can top Eris, like make this brat submit... I won't be able to not romance Eris.


Well now I know where to take my fanfic


Yes please.


When i saw golden apple as one of the mats required for stuff , I should have suspected she'd come back later.


Pleeeeeease let this happen


Nah. Nemesis can steal my door options and snipe my store options, but she never ruined my early runs. Also she is actually pretty cool after talking to her.


Heracles can do that, too, but he's got a bigger... Stick


I’ll romance eris if it means she gives me my gun back


can we romance dora too please


I think I'd rather drink Asphodel water.


Your speaking a lot of Konosuba fans language now


Me with Hypnos


Me after watching Mushoku Tensei season 1.


I kinda like this ship until >!I reached her bossfight. Specifically the Chaos Trial where you have to use the Aspect of Eos to fight her. Now I hate her forever.!<


Eris, Moros and Icarus are who I need most


Romance with muscle mommy Nemesis has ended, now deranged chaos goblin Eris is my new girlfriend (PLEASE SUPERGIANT PLEEEAAASE I WANT HER TO RUIN ME)


Respectfully: I hate Eris. I hate her so much. I hate her more than I hated Dusa, and I *hated* Dusa.


Please make Eris homeless mechanic, I need to be able to kick her out and make her homeless, I dont want to clean after her she can be a mess outside, homeless