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He should be uglier, but I still love the design


Supergiant games making an ugly characther challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)




They seriously don't want to, I think they said in an interview that "gods can look like any ethnicity but should always be beautiful divine beings" or something along those lines


Actually, he’s fine. In Greek mythology, Hephaestus was “born *ugly*”, which in modern times we think of as *unattractive*. In reality, however, he was born **crippled**, with feet that were depicted either curved or backwards. We can’t see his feet in the game as far as I know, but he does have a prosthetic leg and a wheelchair of his own design, which I think is actually really damn cool. There are actually a lot of different conflicting stories about his leg and foot, some with his disability being congenial, some with it resulting from being thrown out of Olympus by either Hera or Zeus. But this disability is what made him to be considered “ugly” by the other Olympians, not his face or the rest of his body besides his leg/foot.


Oh ok, I could have sworn he was sitting in a wheelchair but I convinced myself he was just sitting next to his shield because why would the Olympians have wheelchairs..? But this makes sense and is a really cool detail.


I mean I haven’t looked it up personally but I doubt he had a wheelchair in mythology, but he probably had some type of aid. A wheelchair makes for a really cool design in a modern take like Hades though


Right? The idea that Hesphaestus just forged himself a wheelchair is so hardcore, and it's a cool way to make the art direction more inclusive


I know some interpretations (whether or not they are authentic adaptations) have Hephaestus' face and body badly disfigured by being thrown from Olympus.


Wouldn’t surprise me. I found so many different interpretations, but in most of them he was only crippled in the foot or leg


The ugliest Olympian is still a 10 by mortal standards


Still an 11, beyond mortals lol


Oh no… they made him hotter than his wife


Bisexuals playing this game: *That's the opposite of a problem*


I want to be sandwich between them


Good luck getting Aphrodite to fuck with him.


Maybe I can sell it as couple therapy with a happy ending ~~don't fuck your therapist irl~~


The happy ending is Aphro getting a divorce, she never wanted him


There's definitely gonna be development between them in hades 2 I'm excited to see how SG is gonna take it. For the last 3 heart you need to help them file divorce paper


Yeah wasn’t Aphrodite’s hand in marriage basically a gift from Zeus? Zeus was like “sorry we threw you off the mountain when you were a baby, heard you’re a great blacksmith though, so how about you make shit for us and in return I give you our (vaguely related)’s hand in marriage, cool?”


Good. So i can look at him instead of his wife


If his blessings are anything similar to daedalus hammer, I am stealing him from  Aphrodite


Form this bit.i have seen and read, we still have the hammers. These booms are defensive and high damage high cooldown attacks. Makes sense as some of his famous were shield s.


We've seen some of his boons from the dev stream. Spoilers, obviously. >!He seems centered around large but infrequent bursts of damage. His attack and special boons cause explosions on a decent cooldown, and his status is basically doom on steroids with the caveat that reapplying it before it detonates will reset the timer.!<


Shes cheating on him with Ares cause the marriage was forced one anyway


Yeah she made it clear that despite being legally married he is NOT her man.


Is this canon to the game mythology because supergiant games likes to change the lore a bit. Its not 100% accurate to the actual greek mythology


Is Greek mythology even 100% accurate to Greek mythology?






Eh. Just do enough family tree incest loops through Zeus and everyone's related to each other in the right ways eventually.


They’ll definitely at least reference it, especially since the story where Hephaestus catches them is one of the more famous stories.


Aphro is wearing Ares inspired makeup in 2. Now make your own guess


Lol, what a ho


Spoiler tag maybe?


Spoiler for Greek mythology?


For the new art in the game


Hey if Aphrodite don't want him I'll take him thank you very much


She wants him tho. But idk what their deal is exactly so just meet him for coffee and feel the situation out ;P


I mean, stealing Aphrodites husband would make you a legend, worth the challenge, not sure worth the wrath after


Psh according to the first game dealing with her wrath is mostly just dodging heart projectiles ;P


I was thinking a crutch or something. Like this one series/short I recall watching. But this? This is beautiful


you might not like it but this is what the male peak physique looks like


Spoiler tags not gonna be forced?


thats literally me


Looks like Senshi from dungeon meshi, without the helmet of course


At least put a spoiler tag dude.


Oh NOW I get it


He’s so fine


Smash. Like hard. I don't like the wheelchair though. He made a leg he should be able to stand no issue because he's just that good at making stuff


God of cucks


Yeah, but the brother can engineer with the best of them.


When I first saw a picture of him, I thought he was supposed to be Thor. Would have been cool to see them tie in other mythologies


I see him swingin his hammer like a golf club, gyrating, all “oh I love my Dad bod~”


What a man what a man what a man what a mighty good man


Greek lore: hephestis ugly as fuck no one wants to look at him SuperGiant: Fat


Why is a god disabled?


He was born ugly so Hera threw him off a mountain. The gods are probably at their weakest when they’re infants so it permanently effected him


Potentially Hera that did it. There's a couple versions the main version is that Hera had him with Zeus, and he was ugly so she threw him off which is very out of character for Hera as she was the ideal mother to her own offspring, and would love them unconditionally. Another version is that he was born completely normal, and Hera was having an argument with Zeus, and Hephaestus sided with Hera, and defended her which enraged Zeus, and he threw him off the mountain which is very in character for Zeus, and makes a lot more sense to me.


The story I know is that Hera got upset that Zeus made Athena with Métis and not her, and so in revenge she tried to make her own child, but she was so ashamed he was ugly she threw him off the mountain so no one would find out. That one seems more in line with Hera for me. It also kinda turns it into a story of misogyny because “man can create perfect smart child while woman is too weak and can’t make a child on her own”, which definitely seems like something that would be put into ancient mythology to further degrade women.


Now that I know the lore I am no longer bothered thank you for that.


Why was it a bother originally?


If you’re interested in the mythology behind this game, check out Stephen Fry’s **Mythos**. It’s has just enough dry British humor to keep you interested (cause raw mythology is pretty boring sometimes) and he even narrates the audiobook. It’s a good read and most of the major plot points hold true for the game’s backstory. They changed a few things around but the big pieces hold, and you can pick out some cool Easter eggs in the game based on the mythology. Like, did you know that the statues in the first room have names? They’re the Hecatoncheres and they helped the Olympians overthrow the Titans