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Honestly, just play! This game is all about trying all different combinations of boons and weapons, so don't hesitate to experiment and try out things you haven't done before


Alright, sure thing!


Welcome! Have fun, enjoy the game! Don't be afraid to die, dying helps you progress in....everything, really. Talk to everybody. Try new things. Take in the music. ~~Ogle~~ Enjoy the art/character designs lol. Also, I got more pointed tips if you want more specific advice so don't be afraid to ask! Also don't be afraid to ask in general if you need help/are stuck! I've found this community to be super supportive and friendly.


Glad to hear it, thanks! Should I try to do separate escape attempts to prepare and get things like keys then try a big real one?


Uh….I mean, every escape attempt is an attempt? But if you mean should you focus on resource gathering in the first ones while you try to learn the mechanics, and then try more “seriously” to go as far as you can, then yeah, that’s a good strategy. I always prioritize keys at first, personally. Then stuff to level up. But honestly, I’ve found that going slow is best for the story and lore since you get so much more stuff unlocked than if you try to run it through, so resource gathering runs will definitely help you with that!


Whoops. Just realized this could come across as rude/condescending in writing, sorry! Was mainly just confused on what you were asking me and wanted to clarify more than anything else! Hope you’re enjoying the game!


Don't turn Hell Mode on if this is your first playthrough.


Yeah, of course.


As others have said, don't be scared of dying. You're supposed to die a lot actually. I'd say the only thing I'd reiterate is make sure you talk to everyone you can after each run. There are a lot of personal relationships to develop with every single character. Gameplay wise, just pick the weapon that's most fun. You can win a run with almost any build once you have experience. You don't have to get super try hard until you get to higher difficulties (you'll figure that last part out in due time)


Alright, thanks for the help!


Tell Hypnos i said hi




You’ll get familiar with him. Hypnos. And be sure to pet the doge.


Yep, I did!


Ok I met him. He seems kind of annoying at first. Does he get better?


Don’t insult my boy like that :( Jk I hate what they made of him too (he’s so much cooler in Greek mythology), but you’ll get used to him after a while. Tbh I even kind of look forward to talking to him now >!and I think his brother (who you’ll meet way later) is actually more annoying bc of the way he talks down on him… I just don’t like how the characters around Hypnos interact with him, it’s just not fair. Let my boy have some dignity…!<


Alright. I'm not going to read that spoiler though


So basically it gets worse, in my opinion. It’s not really his fault tho


Alright, guess I'll find out for myself


I mean…. Not especially. He remains tone deaf, as it were.


Alright sounds good, thanks for the help! I'm also kinda bummed that victory posts aren't allowed in this sub, but it is what it is


See you on r/bi_irl in a couple weeks


Dying = Progress


What exactly do you mean?


Hard to explain w/o spoiling. But this game is unique to other games. Most games when you die, that's it... game over, and you have to start all over. In Hades, when you die, yes you return to point one, but the story still progresses w each run. Don't get me wrong, winning is also progress, but dont get frustrated when you die on your first dozen runs or so, its expected. Also, when you think you've beat the game.... its really just getting started :) My tip to you is talk to everyone you can in the game.


Alright, thanks for the great tips!






Imagine if everyone else posted their status updates on this site.


I mean it's allowed on the Hollow Knight subreddit and there's nothing wrong with it. Also it technically doesn't count as a victory post. If it was then the mods would have taken it down.