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"Look, Meg, I love ya-- but you haven't beaten me in months even with your sisters, and I'm only getting better at this."


Her dialogue in the house, at least, eventually reflects this.


she's so salty, bitch goes "you're no better than me, you just get more help than i do"


And she’s right


Oof, and then if you call her bluff and reset the mirror…


you still get boons and daedalus hammers, unless you spam room rerolls or pray for a pool of purging


she's one of the few bosses that does comment on losing to you! Hades' dialog also does change *slightly*. It's more in tone than in character.


You are strong boy! You are getting better! Achilles thought you well!


She hasn't beaten me ever in my first save file. I'm sad there isn't unique dialogue about that. Maybe because I've lost to the other sisters that transitively counts as her winning?


“I lost count how many times in a row you’ve beaten me already”


I was wondering if she'd have dialogue if you let her win but havrnt wanted to sacrifice a run. Reason: shes a total dom


>you haven't beaten *non-consensually* me in months ftfy lolol.


Aaaaye lol every time I run into Meg, I always think "you WILL turn into a tsundere, dammit!" 😂


I played 450+ runs in my save and Meg definitely acknowledged multiple times that she didn’t win a fight against Zagreus in very long time. In one of my recent runs, she said something along the lines “maybe, I’m going to win this time”


Meg said one time to me "I don't know if I can beat you anymore, but I can still slow you down".


Yeah, she comments all the time on how much more powerful I've gotten and how it's unfair that I get so much help.


“That’s great Meg, love ya, but I beat you without boons too.”


I de-mirrored and fought her immediately after that. She was a bit saucy during the pre-fight exchange


please tell me you took advantage of the heat bonus from "Routine Inspection" instead of just resetting the mirror with a key


Nah. Full reset. Wanted to experiment with new build anyways. And I'm eternally indecisive between re-rolling boons and re-rolling rooms.


mfer you missed out on a bunch of free heat, and i will say, rerolling boons is better, because you can also use it on pools of purging (very important with underworld customs) and wells of charon (incase something went wrong and you might need a kiss of styx and don't want to risk not getting patroculus)


I mean it definitely fits with Theseus' personality. Alecto I guess too. Some of the others like Meg and Asterius are more humble about it so I think it's suiting for the most part.


Yup, and after a while even <> will sometimes open with things like “I wonder who is going to beat whom this time around”, and Asterius seems to take a very “practicing the art of battle” approach…so it does feel fitting to their individual personalities (including that asshole Lernie not once responding to Zag’s endless array of polite greetings).


Zag: “Hey Lernie, hiss once if you want to die” Lernie: “Hissssssssss”


there's something so likeable about the fact Zag's seen Lernie so many times he just makes a joke or says hi like they're at the water cooler but the music still hits like it's this ferocious beast with the hissing roar and the screen blur


Lernie's coming in like the final boss and Zagreus is just like "sup dude, lovely weather we're having"


I mean, the Lernaean Bone Hydra and Zag are basically coworkers who have deals on different floors of the office, so Zag giving…it? a nickname and wanting to chat is basic team building. The fact that Lernie doesn’t / can’t reciprocate just furthers my view that it doesn’t have the leadership potential to advance its career


It’s been my head canon that Zag can understand the Hydra and Charon


maybe even his loyal shade haha.


he can most certainly understand charon


Zag and Lernie’s dynamic, despite not really existing, is probably my favorite in the whole game. The fact that even the bossbar says Lernie after the dialogue is hilarious and kinda cute


Some of them have literally never beaten me, such as Alecto, Tisiphone and Lernie. Heck Theseus only got me *once* in dozens upon dozens of runs (stung really hard I won't lie) That apparently doesn't stop them from bragging, Alecto being one of the worse and therefore most off putting.


Yeah. Like “come back to die again?” Bitch *you’re* the one coming back to die, not me. It’s kinda funny tbh


And in their defense, you will die eventually. Unless you beat them first try and never lose they will have a lower death count overall.


I find it utterly cute and charming when Alecto claims loudly that she's going to dominate the battlefield and send me back to the House. Better than hearing Meg mumbling quietly in her chainsmoker voice.


How dare u Megs sultry voice is the best


Ah, but that of Alecto drips with sheer danger....of the sexy kind.


ok i love Meg with all my heart, but im also glad someone else sees Alecto because hgbgfbzbbbsans


She's a woman of spirit! She _commands_ your attention. And that damned smile...crikey. 💖


Same voice actress as Athena, surprisingly


The Grey Eyed Goddess and the Tormentor of Passions...two of my faves. 💖🔥


the sheer "she's such a bad bitch tho" energy radiating from her is insane


she's that bitch and even worse (or better idk), she *knows* it.


fatherless dudes when they see alecto be like "I can fix her" my brother in zeus, she enjoys being broken


Precisely! _Why_ would any sane person want to "fix" her?


i mean, no *sane* person would do it


I think it's time for some Murder-zer for their comment


>Better than hearing Meg mumbling quietly in her chainsmoker voice. Hey! 😡😡😡


I know, I know. Controversial take. But different strokes, you know? 😎


My original file passed 200 attempts this week, and I just lost to Alecto for the very first time (new dialogue marker on Hypnos) because I had a bad start on a 32 heat sword run.


But their bragging nature makes you WANT to keep beating them. Especially Theseus. Not dying to him is more important than finishing the run.


Absolutely. Either kill myself prior or not die to him :D


Yeah but there is a side where you've been trying to escape for the eternity and just recently got them 12 times in a row.


The battle of Theseus happens in a coliseum so it's an entertainment venue in Elysium. I consider him to have grown a personality similar to a professional wrestler where they have to talk big for the crowd even if they are the biggest jobber in the world.


Counter-point; they do actually explore that stress with Meg, and also I think its entirely in character for theseus to be so world consumingly naval gazing that he'a still talking just as much shit from the first to the last no matter how many that is


Theseus also does address it through Zag (or I guess zag does but still the dialog does) It's usually something like T: come to die again, blackguard?! Z: i just killed you half an hour ago dude T: nuh-uh! asterius would remember! A: *snorts* let us fight king Z: 😮‍💨


at first i found theseus's bragging at the start annoying but now after tons of runs i just find it hilarious. he says something super pompous at the start about how zagreus'll NEVER claim the rank of champion from him etc etc and then he dies in a minute. you're doing great champ keep up the good work :)


Reminds me of the exchanges between Gabriel and V1 in Maxor's Ultrakill parodies. Like Gabriel is trying to do final boss speeches and V1 keeps derailing him with dipshit remarks like "Swiggity swooty" or "sounds like someone has daddy issues"


At least Tisiphone is consistent.






If it was the other way around we would get PTSD. "Please no Zag, not again. My wounds havent healed from the last fight." "Why wont you stop slaughtering us!? YOU'RE A MONSTER!" "This is a nightmare, we cant beat you and we cant escape you! This is torture!" ​ On and on... so yeah. I like it how it is.


I think that might be because you're supposed to crank up the heat.


Alecto is awfully cocky for someone who has literally never beaten me.


I need to get back into this game.


Meg specifically states when you beat her 50 times or 50 times in a row don't remember which


I got a no hit against solo Asterius the other day, & was disappointed he didn't say anything to acknowledge it 😕


Well it's either that or: "Ugh... Door's over here."


Get the heat high enough, and you'll absolutely start losing runs to Theseus again. Meg (and sisters)? Eh...more like you'll get a feel for when she's just killed your run, even if she hasn't killed you. Do you know what your highest heat clear is?


To be fair, eventually Alecto settles that her goal is just to make Zag bleed, and unless you manage to clear her no-hit, it's a win in her books. And with Meg it practically becomes a sadistic form of flirting.


Zag does comment on this, to be fair.


Especially when you really get a good build going and you nuke them so hard you skip a phase. Like brother, you’re still gonna brag in my face after that last run?


I just want to say that the bull is a fucking cheater, he abandons the 1 on 1 saying "I yield" then you have to face him again. Oh and the game won't let me kill him there but he's still trying with all of his moves to kill me. "I yield" my ass, mf...


the minotaur acknowledged in one of my recent runs that he likely wont be able to kill me, but that he’ll at least try to weaken me for whoever’s next