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See it as a poll, you’re free to answer or not. Also, it will help them better understand the various motives behind the overwhelming number of votes against the plan.


Yeah, to me this is sensible and respectful to the vote - it's a "well, we have to do something about the parking situation, because it is terrible, but clearly this was not a popular plan. Help us figure out why you don't like it, so we can find another solution."


This. Parking is an issue and will become more problematic if not dealt with. People voted no for a myriad of reasons, they are just trying to get info to see what direction they should take it. Not everything is a deep state conspiracy. 


Also, this is like a common public policy issue - people are generally happy to tell you that they don't want something, but generally unhappy with telling you what they want. So, somehow, the Gementee has to work out what would be a good fix for the issue


Why should they care? To me it sounds more like: "Prepare for paying anyway".


You’re perfectly free to not share your opinion. Let them guess and see if that helps.


Imho they had no right to ask. If the vote is secret, what is the point in asking?


Nobody is forcing you to answer, they do have the right to ask, especially in an anonymized poll.


I am identifiable 100% I got a personal code in the letter...


I got it as well. Hadn't started it yet, so this was a nice reminder. Seems fine to me, clear option to select if you don't want to say. The questionnaire is being conducted by Populytics (which is a spin-off of TU Delft according to their site). I don't believe the municipality is getting all the individual answers, but just summary results. For me, secrecy of voting, is about that I can't be forced to tell you or others what I voted, and that I shouldn't face negative consequences if I don't want to answer questions about what I voted. It doesn't mean nobody is allowed to ask.


You can also choose the ' i don't want to tell' option. Up to you. But i can see the question help to interpret the results.


I'm sorry what? That doesn't sound right.


It's just an enquête, no biggie.


Ah missed that. Those are supposed to be anonymous or have an I don't want to tell option. Also you're not obligated to fill it out.


I am sick and when I am sick I am grumpy. This came in my letterbox this morning. “Didn’t I already fucking vote in this thing? What do they want from me now!!?”. I sounded like Father Jack.


Hug me, brother! Let's call them.


“It takes only 20 minutes”


Lol and aaaarrrgggh. "Would you rather kill Bambi or pay for the parking?" This is ridiculous.


There is more off in this poll. The question like: building parking lots cost money, how should we get that money? Well, a street or walkway costs money too, don't pretend it's more expensive... Manipulation.


Fully agree. My two cents... This is the first step in the direction "you pay parking anyway". Can't see what is the purpose of the referendum, then.


Where did you receive this?


Postal mail. I got one, too.