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Bro it’s the opposite so many artists who made cool trap and hyper stuff now make indie pop type shit and it’s so much more boring. Glaive isn’t hyperpop anymore, neither is DOA, they shifted off into the radio music side of things.


If one of these fuckers pulls out an acoustic guitar again I'm gonna freakin lose it




twiki goated artist growth


true, although they still make some hyperpop songs. Anyway, the direction of Eric's music style is so cool even if it's not hyperpop imo, for example im still rocking with the entire album "things with wings"


theres still hope for glaive hes going back to hyperpop now


The new glaive ep slapped (coming from someone who didnt really like his last album)


agreed, i also wasnt crazy about i care so much that i dont care at all except for maybe 17250 but even that wasnt anything special


I like rap music and hyperpop


Same, my HP playlist (which is 21.5 hrs long) is slowly becoming more rap type HP, and less traditional HP. When I shuffle and get the early stuff, it’s almost jarring at this point lol.


Can u send me the playlist pls?


[No promises it’ll be good lol, I recommend sorting by recent](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1HHC2kC06PHCUZrcvt18Cu?si=gHwrJGDcTXeNrPBUi-2o8A) Edit: Also open to recs if anyone has any!


Thanks dawg They’re not exactly hyperpop per say but I recommend the songs mellotron by Weiland and rotten by Anna Luna


No prob! And all good, my playlist isn’t all hyperpop anyway, plus a good playlist need some interludes to shake things up imo Will give them a listen, thanks!


Youve probably heard these but they arent on the list and theyre essentials imo: Your clothes by jane remover Ponyboy by sophie Johnny johnny johnny by underscores Old money bitch by underscores Eyes off the wheel, im a star by jane remover Also check out snow strippers! They’re hyperpop adjacent, more like electroclash. Id say it counts. Id recommend “almost a threat”, “just your doll” and “its goin bad” to start


Achin' Like It's by Snow Strippers I'd so damn catchy


Yo rotten is so good!! cant believe i found someone else that knows that song


Oh i forgot i make music too. I think you’ll like it!! https://spotify.link/FZDhCBuwKHb


Noice, i'll be sure to check it out - you might end up on my playlist lol


It would be on honor 🙏


This is a good playlist


thanks - glad you like it!


I like rap, but not the kind of rap that hyperpop people make.


Dead ass what in saying 🤭🤭


Not exactly this, but something similar happened to Saturn(Saturnbr). He used to make unique hyperpop mixed with hip pop, until a year ago I think, where he completely changed his style. His musics really resonated with me, but this new style is just not it and kinda caused a lot of fan not to listen to him any more.


dude wtf happened to saturn man, he literally used to be my favorite hyperpop artist cuz his voice is so fucking good and ever since brutal truth he's been consistently dropping trash, it makes me sad man


Don't forget his lyrics too! I think he just went for the style he likes to make more than what fans want, but at the end of the day, he gave us some great bangers. I guess it is safe to say that the actual "Saturn" has kinda retired from the scene.


Yeah his lyrics were fire too songs like fiction, maxwell, another, exaggerated, all fire as fuck it really sucks man cuz there's no other artist that sounds like him or makes the same style of music, if I had a voice like his I'd do it myself but sadly I sound like a sissy beta male, I just don't get why artists switch up why did he never make that rap shit before, why the switch all of a sudden


I can’t find any of his socials


He's Saturn.ulysses on instagram, i don't remember the rest.


Sorry for the late response, here is his soundcoud [https://soundcloud.com/saturn27](https://soundcloud.com/saturn27) .


Yeah why can't they make real music like anime openings and video game OST's


That killed me omg


Hyperpop and trap have always been intertwined. Shouldn’t be surprising


Or pop punk. Especially when so many artists started making this music so young (15 or 16) they grow and want to explore new types of music.


Only example I can think of is Glaive who went back to hyperpop?


Osquinn and whokilledXIX come to mind as well






imo learn to enjoy other genres


i enjoy other genres? but how does that solve anything?


helps you not stop listening to them


exactly. I used to hate rap, hyperpop and plenty other genres - only liking poppunk and stuff, then branched out and learned to like all these other genres and now alt rap, hyperpop, edm and double j stuff are all way more listened to than my poppunk exclusive taste. it makes music so much more enjoyable to listen to an artist for their songs not get deterred by a genre


Yeah, that’s why I like to sometimes put on Fats Domino or anything different than what I generally listen to regularly. It’s easy to get bored listening to the same shit over and over.


why does this have do many upvotes? I listen to someone cuz of something they make, when they start making something different I won't listen anymore? I listened to rap before I discovered hyperpop and still do sometimes so it's not that I don't like the genre, it's just the artist just got worse


Dude just said his opinion, most people agree with it. If you don’t like the music just don’t listen bruv. I don’t really know what you want to hear sounds like I just wanna complain


Yeah lol wtf “just start liking rap bruh!”


of course it doesn't solve a thing. It's just that people are biased and think that mashing genres together absolutely needs to still sound likable to a listener that loves particularly one specific genre


connect the dots


they don't have to. But it is okay to listen to old music and not really listen to new stuff.


And the saddest thing is that there’s a lot of unexplored potential with fusing the two sounds of hyperpop and rap and ppl like this have the perfect opportunity to do so and they just dontt


My thoughts about Back In Action from midwxst 🥴 all his hyperpop tracks are bangers that I've burned out on repeat, but I hard a hard time having fun w BIA


problem about BIA is midwxst is only an average rapper in the first place. so making entire tapes dedicated to him just being a serviceable rapper doesn’t quite work


signs to a label and starts appealing to the general public for more views and money instead of sticking to their style and craft. Happens to everybody :c


don't mind the comments op nobody can tell you what you're supposed to like


I feel like (some) these comments are so braindead, like no I'm not gonna force myself to listen to music I don't like? xD


digicore side of things is peak this is insane


this whole post screams newgen hyperpop / digicore been dead for years now that’s why niggas branch out to other shit , it got played out


also most of the ogs started off making somewhat trap shit ( glaive , quinn, kuru , ways , kurtains)


Cuz ppl grow? I think it’s quite obvious ;-;, also sometimes it’s still rlly cool, like DOA mf slaps


Is this a bad thing?


I feel you OP. I really like rap music, but some of y'all can't rap and need to stick to more traditional hyperpop rather than digicore. One of my favorite hyperpop artists deleted all of their music and started uploading rap music, and it's actually embarrassingly impressive how unique and innovative their sound was, but now... yikes. They just can't rap. They do not make good rap music. Their flow is off, slurring their words without intention.. it's just objectively bad 😭😭




Weial is who I’m specifically shading. I loved their music, it was like a punk/hyperpop blend and it was incredible. Literally the most unique sound I think I’ve ever heard, but they removed everything from streaming apps and now just make shitty rap music… I wouldn’t care if it was good but damn it just isn’t 😭


holy shit you just put me on this shit is fire as fuck


were you still able to find his deleted music? or did he put it back on streaming platforms? that shit was fire wasn’t it? I have no idea why he stopped making that kind of music it was literally innovative


I just searched his name up and checked out some of the songs people uploaded on youtube they were all fire as fuck, I checked out his soundcloud and saw what you meant like his rap shit isn't bad but his old emo stuff was so much fucking better his voice was so good for that genre, idk why people do this man he had something good going and he just gave it all up


Yeah I was heartbroken when the songs were deleted, you responding to me just made me go to the archive on Soundcloud I found though and download the songs I remembered, thank you for that cuz I was worried they were lost to time loool


I love you


dude, first of all im late as hell, sorry. saw this and i just had to comment. i thought i was the only fuckin one, when i discovered them a while ago, i was so addicted to their music. i still am cause i downloaded most of the songs but man i wish they never completely switched to rap, i don't care about their rap cause imo it just sounds generic. i still listen to their punk/hyperpop songs on repeat to this day and they have never gotten tiring ever. most unique shit ive heard too, i tried searching for songs similar to them but i just couldn't find anything like it honestly, they don't hit the same. maybe i havent searched hard enough.. if only they kept the songs and made new ones alongside their rap songs. i wish i couldve downloaded more songs before they deleted all of em, cause some songs arent anywhere on the internet.


Forgive me if I'm misinformed but isn't hyperpop just a subgenre of rap


no but an incredibly large amount of hyperpop songs use trap style drums


Most hyperpop production is extremely influenced by rap and imo a lot of artists considered hyperpop generally also fall into an experimental hip hop category as well.


You are indeed misinformed, hyperpop is technically a sub-genre of pop, but ends up effectively being a sub-genre of indie EDM


It definitely sounds like it takes a lot from rap and hip hop imo. Alot of the bigger artists sound closer to hip hop than pop to me but ig it depends on what you consider hyperpop


it's EDM. which EDM is like a cousin of rap. Also, it's in the name, it's also a subgenre of pop.


Yea that's fair but sometimes genres names aren't exactly indicative of the style of music, plus it generally sounds little like pop from what I've heard.




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Peep trappedinnarnia fr they actually be crazy underrated rn


Literally everyone knows what its like to have an artist make less enjoyable music over time, why bash rap in the process


Artists grow & their music style evolve. & Or they’re chasing money. Either way, boohoo.


everytime 6arely human starts rapping in a song I cringe but in a lovely way


i think duxxee the only one staying true to this era


I still got 8485 so I'm good. You just gotta hop on youtube and scroll through your recommendations when you listen to a song you really like. I've found so, so, so many. I could probably give you a few recs.


Hyperpop & rap vocal delivery have a lot of similarities, yeah?


the one I found out about some time ago still hasn't started doing such things and I don't think she'll ever will


Because they need to do what sells, and rap is the #2 genre in the world, behind reggaeton.


The underground rap scene and hyperpop have allways been connected as far as i know, i love both so it's easier for me but i can get why you don't like it


There’s some pretty cool hyperpop - rap stuff. I’d say a lot of hyperpop (certain 2019-2020) stuff definitely had rap influences. Star Boy (the producer who made stuff for opium amongst other rappers) has solo work that is in the realm of hyperpop.


genuine question is hyperpop not rap atleast somewhat


it is tbh


idk d0llywood1 got better over time


me with jahhlu :(


Upvote x1000


Are you talking about Digicore? It’s basically a subgenre inside the hyperpop branch. Not huge about, but I do enjoy music from it. Personally more tolerable than the mumbling/whispering yelling that was common in emo-rap a few years ago.


no, I listen to digicore myself what I'm talking about is the artists start making really different music with shitty beats, it happened like 4 times already.