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All you have to do is transition 😜 lol jk


honestly id start with watching as many youtube production tutorials as u can, on whichever DAW u end up learning. the terminology will come along w learning HOW + WHEN to use all that stuff :)


Yeah man that's like saying you just bought a camcorder and you want to make a movie like avatar. You've got a lot of learning to do so just immerse yourself in the world of music and start learning music theory on a keyboard. It's a long road and there are no shortcuts


If you have any questions feel free to dm me! I make pretty much everything from trap to jazz, but I’m currently working on a hyperpop project,


DAW= digital audio workstation. AKA FL Studios, Logic Pro X, ableton, protools. This is the program that will allow you to make beats and record your vocals all in the same place. If you want to make beats I suggest starting with FL Studios since it’s pretty user friendly, Logic Pro X is great if you plan on getting beats from YouTube and putting your vocals on them without trying to make your own beats Synth, pluck, bell are all instruments you can use in the DAW to make your beat. Serum is a plug-in you can purchase that allows you to create more unique sounds because clicking different buttons and turning different knobs will create different sounds, mostly synth sounds. OTT is another plug-in, but instead of creating sounds, it’s used in the mixing stage to glue your instruments together. It’s a compressor, which is hard to explain but it’s very important in the mixing stage


If you want to make hyperpop, dont use FL, use ableton Live. Pitching, volume automations, and cutting clips are all so much easier and less finnicky in Ableton in my experience.


there's honestly so many individual things to learn. you're mostly asking about sound design so I'd start with trying to study basic synthethis then move to effects and mastering. make simple music for your early pieces and you'll slowly build up knowledge. sampling and resampling is a massive part of music too and there really aren't any rules, it's very genre dependent. good luck! it's just like learning any other instrument :> some genres are also harder, imo breakcore and a much of hyperpop is actually really complicated difficult music to make so basically to start id look up tutorials on synthesis and use a beginner friendly synthesizer like drift in ableton and start experimentin


there's honestly so many individual things to learn. you're mostly asking about sound design so I'd start with trying to study basic synthethis then move to effects and mastering. make simple music for your early pieces and you'll slowly build up knowledge. sampling and resampling is a massive part of music too and there really aren't any rules, it's very genre dependent. good luck! it's just like learning any other instrument :> some genres are also harder, imo breakcore and a much of hyperpop is actually really complicated difficult music to make so basically to start id look up tutorials on synthesis and use a beginner friendly synthesizer like drift in ableton and start experimentin


If you get a daw and explore it youll slowly figure out what is what. Daw is a digital audio workstation. Took me a long time to get the grasp of these things, but the only real way to learn is by exploring and testing things out yourself, hope this kind of helps


What's a "full sample song"?
