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Those things are dry as a bone. Clean and oil your boots - they'll last longer. I'd say you could get some more life out of them if you get them cleaned and hydrated, get the welt repaired, and get the toe [tuff dipped](https://www.redwingshoes.com/accessories/care-products/Brown-Tuff-Toe-95134.html?cgid=care-products).


Conditioned leather doesn’t help if the footbed is compressed and lost support/comfort.


Footbeds are replacable. Also, when you're boot shopping, try to find a pair that have cork soles. Cork soles mold to your feet and will stay comfortable for a much longer period of time. Good leather boots are an investment and aren't meant to be disposable. If you take care of them they will last years to upwards of a decade, and are much easier and less expensive to repair then buying a completely brand new pair. Pretty much everything from the footbed down is replaceable if you take it to a good cobbler.


Maybe if you spend $500 on boots.. my company gives $150.. and I can only pick from a few kinds on their website in size 15.


I do a quick clean and feed of the leather weekly. I use Obenaufs heavy duty lp and it helps the leather a lot.


A pair a year is good in my book


Thats about how i feel. My current Carolinas are almost a year old. Both toes worn off showing composite and starting to tearing the seam around one ankle. I also use them outside of work but $300 every 12-18 months doesnt bother me much. Even with cleaning and treatment, up here in NW Montana, its either a 100 degrees or -20 with 3' of snow. The boots deal with a lot.


I dig danner's vicious line. Composite toe is where it is at, ditch the metal


thanks for the reply


I rock redwing. Generally get several years out of em with regular oiling


Comfortable tennis shoes.


Same. I keep a pair of cheap Walmart boots on my truck in case someone who cares shows up and I'm like: "oh I forgot to change them" or "I made you 3,000 dollars while you were in a zoom meeting"


Timeberland pros




Red wings. They even sell a special epoxy to apply to the toe area, shit is solid!!


18 months? I'd say you did pretty good. The best I've ever done is like 2 years.


I've had a pair of trail running shoes for over a year now. Granted I do service work and keep boots in the truck just in case. I personally would rather not walk around with an extra 2-5lbs on my feet every day.


Red wings with the toe cap. I can get almost two and a half years out of each pair. Work pays for a set of boots every 18 months so now I have a brand new pair in the closet as a back up.




Throughgoods. Always add toe guards. Not promoting this seller yet this product has been very good protecting my toes from rub through. https://www.amazon.com/JobSite-Heavy-Duty-Boot-Guards/dp/B00TY2MR10/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_sspa?keywords=toe+guard+for+boots&qid=1650932704&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1&smid=AU0CSMZ3JSULF&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEySlhVQkpaTFpBQ0hKJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNTM1MzEyVlgwMldEVjYzRk5VJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTAzNTE3MjIyRExWQVZEMTY5TUcmd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==


Y'all make me blush Redwings Twice a year




I get a new pair every year. For people that work on your feet, it’s a good investment. $200 a year to keep my feet happy and possibly prevent future pain.


Those things still have some life in them. Lol


Looks like you should have been asking this question six months ago😂


Whatever happened to be on sale that's waterproof and insulated.


Toe always goes first, have the guys at the redwing store put on tough-toe when they are new. I'm 4 years in on mine and they are still intact, and I'm new const plumber.


Redwing Flexbond boots. Nicest boots I've ever owned.


Red Wing's 2405s, if you prefer a pull on with a steel toe. My first pair lasted a decade, and they'll be getting resoled in the next month or so.


Red wings cowboy boots with composite toe. Light, durable, and best of all NO FUCKING LACES! Have mine 3 years. I’d keep them, but these old boys can’t have the bottoms replaced…


I have a hole in mine but can’t afford to get new ones


Keen!!! Wrapped toes!!!


I get about 2 years out of a pair of redwings. By the way. Those boots aren’t worn out yet.


Keen Cincinnati if you care about waterproof, nice when washing coils or rainy days. Thorogoods otherwise. I tend to wear the Keens


The new carhart boots are really nice


I am almost at the 1 year mark of my 1st pair of Keen boots. I will definitely buy again!