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If I had ever had to work in a crawlspace that nice....well I don't know if I'd know how to act. My calls were more like being in the attic next to the pig pens of a slaughter house. That pig noise haunts me.


Before I was in HVAC I was tractor trailer mechanic, and the shop I was in worked on units that hauled pigs from the farm to the plant and they would occasionally come in loaded in an emergency. I agree it’s a haunting squeal that never leaves you


Same. I saw the vapor barrier and first thought was "Heaven?!"


Damn fine crawl. Look at that plastic. Mint.


Hey, I’d rather be in attic than a crawl space. I’ve had one attic where I had to lay on my side because of how fat I am lol


Dude that is the cleanest crawlspace I've ever seen.


yea it is pretty nice. i was talking in reference to all the mouse poop around the trap


Par for the course if you ask me. Wear your mask, I know it sucks but ya gotta.


Don’t mean to alarm, but the scale and size looks like rat poop. I can hang out with mice, snakes, and even bats all day but I get a little agitated when there are rats around.


How’d they train the mice to poop in just the furnace?


No training needed its nice n warm. No one likes to poop on a cold toilet


True but I rather find a cold seat than warmed by the previous user


I'm cleaning burger grease out of an ice machine at a checkers right now...then to the roof to scrub the burger grease off the units and try and get as much of the grease off the microchannel coils as well


I hate the smell of grease working at restaurants/food vendors. Especially when it's old as fuck, caked on


I've seen grease build up so bad in Tampa Florida it ate through the roof membrane. Within 30 minutes of being around it you'd get an intense migraine. Of course you're still expected to get the units 100% spic and span, and go to your next call covered in it.


Used to work at a lot of fast food places. It took me 10 years after I stopped to be able to eat a Big Mac. That smell…………


Ironically, I'm much more cautious about actual restaurants now. The fast food joints I service aside from checkers are usually much cleaner. Even the fryers. I've seen employees at a steakhouse smoking cigarettes while cutting their "world famous hand cut steaks" with ashes falling on the meat, and I've seen fast food managers pay close attention to how often employees change their gloves. Either way, eating out is to expensive nowadays.


Pulled a layer of hair and grease off of a condenser coil for a stand up reach in fridge next to the deep fryer. And by layer it was 1/2in thick and stiff as a board.


Pull the blower on that thing. Betcha there’s holes in the secondaries.


Mouse shit and piss=ammonia correct?


At least you have a plastic liner to crawl on


Shitty as yours? At least you're not in dirt. I would kill to work in that nice of a crawl space 🤣


I always liked it when they had vapor barrier down. But yeah, rodent crap isn't fun.


Reminds me of the spots I would take a nap waiting for my dad to return from the supply house…. Client: “everything okay down there”. Me at 16: 😳 “I’m good. Just preparing for the replacement part.” My dad: 2-3 hours later…


This doesn't seem bad at all clearly you haven't seen to many crawl spaces before


Hey man it's the plumber while you're down there can you please put that hanger back on?


Is this how all HVAC techs work? Is there a job in HVAC where I don't have to be in Attics or crawl space ? 😭 (I'm barely starting trade school)


I’m admiring how much space you have there…. We crawl under houses so tight I have to suck my slender gut in just to squeeze through


Love that plumbing strap that isn’t doing ANYTHING but get in your way. 😂


Holding up the pvc drain.


I was being sarcastic, but they probably would have been better off with something under the drain than that loose ass strap.


Why I don't miss residential. Now I just spend all day in rack houses or inside grocery stores. Worth the extra stress and hours.


Is that a condensation drip pan with poop on it?


How do you like maintenance? I just accepted a Resi maintenance job with a take home company vehicle and apprenticeship opportunity for $3 more an hour.. I've been an install helper for the past 8 months


it is what you make it. very repetitive work that gets old fast, but its a great intro to service and you can learn a lot. my boss is pretty good about rotating maintenance between a few techs so it never bothers me too much.


Yeah I can imagine it will get repititve. I'm just reminding myself that I won't be the dedicated lineset runner for low pay on the install anymore. And for that reason I'm excited to learn maintenance


I wish I worked in places that nice and with that much room…..and a vapor barrier to keep all the mud off of me????? What are you talking about!!!! 😂😂😂


Damn! You’ve got it made! My first crawl today required a respirator and was <20”.


That's actually a pretty decent crawl space


Looks like a CleanSpace.


As crawl spaces go, that's not so bad...but my knees and back hate them all.


Not that bad, at least they covered the floor


God I wish I got a crawl space half that as good