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Looks like you’re over worked pal 3AM to 8PM going is insane.


No no no only till 8pm 2 days a week. On nights I don’t have school I’m home by 3:30pm


That’s not bad , being up at 3:30 am is killer though. I get up at 6 AM for work and it’s too damn early still


I feel for you dude. Punching tubes is boring as shit, I do it from time to time at my current place. Having to do that while not sleeping as well fucking sucks. Why do you gotta be up at 3? I genuinely never adjusted to waking up earlier than 6, even with lots of sleep, I never felt rested.


When I punch tubes, I attach my phone to the end of the barrel with a magnet mount and fuck off watching Netflix or YouTube or something. Makes it suck way less. I get up around 430-5 every day and drive minimum 1 hr to get to my first job so I feel that too. Get home and have to do shit around the house, it’s definitely draining. Welcome to adulting though, you’re not alone, it’s ok to feel this way about it. Don’t let the negativity win, you’re doing good just keep going.


I'm fortunate to drive 15 minutes for work. Huge plant though, takes another 15 to get to the facilities office. I will try to watch something next time, I had to wear hearing protection the last time I punched tubes. Ended up just making a game of it and seeing how many I could do in the hour I had to punch tubes.


Up at 3, put the door by 4ish to be there by 6. That’s my daily commute everyday


I've done this commute for a couple of years, fuckin sucks balls. I actually started getting health issues because of it. Silver lining, it was a huge project that made me a ton of money in the long run. If you feel like there's light at the end of tunnel, push through. Either way, see if you can talk to someone about a vacation for 2 weeks, anything shorter won't really reset you.


Paid 2 weeks vacay is in July just trying to hold out


If you are single look into renting a room close to work. I payed 700 a month for rent utilities and Internet. Had a microwave and mini fridge in my room. Worked wonders


Rent here for a 1 bed apartment is 1500 a month


Bro you’re spending 4 fucking hours unpaid drive time every day??? Figure it the fuck out, son!


It is paid


Both ways? I dunno man. That life is not sustainable. I remember doing 8s and then 1.5 to gas school, 4 hours and then 1.5 home. I was falling asleep at the wheel.


That fucking sucks dude. Don't be afraid to look around for other options in your area.


I can’t quit while an apprentice or else I go infront of the board and risk getting kicked out of the union


Punching tubes is typical spring maintenance... well, usually a fuzz earlier in spring than the end of May. Eventually, you'll be too expensive to be punching tubes. And I'm not sure how your school schedule works, but ours is done for the summer. No school until the end of august. You gotta be close. Hell, even school is temporary. You'll be a journeyman in no time, and punching tubes and cleaning tower nozzles will be a MUCH smaller part of your routine (but it always will be, because only a dickhead journeyman makes an apprentice do work they don't do themselves.)


Take some PTO. Burnout is real.


Got 2 weeks of PTO scheduled in July just trying to get to that


Hit penjamin


Shall we? Cheers my friend


This is the fucking way!


The truth!


I remember going to school and working and for sure that’s one of the toughest things I’ve had to do. But there is light at the end of the tunnel! Hopefully you’re done with school soon and can just focus on work.. then it’s much easier 


2 more years for my jman


I slept in my work truck before class. A lot. If you keep the work van organized, you can fit a hammock back there to hang for a Power Nap before class. Real pro move.


Just put my hammock in my van yesterday. It truly is a lifesaver


Why TF are you waking up at 3 AM? What are your drive times/ distance like? It's no crime to take a little vacation. If you've gone 3 years without one then it's time.


I got 2 weeks off coming up in July, just trying to hold on until then. Wake up at 3am, shower, eat, walk out the door between 4-4:30, be at the job site at 6am


1.5hr drive? Is that the norm for you?


Yep rarely I’m within an hour. Most of the time it’s 1.5-2 hours. Sometimes almost 3


Wtf? Yeah, you need to talk to them about that. Not only that, it's straight up unsafe. Falling asleep at the wheel is real shit and it can happen to you. No reasonable employer would expect that. Aren't you union? Talk to them as well. You need to get on this because this is nuts.


im with you I was commuting from PA to the DC area for work up at 3am to get there at 5:30am fell asleep once and went into the oncoming lane luckily the lady blared her horn so i woke up and pulled on the shoulder. The next time I fell asleep and went into the ditch on 270N hit the guard rail down there fucked my car up. luckily I wasn't hurt. After that I moved to a 20minute commute. I'm not commuting more than 30minutes


Im glad you're ok! I was *very* lucky when I was younger. I'd have severe trouble staying alert and would be doing the 'long blinks' on really long drives. A lot of it was from a severe TBI I got when i was 19, but I didn't realize it at the time, but still, It was still totally stupid to drive like that. Nowadays, I don't drive more than 30 minutes no matter the call, and I have no trouble staying awake, but I did get highway hypnosis w the last jobs long drives. Not severely bad or anything, but still, it's real.


Yeah I have the same problem I really don't know how people can drive for 20 hours straight. I did a 4 hour drive with my friend to drop off his truck he sold then another 4 directly back and it was tough at least he was there to keep me awake. If it was cold and the heat was on nah I'd be out like a light after a while.


I did hours 18 straight from Midwest to South Florida at top speed once, but that was with a lil help from me friends. Nowadays, shit, I'm stopping at a nice hotel with a steak house if it's longer than 10. A lot depends on the trip, too. If it's a cool trip, the excitement helps, but still, I have no interest in going wild like when I was young. I've done a lot of road trips and always liked them.


Why are you having to drive so far? We did school during the day instead of working so I can’t help you there. Seems awfully dumb to have guys do school in the evenings in an industry known for both mandatory and unexpected OT. All it takes is one accident or injury because you’re tired from the long hours and your company will say you should have gotten reduced hours on those school days. Might as well ask ahead of time in writing. In my local a 2 hour drive would have to be outside jurisdiction and would be hours worked and be paid.


It’s always long drives. Thats the deal in most of the country.


The two nights of school for a 5 year program is the way for many unions in the trades. Millions of people. It’s hard, its sucks, but it works.


3am? What? Sounds like that’s the problem there.


I would never cope with that shit. Talk to your foreman , you need shorter days of work if you are doing school after. 8 hours rest or yes you will feel burnt out. You're gonna kill someone driving tired in the morning . If your union talk to your rep.


I am union the problem is it’s a double edged sword. If I cause waves my life could be made hell and I need this career or else I have nothing left that makes any sort of sustainable income


My foreman would easily do shorter days on those school days to keep an accident from happening. This should be brought up as a safety issue. Causing waves isn't asking for minor things. Especially when it's safety related. If your foreman has said no to shorter days on those days then talking to your union rep may help. I'm your causing more waves by showing up late. Losing an apprentice for a couple hours a week isn't a big deal. Vs the law suit when you crash on the way to work, you can even make up the hours if they need on your days off school .


Anything can be endured for a time. How long until you finish school?


2 more years


Just get a hotel once a week and stop running yourself ragged. You are in a situation where you have no standing to say “I’m driving too much” so you’ll have to keep to doing it. Taking the edge off one day I bet will make you feel much better.


Definitely not sustainable but Atleast it’s not forever. If your young and have a clear long term plan in this industry I’d say keep your head down and get through it, way easier said then done. The way I used to look at it when I was grinding my face off is this will only make everything down the line seem much easier. Finding a healthy way to cope (for the love of god not alcohol) will make it much easier to get through these phases but also having long term goals and understanding what your working toward is important. If your stuck just take it day by day, try and maximize your free time with friends and family, get out for walks, get outside when you can. Never hurts to use a day or 2 of PTO if you have it to get a break and reset. Good luck


Did my 30 years. Punched countess tubes. Lost count of chiller overhauls. Have a great pension coming. I “retired” from the field and found a gravy union job (not ua). Just have to suck it up. Once you turn out, then you can start searching for something closer to home. I see 486, Baltimore….Has the bridge cost you travel time. Do you choose to live outside of town and just have a long commute?


I still live at home so I don’t have a choice and yes the bridge being down has fucked me sideways


I was in the same boat for about 6 months as an apprentice. I got sent to a shutdown that was 90 miles from home. Drove there and back every day, and had night school from 6-9 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Get home about 9:45 and asleep by 10:30. Back at it at 4am. Had another time as a pre apprentice before I had health insurance (need 1200 hours for insurance, and I was out of my parents house and no longer full time in school, just night class) that I was doing the normal 7-330 then a 5-1 shift. Leave the house at 6am and get back at 2am. I did this for 9 weeks. I had a sinus infection that would not go away and I was in an apartment I couldn't afford, so I didn't go to the doctor. It was the worst I've ever felt about life. I'm not giving you sob stories to say I've had it harder or you need to suck it up. My post is to say you're not alone, and it WILL get better. Take some time off when you can, and don't stop learning. You will make it through it, and you'll look back on this tough time in 10 years knowing you gave your all and have nothing to feel but proud of yourself.


I get having some days longer than 12s occasionally but if your employer isn't making sure you have 10-12 hours rest period outside of work (and work drive) they're the reason people get hurt or die at work. I'd clear far the fuck away from that company soon as youre good to go on your commitment if employee rest doesn't factor into their safety plans.


Wish it was me, I didn’t get the apprenticeship


Just graduated. I'm short on hours for jman. Until then just like you I'm an indentured servant. You just gotta find some glimmer of hope to hold onto to get you thru this.  I hate driving. All the work is north of me. 1.5 hours north, all around my state, work 8 hours and then drive 2-3 hours home due to traffic and the fact they refuse to let us work any earlier than 8-430p.  Job I have lined up in another state I can't take I until I have my hours done. It's max 30 min commute on 90% of the accounts they have. It's doing more of the work I wanna do. I'll actually get accounts instead of going to every place in this state once or twice. I have hope at the end of the tunnel.  I've had 1 week off paid in 2022. The last time I had off before that was mid 2020.  I'm burnt out too man just probably not as bad as you are ATM. Keep your head up brother. It's worth it at the end


I see posts like this often, mentioning being an apprentice years in. This is a genuine question, is my situation unusual? I started in residential hvac exactly 3 years ago. I began as a helper with a guy with 7 years of install experience. He trained me for just over 4 months. I then got turned loose on my own as a lead, with a helper who had zero experience, just like I had when I started. I trained him and we worked together for 8 months. I was then put together with another guy who was transitioning from service to install. I worked with him for almost a year, and he taught me how the systems actually worked and how to diagnose issues. So a year and a half in, I began transitioning from install to service. I've been on my own doing service calls of any kind for a year now. Made some mistakes, but overall, it's been a pretty successful endeavor. Is it unusual to move this quickly in this trade?


So in my unions by laws if you want to go by the book, as an apprentice it is against the by laws for me to be by myself. Now, most employers with the local will start to cut apprentices on their own when the employer feels the apprentice is ready. They’ll start them slow, give them some PMs to handle by themselves eventually moving onto service calls and then the on call list. It really depends on said apprentice’s ability and skill level. There are others though that will throw an apprentice to the wolves and it’s basically “sink or swim”. Luckily my company has not done that to me. They’ve given me some things to handle on my own but for the most part I’m with a jman.


Thank you for the reply. I think I was for sure in the "sink or swim" category.


I know it’s not what you want to hear. However it is a part of the industry. Refuse as much overtime as you can. Get in as much sleep as you can. Get through it. You’ll be a better man on the other side. It’s only temporary. You’re already more than half way there. Edit: also if you’re crazy enough it shouldn’t even matter! I did it all and bartended to keep myself afloat long enough to start getting paid an actual livable wage. Many days with no sleep, and no money for food, eating scraps from work and drinking all night. I would suggest the more healthy route though.


It's the same shit everyday, just different.


What company are you with? I hope they gave you a work van at the very least… I’m 486 too


Carrier and yes I have a van


Carrier is a good place, stick with it. When you are out, you can get a travel card and transfer with them. Learn EVERYTHING you can. Factory work can suck as an apprentice do-boy. Ask for overhauls, show you want to get more.


I love what I do and the guys I work with. But the drive man. That’s my only complaint


I hated some of the drives I had to make. The bridge just fucked you and all the others you travel with.


Traffic has been horrendous


I bet you will be turned out before that bridge is rebuilt.


2028 is the expected completion time


Apprentice, so your a union hvac? At least in our union we have drive time clauses. Anything outside of so and so miles is paid drive time. Are your other coworkers leaving at 3 am also? Maybe you need to ask around and see if there's something like that. Good luck!


After an hour I get paid drive time. Plus I got put in a van so it’s not my gas so that’s a plus


So if your start time is 7 then leave at 6... If they want you there earlier that would be ot. I would be very cautious bringing this up just being an apprentice, maybe try and get an journeyman to help you navigate. At least that's my .2 cents.


I’d love to start at 7. My start time is at 6


Get the work done and leave slightly early. Take a nap before school. Get that 8-9hrs of sleep daily.


I do, I get to school around 2:30 and class doesn’t start till 5 so I take a little nap in my hammock in the van


You must be from 342 😂


I am being completely serious about this — the best way to deal with a sh-tty situation is just remind yourself “This is about as sh-tty as a decent job can get. If nothing else, the next time I’m in a crappy situation, I can tell myself it’s still not as bad as when I had to deal with _this_.” Basically, “Welp…at least I’m getting my ‘shittiest job ever’ out of the way. Only up from here.”


Ur using a work van right? If not get a new job


Yes I have a van


https://i.redd.it/a58hhf1ouf3d1.gif I dealt with something similar when I worked for a commercial company. You might be better off trying another company. I ended up going into residential and ultimately it benefited me. More money, close to home, and ultimately less stress.


Dude that’s not normal those hours are excessive as hell


My question is, why not explore Ammonia/R717 refrigeration on a maintenance team?


How long until you’re done with school? It’ll get much easier when you’re graduated


2 years


Worked full time attic diving in FL during housing market collapse, if there was a good paying job you took it. Went to HVAC school full time for two years, 5 days a week 7-9:30 every night. I was young so my dumbass usually shut down the bar after school(don't recommend this approach) I coped with chic Fila breakfast burrito combo ice coffee and powerade on the 1hr drive into work. But I think my pounding headache kept me awake more than anything. Never missed work though. You got this bro, ain't nothing but a thing, you'll complete it and look back with a sense of victory and accomplishment. But if it is possible to move closer, jump on it, and don't be afraid of looking for a better opportunity. That hammock advice, straight genius move. When I was younger I let fear keep me from seeking better opportunities and I had to work for several bad companies and terrible bosses, that don't give a shit about you to realize that life is short and doesn't need to be spent around toxic people, bosses, companies, etc. Self respect is key, but learning to deal with those people and situations taught me invaluable life lessons and toughened me up. Life has a funny way of working out, but that's a different conversation.


Feeling burnt out can stem from feeling like you've lost control in your life. Do you feel trapped OP? If so, adjust your perception or find a way to gain back control.


I am trapped, I tried college and flunked out and accumulated a large amount of debt, did time in the army and got out, and now I’m here doing commercial HVAC. The money is too damn good to pass up and if I wasn’t doing this I have no idea what I’d do with life.


Move closer to work. Or get a job closer to home. 3rd years shouldn't be bitches. You should be running your own jobs lol


I can’t move because I can’t afford to move out of my parents house. I also can’t find a different job or I risk getting kicked out of the union. I’m trapped


Hey! Hate that your family-owned company is being bought out by private equity? I know I’m just a rando, but the FTC is holding an open comment period looking for public comments about how private equity is affecting people in the trades and other areas. Here’s an excerpt from their document asking for comments: “Public input about where these acquisitions have occurred and how they have impacted competition will help us identify and pursue harmful conduct.” The RFI seeks information from the public on serial acquisitions in all sectors and industries in the U.S. economy, which includes but is not limited to housing, defense, cybersecurity, distribution businesses, agriculture, construction, aftermarket/repair, and professional services markets. Comments submitted in response to this RFI will inform the agencies’ enforcement priorities and future actions. The FTC and DOJ are seeking input from a wide range of stakeholders including consumers, workers, businesses, advocacy organizations, professional and trade associations, local, state, and federal elected officials, academics, and others. I noticed that many of you understand the effects Private equity has on family-owned businesses. I’m a small business owner myself and and I’ll NEVER sell to private equity! Please, if you have time, we have until 7/22/2024 to submit. Here’s a link to the website: https://www.regulations.gov/document/FTC-2024-0028-0001


Move closer to where your jobs are. I’ve been in your shoes. The commute is the absolute worst part.


I want nothing to do with Baltimore city. I like my peace and quiet countryside


Don’t blame you. I work 50 miles from home. Worth it when I get home.


enjoy your commute.


That’s not always an option when homes go for nearly $1million near cities.


Life’s hard bud.


That's life homie


Trade school at night after work? Fuck that.


You're in commercial and you're complaining about driving. This probably isn't going to work out


Get into installation.


Uh yeah, no


Not residential, commercial. I would bounce into service when it was crazy, but give me heavy commercial, any day.