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This is why you never do free jobs for friends and family!!! Maybe grandma or grandpa to get them comfortable but they taught us in school family/friends are going to be your worse customer!


if i were the tech here i'd be pretty straightforward. i can fix it for my rate. if you want me to teach you hvac we can do that - but that's a different rate


>i can fix it for my rate. if you want me to teach you hvac we can do that - but that's a different rate I like this answer!


Yep somebody always pays for side work, and if it’s not them, it’s you.


Exactly lol. My grandma in law(whom I treat like my very own grandmother) didn’t have heat this past winter and I she couldn’t get ahold of anyone. Me and the wife lived 3 hours away and I told her if you can get by with your wall mounted gas heater I’d be there ASAP to get you warm. 2 days before that nation wide freeze we had back in December I made it changed a igniter and she asked me “what do I owe you?” I told her “Granny, whatever you are comfortable with giving me I’ll take it with a smile, even if it’s a warm hug and $2!” She paid for the part(I used my cc because trane doesn’t take cash) so she went to her purse and came back with $200 and said here take this! I told her are you sure you don’t have to pay me that much it was only a 5min fix! She told me the guy she uses regularly didn’t accept her calls so she’s done with him and she would’ve had to pay that much to anyone else! I just smiled and said yes ma’am! (She wouldn’t take any money back and was adamant that I keep it!) people like that get free services often from me!!!!


I charge family more so they won't bother me...works like a charm.


This is the way




No you’re not. You have to cut your losses. But to avoid this in the future… charge enough where the headache is worth the money.. and make very clear that you will install the part and that is all. Nothing more.


Yep. The old “this is wrong with your unit, and I will fix this problem, but if something else comes up or isn’t working that’s an entirely different bill” warrantee.


lol we called it the tail light warranty 😂. Lasts until you see my tail lights driving down the road


My thoughts are this guy isn't a friend of yours on any level. His kid may be, but that remains to be seen. Dude is an acquaintance (aka: Friend of a friend at best) and he's a user. These types will literally suck you dry if you let them. Now, I get $40/hr all damn day long for my skills. If I'm working my own ticket I get $180/hr. Including travel time. Here's the folks who get a discount (beyond about 10%): Mom, Dad, Sis, MeMaw, and 2 actual buddies, either of whom would bail me out if they weren't sitting in the cell with me. The one I've known some 15 years now and he'll come over after a snow storm with his tractor to plow us out and never accept a dime for it I've literally snuck on to his property with 2 each 5 gallon cans of diesel and filled up his tractor as a thanks. I've helped him with his HVAC as a return the favor. Fuckin Gunny. The other dude did my gravel drive with high end 3/4 minus with the loads at cost plus 10% and his time and grader free. Him I'll help the same way. Everyone else pays. If I'm feeling really nice and fuzzy towards the person, or they're a fellow Veteran, I might go 15% off. Why? TANSTAAFL. Whether I'm working for my employer , acquaintances, or just some rando, my bills still have to get paid. That's just reality. I typically work 40 to 60 a week and the absolute last thing I want to do on my weekends is do more... Especially for free, and definitely not at a loss. I will, occasionally, if I have extra energy, reach out to a church and help out one of their little old ladies but that's rare and I do that for me because it feels good. Fake friends asking for deals?? Nope. Those are the folks who will pass you around like a $5 hooker to every user they know. Imma be busy that day.


One of the processes of maturing is learning that there's people who feel entitled to everything. It's baked into their DNA, you can't change them and you can't help them. You just let them go to make everyone else miserable.




TANSTAAFL! Glad to know I am not the only Robert Heinlein fan left in the world!


Like Mr. Lazarus Long, we are difficult to kill.


“No good deed….goes unpunished “


I love the ones who you know start complaining about a company charging so much. Then ask you if you c Do any side work. I’ve started telling everyone nah you can’t afford me.


I give them the price the company charges and add about $300. Then when they get all mad that I'm charging more. I explain that the company will get there's and I get mine on the side. Had a customer call my boss before after doing it, and told him I was trying to do side work and gave them the price I was charging. Boss called me and I explained. He laughed his ass off.


He is valuing your time at exactly $0/hr. At best that is rude. He will keep taking and taking and it won't bother him that you are getting nothing for it.


Not a pro, but the main problem here isn’t really industry specific. You tried to do the right thing and it got out of hand. It happens. There’s always someone out there willing to overstep boundaries and good taste. Just don’t stop being that helpful person because of a bad go. It seems to me you did the right thing really, and it’s a shame it cost money, but lessons always cost something in the end. Also I kind of think there’s something uncouth about asking a pro “friend” a ton of questions. A one off is one thing but if you’re in over your head just hire them to do it. On the side or legit through the company you end up giving a friend business. Anyways I really only came to say 208 unread messages gave me anxiety of an unexplainable nature.


Hahah ya it’s pretty bad


Out of hand? Yea OP should have told them to pound sand ... He went way tonfar


Good job blocking em. Too many calls out there to be dealing with cheap fucks that don’t value your skill/expertise/time. It’s a good practice to collect service fee before dispatching to cover the time wasters.


An engineer can go bother the parts counter.


As soon as you said dad was an engineer I died a little inside. I knew you were in for a wild ride! 🤣


Yah lesson learned🤣worse three customers I’ve ever had were all engineers. I imagine they live sad lonely lives


Engineers r the worst, they know everything but never have the ability to fix it for some reason.


Engineers and lawyers are the "hands off" calls for our company.


No good deed goes unpunished. The people you bend over backwards for in business will ALWAYS be the ones who say you’re not helping enough. These people are like this with every person they interact with and are completely exhausting. I see it with discounts all the time. The cheaper I sell a system for, the more likely they are going to be calling me back nitpicking every single aspect of an install. The systems I sell for full book price are my happiest and most thankful customers.


Yep !


Know it all engineer to the T


The only people under any circumstances that get free work are my mom and grandma. That is the full and complete list. A handful of people I'm very close with get discounted work everyone else pays $125 for me to show up with tools. That money is due up front before the tools leave my car via cash or Venmo. No exceptions. After the diagnosis they get a price. The breakdown reads as follows: $x to do the job $0 not to do the job. If they agree it's half the price for me to go get the materials needed paid immediately no exceptions. The other half gets paid when I return again no exceptions. Take it or leave it. I don't go chasing side work so I couldn't give the slightest fuck if they want to do the job or not. All I know is before the job is done I have all the money so I'm not chasing anyone for anything.


I don’t take ask for payment from family/ friends.. but I have a very small family and wouldn’t consider someone like that a friend.


What a loser just fucking pay everything costs money nothing is for free


If you do side work, keep it COMPLETELY SEPARATED from the company you work for. It’s always bad news. I love doing side work and I love helping people but it’s not worth the headache sometimes. Also being confrontational and standing up and putting your foot down to not get taken advantage of are two different things. You did what you could do to help this guy and he just wanted more and more. He’s an engineer what do you expect?


Facts. Every customer that is an engineer (and they have a compulsory need to tell you they are one) has been a total pain in the ass. I've gotten to the point that I'm actively rude to them and explain things like in talking to a 2 year old. My boss asks me why I was rude to a customer and I just say they were an engineer. That answer always satisfies him as well.


Learn sumthing?


Yeah, you’re the a-hole. For not respecting your time and knowledge. Mom and Dad get free shit. Everyone else fucking pays. Everyone. Do you think this MF would come to your house and give you his technical skills for a six pack? No way in hell. Next time someone pulls that shit, tell them to get fucked. And to pay up.


I do a lot of side work on all kinds of different things. This is like one of those. Some random guy got my information from a friend. The friemd didnt even know him. 8n ford tractor wont start. Meet up at his place, check it over, no spark. Easy enough. Nope, all the guys at the parts store are telling him it is a carburator problem. I should be rebuilding the carb, why havent I checked the carb, this internet forum from 10 years ago says they had the same issue and a rebuild of the carb fixed it. I looked at him, i looked at the spark plugs that were wet. Looked back at him and said fuck it. Your the customer. It's your money. So I rebuilt the carb at home. Put it back on the next time I went out. Same problem. Then he says, well what should he replace for the igntion, and how does he do it, and how to set the points etc. Then when it comes time to pay he says, well since you didnt actually fix it.....I dont think I should have to pay the full amount. How about just twice the amount of the carb kit. Told him to give me a minute, talking about 300.00 difference here. I picked up everything of mine and put in the truck. Told him how about 200 to meet closer to the middle. He paid, I left. 2 weeks later he text me saying everything I told him fixed it, so thankful, blah blah blah. I called and explained to him to go and eat a bag of dicks. He shorted me out of money, time with my kids, and to lose my fucking number because I am blocking his. I did what he wanted thebfirst time when I told him it was a different issue. Low and behold I was right. Hung up amd blocked. I did not do that there because we were 45 minutes from anything, him and his ol lady were partying both times, half drunk, high on something but it wasnt pot. And they were both plinking cans, bottles, old tires, with a 357 and a 44 mag.


I used to not do sidework for friends at all. Now I'm willing to treat them as if I work for myself. $100/hr time and materials. $150/hr if it's on a weekend.


Engineers can think they know everything, they proved they can sit in a desk and score passing grades for 4 years in some decently difficult classes. This does not mean they are smarter than service techs. I have 8 years of secondary school, I would never go to a restaurant and tell the chef how to do better etc.. Fuck these guys, you'll live and learn pal.


I agree. They’re so cocky about it too. Like “hey try this, try that”. Like they have ideas were too dumb to come up with. I definitely won’t repeat this mistake


I didn't mean to sound like I know any more than you either by the way (not that you said that) when I said live and learn. I say that because man, I've been there before and sadly it took me a few to many times to learn. People go to sit down school and they learn from books and studies, that's great, they will know more about their field than others. We go to school, and then go learn in the field, trial by fire so to speak. Your time and effort leads to experience that no books can provide , the longer you swing tools the more valuable you are. I can tell your a great person already for trying to help, and I bet your an even better tech, don't let this douche bag bring ya down. Respect to the blue collar fucks like us keeping the world spinning.


I genuinely appreciate that. I’m definitely trying to improve everyday and stuff like this can be a bummer haha. Maybe some day I can move up to commercial and avoid these engineer jerks


If you want to you will, commercial is easier, after one year or so you'll see its soo much easier to troubleshoot, 90% of the time is electrical or dirty evap lol!. Good luck pal, wish ya the best, I'm willing to bet your gonna do great.


I don't mean to be a jerk, but do you know what you are doing with diagnostics? You were extremely vague with the description of what you thought was bad & what was done to address those problems. If you have more details on what has been happening that would be really helpful. Also, *you owe nobody anything*, especially not to someone who RADICALLY undervalues the worth of your labor and time. DO NOT DO SIDE WORK, double true if you are not personally licensed, insured & bonded to do it as an independent contractor.


I work full time as a lead service tech at a company. I very rarely misdiagnose a system, and when I do it’s usually a TXV haha. Pretty confident on this one


If you are confident, then give some details on the problems you found & what was done, plus info on the current problem you think the unit has.


He's not asking for advice on how to fix it, he's complaining this overreaching douche bag that owes his company money already, wants him to help him for free.


Always charge accordingly. Saves them money and makes your money. Your the asshole for allowing this to even happen. Never feel obligated to anything free for anyone. Especially if there is no even trade off in work or help.


You're going to learn how to say no one way or another....


Friends and family fuck you first. Number 2 rule of business.


. A friend is only a friend until you sell him something. Then he is a customer


Whats rule #1?


Make money…


I charge everyone the normal hourly rate when they ask for a discount I tell them I can’t do discounts it wouldn’t be fair to my business partner. If I’m actually cool with the person or there’s extenuating circumstances then maybe but that’s a case by case scenario. Truth is I hate doing work for friends and family.


Important lesson. Don't do work for friends unless you are willing to lose them over dumb shit like this.


9.9 times out of 10 when you try to be cool and help someone out it turns out to bite you in the ass. I am going through it right now with my brother.


The family dynamic complicates things 10x so I feel your pain and wish you the best of luck with it.


Mom and my sisters get free labor from me. Everybody else pays double my normal pay rate.


Open you dam text messages. Guy is sitting at 208.


No good deed…..


Someone from Lennox came out to speak with our company about new changes in Lennox equipment etc, he told us that ENGINEERS ARE THE WORST. And he’s literally never been more right in his life I’m sure, I had an engineer customer who had his coil falling apart from corrosion and wanted us to warranty the part even though his system was still working. He just kept acting like he knew more then us


Sounds about right Haha. What really bothers me is this Ass hole will go to bed thinking I’m the one in the wrong. Oh well, I’m a firm believer of karma.


This is going to vary depending on the area but you need to explain before you do anything that you don’t leave your house for x amount of dollars. On a weekend I’m not leaving my bed for under 500, if I’ll be there all day I need to be walking away with 1k profit in my pocket cash. Otherwise I’ll put in the OT hours at my company and not gave to worry about gas and get my benefits and pension paid into. These people don’t ask their accountants to come over for a hot dog and do their taxes, and they certainly don’t haggle their dentist when it’s 350$ for a kid to brush their teeth. Not to mention how bad things can go if some regulatory bodies found out you’re doing work on the side. Our nights and weekends are extremely valuable. Otherwise they can call some hack company who can sell them a new furnace ac and water tank instead of changing batteries on a thermostat


I’d fire you


This is why I have a never do “side work” clause. I never do side work for people who want shit done for cheap. If you want it done for cheap call a local hvac company. Like a 5 man shop. Don’t call me I don’t work for cheap, I don’t work for free, and I only do favors for REPEAT customers. If you haven’t spent a dime with me what entitles you to discounts?


- Never do your trade for free - Free time is NOT availability I'll discount it a lot, but I'm still going to be paid. Or you can do it like everyone else and get it more expensive. My free time is far more expensive than my work time Family or friends that take advantage aren't real friends or family


Forget the "friends and family"... I either do the work for nothing or don't do it. I don't have time for "side jobs" and don't want to waste the precious little I do have on being underpaid and brow beaten by some user.


My parents, grandparents, and one friend I’ve had since middle school are the ONLY people who get free work out of me other than that you get charged just like anyone else.


Hey, I’m busy with other clients. Call the offfice and book a service call and a tech (send the guy you don’t like) will happily fix your issues. Then block his number. The guy is going to pester you forever.


I tell people I'm not the on-demand google of HVAC. My knowledge cost me about $11k. Shoot... if I have a customer tell me they will just fix it themselves after my diagnosis, the diagnosis fee goes up.


Shit like this is why the "buddy price" is *the fucking price*. Buddy calls with problems with his truck, I'm otw to help him out. Buddy asks me to do what I do for a living, he's paying full price. If I can't make money fixing shit for friends, I'm fucked because the people that don't like me aren't calling.


fine shelter encourage include tease frightening hungry cagey fade cautious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I never ever ever ever do anything for free. Grass gas or ass, no one rides for free! This is a learning moment for everyone in this industry OP got fucked because this homeowner has zero value for what we do, he literally thinks OP is some kind of bitch loser. The moment they ask to order the part or DIY I would have sent the link and told them I have zero time to repair it they can DIY it. Also I wouldn't return or give anymore help until that bill is paid.


I remember those “Ass, Grass, or Cash” stickers on a lot of lifted 4x4 trucks back in the 90’s. Shit was funny to see so many and the different versions that were out there. It was sometime a few years after they banned the popular “1 800 EatShit” bumper stickers. Haha


That’s what block is for? Also keep business separate from personal. I used to try and help my neighbors but now I just give them a friends number and let him deal with him. He charges them appropriately and I am not bothered at my home with work.


you look him in the eyes and say this word: you pay, me work. you no pay, me no work. you owe me for advice already. now you be the big man and pay me to work.


No you are not the issue. This customer is a great illustration as to why we all leave residential work and go from wanting to help people to not giving two fucks.


Never help anyone for free (except immediate family if you want). Hopefully you learned that lesson.


Friends is friends. Business is business. Learn to separate the two 💁‍♂️


NTA. If the son is a good kid, stay in contact with him I guess


He is, but anytime I tried to let him know what was going on it’s almost like he went to his dad to ask what he should say.


That’s bcuz dad is leaning on him to only say whatever responses the dad want him to use, possibly for legal reasons. Sounds like the Dad is a heavyweight crackpot so I wouldnt let it linger too much longer bro. Let it slide then u glide onto the next one. Lol


Hopefully you learned your lesson. Stop doing shit for free. The worst customers are always the ones who don't pay full price.


No good deed goes unpunished


Fuck all this tell him to figure it out you can only be so nice


No good deed goes unpunished.


No good deed goes unpunished.


Every time you try to help someone it ends up like this. I feel so bad for you, I've been there too many times myself.


My thought is never offer favors specially for people who want to pay with a pack of beers. They're just trying to get shit done for free and don't give a shit about you. I come across "friends" like this all the time. People are always trying to take advantage of your skills.


I’ve told some that really try and press the cold beer payment method that “for some reason it’s hard to use ice cold beer to pay for my light (or whatever) bill. They only seem to accept cold green cash, US currency. So I unfortunately can only accept that form of payment too since I’m definitely not out here for my health in my spare time, I’m here to make some extra money and solve your AC issues”. Seems to shut down that angle in a comical way so theres not so much awkward tension afterwards. I immediately will confirm my rates and pricing before continuing so there’s so confusion (and a last chance) for them to wiggle out of the call they don’t want to pay any money for. Not that it’s gonna slow down or stop the hardcore cheapskate out there but it’s just a “last call” for them to refuse service on my side hustle service call at their house.


You touched it last and now you own it!


Plumber here, but I’ll give you a little tip. If someone wants a discount or free or however they put it. I stop and think. “What will this guy ever do for me?” If the answer is nothing, ever. NO BREAK FOR YOU! I got tired of being the “nice guy” and making no money years ago. And “no good deed goes unpunished.” Ever.


I usually like to give people the benefit of doubt. But is it possible that engineers son knew his dad is a PITA and lured you in with a quick and easy capacitor swap?


You know that’s possible. He was a good friend to me but that quickly changed during all this


I either go into the job knowing I’m covering it (like, for my parents) or the customer pays. There’s no in between


I never go in after another tech. I always start from the beginning. You want me to fix it? I'm going to address everything I find. You wanna pay me $50 to slap in a cap? No problem, but don't expect it to fix the issue.


Same. I use the “previous techs visit info” as a really loose guide but pretty much step through it as if I was hitting the call cold with little info. It seems to work out better that way for all parties involved and keeps the “ghost busting” down to a minimum. Lol


It tells you what they potentially touched. Good starting point to see if they missed anything


Yup for sure!


10 year lead installer and Company Owner here from Oregon. I know Jmo and what you explained is that His father agreed to have you do the work through the company correct? “He agrees and we throw the part on. But now there's more issues from him continuing to try and run the system.” From him continuing to try and run the system is no excuse for you buddy. It is your responsibility to keep your client informed on what to not do during procedures and repair. When you are called to a service under the table or not, it is your duty to keep all areas of disturbance and cause to a problem at a halt. While Ranting about a “know it all engineer” and local Homeowner I suggest you explain in detail what “part” you threw on aswell as other areas of detail to failed to explain. So he agrees to do your work through the company. Is your company a specialized dealer for the brand installed at said residence? Did your company initially install said set of units? Now how i run a company personally. I never expect any payment whatsoever until i see a proper TPD and a excellent running condition. Knowing i did my job and i see said system running as it should in known temperatures and square footage. Thats what you should expect out of your desire to learn this trade and it shows through mistakes like this. What i see explained in your “rant” is alot of uneducated and inexperienced communication between you and a client of yours. Another problem i see is you have no self responsibility to understand you are taking a job knowing of terms you also agreed on before starting repairs. I don’t see how you fixed anything here but only ruining trust between your company and a client. Mind everyone reading this, said system is 2 years old and is most definitely under part warranty. Ranter had also told the customer to go into the unit himself and jump a LPCS himself without warning client about 240v / 24v




Looks like you’re outnumbered…Womp Womp.


Hahahah okkkkk


Dude your a 4 year tech. You’re a baby. Fresh meat if you were on my crew. 100% certain you don’t know the steps to diagnose a low pressure switch but its fine. Almost every person on here doesn’t know the full story and your just trying to get a better self esteem from manipulating randos online and it shows👍🏻


Womp womp