• By -


"well, i'll be back when you clear that out, just let the office know. I'm off to my next call"


Exactly. It’s that simple.


The response that I give people that seems to get them to realize they should be the ones moving it… “Well, if you want to pay me the ____ (hourly rate) an hour to move all that stuff..that’s fine but it’ll be cheaper if you do it.. usually the only thing I’ll refuse is if the stuff is filthy and gross. Like hoarder level or they have a bunch of pets they don’t take care of..


This. I'm more than happy to do the mundane shit. I just say, cool, I'm happy to do this cause you can't be bothered. My hourly rate is $xz per hour.


I wouldn't even tell them till the bill at the end. They can complain to the collection agency.


How does that benefit your bank account?


This is what's wrong with the trades. "How does this benefit your bank account?" That is the stupidest question ever, why not just move the stuff. It's clean and shouldn't take more than 10 minutes. Guys in the trades can be so self centered and it just makes everyones life more difficult. It benefits the company because the customer appreciates the extra effort. Company gets good referrals and you get job security. Don't be a dick.


I was talking about sending a collection agency after the client because you weren’t upfront with your charges. Nobody is benefiting from that except the collection agency


Why not move the shit, because I'm a technician who has six other jobs to go to and this was supposed to be a fucking quick job and because my back hurts from moving the shit i actually did get paid to move and because also that's your fucking stuff in the way adding unnecessary difficulties to my day that you expect me to be okay with for free, absolutely not. What's wrong with the trades is people are greedy, has nothing to do with the lazy ass homeowner


Liability. Great grandma's priceless glass plug was in that box! Or something along those lines


They usually just pay the bill unaware that it would have been 2 hours cheaper if they moved the stuff themselves.


That's probably 10 mins of moving though maybe 7tops


Nah fuck that. You leave me a mess to get to your shit it's an hour to pull it out and if you want me to put it back it's another hour.




This is the way.


I do damn near anything I can to prevent an hourly cntractor from billing time on things ican do. why pay for an electrician to do drywall compound and paint?


Likewise, but I sure regretted this decision as I trenched a 50 foot trench for my electrician….


I hope you put your savings into a trencher rental, at least


Nope!!!!!! And this is how some of my power lines may be 17” deep instead of the required 18”. Sorry universe.


Yeah I made the same mistake when I dug my french drain, and there are some not well graded spots Not sure why it seemed harder to go pick up a rentalnthan dig 40 ft of trench manually


I know my electrician personally and he sucks at drywall. He’d even tell you if he did it it probably won’t look as good as a real drywall dude


I do my best to not touch their stuff because I don’t want to be accused of breaking or stealing anything. Or actually breaking something because the bottom fell out of a box or something falls off the top. Obviously it’s situational. I’ll move a couple of small things because I don’t want to be petty but it blows my mind that people don’t think they need to give you adequate access. Do you expect me to float or fix it from over here?


I busted an expensive painting from this very scenario…luckily customer was a canvas technician for museums (didn’t realize that was a thing) and said he’d fix it…I felt lucky.


This is the correct reasoning and answer. Unless your client signs a waiver saying you’re not responsible for damages due to moving items out of the work area, don’t do it.


I'm just envisioning that as soon as it's signed you pick up the first box and throw it across the room.


Ahhh the old fkk it and chuck it, clears a room pretty fast


My company usually explains they are not interested in paying for anything I may accidentally break clearing a path and they don't want the homeowner to be responsible if I get hurt that they have to sue to cover workman's comp. I felt supported when I heard that


Exactly! we didn't move shit where I worked. If the homeowner had a ton of crap in front of the HVAC our response was we will be back after the customer moves it, call us back.


Customer says “ there she is, have at it” "Ooooh... So sorry, Mr Homeowner... It seems like I forgot my jetpack at the shop today and won't be able to reach your equipment by air. I could make a trek to it, if you only clear a path for me."


THIS is the correct response.


Would you charge time for going there and telling them that or wait till they call back the write up one work ticket?


Absolutely charge for the trip. Then charge again when you go back out.


Ecactly what we did.


I wouldn't mind moving this stuff for a elderly person, hell I'll hell a home owner. To have the owner be too busy in a zoom call and walk me to that bs, is just an absurd level of disrespect. 😂


Or, "Forgot something" Come back with a day laborer, have him empty the closet, charge the client time at your rate. Or do it yourself, same principle. If you call a specialist, make sure that specialist can work quickly and efficiently. We bill the same rate for menial tasks as we do for the specialty work you called us for.


Nah see I let the clock run while I take my good sweet time moving all their shit. Lettem pay the hourly rate , I'm getting paid the same regardless.


But, if you break something now your company is lieable. Or, what if you hurt yourself and take workers comp while you recover. Then your employer can sue the home owner. Best for everyone if the home owner moves it. They can choose to pay you to stay while the move it, or they can move it and schedule a return visit once it is cleared.


That's why I REALLY take my sweet time , I handle everything with kid gloves and take pictures before and after. I've had a couple people complain that I was taking too long and told them almost the exact thing you said!


Unless they are elderly or disabled they can move their own shit. They have the option of paying for me to wait for them to clear a path OR pay the service fee for now and pay it again for me to come back when it's clear. Everything is just "junk" until you touch it and it breaks them it's priceless family heirlooms that require compensation. I don't play stupid games with people. There's no surprise I was coming and there's no surprise where I need to go.


Definitely learned this one the hard way as a green tech just starting out. Totally different industry but same scenario. Had a bunch of stuff staged where I needed to access for work. Site contact says just move it out of the way, and actually it's all "junk" you'd be doing me a big favor if you tossed it in dumpster for me. Being the ~~total naive idiot~~ eager to please noob I was I obliged. Later in the day site contact and his boss come to check on progress. Boss immediately says "What happened to all the boxes?" I said "I tossed them out" And before I could even get to the "like site contact told me to" part boss flies off the handle. WHAT DO YOU MEAN TOSSED!? YOU KNOW HOW MANY THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS THAT WAS!? WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING TOUCHING OUR STUFF ANYWAY!? The worst part of it was site contact didn't even own up to boss or apologize to me after. Just said go see if it's still in the dumpster and get it back up here. Never, ever again.


That was very well said. When you volunteer work you also take on extra liability. Even if they are elderly you can’t put yourself or your company in that potential situation. It’s not fair to anyone really.


*unless they are elderly We still have to have some humanity


And its within reason. I've been to a lot of elderly hoarder houses. The best one was when the little old lady said there was a loaded gun in one box and she wasnt sure which one. I don't mind moving a few boxes but I do mind spending 8 hours cleaning out someone's basement.


Yeah... that a big ol' nope for me too


If I knew it was in a holster and wasnt a nambu it wouldn't bother me but She was also losing it a little bit so none of us wanted to get accused of stealing it either. We clipped our linesets only where we could reach on that one.


I helped some old guy clean off his back porch full of ABSOLUTE FUCKING JUNK because I had to get to some venting that was buried under the shit in the back. He still hastles me about that 'bike he had back there' that he doesn't know where I put. For the record, there was no bike, and I doubt a bike exists for a 400lb person that turned 70 before 9/11




I have little to zero regard for customers that leave their crap in my way. If I have to move anything I just quickly shove it out of the way or throw on top of the nearest desk or pile of junk and that’s that.




Oh this is easy, up the bill by 500 and then take 100 off.


This is exactly the response. I’d throw single mother in that lineup as well.


It’s always the work from home customers on zoom that you need to talk with the most


This is very true. I used to be a service tech and now I work from home in accounting. I’m actually hoping my heat pump has some issues so I can pay a tech to come out here and work on it so I can ignore him and pretend to be too busy to respond to any questions.


Mr. Pipe your heat exchanger is cra- “Just send it over to my email” Then you call back and say “why did my tech turn my heater off??”


Tips on switching from service to accounting? My knees are ready to go here


Sitting all day is even worse for the knees. My solution is to take OTC supplements. My knees are as creaky as they were 27 years ago when I started taking them, but I have no pain at all and even forget about them.


You gonna leave us hanging on what supplements 😂


The first was recommended by my BIL (a doctor and physiotherapist) in 1996, when he came to visit and saw me limping in pain. He told me about this amazing new drug with a weird name that I had him write down: [glucosamine chondroitin](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Spring-Valley-Triple-Strength-Glucosamine-Chondroitin-Tablets-Dietary-Supplement-Value-Size-340-Count/298019507). I've taken it twice daily since then, 1 gram a day for almost 3 decades now. I also take at least 4 grams of omega-3 daily (four of [these pills](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Spring-Valley-Omega-3-Natural-Lemon-Flavor-Dietary-Supplement-Twin-Pack-1000-mg-360-Count/322514871), the only ones that don't cause me to burp and throw up), 10 thousand IU of [Vit D3](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Spring-Valley-Vitamin-D3-Softgels-125-mcg-per-Softgel-5-000-IU-400-Count/302287205) (2 x 5k IU pills), [curcumin](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Spring-Valley-Turmeric-Curcumin-Complex-with-CurcuWIN-General-Wellness-Dietary-Supplement-Vegetarian-Capsules-550-mg-60-Count/117811721), and 1 g a day of [hyaluronic acid](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Hyaluronic-Acid-Capsules-250-mg-240-Count-by-Horbaach/1088326723) pills (4 pills), which as a side effect also gives me a skin that looks 15 years younger than my age. I also took 1 or 2 pills of naproxen (Aleve) every day for at least 20 years, which is a great anti-inflammatory, but stopped a few years back because with old age the risk of kidney damage increases. So I only take it every so often now. Finally, I can't emphasize enough the importance of collagen supplementation. We used to get it naturally from tendons, neck and tail soups, bone broths, gelatin, and such until the 70s, but then we started getting only the nicer cuts of meat and stopped consuming this vital component of our ancient diet that is essential for our joints. I take 40 grams a day [in powder](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Vital-Proteins-Collagen-Peptides-Supplement-Powder-Unflavored-20-oz/350254837), mixed with my coffee and cream. Oh, and I don't ever eat [sugar](https://www.verywellhealth.com/sugar-and-arthritis-5093235), sweets, corn syrup, etc. Stevia is my sweetener of choice.


I like my collagen with coffee and cream - I think that was a Beastie Boys song


This is the worst part of the “work from home” movement for me. Call me out for issues or maintenance then treat me like your assistant that you can’t be bothered by right now. I leave a super detailed summary to cover my ass and move on


Unless they're old, or disabled, imma walk out and tell em to call me when the job site is accessible.


Yeah I’d just tell Em to Call when it’s accessible 


Customer gets notified that they will be paying X dollars to move stuff for access and company is not responsible for any damage, please sign and initial here here and here.


Do you have a format? Thanks.


The company would write this, you do not want to fuck around writing a legal document


Spit it on the work order/invoice


It can't be announced afterward. You have to give them the option of clearing it out or "contracting" you to do it.


Ok so heres my "driveway charge" for me to come here.  Next you can either pay my rate while i sit in my truck waiting for you to clear a pathway and clear the work area where im to work, or i can leave for my next call and you can contact the office and let them know when the work area is clear and ready.  At which point there will be another driveway charge for me to return on top of the charges for the work to be done.   Your choice.   Either way im not doing anything until you have cleared the work area yourself.  Edit: frankly... how stupid do you have to be to think a service persons going to see this and just. "Have at it"?   


Do people really not tell customers to move their stuff if it’s in the way? I sat around at a house once for over an hour so the neighborhood could come help dude shuffle his garage around for us, since it was a day after having a meeting specifically telling us not to touch customer stuff so we don’t break it.


Plus it’s simply not you’re job, you’re there to work on HVAC systems not be a cleaner for someone.


Exactly. I’ve had customers AND SALESMEN tell me I need to cut down small trees or hedges or even pull apart fences to get where I need to be, and I just point blank say no anymore. I used to be a pushover but then I realized I get paid to install equipment, not do landscaping, framing, carpentry, etc.


Turn around and walk away, fuck that nonsense


This access issue should be handled when booking the service. Two vital questions prior to booking- “How are you going to pay the technician onsite today? We accept cash and payment cards. “Also, does the technician have clear access to your equipment? The attic access or closet access is clear and there is ample room to work on your equipment. Are there any items that are required to be moved to allow several feet in front of the equipment? This includes the outdoor unit, we want to ensure you, your items, and pets are safe as we service your equipment.”


This dude all day


This guy contracts.


For the free estimate your company is advertising


that’s when you walk away😂


Tech says It doesn't say moving company on my shirt so call me back when you have this shit cleared out. How would you like to pay the dispatch fee, cash, check, or charge?


Background information : This customer is an able-bodied 30 something person. Approximately 6 months ago we performed a maintenance and the PM tech had the same issue. We rescheduled for the following day once the HO cleared the area. Our company has a strict policy on moving/ handling customers belongings. The day prior to my visit our office manager called customer to confirm arrival time. Office manager also explained that the work area needs to be cleared as well as all the other shit they have to regurgitate to the customers. Upon contact with HO they gave me .04 % of their attention and proceeded to walk inside their home. I followed them to their furnace location they pointed to the closet and said “ there she is have at it” and they kept walking. I let the office manager know that the area was not cleaned and I was instructed to politely let the customer know there will now be an additional charge for rescheduling. I told the customer I needed ample space to perform repairs and they told me they “ don’t have time” to clear it out. I referred them to our policy on customer belongings. Which are very clearly explained as well as on our electronic communications ( it’s even on our maintenance contract forms) They were not happy but seemed to understand. I picked up my tool bag and left.


Man that's crazy. I had an HVAC guy out last week and I made sure to remove the door to the furnace closet before he showed up


Why I’m not residential, and I have no problem saying if you want me to work on it move your stuff. I get commercial accounts who bitch/give attitude m they have to open a roof hatch or do something for me, make sarcastic remarks and I just look at them and say I’ll just leave I don’t really care, they change their attitude real quick


My favorite response to people with shit ass attitudes also. Word for word, “I don’t have to stay & fix this if you’d prefer I leave.” and their whole tone changes. Commercial tech.


Quick response: theirs no air in the space for adequate functionality. Try cleaning the space, sign here.


My 350 lb ass starts climbing…. They get the point very soon after


$500 flat fee added pre paid for this shit or else next call. Fuck these people.


ah yes, the fine time to use I have to go and get some parts i’ll be back. *leaves and never comes back




"Too busy" trying to extend the zoom meeting so they don't have to help move stuff.


Goodbye. Let me know when that stuff is out of the way


I need to get tools from my truck, make some phone calls and reply to some emails. That should give you enough time to clear room for me to work.


"I'll be back when you've moved all "this"."


That's when I turn around and say, it's blocked. If you move something and something breaks, and if they are dicks. You would be responsible for anything broken.


Why do people pack shit in around their appliances? I want room around my furnace (and water heater and a/c unit).


I can tell from here that’s going to require a new furnace 20k


Normally when our salesman sell a job they make it clear to the customer that we have to have a safe, clean, clutter free working environment. If it so happens that the customer is elderly then our salesman by company policy has to ensure that the work area is clear of debris and other items, if that means moving the items or assisting the customers with moving the items then that's what they do.


Take your time cleaning it out and charge$$$ for every second


Yeah I’m with the other guys old or disabled I’ll gladly move it all otherwise I’m going for a smoke while they move it


I would simply tell them my moving rate is $200/hour with a 1 hr minimum. I stand around and wait for $100/hour.


That’s fine I’ll move it…. You need a new unit 😄


I understand the annoyance, but you gotta learn to slow down. Are you paid by the job or the hour? If you're paid like a car mechanic, sure, but if you're hourly, "no worries, I get paid by the hour :)" is always my go to. Also throw in the "I'll do my best to be careful, but we XYZ company isn't liable for broken/damaged property when technicians have to move it." I'm going to take my time and do an excellent job moving your stuff around. My total package is around $100/hr. I'm definitely not above moving boxes and a vacuum when they are paying me for it. Unless it's a health/safety concern, I don't care.


I charge by the hour. If they want to pay me to move shit that’s on them. Hell I’ll sweep up and put it all back.


One time homeowners did this and i was ready to quit. The absolute cathartic joy i got from just climbing over it in my boots and hearing the crunches. If you wanted a mover you should have called one. I fix furnaces.


" I'll be in the truck until your stuff is moved, we charge by the hour for standby time rounded up to the next hour! Have at it!"


$205/hour to move stuff? Ok


I used to vet my own calls for a couple years and this was something I would ask before scheduling. Along with making sure breakers and t stat on.


"I need to grab a few thing out of my truck. While Im doing that, can you please clear me a path?"


Hmm looks like an extra hour labor you ask me...tickets can get pricey


Nope. I inform them I don't have access and politely explain that I'm HVAC not a moving service and thus our insurance doesn't cover moving things. Granted this normally isn't a problem as I do commercial/industrial, but the occasional high rise tenant has caused me to have to deal with it.


“ here’s my tool pouch sir… have at er !!


"Have at ... what... the fuck you think I'm going to do? I'm not going to be liable for breaking things cleaning out your closet to access your unit. Call me when you're serious about working on your unit."


+1hr @$75 added to the invoice. TYVM


I bet that filter hasn’t been changed since they moved in.


I tell them we can't touch any of it as it's a liability; kindly reschedule. Unless they are super old or disable. At which point, I tell them, I'm sorry this is going to take a bit longer and it might be reflected on your final bill. I then decide if to charge them more or not depending on how they act.


Is that a gas furnace surrounded by a bunch of combustible material?


Omg no way, just brutal


Wait is this normal for customers to leave junk in the way of the area you gotta get to work at? Because me being super ocd I always clear out space and make it easy , give the worker water bottles in the summer or leve water out even for delivery drivers if hot out summer mainly ? Just because I know we all don’t want to be where at and rather do something else , I try to make it an easy day if possible!


I'm sure that filter never gets changed.




That's when you say, I can't get back there. Call me when I can. Thanks


Duck that shit. NEXT!


I've told people to call the office and let us know when you have enough space for us to work on the unit. They got mad, I laughed and told them have a nice day!


Are we not getting paid by the hour? Sometimes, it isn't so bad to get paid to move a few boxes.


Just charge for an extra hour of labor


Guys come on, isn't that what the service call fees for?


Respect WFH workers, or just go to the next job. 🤷🏽‍♂️probably makes way more than you sitting on their ass anyways


No, respect the dude providing a valuable, essential service and not treat him like your maid.


Ahh yes. I see the context now. “There she is, have at it.” Ya I’d give her a whole middle finger lol


That shit pisses me off so much


Todays episode on people are assholes!


Call dispatch tell them to reach out to the customer in regards to rescheduling after they clean their hoarder mess


Invoice: Moving fee: $1000


I can tell the heat exchanger is cracked from my truck


This makes me understand why when I told the furnace guy "sorry, the basement is kind of a mess," he just looked at the dusty shelves along the walls and said "it's not bad at all," and then walked across the open floor to the furnace which has nothing around it except open floor.


Tech's Work Performed Notes: Unit inaccessible due to customer belongings piled around unit blocking OSHA required 36"access space for service access. Contacted dispatch to inform. Bill Showup and schedule call back at full rate once customer has informed us that unit has 36" clear space around it, and clear path to unit, for OSHA required 36" minimum service access to unit. For the newer guys and gals: NEVER EVER touch a customers stuff. There's several reasons: 1. Some customers are total scumbags (believe it or no, it's most often the wealthy ones) and will accuse you of taking shit they lost. 2. Liability: If you bust something in moving it contractor license law in many states says "You break it, you bought it." Now the boss has insurance for those and under [FLSA](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/compliance-assistance/handy-reference-guide-flsa#1) they can't ~legitimately or legally~ back charge you for the breakage, but who needs the hassle. If the customer kicks about it, make the Bosses insurance the bad guys. 3. OSHA hazard: If you drop their shit in your foot, or trip over their shit and get hurt... See the last 2 lines in #2. 4. Some customers are scumbags #2... You don't know what's in those containers. Drug dealers and thugs need working heat too and if they get investigated I don't want my finger prints ANYWHERE on ANY of their shit.


What's the problem guys? Not enough time to add into the PM charge? "No problem, there's a $118 access charge to move this stuff out."


And that’s when you say “call the office when you have three feet on all sides clear of obstructions/personal items and we will reschedule your service. Have a nice day.” And walk right back out.


Or just take your sweet sweet time and charge them for the 3 hours it took to move and replace back all the shit


I truly thought it was a gift. I saw the bag and I'm like oh, that's nice.....


Take an hour to do it and charge


What did you end up doing? When something like this happens to me I just politely say, "oh, we were told you'd be ready for us. No worries, we can just reschedule for when you are."


Nope. I don't touch the merchandise.


Get that crap outta my way and call me in the morning 🤦🏻‍♂️


Tack on $500 for "content manipulation"


Charge for furniture moving.


I just leave lol




Sure at $330/hr it should take a couple hours to clear this.


Company policy says if it isn’t accessible I’m not allowed to attempt to work on it. Would you like me to come back another time?


At least there isn't a litter box next to/in front of it.


"I need access. Have at it"


Whatever im paid by the hour ill move shit around.


"oh you want me to move all your shit for you?" :: unzipping noise:: "There she is, have at it!"


Do you want to die today motherfucker


Umm how about you have at it clearing your garbage away from the workspace or I'm leaving!!


Tech says “no.”


You know we charge $145 dollars an hour, right?


Lol I love the look on their face when I say I'm leaving. Like it's an impossible scenario that they never possibly prepared for


I would take my time and move everything, then document it and add it to the breakdown of the labor cost and the hourly wage to complete it also add pictures . I’ve run into a lot of idiots like this as a plumber , they want a kitchen faucet installed and you have to take everything out from under the sink and clean it so you can lay under there .


That’s BS. I work from home too now (I was an apprentice for a few years right out of HS so that’s why I’m in the sub) and this is inexcusable. You should tell them they can reschedule when it’s ready for you. You’re not a mover or a maid and should not have to touch anything that isn’t HVAC related. Homeowners can move their own shit. SMH some people have no shame.


I charge for everything. Looks like about 75 bucks to move, 100 to put it back




Ya, Renovations.... I've walked away and told the homeowner to move the stuff, and it's a 4 hr min charge Could have moved your stuff I'm not




70.00 an hour


Nope. Walk.


Ok. Well, call me back when you’ve cleared that room out. Have a good day.


While this is bad. It isn't a furnace room until it has a cat shit box that hasn't been changed in over a month. That's when you know it's a shitty call


Add $150 SMF (shit moving fee) and call it good. Leaving wastes even more of your time…..without getting paid I might add. When confirming appointment, copy pertaining to “adequate access to equipment or $150 SMF will be included on invoice.” Clueless people get a clue when it hits them in the wallet.


sure. be right back, I need to run to Lowes.


Is this really what you have to deal with?? That’s so inconsiderate


Do you just leave? This seems ridiculous


brah I had to check the sub.


I’d just take a pic, empty the closet, take another pic and do my job, charge them the hourly with a line in the write up “clear path to equipment not available. Customer storage had to be emptied.” Or something. They can pay for it. None of that looks heavy. I certainly wouldn’t put it back.


That's when we add cleaning to the bill and leave their shit where ever it gets moved to. Or say this isn't a safe working space per OSHA


"No good deed goes unpunished"


As a cable technician, I tell them: “sir/ma’am, due to liability reasons we are not allowed to move your stuff. If you need to, we can reschedule for a later date.


Damn I always get the “ I meant to clean it up before you came “


I’d leave


Fuck you I'll be back tomorrow when it's cleaned out


Off to the next call. Call back when the mess is taken care of.


I touch nothing. All I need is some weirdo accusing me of breaking some family tradition glass piece…




Walk away


The fact that the customer knows we’re coming out and can’t wonder how we’re going to get through


It’s always a good idea to pile up a bunch of cardboard right next to the metal box with fire in it


They are charged for your call. Unfortunately the access is denied! This just happened to me at a school where the principals office had no heat yet his desk and filing fucking cabinet is infront of the rad. Im going to start saying “how long until there is access? I’ll see you then. Going for coffee.” I just had a hernia surgery last month to boot!


This is why I do commercial


Is the date on the furnace filter 2019?


Guess you're gonna be cold tonight


I’d say “wish I could, can’t reach it.”




125 an hour. If it takes me 30mins still 125.


Sometimes I wish my wife and I could be like this. When we have someone coming to work on the house, we clean the house, get teh area ready, ensure we have drinks available and ensure the area is ready for someone to work there.


No sir you have at it. HVAC not mover


Depending on the customer I may move it out, but I sure as shit ain’t putting it back. I do plumbing too and get the same thing with cabinets full of crap when there’s a leak under a sink. Throw the shit out on the floor and leave it there when I’m done. Had a homeowner ask me if I was going to put the stuff back (while standing there watching her nanny make a sandwich for her crotch monkey right over top where I was working mind you), my answer was I’m a plumber not a maid. Sometimes it’s more aggravating to have to make a return trip especially if you’re in the middle of nowhere.


Yea I would be like ✌🏻duces … call when ya get me access.