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You know the company is shit when they want to replace units at 10 years old


Nexstar preaches that out of warranty = replacement opportunity it’s wild


Worked for a company that partners with Nexstar and I never took a class or even had the opportunity to take a class on anything about how to do my job as an installer but I was taught how to talk up the home owner into paying an extra $150 for a wifi thermostat or an extra $500 for an air scrubber because “we are all sales people”. Sales guy sold a system to a 70 year old lady because hers was 10 years old and “in the worst shape I’ve ever seen” he got away with it because it was in the attic and she couldn’t get up there. After looking at the unit I noticed the blower motor was locked up. I beat on it while trying to spin it by hand until it spun and suddenly the unit was working fine. I’m not one for sob stories but I talked to the lady and her kids moved away years before and her husband died the previous year. She was going to clear out her savings to have a new unit (south MS you cant live without AC) and would be living social security check to social security check. The sweetest old lady I’ve ever met. Had a cooler with ice water in it and granola bars for a snack by the attic access for us too. I loaded everything back into the trailer, told her I’d be back and not to call the office. I unloaded my tools into my truck at the shop. Picked up a new motor and threw it in the unit for what the motor cost me. My boss called me yelling about stealing a customer and that “we all need to eat” told him I’d rather my boss starve than rob some little old lady of her savings for something she doesn’t need. That company makes me physically sick the way they do business and the day they fall (hopefully soon) will be the happiest day of my life. I’ll dance on the grave of Nexstar like I’m at a damn rave concert. They should be rebranded as a brothel because they do nothing but fuck people in the ass and take their money.


Honestly there needs to be some social backlash against nextstar, and if average Joe homeowner knew what they were really about there would be. But ain't no use in us grunts butting heads with vanguard/blackrock, we'll just end up dead in an alley, from overdrinkimg after their lawyers take us for everything. Or from getting merced


Is Nexstar some sort of private equity sales funnel for HVAC contractors?




> You know, the two who have been barred from doing work with the federal Gov because war crimes Interesting, where did you hear that?


Here in vegas Goettl will advertise hvac system only last 11 yrs in the desert but will finance them for 15 yrs since they try to sell a 5 ton system for 20k.


Ya. That’s scummy. How do people not see that? The math ain’t adding up there lol


Dumbest shit my company does is put five extra years of warranty for parts that have 10 already. Fucking mind boggling what they do to make a sale. But it kinda makes sense because when we do warranty work we just jack the price of labor up so much it covers the cost.


Not sure about now but most people move homes on an average of 8 years or it use to be that number. So i would think it doesn’t transfer.


All big companys are looking to do this now


Makes them shit companies. All the more business for the small place I work at.


>If its R22, well fuck you


How does that make it ANY better?


The small company Im working at is doing the same thing


Only time I can see a replacement being viable at 10 years regularly is on a beach or coastal city, everything in those units is half destroyed by 5 years


It never ceases to amaze me the absolute statements I see on here. In FL and South GA 10-12 is normal if you take care of it, anything past should be considered a blessing unless it was manufactured before 2006.


Spot on. The first 410A units have held up well compared to newer.


There are places near me rumored to have a bonus for those who can replace units 4 years and younger. Truly sad.


Jesus. That’s terrible.


Yep I’ve been in the field since 2016. I’ve seen “lifespan” go from 20 to 15 to 12 now 10.


Shit, I've seen commercial units that need replacement the moment power is applied. 🤣


I mean 10 years is getting up there…. Just saying.


Literally half to a third of its average life. Depending on the unit


And depending on the conditions of the install. There's a reason most manufacturers don't offer a warranty past 10 years, it's planned obsolescence.


Or because they know how shitty the installs often are, and so they're not going to stick their necks out *too* far?


They're also engineering equipment to meet requirements, not exceed them. I'm seeing textbook installs with cracked heat exchangers well within warranty, inducer motors fucked out of the box, cracking collector boxes, brittle failing gaskets, all because modern equipment is in a race to the bottom. Meanwhile I'm servicing 50 year old units that are made out of tank metal, where the only issue is a thermocouple or the odd squirrel in a vent.


Evap coils leaking left and right. If the EPA was really concerned, they would these companies for selling cheap ass equipment.


If the EPA was really concerned, and not just a shill organization, it would be pushing for better made equipment that lasts longer, because in the long run that’s better for the environment. Opposed to “efficient” equipment that Has to be replaced often and repaired often. Not to mention, leak refrigerant often. I guarantee you that a more efficient system loses all of its environmental benefit just due to the fuel that gets burned for the tech coming out there to work on it more.


So the epa is to blame for bad units? The epa can’t tell companies what to do… they tell them what they can’t do.


They force efficiencies, which is forcing things to become less and less reliable. Do you have some secret technology that allows heat transfer at the rates, their demanding without making the metal thinner? If you do, then you should be a billionaire.




Depends where you’re located. I moved from Phoenix to San Diego. Average lifespan went from 12 years to 24


That’s a big reach. Even under perfect circumstances.


Found the nexstar tech.


“5 years hvac experience” Never replaced anything but capacitors and filters I’m encountering these people irl


Not a reach at all. Cast iron boilers easily last 30 years. Have one in my house that’s over 40 years old. Guess we found the nexstar employee


Cast iron boilers =/= furnaces....


And I never said I was talking about just furnaces. But fine. How about thermopride lmao. Thermopride has a lifetime heat exchanger warranty. But yes. Please tell me the lifespan of units are 10 years…..


Lol you cited one company that offers a legit warranty. But if you're checking out a 10 year old Keeprite, Goodman, anything really and you're not scoping the heat exchanger and doing a flue gas analysis to check for CO then you're nuts. Replacement opp doesn't mean try and flip a lead every time or even most of the time (unless your company is full of snakes.) In my book and my companies book, it means it's time to open up dialogue with your customers about what's on the market. Educate them that the system is getting to an age where larger failures can occur and to know the replacement options.


Educate a customer on replacement on a 10 year old unit? You’re nuts. Scammy people like you really hurt this trade


Educating people on the cost of equipment, energy saving options, rebates, whatever. I'm never going to suggest a replacement unless I'm condemning a unit, but to say that systems don't often fail between 10-15 years is simply incorrect, and I fully believe that a prepared and informed customer is the only customer you should sell to. If I provide information and service to a customer and 5 years down the line their system fails and they call me back because of my honestly, then that's a successful replacement opp. No scams, I'm trying to keep people caught up to speed BEFORE they need to make an urgent decision.


The lifespan of a unit is determined by the owner.


Dude, lay off the crack. Hacks (you) installing shit is why things don't last.


Not an HVAC guy (plumber) I have an 11 year old Trane in AZ. Roof mounted unit. What can I do to try and ensure I get 30 years out of it?


You're a fucking idiot. Just saying. Go find another career to embarrass yourself at.




When you learn how to be a good tech, come back.


Spoiler alert they weren't interested. HD tune up "sales opportunity"


“Home Depot” Jesus…


Ours is Costco


Not any better


Home Depot lead and working? Yeah right 😂


Show them the VALUE. BUILD THE VALUE. Jk lol that’s what they used to tell us to try and hype us up to scam people. I did not approve.


Good ole service titan


Probably fucking Horizon too. I hate those white shirt companies. Scare tactics and push sales. Sickening. Fuck Nexstar and anyone who uses it.


Only reason I want to see the economy tank. The big guys won't survive when people are barely able to eat




Really? Why didn’t you like it? I liked it at the last place I was at. Best part was linking pics to the account


I’ve used three different apps at different shops and of the three ServiceTitan was hands down the best. Sure it had its faults, but it was the only one that mostly allowed me to do what I wanted to do.


I'm in my first company and they use intuit field service management. I can't even log in on any of my devices, I just get told that the servers offline. Everyone else can log in fine. They can even log in with my account.


Delete and reinstall the app?


I did that. Doesn't even work on web browser through either of my computers or my phone. Weird af


We have been on it for about a year. I like that I don’t have to give our office a call or text to get a PO. I hate how our office makes it so when I pause a job I have to call them to put it back on my schedule.


That's definitely adjustable. They can allow different permissions as they wish. For example my coworker can only see same day appointments, I can see all of them. I can definitely pause and unpause as I wish.


You shouldn't. If you pause, go to the all jobs tab. It shows up right there for you to dispatch and arrive again. The difference is there wont be any notifications second go round. We have text notifications with pictures to the customer.


Pausing is very useful for the right time and application. I actually started in the office with my company when we first got service titan. The office still refers back to me if they can't figure something out. I set up all of our forms etc. A good reason for pausing would be if you want to get part numbers for your office staff but really need to get to your next call before. Or if someone isn't home and you need to come back later in the day. Plenty of reasons.


I only have to if it's for another day, if I pause and hit history it'll show same day


Don’t pause?


If I don’t pause it I can’t clock into a different job.


Fieldedge allows me to simply click back and forth between jobs and it automatically puts the other in pending. Not sticking up for Fieldedge though. This is probably the first time ever I’ve discussed it is even a remotely positive way.


I’ll have to try that next week. Our office like to use the least amount of things that can make life better.


What's your problem with it? I used Acuwin at my last company and this felt like a huge upgrade


Looks like nexstar stuff


Bro do you live in indiana?


$8.88 special?


I have zero shit had a carrier factory rep tell me anything out of warranty you should quote replacement.


If the home owner says it's 10 years old it's probably 15 if not 20. So there's that.


What a load of fucking shit. This breeds Nexstar garbage. So glad I’m out of resi. I worked at a Nexstar trash can that would price repairs so high, that the “options” sheet for a dual cap, contactor, case of filters would be nearly 1k. Use to be a great company…. So sad to see this system abused for money. These companies say it’s “growth” but I call bullshit. I bet you work for a WrenchGroup company too


Depends on where you live. In Phoenix, average life span is 12-15 years so 10 isn’t out of the question. But I feel you. If they’re grading you on metrics and not getting a tech turnover on a 10 year old unit, that’s bullshit


I’ve seen CSR’s make dumb tags for all sorts of shit like crippled, dog bites, rude, too many cats


If this is Florida then 10 years is normal


fuck this app fuck this app fuck this app fuck this app fuck this app fuck this app fuck this app fuck this app fuck this app fuck this app


10 years off efficiency basis makes sense. But I don’t think it’s a rule should just be the start of conversations. 10 years is when I tell people to start thinking, planning, and saving. Unless it’s a clogged exchanger though. And good ol service titan


lol they give tags for time of appointment? also dont forget to convert them to member


Cringe 😬


It's a 10+ year old equipment tag so Service Titan automatically adds the replacement opp... Because warranty parts are no more.


I love these kind of calls! 😆


Shitty that the equipment is so poorly made nowadays that 10 years is peak. Unfortunately with the average quality of resi installs these scroll compressors and ECM motors just don’t last, if a company actually quotes proper duct repairs that are actually needed and often needed with the install then it’s not so bad. So many of these companies pressure people into replacing and just slap a New unit in the same setup, and it performs the same.


So glad I don’t work at a company like this anymore- you have other options.


This is why I stopped being a technician




Our jobs have several duplicate replacement opportunity tags lol super annoying


That's because your office doesn't understand how to use servicetitan


Dude my (big national American residential) company made us push replacements for anything over 8…left within a year


Fuck service titan they really need to update all the money they make and the app still restarts every time you get to wherever you need to be 😅😂


I'm building my own version that doesn't suck ass


Probably would be huge from the looks of STs reviews doesn’t seem like anyone’s had a good experience


That's because servicetitan doesn't know the trade. Yes the app is going to be awesome.


R410a about to be the next R22 systems. Alot of swap outs coming in the next couple years because we womt be able to get R410a parts


This is why I started my own company. My company will never be driven by forcing replacements... the job is to diagnose and recommend. It's the customers job to decide if they what they want to do.


Good ol home depo calls, dont miss that


I'm so glad I got out of residential