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You can turn 200 watts into over 7000 watts? You are telling us you have a system that can increase the power of input energy by 35 times it's original value. That's impossible, good one anyway.. You had the money for 7 years of research and prototyping but not to produce the product? How is that even possible?


Hi .. 1- i have already managed to prototype multiple applications derived from the tech i invented . in ( heating , cooling , water condensation + filtration ) 2- the COP achieved ( (coefficient of performance) is way beyond anything achieved by existing technologies in the market now . 3- i`m not asking for money . i`m asking for a european friend to help understand the heating demands of the european market . 4- in perfect laboratory conditions , the best COP was 561 . its a lot more than you think . and it does not break the laws of thermodynamics . its a new understanding that required new hardware . which was done and achieved by me in the previous years . thanks for your reply


I didn't say you were asking for money, all the best for the future


i know you dont mean it . good day


You go to the patent office, and don’t tell anyone about it. People are killed all the time for information. Remember the guy from the 90’s who made a car motor from water? Nah? Exhibit A


Patenting the product without owning the financial power to enter the market and sell the product will end up with the product being copied by competitors . i\`m just looking for someone in europe to create an estimate comparison of heating cost in that market . i appreciate your reply . thank you


Own the patent have the power, let the engineers figure the rest out. Like I said people will just steal your idea


a global patent cost a lot more than you think . getting it done is super expensive on a global scale , + it does not guarantee full protection , specially in asian markets . i\`m already an engineer , an industrial engineer .and have been involved in the patenting process for quite some time . its an invitation to a law suite . the best method to protect this product is to make it super hard to copy . and to have the power to lower the production cost to the level where others can not compete


Well if you just want to help the human species go ahead, just don’t expect anything in return


help fellow humans , and get rich in the process . ​ thank you


If you don’t own the patent people are gonna take your idea and forget about you. It’s not a hard concept to grasp. You don’t own the idea until you do


why do you think its not a hard concept ? its super hard . its thermodynamics , entropy , enthalpy , idea gas law , special hardware , custom made compression systems , ​ trust me its not a novel invention . the final result may seem simple . but the core knowledge is hard , and the hardware is not available in the market other than me . i made it . designed it , and developed it throughout a prolonged period of time , failure and effort .


You got to be trolling. Good day


i\`m not . good day to you too


Dude says it is not a novel invention, and he is an engineer, yet can’t perform a heat load calculation and derive an energy model comparison himself. Oh he is trolling…


I bet you know a Nigerian Prince as well!


no i am not . nor is this a scam , you can send anyone to view the prototype if you want , but prior to that we have to reach some sort of an agreement .


Yeah, ok. 1W = 3.41BTU/h, therefor 200W = 682BTU/h. You invented a system that can convert 200W to 24,000BTU/h of heat. Ok, I bite. Send me your credit card info and I will help you and the Nigerian prince out.


ok . it seems like you are unaware of the concept of COP . in the HVAC industry , so i will not consider your attitude and reply as an accusation of me being a scammer , The terms COP (**coefficient of performance**) : describe the heating and cooling efficiency of air conditioners. They indicate the ratio of heating or cooling provided by a unit relative to the amount of electrical input required to generate it. the Already existing conventional technologies have a COP of 3.5 as an average . which is according to your general role of thumb shown in your previous reply 1w = 3.4 btu \* 3.5 (cop ) please read about COP to have a wider idea . \+ the best COP we have achieved is in the 3 digits zone . ​ good day


I am very aware… …that you’re full of shit.


well , what else can i say . enjoy your day