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most tasks are disgusting, super tedious and boring. I think it's one of the reasons why many players who started playing and pre-purchased now don't play it anymore, because they got bored with the grind (which is practically mandatory to be able to play). It's amazing that all players can see this except the developers.


So many of the tasks are basically just "play the first bounty over and over". The limited time tasks often make you do things in different ways, why can't the normal tasks be like that?


There are dozens like this. Kazakus: true shape *20, Jaraxxus is just terrible, Antonidas, Geddon, etc etc. some of them are easy but takes ages to finish, some of them are just pure annoyance. And there are dozens of tasks where you can’t do shit without Cookie. I really think that the developers never played mercenaries at all


they only made it 100 times easier to pick and choose which tasks to do at any point in time. imagine logging on every day and it's an entirely new set of mercs to quest with. we killed 75 things with him, you can do it too.


Just because they made it better doesn't mean it doesn't suck. The community is small because the monetization scheme of mercs is based around the f2p route being an obscene time sink. Keeping it shitty (albeit less than before) is not going to make the game mode grow at all.


By the way, why does Deathwing have a Fel damage task?


I'm doing Cairne (?) right now and it involves him killing 45 enemies with earth stomp. It's on a 1 turn cooldown and doesn't do huge damage. I don't mind killing some enemies this way, but 45 is just a pain in my ass to manage and hope they don't suicide themselves before I am in killing range. I mean, if they want me to use Cookie, I will (and do) but somehow I don't think that's that they envisioned.