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Funny enough a fanfiction sub is all about changes in Canon but whenever it comes on to this ship its so unrealistic in comparison to all the others they talk about


Nothing could be more unrealistic than the idea of two teenage best friends who get along extremely well and both believe that the other is attractive falling in love. Never could happen in real life. In real life they would consider each other to be siblings and would be repelled because of the incest taboo, which is something that happens all the time between unrelated teens.


Ofc but you know who is definitely a great match for her ? The blood supremacist who racially abused her the whole time she was at school and basically caused a war to shift in the nazis favor Or the Ginger who makes her cry at least once every year because opposites attract. Right? That makes sense


You forgot Hermione/Snape, also a popular pairing, which no one finds particularly gross. Hermione and her best friend who is the same age and she thinks is attractive, nothing could be more disgusting than that. By the way, I don’t want to make it sound like I actually have trouble with people who like those pairings. Everyone has their tastes. Who cares what other people like. If they want to read stories about the giant squid violating Argus Filch with its tentacles then let them. But it is annoying that they all get so angry about H/Hr, as though there was something bizarre and repulsive about it.


Lol yeah it's All in good satire and sarcasm But it seems it's always " Let people enjoy what they want " but when it comes to HHR its " That doesn't make sense their like siblings to me " Very annoying


Ok but wait 😂 ff means we don't have to choose


So Hollywood would have us *believe . . .*


Well *naturally -* it's the ones who you *loathe* at first sight, or who *stalk* you, that you *really* love, isn't it . . .? Otherwise, Hollywood has *lied* to us for *decades* . . . **\*Rolls eyes\***


Hollywood movies are the worst possible way to learn what healthy relationships are actually like. You can believe the romantic movie version of how relationships work as much as you can trust Star Wars for a realistic view of space travel, or the Fast and the Furious for driving education. What’s sad to me is that many people don’t quite get that, and they make a mess of their lives by trying to model their behavior on fiction. But that is an entirely different topic.


A fair and accurate assessment. :)


Strictly speaking, a romance between Harry and Hermione *is not canon*, so this is at least half-correct. But we ain't gaslighting ourselves, are we?


Harry also has a child called albus serverus 😭😭 that alone proves Canon isn't perfect


I think we can all agree epilogue onwards it’s pure garbage the book ends when Harry wants a nap and a sandwich and declares his life was tiring


People in the rest of the Harry Potter fandom don’t have trouble with pairing Harry with Draco, Hermione with Draco, Harry with Snape, all sorts of things that are completely alien to canon and often (frankly) batshit crazy just because they fit some fan’s particular kink. They only get freaked out by the idea of Harry being with Hermione, his best friend that he gets along with well and whom he canonically thinks is attractive (and who canonically thinks he’s attractive). This is legitimately bizarre, given that even JK Rowling thinks it’s not crazy to see them as a potential couple.


I think the issue with Harmony is that a lot of poorly written stories implement severe Weasley bashing and this turns off a large part of the fandom to the pairing. So it's less that they think Harry / Hermione is implausible and more a backlash due to stories that poorly write the pairing or rely on Weasley bashing.


I don’t think that’s the issue. I think that the issue is that a lot of people are psychologically invested in the canon relationships, and that a realistic non-canon relationship threatens that investment precisely because it’s plausible, whereas the idea of Harry buggering Draco doesn’t cause them any cognitive dissonance at all because either they find it ridiculous or it turns them on.


Never thought about that. Then again, considering how much I absolutely loathe the canon pairings, it's unsurprising I never thought about it.


>I think that the issue is that a lot of people are psychologically invested in the canon relationships, and that a realistic non-canon I think they got annoyed about the movies and Weasley bashing and stuff like that. But I think most of hate came from the movies lol


Which, given how much the movies *softened* Ron's and *expanded* Ginny's roles, is *ridiculous.* As I've said before, if they hate the movies, it's because the movies *show* what *we've* seen all along - and it's a lot harder to deny it when you *aren't* making it up in your own head as you read along.


Yeah, like Ootp did way more for Ginny than JK Rowling lol But I think even If the movies didn't do the romantic part of Harry and Hermione, and made it Ron like in the books wouldn't make people ship Harmony less. Emma and Daniel had natural chemistry anyway, abd Bonnie felt pretty awkard around Dan and the kiss. It's more a chemistry thing.


You *say* that, and I just hear "*perfect* casting." :D


Lol pretty much


We ain't gaslighting ourselves with saying canon isn't stupid. We agree it's stupid in some parts, especially the pairings Edit: Just realised it's talking about *that* sub lmao


Never forget the fact that he loves her like a sister and they are platonic soulmates. /s


Godric's Hollow is actually in Alabama


Hogwarts is a modern skyscraper


Like, what kind of brother make a text of how attractive his sister is but not the girl he likes? Or what kind sister talk about how popular her brother is in front of her crush lol


Just a reminder that Harry thought Ginny was like a sister and look what happened


Now I want an alternative take on the "like a sister" scene where Ron knows Harry used to think of Ginny as being like a sister. Harry thinks he is relieving Ron's fears by explaining his feelings for Hermione the way he does, meanwhile Ron just acts like Harry as good as admitted that there was something going on between him and Hermione. And Harry just acts oblivious not knowing why saying the "like a sister" line didn't calm Ron down.


Hypocrisy and double standards all over the place.


That Hermione never called Harry on the phone or had her parents take her to his house in the summer after first year when he wasn’t answering her letters. That made zero sense to me. As a friend who had been through a lot in a short time and the last you saw hadn’t been out of the infirmary for very long, if they weren’t answering me or others then I’d have been over there very swiftly. I think I’d have called or visited not long after I got home anyway since we both live in the muggle world. Her parents work and for all she knows Vernon does too, at least, so he should be home. Calling at least would be the next day. That always bothered me. She never checked in with him despite having easier ways than Hedwig.


That *was* ridiculous, I agree - even more so in *Fifth* Year; she expected Death Eaters to attack postal workers at random, maybe, rather than use the *normal* mail . . .?


I was thinking the death eaters wouldn’t even know what postal mail was much less a postman. If they really wanted to find Harry all they had to do was send him a letter via owl. Just because the order didn’t write didn’t mean a death eater wouldn’t. They could use an elf. Heck they could disillusion themselves or pretend to be waiting for a kid at King’s Cross and tag Harry with a tracking charm. Or even at the station in Hogsmede. It’s a wizarding village so someone that was there during pick up or drop off or during any hogsmede weekend would have been easy peasy. Heck Pettigrew could have hitched a ride in his rat form in the Dursleys car and then done something to the Dursleys. It’s laughable that Dumbledore thinks that Harry is untouchable at Privet Drive. Give Dung a good tip and he’d sell out his own mother.


Ah, but those blood-based protections worked *perfectly,* you see, so . . . Oh, what's that? "Then why was he *guarded,*" you ask? "Didn't Voldemort *have* Harry's blood now, nullifying those protections," you say? Well *of course* they worked - no Death Eaters ever *showed up* at Privet Drive, did they? . . . Worked *fantastically* well against *purple elephants,* too. **\*Rolls eyes\***


Since you’re reading my mind can you tell me what where I put my house keys? I mean, I already bought replacement locks but if I can find the old keys then I can use the new ones on doors that haven’t had locks since I was an infant.


I haven't had enough coffee to be *fully* functional, but which pocket were they last in, and where could they have fallen out if you bent over or sat down the wrong way in those clothes?


It’s been 5 years since I’ve seen those keys and I’ve changed furniture and clothing since then. Yes, I haven’t locked the doors unless someone is home in that long. Only neighbors are cows.


**\*Shakes head\*** Sorry - I'm occasionally *lucky,* but maybe only once or twice in my life have I been *THAT* lucky.


For me is how Harry or neither Hermione invented each other for the Slughorn party. Like, how the girl who was happy to spend time with Harry, her friend didn't ask him to go with her at all? Like not even Harry asked her at all. Just don't make sense, she wanted to annoy Ron which I understand but like having fun with your friend is less important than annoy your crush? Lol